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<br /> prinGp�l amount ot Lhe indsbtedneee securod by thia Deed of Truat,not InGuding suma edvanced to protact the eecurity of this Desd of
<br /> Trutf,�xa�d d�alpin�l p�indpel�maunt etat�d heroln,or x 50.000.0�1 ,whlchevar la proater.
<br /> 18.Misullan�ou�Provislon�.
<br /> �(A Bor�r Not Rel�n�d.Extention t�i the tlme lor peyment or modification of amortlzatlon of the eume eecured by thh
<br /> of Trunt pranted by Lender to eny euccessor In Inleroet oi Barower ahall not operete W release,In any manner,the flabW
<br /> ty of the orlpinN Borrower and Borrower'�s tuccs�sare in interoat. Lender ehall not be rdquired to commence proceedln��
<br /> apai��t such succsstwr�r rotuse to exiend Gme for payment or otherwise modlty amoRlzatlon ot the eume Recursd by thb
<br /> Daord of 7ru�t by reaaon oi eny demanda made by the alginel F3arower end BartowePe succeeaoro in Intera�st.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r'�PovNw�.Withoul affecdrp the IlabNity W any other per�on Ilabls for the paymsnt of eny oblfp�lln�h�roln men•
<br /> lloned,er►d wlthout�stfecting thu Ibn or charAe oi thlf Dssd of Trust upon eny portbn ot the Propsrty not tfbn w theretoion
<br /> rclaased�s cecurity for thn fuil nmount ot eN an�Ald obllgellone,Lendar mey,from time to tlme end wlthout notice(1)re{oase ,
<br /> any psreon eo Ilabte,(�I)extend the maWrity a aftsr any of the tem�a ai eny euch obl{patians,(ill)prant other Indulpenees,(Iv)
<br /> re{eaae or reconvey, or causa to bs rebesed a reconveyed at eny Nme et LencMrs optbn eny parcel, porllon or aN ot the
<br /> Property,(v)take or release any other or additbnal aecurity for any obtipatbn hereln mentioned,ar(vi)meke compoaltbna a
<br /> other arre�ementa wllh debtoro In relatlon thereto.
<br /> (c)Fo�nnu by L�nd�r Not a W�Fv�r.My for6earence by Lsndar In exerGsing eny rfght or romedy hereundar,or oth•
<br /> urwlae aftorded by epplicable lew,nhall not be a waiver oi or preclude the exsrclas oi eny such right or re�tnedy. Th�Qrocura �
<br /> ment oi Inaure�ce w the payment ot texea or other Ilena or charpes by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lendere right to eccebr•
<br /> ate!he maturity oi the Ind�abtedneas secured by this Deed ol Truat
<br /> (d)bucc�ssors and Assipns Bound;Jolnt and S�v�nl LI�biIHy;C�ptlon�.The oovenante end preements herok►con�
<br /> t�lned shail Wnd, and the dphts heroun�le�ehall Inuro to,the roapscthro euccesscts and e�slDni of Lsnder�r�d Trualor.AN
<br /> covenants end agroemenh of Trustor shall ba�Int end several.The captiona and heedings of Me peragrepha oP thla Deed oi
<br /> 'frust are for convanience onty end are not to be used lo interpret or deflne the prnvisiona hereoi.
<br /> (a)R�qwst for Notica�.The pardea hareby request that a copy oi any notice of detault hereundav a�xf a oopy of eny notice
<br /> of sale hereunder be ma►led to each party to lhis Deed oi Trust at the addrosa set torth above In the ms�nnar preacribed by
<br /> eppl{cable law.Excapt tor eny ather notice requlred under applicabk�law to be glven In enother manner,any notfce providsd�or
<br /> in thfs Deed of Trust shalt be given by mailing such notice by certlffod meil eddreaaed to the other partiea,et the oddross set
<br /> fo�th abova.Arsy notice provided for In this Deed of Trust ehall be eftedhre upon ma�ling (n the manner destpnated hereln.if
<br /> Trustor is rtwre than one person,notice sent ta the eddress set tath abova shall be notice to ell such perao�e.
<br /> (�Insp�cNon.Lender may make or causs to be mede roesonabb ent�ies upon end Inspsctions of the Properly, provided
<br /> that Lender shall give Tnistor notice pria to eny auch Inspectbn epecii�inp roaaonabb cauas Merefor related lo Lencbra Inter-
<br /> est in the Properiy.
