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�: .. . <br /> . .. , <br /> �= � --� _ <br /> -�-- ._.. .....----...---- -�..��-. <br /> .. ,.�.. ..r��.._. <br /> .. . - -,.::��tl.S�dii�i....x�G.:�l� ���•lY:�.iT.cni�G'FP�., ' - <br /> ��.���MW7A'N4� __. ... . _ . . . - +�n'+m"-. , . ._.�._�__. __'_'" - <br /> p <br />- Y''�� 1 <br /> -`�'G_S.b! , n� — <br />,::�� �2. 8E�URITV INTEREST UNDBR THE UNIFOR�A COAMAERCML CODE. Thl�D�sd of Tru�t theJl be coml6�red s►�d bo wfl�atN�e� °i lo e�ts�i} <br /> *� �tat�rrwOt��flxlu�s�Ikp pmwnt to 1M provlslon�ol tlw Unllam Corrmrdal Cod�(as edopted In ths�tst�when+IN ra�l propMy <br /> -- • rAVer�np Hx11uh,dwitN�.�nd arlid��ofp�r�mal prap�rtY,now own�1°r h���n�►�nact►�d to u tn b�uad In connsctlon wlth Iha Property toq�ih�r with <br /> .�--'��- euiy�nd dl r�plac�rnmt�1Mroof end edditlon�ttwr�to ph� Gh�tt�ls'1,end Oranta h�nby qenb Und�r a�aeudty Int�nit In wch ChattNr. Th�d�blor i� <br />;. .,,,;�" th�Oranta d��u�b�d et'ova. 7tde De�d of Trust will be ettectNa aa e flnenclnp etaterroN Msd eot eald pn�mis9as(Indudm�p aald�ix uraa)la aitua�WThin r:. . <br /> � oaldprNnl�s�end I�to b�Alod la recad In tho roal�stet�rscads o1�seh counry wh�n any perl - <br /> pMd ol Trust�hall�ISO t»�H�c9ve as e Nnandng dat�rrwM covarin0 enY other Pnmise�and rtwy be flled In any oth�r approprlato flllnp or rscadng� <br /> �:� oflla. A cevbon.Pholopreph{c a►�hx r�o�iucikn of ihle(]sed of Trust Ths acured perry Is 1he�Lendor�idiscrl lMd ebova�rU N n�d��mend 6�ran�tt bhall� <br /> ',�� Mnandnp atal�nt�a enY ol the rpoaa rafend to In thls Parageph. - <br /> mek�,�x�cut�end����Ir�d to �nt to lg.�nd�r e�p�rbct�d Ncudry Im�rat�n h Chatl�latc d u�rent s�fa luei to�da oo Lender�ls au�ho�f:ed o <br /> :':� neasary u►preF'�r SX <br /> slgn any such siM���ea the eg�nt of Cirantw. arentor hK�by emhodns Unde to fW enandnp�iutertrnu(a�wch ie!m Is d�Hn�d In nsald U��rrn� <br /> �� Cam�.:rcial Cod�)v:ith re�ped to ihe Cheflels,at eny 11me.wNhout Ihe alpnature ol Qnantor. Grentor wlll,howeve,at nnY lurr upon rpw c <br /> _ slpn weh financinp�tat�rrrnts. �rentor wlll pay ell fillng I�sa for th�liliny ol:uch finandng statcm:nts nnd tor tha rollline�thereaf a1 the IIrrM�nyulrsd.In <br /> tha opinbn oi Und�r,by tdd Unitorm CormrrdN Cod�. If th�Ii�n of thlf Da�d of Trust b�aubj�ct to any c��r11Y eprMment cov�ring th�ChattNa,th�n <br /> � In th�ev�nt ol eny dataull under ihis Dead of te or pa�hymenrte�now h�roa esmede th��reo1 bY Orantay or he�prfsdao:haon or�auccea�sors61n�1N�ol _ <br /> Lend�r,top�th�r with the benafit of any depo ' <br /> -lL,� �rsntor In the PropMy. <br /> Zg, qE!lABURSEI�ENT OF Al�lOUNTS EJ(PENDED BY LENDER, Lender,at Lendsr'�o lon,may ozlx+nd fundn(induding attaney�'feas and legal <br /> �xps i s�s�81�y����at���n����by e�� ogatherrwith Inter et Fwrean a�e lowero the hlghast ats desciibed I any - <br /> � ,` paipeNon or ths h l p t►aat rate albwed b y law hom the dets of pnyrrbnt until the date of reVribur�meni•p1'heas surrx aheA h°Indudad In tha daflnflian ol <br />'���,t f q�Np�tbns I�nin nnd chall bv aecur s d by the bonefldsl interest granted Grentw o�any part ot t h e�9bl l g atlons e�er the bapla n n9 oi puWicatlon af <br /> . • Mra�n Pc'o'Aded,a in ihe event Lsr►der It4 soN option,psrmit Ps <br />' � notlo�of