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<br /> �? THIS DEED OF TRUST,is madta as niihe 9th day of JUItE _ ,19 97 .by and ertwn� �
<br /> � the Tn,stor, Timnthy .7. Dethl_off____a��� La•�s,� � nettil nff husband and wi fe Q�
<br /> r:, � \�,
<br /> whose meiling address is herein'Trustor,whother one or more),
<br /> - tne TruAsee Fi ve__PQi nts Bs�nk a Nebraska Coraorati on —
<br /> whose malung address is P 0 Box 1507, Grand I sland, NE 68802-1507 (herein'Trustee•),end
<br /> = the Bdneflcl8ry, Fi vn Pni ntc Ra n�� ' �'.=.J�"'" r u�^'"'+i otl —
<br />-- whose mailing address fs (herei�'Len�e�'). �
<br /> FOR VALUABL�CONSIDERATION.Includinp Lendera extension of credit idenUBed herein to Ti mothv J. Dethl off and
<br /> _ (herein'Borrower;whether one or more)end the trust herein created,the rec�lpt
<br /> of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby irrevocably grants, transters, conveys and esstgns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SAI.E,for the benefit and security ot Lendar,under and subJeci to the tertns and condiUons herelnaRer set fonh,the real
<br /> propertyr descrfbeo as tawws:
<br /> --- Together with all bufidings,improvements,flxturos,sUeeb,afieyry,passagew�ya,easem�nts,rights,privilegea and ap,�ura�ar�
<br /> _ located thereoo or(n anywise pertalning thereto,and tfie renW,Isaues end profits,revers{ons and remainders thereof,end wch per-
<br /> - sonal property that Is atteched to the improvements so as to canstitute a ftxture,InGuding,but nat Iimfted to,heatlnp end cnd'.ng equip�
<br /> ment;and together with the homestead or ma�ital interests,(f eny.which Interests aro hereby releasad end waived;al!of whlG�,indud-
<br /> �ng replacemente end additbns thereto.Is hc3reby declared to be a paR of the real estate secured by the Ilen of thb Deed of Truat and
<br /> all of the forepoing being referred to hereln as the'Prc�pert�'.
<br /> -- This Deed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the pdncipal sum and interest evfdenced by a promissory note or credit agree-
<br /> ment dated .tunp 9� t997 ,having a meturity date of .��ne 15. 2002
<br /> in the original prinGpal amount oi S �A nnn nf1 , end eny end all modtflcatlons, extensfons end renewels
<br /> thereof or thereto end any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or eny of them if more than one)hareunder purauant
<br /> to one or more promfssory notes or credR agreements(herein called"Note');(b)the payment of other sums aslvenced by Lender to
<br /> protect the security oi the Note;(c)the perfomiance ot all covenants end egreements oi Trustor set torth herein;and(d)all present and
<br /> — future Indebtedness and obiigations oi Barower(or eny of them if more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,ind(rect,ebsGute or contin-
<br /> gent and whether edsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or othenrise.The Note,thls Deed of Tnist and any and ell olher dacuments thai
<br /> secure the Note ar otherwise executnd In connectbn lherewith,Inctuding without Ifmitation guarentees, secuBly agreements and
<br /> essignments uf leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the'Loan Instruments'.
<br /> — Trustor oovenants and egrees with Lender as idlows:
<br /> —�- 1. Paym�nt oi IndobttdMYf.All Indebtedness secured hereby shail be pald when due.
<br /> —�� 2. 7itl�.Trustor fs the owner of the Proporty,has the�ight and authority to convey the Property,and warrants that the lien creat-
<br /> - ° ed herdby is a flrst and prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbranoes 3et forth by 7ru3tor in wrfUng and deiivered to
<br /> -- Lender before execution of thfs Deed of Trust,and the executlon and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not vidate any conVact or
<br /> = other obligation to which Trustor is subJect.
<br /> — 3.Taxts,Asaess:ntnb.To pa�►before detinquency a�taxes,special assessments and elt other charges egalnst the f�roperty
<br /> — now or hereafter{evied.
<br /> � 4.(nsurnnce.To keep tho Property insured against damage by flre,hazards Included w(thin the term'extended coverage',end
<br /> — such other hazards es Lender may requlre, in amounts and with companles ecceptable to Lender,naming LenAer as an additional
<br /> =� named insured,with loss payeble to the Lender. In case of bss under such poliGes,the Lender Is authorizod ro adJust,coilect and
<br />_�a compromise,a0 Gaims thereunder and shalt have the uptlon of appiying atl or part of the insurance proceeds(t)lo any Indebtedness �
<br /> � secured hereby and In such order as Lender may determ►ne,(Iq ta the Trustor to be used for the repair or restorati�on of the Property or
<br /> ��E (fli)for eny other purpose or obJect satis(actory to Lender without affecting the Ilen of thls Deed of Trust for the full emount secured
<br /> hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any appllcatlone ot proceeds to indebtedness shalt not extend or post{�or►e the duo dete
<br />=--'� � ot any payments under the Noto,or cure any detauit thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> _..m�_�
<br /> •:�� 5.EfC�OW.Upon written Uemantl by Lenaer, IR1SI0� 8�8I1 pey io Lenaer, in sucn rttanrriti n5�ainicP�i�aj a'vo��iw�o,ounn.em..
<br /> .`�.-� sums to enable Lei�der to pay as thoy hecome due ono or rnore of tho following:(I)all texos,essessments and other charges egalnst
<br /> �,y the Property, (tl)the premlums on the property Insurance requlrad hereunder,end (Ili) the premlums on any mortgage Insurance
<br /> �� � rESqulred by Lender.
<br /> `�"'� B. Nlalnt�nanco, R�palrs and Compllanc�with Lavn. Trustor shall keap the Property in good condltbn end repafr, shall -
<br /> •.� ' prompUy rop3ir,ur replace any improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed;shall not a�mmlt or permlt any wast9 or deteriora- _
<br /> Qon o4 the Property;shaY not removo, demotlsh or substentially alter any of the Improvements on the Propertyr: shall not commit,sutfer
<br />— or permit any act ro be done In or upon tlin Property in viotation ot any law,ordinanco,or regulation:and shall pay and promptly dls-
<br /> charge at Yrustor's cost and expense all Ilens,oncumbrences and charpes levied,Imposed or accessed against the Property or any _
<br /> part theroof.
<br /> � 7.Emlrant Domaln. Lender Is hereby asslgned eIl compensation,ewards,damages end other payments or rellei(herelnafter
<br />.•� . M1C S�Sl(Mn�7+�u�r�1 Daal Hev 5M �C �. •
<br /> 'r O19MlWCWISYrtlCO/M�Yf1TMIMWSH�NfOMIMLYYtl�M�IY�W • 3
<br /> �
<br /> --
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