, . �.,.:� __
<br /> N(11�M11F , ,. �_ _
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<br /> , , . , . . ..._�_,..:._.y...
<br /> 4 � b. ' . ' ' ' ' -_ ._ '...� :-�'3'!'.+''��:`:lS_'° ;'Z;' - . -�lAes`�:�._...—_. _– _-
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<br />-.i,..u.'�.�.t.L, ' —
<br /> 1�
<br /> ;�,.;s;'.. ,.,� (c) �y�cob�s I�w��nd r�pul�llom,Indudir►p,wfthaul Ilmll��,������a nlalkp 1 MyiNrop�rly bY vfeue o�I�denl,st I amunidpel
<br /> � rp�s�anons prorrx�lq�ted th�r�urttMr)�d�t�1�d� _--
<br /> ' nulhority K�IIh�uritdctlun owr th�Propaly,p�ewntly e��nd�hall 6�ob��xwd aid comPflM1 whh In all materlal ro�p�cu,and all rlghu,Ilrwne�s,
<br /> , penrit�,�nd cKtiRute�ol oocupericy fkru��dl►Ki ai�iw���m�b�o tonlnp v$rlenus,cp�c�el exaptlone lor ncnwnlorming usea,and flnt�l Inspection E,V:
<br /> npproylJf�,whetMr t�rnporery a p�rrrrr�anl,whlch nr�rnetKfal to 1M use and occupency o1 Ih�Propeny. IxoNntly nre end dhull b�obidnod, �W
<br /> � p�Nrvsd end,wMr�n�au�ry,rwww�d: =--
<br /> Y T (d) Qr�nta hns Ita r{yhl end b tAily�uthorlt W to�x�uut�ond pe�1a►m lu Ubl�Qetlon�und�r thl�Oeed ol Trust end ihese actiona do not and sh�ll nm ,_
<br /> �onn�wnn o,.aoW.�►�•oi o►,y a.,���,r�pulallon,ordinuiu,rul�ol law,contrect w oth�r egre�ment which mey be Wnding on aranta at eny tlms: �,�
<br /> '' (•) fVo ec�wn or poc`.anp�s a rhaN a.p.ndkw a Ifx..un.d wt�lcn mbh��rn.ddty an.c1 m.Prop.ny,end
<br /> (q Qrnntor hna�ai viotated and bhall not vldate eny statmo,repulation,adnancs.nil�ol law.conirect or oth�r egeernenl(InGudnp,but nm Iimlled to,� �
<br /> ���� IhpM pov�minQ Huerdous Met�rialf)whidi i�ti��������Y alt;::,t th�Prop=rty or l.ender'e rlghis or Intereat in the Propeny pursuant to tNs Oeed ol,J
<br /> �,:.f'�*�tF`.� Trust.
<br /> 3, pRiOFi D�E�3 OF TRUST. Orenta npros�nte end wurant�ihat�hsre ars no prio►dMds ol Iruit attocting eny pan of tha Prop�rly�ex�s ol trust iheh
<br /> cn 5ch�duM B�ttach�d to thls Ds�d of Tru:L wT�ich(3ranior epraes to W'y'snd P��O^n In a tlmely rrenna. If there aro any prlo► _
<br /> -��t Granlor eW«dNapNY�ur lid�r an n�p'rio�r d�isd of tPn a shall bs�a�d�fwlt un�dsrr�hls 0 oT ru�a+i�'ahall entidtle L nder t�o�aiMl righ`ts�and r ��contel�
<br /> yi, h�ir�In or n�M Ob1{ptlbnf to whlch l�nd�r would be antitl�d in tM svant ol eny oth�r deleult.
<br /> �
<br /> �1. TpANSFERB OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFiCML INTERESTS IN OR����B��AEor eny int�rs:ttnherdn,a ot eN�or�any berwa� �.
<br /> controwi ta de�r!or vanstK to any psrFOn o1 eM a eny pen ot�h�roal p►oartY neroh�P.trutt,a
<br /> � � Int�n�t In Borrawer a Granta(fl Bormw�r cr Oranta Is not A nalural���a I th�i IOdfpa�plus ecuu*d In�est ther�aony Im�irdlatHy d�e end
<br /> ' otMr Npd�nlitYl. ��►�Y.a1 fle opUo�dadan th�oulqandn0
<br /> p�y�bl�. At L�ndwrY nqu�st.(3tanla a Borrower.es th�ceW rr�y bs. fuml�a caipbt�ctat�nt aanirrg lorth e11 oi Its stock►old�rs,rtbrt�bero,a
<br /> . penn�e.as rppropina,arxl it�sx��m of tMlr n:pecllw own�nhip Inunqt.