saN,as Mnin prov►ded.tMn,Grantor�hell pey on dsri�end ai�expsnsea Incu�by Ihs Tivatea and Lender In Coflnsctloe wyh bald pudlCellon, <br /> :;�,,�� InducinA reasonetille ettomeYa'feea to ihe atlamsys tor tho Tru�tes end for the Lender.9lld 9�895��Ablf1�6lf SO 1FM TN61�8,end thl�Dead o1 Trust ahell be <br />- aecurity ta aU such expansas and feet. <br />=_�s�� <br />'=�� 21. APPUCATICIN OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee ahall eody the proceeda ot the trustae s sale flrsL to iha costs end sxpsna�s o1 exerdskiQ 1M pow�►o <br /> � sale end of tM eAM�Indud�ng�the paYmen1°t�he Trustee'e rees aclunlly IncuRed not to exoead t�s emoum whkh mey be Provldod�or(n the Desd ot Trust, <br />_'3-?� paymwri of ihe c�al«ti�se�urnd�nht��aroTnisL ihfrd,to the payrrant of junlor dxcls of tniM,morigagas a other Ibnholders.end th� <br /> - belar�.if eny,to tha person Pe ege�Y <br /> �� 26, POWER OF AITORNEY. Gremor heroby eppolnls Lende►as Its attomay�in-(nct to endorse Grentor's nflme on ell Instruments end othsr documenta <br />'�'-""� p�r�alMn��a ths Obliyetlons or Deed of Trust. In eddilion Lender shall ke ontitled, bui not requIrad,to rtartn any ection or execute any document <br /> - nguk�d to b�taken a ezecucad by Ci►anta unde►thb Dead of Tn�st. Lendx's per(omgnce nf eueh ect�or executbn of such documents shall not <br /> rousve Granta hom enY Obllgetbn or are any ciefault undor this Deed of Trust. All Mwera of attomeY desc+ib�+d In ihis O�ed of Tn�st ero couded w�ih en <br /> .-?� Im�nst andare irtsvocable. - <br />.;� d�ped�iun�ds edvanced t�ypendor regardei of w t�heriMste Ilens�c�i�rity int�erests a other oynaaamtx�ncea tiave�been r�ased ot�� - <br />��^r� ed by Iaw,Granta a�ass to pay Lendr's roasona6ie fees and coats,Induding,but rwt Umit�d to.lees <br /> - 2i. COLLEC710N C05T8. To the extom pemin s,de►lu end conwltams�.wlx+ther or not�uch attort�y at aa�nt is en <br /> � end costs ol anortwy�and othsr e(�enis (Ind�p whnoul Ilmftatbn perelsgel <br /> of Lend�r.whleh ero Ineurred bY�ar���ie Tn eoliectinp e�Y errwunl due°r enforcing eny�t w remedy undsr this Owd ot Truat,whsdwr or not <br /> �=,� I� ,Inciudng,hut not IlmiNd to,aN tees end costs k�curted on benlvuptcy�end or pust-ju�rtient ooHet.11an aclbns. <br />_ —= 1d. PARi1AL RELEASE. Lender may rNaaae its IMerast tlon of tM P �rqxrtY• P1o1h�p M�reln ha 6�a d�eerr»d to��ti «end�r to rri{��e �iuiy o Ns <br /> _ _-= q�p�wyana without aflectinp Its Intarest In th�rwr�akdng port ��,iy) ��I��� ���d to nkaes enY Par► <br /> kn�►tat in tM P�ps�ty(�xeept as nquired ur�r P i 38 a as mny bs other�{wryise requfrod <br /> --_ ��p�rop�rty�0 -ronlo�is a i d�i�I n�t h e D e s d of d�tl�t Is�iwt�t�hs w J�ct ol 1hls a�any arlla�l D�ied a1�R�oonveYana In fn�8�ct with rosp�d to <br /> - 2i, IlppIF�CA710ti AND WAlVEB. The rr�od'i(icatioo or wahrsr ot any of Gremor'e Obllpetions a 4erxfer's�1 s under this De�d of Trust must bs <br /> _ ���e�y���by�.wx�r. �snd�r msy pe►tortn any of Barow�s u Granta'a ObllOatlona.del�y o►►ai to exerdse any of Ns rlqMa a aoc�pl <br /> - p�yrrwrs han Cimtor or anyor�othsr ttwi QtaMor wiltaul causYK1 a wsiwr of thoss Obllpetions a�ht s. A walver on on�is�s ��haJl not oo f�su'e <br /> a walwr on eny oti�r oocas�on. Grenlor'sp�a tion�urxMr thls DMd of