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�=5�� �--'-.-...-'._.-___"_'- r . <br /> `� n ���.... � - . �.}, ?'a.'''i�i'�1��'t . ��i�{����:x:.�i._. . .�. .___.... ti:.._.�.... °. •n�A�� - 1 . �-_.. <br /> ___ -�-` `-� <br /> n- . . . � <br /> .__ ., , �-...�..__�:_...—. ' <br /> � .....�.��.,_q;��y{�_.,S�36T'3m.��,:.��..-: <br /> ,..... <br /> ...w'1R1. u rr a� 6�S6�.N':_�. ."�_ __a����R�o 1�3s'r'°"-_,,.,.,f.-..-.-,_._._-.,-�.-:�__._..._.._.-.._.- <br /> 1a. LENDER's�RIOHT TOCOI�ENCi OR DEFEND LEGAL/1C�110N�.��Y�PP�t�Ls�na.r�is �.nan.�i c„i W�oamana trnnrv�u i d <br /> t�,+nN,�»d�dloo.wN,a WI�Proa�dn0�1�M�i �d t o�p r a m i s s a wni��n y da;m a oamrov��y p�n+Yri r►q t t N r No. L�nd�r�hal1 rat b�NsbN b <br /> ' dNaid tudi�dVoo�,i u h�,a o t h w I�p M p <br /> Orl�ntu tor�ny actbn�ercor.mislak�.omisslon a a�p�rtdnln0 lo Ihe ect{an1 d�scrib�d�n r�n��or�ny w r r y Q as nu�I t inp t h�r a f r o m. N o t h i n y � <br /> oontalr�sd h�rNn wIN pnwnt L�nd�r ham t�idnp th��t cn�dnaibed In tN�W►prnPh <br /> 1A. INQEAMMFICATION. L�nd�►�h�ll not asurrM a M rwspo�h wdtton rwti�a o�f��tf�rtnl��nd hold L�wid It��hanholdon�dinct�offlan, � <br /> nny dreurrrtano��. Cir�nta�hsN Nm�tNy provld�Und�r <br /> �FbYN���ts harrt�u from tJl clatrrw,den�eW�•�IHN�(�nduoinG�tlortNy�'la��nd I�d�xp�nM�)�cauw�ol actinn,ectbns.wlta�nd <br /> ��p�drps(ux�x�lMNy'C�M')p�rt�inlnp to th�Prop�rtY l�M�dn9�but not INriN�d lo,ttwN Invdvi Huordou�Matsrials).Qrentor,upon <br /> tt►a rxqu�rsl ol L�nMr.�haM hk�f�p�l ooun�N to d�l+nd L�nd�r ha^auch Ctakrr,ind P�Y 1M�tlort►�y�'Is�f,Np��xp�ns�a�nd otMr coas Incumd InM1 <br /> conn:�cttor�itwr�:�lth. In the�Hn►nntive,Lend�r�w���������ral�:a�lor��lo�ro o�thl Dc�f Tni�al(3ranta'a ca:t. Oranla'a r <br /> otAiq�llon to IrKMrmUy Und�r ur�thl�P�rspr�ph <br /> 16. TAXES ANO AS85a�AENT6. f�rsnta eheM psy W taxn e�d ssMSS�nts rN�tlnq ta Propury w1Mn du�end Irtnxdletsly provVl�Landn <br /> of p� t ol sart�. upxi th�nqu�st nt LMd�r�C3nnta��p icVtl�lit n�o d�1�au�M�tvrw�uinihshd2b�,�p�plKl tam1�1»pay nualt ot tex�s <br /> pr�tax�s erxl a��srtrnta p�ldnlnp to th�Prop�rb• th�huido�o h�Id to <br /> et�ssssrrontt erid Insurena e�roquk�d on th�Prop�rtY. In ths sv�m ol d�fauA.Lsnd�r shall haw Ih� its�optlon,to spplY <br /> ma ei LerkNr'x optlon.b��ppll�d Ir,rw�rN onier ot the dus dats thar�ot. <br /> PaY eny tax��or ep�ln:t ths Oblfpaticns. My fund�eppll�d Y• — <br /> 1e. INSPECTK)N OF PROPHRTY.BOOKS.