<br />`•,i-- • ':;.. thb UNd of Truat. Orentor ebedutNy asaipns w L�ndsr aN
<br />-"��� 6. AS81Gt�11AEMT OF FtENTB. In contlderallo�of 1M Obligatbns,whkh en Mcund bY
<br /> "��".�� .`. Grantor'a estat�, r l g hl, titN. intenn,dalm and d�mar�d now°w�ned a�reaher ecqulnd In aN sxi�tk►p end Iulure leasea of ths Pro�ry lk�chxi�9 _
<br /> - . exnnslons.nn�w a fs�rxl4uhl�ewa�,aN apreemmte to►ute and pr,cupmcy of ihe Propsrty(a l l weh laas�s and oprnertwnts wh�thx wrttt�n w oral.an
<br />��'a.cz.�.��..' henafl�r rsUrnd ta as iM'Leasae 1.and d��l�eniks ct kss�ea'psri�'amera th�lnrco rL i any��nat�ur�ahnow�a hereatt��due�(Indu6ng�ncon'b�of
<br /> r r.r�'F;,'".. ��1d flC�yO 6k Of 11N fM18.IIICOfi1�,fOCNp�s.f61Mf1U0S.IffU9i.{1f
<br />- , any nature coming dua dixing ony rsdertpt{on perlod)und�r 1M L�esass a hom a erl�inp ou101 th�P induding minirtum rontt, nnts,
<br />= psr�ntape rents. perking or wrrrran erea malnte��ar��°"tributlons.tex end Insuranne oontrfbutions.de ronts.1lquidetedden�ep�s�oM�8
<br /> -�`^�"''. . cMfauN In eny Leaw,all Pra'.�ad�P°Yab���y P�Y of inauronce oovs:ing bss of rents r�wttinp hom untenantabiGty cause+l by de �t�
<br /> �°.,'..� damege to the PropKty�all proaeda PeYabM ae a rowU of a less�s's�xsrda of nn optlon to qxdties�ths Prop�►ty.au procMds _
<br />:' . •• teminatlon a�B oi any I.ease in e benkrupeY w othar InsdvencY�p�e�ng end atlprooesds hom eny rlgMe end dakns ot any klnd which(iranta
<br /> :.L,z4�c�� �y �apa{ns�l�ss�a untl�r 1M Lsas�s w any oxuPmta of ihe f�ropc+rty(ell oi the above are hereaflx coNx.yh�ely rsfer►ed to as the'Renu'). This
<br /> -•°-�,..,:. e Ts subjea to the riyht,Pow'or and euthafty�van to ths lender to cdwcl end e�pply ths Rente. Thla as�pirtiem is recordsd In aaadence wNh
<br /> ;,�rr>, �p�ttate law;lhe lisn usated by this easfprxneni b kilNHiod to b�spsdflc.P�rfectsd.and choate u the recadnD of thls D�ed ol Tru�t�all ni
<br /> �ri�;�.�;� P���bY��state law e�ernendsd hom tims to tirrw. As bnq et there la m d�}tw8 ur�r I^Gn�ntw'a hu�rwsa o�paratlonsNHoww�it,L�er
<br /> �,_ ,-�.��. c3rantor a rwocabM Nosn�to aoll�ct aN Rsnis (rom ttw Leas�s when wr and to Granta a�al LsrKlsr's Intlflutlan. Upon dsf�ult In ihe payrnent
<br />—_��'� •+ ropxty leaw and opeet�ths
<br /> ,; mey at eny tkne requlre Grantor to depo�il eB Rents into en aawnt rt�tntdn
<br /> _ . ;'.r'., of�or In dis p�xfomrnw of.any of th�Ob!lg�ttons,Lsnder may et it�opUan take posssubn o0 ooNecl end r�,�ive dl Rsnti ho�ihs ptopsrly,end Lerxbr
<br /> _ ' prq�srty on ismts and fa a porlod of tkne thet Lend�r dNrt�p�?P�..,�ar L rn�i tro�tM Pr�oaKqr as L�►du rrey deem propsr. Lsrxf�r rneY nPpY all RsM�In
<br /> .:�.��� slwll haw luU po�wK to rt�i aii.raiiu��..�a-ti:ai'�.:.s�"�•-.-�-- of th�oost of wch Wloratbn�,rxwvanons�nprr�and rej��•,•••ar�3:s:;
<br /> � �.¢ Lnndsi't iol�disaNlon to peyrrwnt of the WN9etlons or to the paymatn end th�t►�an+�rt�erit endopsratbn of ths Properry. L�i�r msy k�e p the
<br /> _ �� ;�� �,��k��t a takkp au�d rotalr�kw poass�ssla�of the Prop�rty periodcallY
<br /> __.:�.'i",.,: Inwrod and may dlaFiar any texes.charges�daltns,�saeotrt�xds end othx Ilsn�wt�lch m�ay�a�arus. The e�sns�c�nd coat of t h�s�
<br /> - P�y��y d arnounts�hall b�added to tha prindpd ot ths obNpatlons. Thea�ornounts,toqther wtth
<br /> -----� ac,ylons trey be�tr�th�R�ntd nc�lvsd.er�d e�y�P�
<br />__ _�.�i o1Mr cosfs,ehal Mconb Pert of tM Ol�llpetlons cecurod bY thb Deed of TNat.