<br /> (g)R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment oi ell sums seairecl by this Oeed of Trust,Lender shall request T►ustee to reconvey the
<br /> Properly end shall surrender thia Deed oi Trust and all notea evidenciny indebtednesa aecured by thia Deed of Trust ta
<br /> Tnistea.Tnrstee shall reconvey the Propeny,without warrenty and wfthout charge to the peroon or peraone lepeby ent�tled
<br /> thareto.Truator shall pay all co�ta of rec�xdalbn,if any.
<br /> (h)P�rsonal Pnop�rlyi 8�curtly Ap►MnMn�Ae eddldonal security tor the peyment eS the Note�Truator hsroby ptenb
<br /> Lendar under the Nebreske Unifortn Commerclal Code e secu�ity Intereat In a�l flxtures,equlpment,end otlter peraonal properly
<br /> used In connectlon wNh the roal eatete or improvemenl�loceted thereon,and not otherwiae dectarod or dsert�ed�o bs a p�rt of
<br /> jt19 f6�EsiAI9 SOCU(BO f1@fODy.Tnis inairumoni�iitill ixi avnu'u�uu'e3 u�;i.iiiiy e.yiwr�-v�tt u�i�,i�.uv,o:.'��Lv Zv.."'�w"i'
<br /> shaN hevs aM the ri0hte end mmsdbs of a securod�arty under ea(d Code in additlon to the rfyhts end remadiee croa�ed w�det
<br /> end aoconfed the Lender pursuant to Mb Deed oi Tn�k prov{ded thet Lender's rights and remec�ee under tl�fe paraDraPh shak
<br /> be c�xnulaUve with,end In no wey a limitation on,Lendere riyhts and remediea under eny otheT aocurity ayreenient a{�nsd by
<br /> Borrower or Troator.
<br /> (f)Wrts�nd EncumbrancN.Tniator hereby warronta end repreaei�t�lhel thera{s no defautt un�L`tio p���rl:ic:p af sny
<br /> mortppe, deed oi trust, beae or purchase contrnct descdbing ail or any part oT the Property. a otl�er cantnc�t, Initnxnsnt or
<br /> egroement oorntltutinp a Iien or encurt►brance ays(nst all a any ped of the Property(coll,�ctivey,'Llen�'),exlsW�p aa of tlis
<br /> date o/thia Deed of Tmst,end tfiat any end eN exisdnp Ltene renwln unmodNbd except ea dlsc3o�ed ta Lender in Tniator'a vrrit-
<br /> ten diaciosure of Iten� end encumbrancea provlded for herein. Truator shall t(mely perform ell of Truttor's obltyation�,
<br /> covenants,repreaentatlor:a and warrentles undet eny end eN existlng and tuturs Llena,ehall�xrxnptly faw+�M b Lender coMet
<br /> of eH not{oes of default sent in connecUa�wkh eny and a8 exiatlng or future Liena,end shall not without Lender's prior writEen
<br /> oonsent In any msnner modify the provielona of or aitow any futuro advances under eny existing or futuro Mene.
<br /> Q)Applkallon oi Payn�nb.Unb�othenviae rsqulred by IAw,sixna pald to i,axler henur�der,indudinp without Nmkatlon
<br /> paymente d prindp8l end Intereat, Insurence proceeda. oorxlemnetlon proCeeds and ronb and prcMNe, ah�N bs spplied by
<br /> Lerxbr b tfie emounte due and owing irorn Trustor end Borrower in sueh ordet as Lerxbr In Ita eole dieaeNon desma desir-
<br /> ebk.
<br /> (k)!l�v�rnbNHy.I(my provlabn of t�ts Deed of Tmst conflicts with appNcabk law or Ie declared InvsNd a oU�erwis�unen-
<br /> foresal�l�. a�x�oonfikt ar Invalldily shaN not ef(sct tl»other proviabna of thls fleed ot Tniet w the Note wF�idf cAn be gWen
<br /> effect without the conA�tinq provislon,and to thhs and the provlaiona of this Deed ot Trust end Mb Note ere declared to be sev-
<br /> •rable.
<br /> (1)Tam�.The L�mte`Trustor"end'Bornower'shaN Indude both singutar end plurel,and when the Trustor end Bomowet ete
<br /> the same person(s),Uaae terms aa used{n thb Deed ot Truat�Nall Ee intarchangeable.
<br /> (m)Gowrnin�L.�w.Thls Deed oi Trust ahail be govemed by the tawa of the Stete of Nebreske.
<br /> ,:, rr t•�'• �;�;..
<br /> Trustor has exec}Med thls D�Md�I�Tty�t�pf tha date wriflen ebove.
<br /> �: . .. •�.,.:;.,�:,��.:i
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<br /> T T Y . ET�F LOF Trustor Trustw
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<br />' LAURIE A. DETHLOFF Trusoor Trustor
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