(�ECWiDS AND iiEPORT8. Oranta shall ellow�tlrt to ikrr�s ara�nia�r�hall prwld�ny i��t� <br /> and�xertir���n�Q�et And rtwk���of Gnntor's baolcs�nd��cords p�►talnk►p to tM Prope►Y <br /> requked by LerxMr for tt�ptxPc�a AN of th��fOr��s�nd IrJarntlb�cont�n�d k►(inntor�bookf�nd r�oords shrN b�p�nulrM�tnM,a�axat�and <br /> oonhlsta fn aM n�pects. (irama�haM rat�tM�xlst�ol Lsndu's br�I�W Int�nN In fls books and�or's B�nenctal$tocondtbn orroP MyPr�y� <br /> (3tantor shall nport,tn a fam�atl�tedory to Und�►,wd�Inbmrion++I.,�r�Nr rtwY r�st ropardMp <br /> {nfomMtion��►all be tor wch P�rfocl+�rha11 nMd Granta's ncor+d at wch tirtrn eN r,hipscte���aW���a i'�i'�yi..�der►�.�+`��y a0 �.. � <br /> Intomntio�nunidMa by C�anlor to L�aid.r c►,aN,., e«►pb+ <br /> 17. ESTOPPEL GERTlFlCAT�S. Wlthln ten(��3 daYs nhw eny�qwN by Und�t�Orentor shaN dsNwr to La►d�r,or eny Irrt�ntMd tranabns ol LKidK'n _. <br /> rlQht�with resp�ct to tlw Obllpotlons,a slynsd and eclo►owM�lp�d ctat�rwnt cpsdMn9(a)the outntand,nfl�no�on tho Odlllgatbns:end(b)whNhe► <br /> Grantar po�ssa�es any clakt�s,ckfens�s,s�t-otls a�ntardal�L�ian thPat��LxxMr may�irieW to thilhtriid�d tarnitersswh rssp�ctct�to thssa mariKa n <br /> oo+,merddrrn. cirentc.vW�bs conctustvsly 6ouna ny y� <br /> the avenl thtit Cirenta falls to proWde the requested statort�enl In efirnsly mennsr• <br /> te. DEFAULT. Cirantc►shall hs In dotault under thla D�ed of Tnn�and 1h°Truatae's pow�►rhaA b�oor►r opsrt�llve In ths svent thet G►antor.Borrower or <br /> any puaraMa of the Obllyatbna: <br /> (a) fdls to paY anY ObliOetlon to I.end�►wh�n dw: or covsnam to Lende►conteMNd In thls Deed of Trust or any oths►pnsant or lutura <br /> (b) fells to perforrn any UtN�►ion or brsadies any warranr/ <br /> (�)�ys,bs�s a drropss ths Pr°P°rty M e"y me1�1°�P°�°f��`1M Propsrty to seliure,oonflacatlon,or condermatlon: <br /> I� ss�{cs to revok�.Nmirbu ot ottNrwlss IkNt N�NabW1Y u�d��Y 4+�Y to Undv: <br /> (�y dMs.baomoa I�p�My Ir�►Pet�nt.Is d�sohr�d or IKni�tod,b�cortbs InROlv�rn,makos en asalpimrx�l tor 1h�fil�id�Mi w�C�rentor��8 rrowK <br /> d�Gts a�1My bwrcrrr dw.flhs a psthlon ixKMrthe f�el6�nicrtN�1�Y law��ha�en knrdtxA�ry plRlon In benlQUptcY <br /> aarry pwr�r�i�i�t�r�.:,a;!»�°st`;'-'�'!'n�r►ciu env wK cx proce�s ot oaxl; <br /> (� �qow+Good�to 6s usad.VenspoAed w aorod o�tM P�ap�rtY.the Possa�tton,tran�port+aion,a use oi vnr'�;�.i.