<br /> s�.�1::t�lti� aI�q
<br /> _�T_. ��.�� 0. LEASEB ANO OiHER AGREEMENTS.Gramor ihNl not talw a fall to teks eny eqlon�P�y i N������a���n�wrftl�n
<br /> - �Y P�K►�In eorcMCtlon with eny I.esss or other e�preNr�snl l'A9�►T�I�I P�ekdnp
<br /> ---=a"'�`� cans�nt,:t�eM not:(e)collsct any monke peyahls und�r eny Aprsert�rrt moro man on�month In edvarws:(b)moaN anY��:(c)as�ip^a allow■
<br /> _ Intemt or other errourt�brenos to bs plaoacl upon Granto�s riphts.titla and Inursst In �nd to eny AgreK►bnt a tM emount�PgY�
<br /> . °„� Usn� aeuxitY w�pa t of an sum a othw mntsrlal Ixeach bY the oth�r p�rty 1h�rNO. It Orenla
<br /> ,..-.:��,:�,,��� then�xider,a(dl Hrrtin��w crial anY I�pnn►�r►t�xcapt fa ltwr �ur�r en Aprsement c►PiKporth�p tu tertdnate a canal anY l.qn�n�r�t� —
<br /> -��:.y�� rocaiws et eny tkrn eny wdttsn oa►*►rxacaUon a:anlnp a dofeuh by Cinn 1��ttons relatinp thento)to Ler�ler. AN s+xh A�eettrnts end
<br /> _-.`—,�i'�'■ prenta ahaN ly lorward eoopy of wch conmunk:atlon(and eny aibs�Q�Hn
<br /> ----°—--`'� ihe artai�ts to 6kernor thoreur�r ere hxeby aaslyned to lender as eddNlonal eecurlty tor the WOgetlons.
<br /> ---�--= 7. COLLECTION OF INl1EBTEDNESS FROM��iss apnd In��oorr�p�anN)�PaY�e�en�y lodebted ess a�o611 f7allon�owh�g to�o��with
<br /> ---- not limltsd ta,leaaes,Ikensess, auH exlsta under thls Dsed o1 Trust. Gtamor elaN dYg�nlly a�c�t 1h�
<br /> -- - t��p�t to the Pmp�tty(axnub� 'Ind�bl�a')wt�ther a not a det
<br /> -- ---- Irxbbtsdness owkq to Grantor from 1 se thlyd pertN+umil 1M givl�9 of wch notlNeatlon. In ttN wsM tt�at Granta pouss�ss a ree�lvas pos�ssfon of
<br /> any Inatruments a oth�r nrtiltanoaa wiTh nspect to tM Ind�blsdr�:Is�1�np ��e���D���dtn�aMaa s�h�aW�ho d s�udi�fntlrumnt��o�tlnr�
<br /> � constflut�iM pr�pyrn�rn of any Indsbl�ss a tlw paYment
<br /> nrrittenoes In tru�t tor Lx�dsr epeA trom Hs other propertY,endora�the Instrunpr►ts end other rsrtittsnws to LsrM�x,arxl ImrtwdetN�Y���•xt�ind tt»
<br /> - - posssulon of the Instnxrbnt�a�nd othar rartittanas. Lender shall bs emR{ed,hut rrot rsqulrod.to cdlset(bY lepol Proos�d�ps
<br /> tlrtw fa psymwnt.carYxomlce.cxdianpe or rs{sass any obilpa o►coKaterel.a olFwtwlss wrile any o�«�d��a�Inlnp t to�hs aclbns d��d In}1�
<br /> � exJsts under thia AprMn�nt. Landx s.hall not be Nable to Grontor tu any ectlon.�ror.mistata.orti
<br /> �" p�ragra�h pr any demspee ronultk►g therotrom. NolwithstendirW tM forepokg. �°thln9 hereln shall cause Lender to b d»nrd e
<br /> .�� mottgepee�lrnpesa�slon.
<br /> �N,?���� b. USE M1D MAIN7'ENMICE OF PROPERIY. Gramor shall lalcs ell ecllo�a and mal�any r°Peln�°°d°d to mek�tdn tha Propeny In good con�tlon.
<br />