�i�:�i: <br /> (9) eMows�ny Ewty othsr tAan Grmta a 8orrower ta etwm w aKMrtalc�anY ObN9etion whhoul ths written conaent of Ler�der;or <br /> (h) cauwf Und�r ta dMm tteolt Ins�cun dus to s alprdflear�ds„ins h ths vatw of th�Prop�rtY:ar if lsnd�r�In 9ood fafth�ta any ns�son�b�Nw�s <br /> thet th�pro�pscl of pay�rnnt a Pe+�^0�Is Ir►4�rsd. <br />' 1A. RKiFiY9 OF LElii1ER OPI WFAULT. If there!s a ddoutt u�ds►thls De�d of Truat.lsnder shaM be entltlad to exardae ons ar mon of the taNrwing - <br /> n�dN Ndthout raMea or dsnnnd(�xo�p�a�nq�ked bY 1e�+1� <br /> (a) to d�dan tM OhNpNion�irmrddNy du�end PaY�bl�M 1u11: <br /> {b) to oo1Md tM ouUtsrKinp Obl�qatbns wflh or wflhout roaeror►fl�o I��P��s' a Chatl�lt oonstku�ing ttw Prop�rty at a�lau na�a�lY <br /> �a) to nqult�(3n�ntor lo dNiver�nd rt�ek�evallebl�to L�br enY PKSOnaI P�oPK►Y <br /> oonwr�rt to GrarAor uKl L�nci�r: (or a obldMng the appokdm�nt ot a QacNv� I.Mx1sP� <br /> (d) to�rA�r upon end tdcs posesselon of ths Propetty QwlMut'a�ppl��tlons and wNhout ottNrw�s�rrneNng any�latutory oor�dtfons re�arding <br /> appolnt a nalwr whfaut bond.w'nhoiA flrel bringlnp <br /> no�fwn�fl bsin0 intxid�d that LMxf�r shall hava this tant�al tlpM to aPAoNd a nalvsr: <br /> (�) to Krpby a rtw�egl�0 psm of tM Prop�AY end IM the wno,e8h�r{n Tru�t�i s own tfie narrw oi Lerd�r or In the natrn of(3rarAa.�nd <br /> noehn th�nrAS.k�oortMS.Issuee and pro8ts of ths PropNt�nd epply th���x peym�er'rt al�11 nscsacary charpes and exp�nx�,on�ocourN ot <br /> th�Ot�Mpstfons; <br /> l� �o PaY�Y���^Y fortn or msnrwr d�emoc7 e�dMn1 by�sr►de►to protect tM wcurity ot thla beed of 7TU�t cx to curo eny dHault wtNr than <br /> p�Yn�nt ot kri�nst or prlr�clpN on th�Oblbationa: <br /> (y) to forodoM thl�D«d of Truq judclNN a rankKidellY+nd to dnd ths�al�of fha prop�rtY 1hnxK��xerd�e et th�pow�r of seN�s nhr�noec]in <br /> p�rapnph 20 twnof ki ac000rd�ra�wt�h aP{�Ic�d�law: <br /> (h)to wt�off Grantor�OhNpatlons spdnet an ernou�ts axed Grsntor by Lender h�dudfrtg, but not Nmltsd to.monNo�In�rurtrnts,and d�pofN <br /> ecoants mNMik»d whh L«xMr a any exisVnp dhR�xa aftiNete o1 L�ntN►:end <br /> (I)to�xerdee eM othx ripMs avallsbl�to Und�r ur�r eny obsr wrltt�n apn�rtrnt or appUcabte lew. <br /> arxi In en atNr. In the svent that L�rxIK Imtitut��en edion�Odr+g th� <br /> LM�dw'�ripMs are a�rn�latlw s�nd may b f axerd�� �„enyaetion epelnst Ciremar. Grenta walvss ths�oatirp of any bond whlc�mlpM <br /> recov�y ot eny ol tta Propwty bY Y Pf° <br /> otha�wl�b�nqulrad. Lsnd�r Ar LaxNrs de�grMe maypurdr�th�PropKty et enY eals. Proce�ds of any Tnistes a sdr h�reund�r sh�M b�applTid <br /> Nsf.10 1M coa��nd�x�nws ot�x.rd�ln9 tl»powar of saM and of ths ca{�,Indud�p�h.psymern of th.Trusiee's hh actwNy M�aur«1 and not 10 <br /> oxca�d th�rnaurt w1�ld�rrr�y be Sxovtd�d f°r M th���of TNSt.s�oor�d�to peyrtrm ot 1M Obllfla�loti�wax�d 1» the pnyrtNnt�kx�lor <br /> uua dNda,mon s,a Wh�r Qa�hold�rs,and 1hs belana. If th�p�rsan or s Mpally entitled tMrno. Ths qnQ�rty a any p�rt t rr�ay <br /> thoN nd oxtNq�sh a�xhaust N�p�ower txiM�i the ent�iro prop�Y is totd�the b pstlon�en Pdd�1u�� or more�x�rdas of the pawr fMnin pmted <br /> �������«���ia��ET�s N�n 1M�menn�er�tion,tequlrad�byr Is�w.s to all G►antas Intemt in the Propany by sxerd�ot ths power of <br /> Upon recNM o1 wch notloe of La�r ar►d at 1h�c6rocti°o oi l�ndar�Trust�s shdl caua to b�rocardsd,pubNshsd and delivermd such notlas ol dstault <br /> and notla�ot�als a�msy th�n b�nqulnd bY Is'�'°�d�Y'mis DNd of Tniet. Tru:t�s shaH.onty at the�irecfian ot Londsr and wiih�ut domand on Ciranta. <br /> afl�r such tkrn�s ngy 1Mn 1»roquk�d bY law and al�a►rocosde�°^ol wch rrotice of dalautt and ahx noUa of sab havir►g bs�n ghnn ea rsqii�d by law. <br /> sall the Propany at tM tkne and ptea ol tale fixed by 11 In auchnotice of cale.elther as whob or In separa�ey o�P����aei s peyab�e at nR tlrno 01 <br /> expsdi�m,end In wch ad�r es It rrey publk Buchbn to the hlghoat bldder for caah In lawtul <br /> cel� or as othsrvvls�may then be requUed bY law. T►ustea shaN deYvor to such purchaser or purchasera thereof Ita good end aufticbnt deed a cJeedf <br /> ���propsrty so cold,but without eny ccvenam or MarranlY. express or Implled. The redtals In such deed ot eny rrettero or fecis shall be <br /> 0���m�p q�� �q�y�erto�,hcluci�p,without Ilmtetlon.Grentor,Trustoe or Lender,may purchase et such sate. Trustee may <br /> kt the meflflK pwidev Op ia�►f'°�N^^ ��• •••••^"rti�ef tlr ProoertV. . <br /> �Ls....�..�__.� -- <br /> 21. RC-0UEBT FOR NOTICEB: Grema req.�es1z that a oopyd any notics of d�tautt end a copy of eny notie�of sale h¢rourKiar b��rtiNed ta each percon - <br />= wlw 1�a peity h�reto et the eddnss al such person set forThhefdn at the satni tlme and In the sartie mennor requlred as thaugh a separate requeat <br />- thersot had been fibd by each such pxson• <br />� <br />-','� <br />'� ( _. <br /> � a,as ae /�Ihl/ 1l V - <br /> � NEDOTC R�v.39B = <br /> r <br /> � - - - . - _ . . _ __ . . .. . - <br />