Tru�t at�N na bo afhd�d ifl.uidw ert�nds� w�p� <br /> �x�rdw.tmp�frs cx roMas�s any o�th�ObNrt�ons belongkiD ta any C3antor�Bortow�r a thkd peAy or eny ot fla�IgMs st any(�rant�a 9ortow�r or <br /> ���ipM si��y t�irtrP th�sr yftK t�it upa�strid�per(a�nce• ���of eny of th�ObNgelbns ahnN not be d�+ned e waiwr�ntl L�r��h�M <br /> �D. SUBSTITIlTE TRUS7'EE��Ut�aE�U�e tuFie tiW�ot t�he�Obif�qetbni�destk�i Iw�ahny rs�sscn�to rom�o�w�ths Trua�a�y�wb�1N sut�tru:�ts�a�s <br /> �wh�n tFN n�l prop�rty �d tuM po�we to�olnt In wrh(np s <br /> truq�s Mrwmda and to oppdnt a n�w iNSIN In hit piea and pead ihe hokl�r ot 1M Obllpatbnm b herot►Y 9� <br /> cub�titul�wstN for�Id Trustes.and the wbaitu►a watee shall,wt�n�p�htsd,bsoara euoosswr to�11 right�of TruaNS han�xicNr r�d tM sartis stw� <br /> b�oarr wshd In hkn tor tt.e purposYS end obj�ds of thls O�sd of Tru�t w-ifh dl th�powK,d»I�s end ohYp�tio�c MrNn oont�nd on 1M Ttua1N. Tn�atN <br /> �hM not b�Ila61s for erry srtor ot uo�of s�ntry��or eny�aie«ectinp by vlAUe o:1►�Pa+r�►s`haroln q�t°d�����yth��o�f Truit�far d�ibl�a <br /> TrusN�ah�N not be panonaMY �ri <br /> oontract�d a II�bAftY ordarrr�s k�cumd in th�rt�naWrt a opaatfon of�atd pnrrifts. Truat�a et�haw the to niy on�ny s�t rx�1 , <br /> doaxrNrn ar sfpnatun suthod�h►0 c►w�atlnD e�Y wtia"�tak�n apropo ad to b�t�ur���undw�r ewnabl�wrt�ns�Mo�ior wch <br /> TruttM shaN b��n11tMd to nknbixNrtwnt tor e as Inaxred bY It ln th�pKiomwxa tatlon du�1 natcVae hers�xidsr and nknbtnss TrustM lor end <br /> of Ht Mrvia�h�r��nd�r as�hall be rend�rad.�renta wlll,from t{me to tims.PsY cortpsn of hs dutl�s. <br /> �aw�nd hold k hamioas trom and apdnst any and aN bss.cost.fabiltry.d�s�nd erpsns�wh�taoovor inaxred by ft In the pMlortrw�c� <br /> AN m�eY�nc�iwd bY Trusue atuN,un1U us�d a epplf�d aa tw��in��yI�d�be h�ld In wst for the�se9 tor whkh thsy w�n nalwd,bul nNd not <br /> b��pnp�t�d In eny manrwr from eny ottia►moneys{exapt ta ifie axtem re4�ked by lawl end ructeo eheN bo undar no IW�iNry ta knMytt on any <br /> rtwr�ys ntMv�d bY n?�ro�xMsr• <br /> 91. 91YCCES8�F19 AND AS9K3NS. Thta[7ssd ol Tnist ahall ba dndir�upa►and Inuro to ihe baxiftl ot Cirarttw and Lender end tMk roep�clNe <br />�lgis,imsta�s,receive�rs,edininlstreta�.pononal npresMta s,IpatNS er�l dsvi�ees. <br /> 3Z NO3iCE5.Exceql aa otMrwlse requitsd by taw,en�raUc�a other cortrnunlcatlon to b provlded irukr lhly t�l writinp fr m�tltne to t��My W,a, <br /> to thr perti�s a1 the addrnsse�d��alb�d fn this deed o Truat a wch other eddrsss e�th�perd�s rrq�y dosfyne <br /> _-._.:� notia so qiwn uid�,rrt bSr flrst daia meH�Postegs prapeld,shd bs d�errnd giwr►1M�a�iMr of three(3)ifay�after s+Kh notioe Is eorri or wMn rsaMed <br /> -= yy thv�rwn to whom wdi notloe I�belny pivsn. <br />�r� 9�. S£VEflABIUTY. VYhenevar pcssib�e.each Provlclat ot thls Dead ot Trust ahalt be ir►terpretod so as to be eHeclitro and velld und�r eppiicebia�ial� _ <br /> '''_^r'�,� ��,, }t,any pruvislon of this Deed of 7rust vidatea the Iaw a Is unentorceable,the reat ol the Daed of Trust sh�ll oontinue to bs valkl end entorceable. <br />.:e,.�'i'�i <br />"`'"����"�� 3A.APPLICABLE LAYI. Thls Deed ot Trust shaB bo govanod by the laws of the stete where the real properry la located. Unless eApNcaWe�aw proWdss <br />::��.i:�� <br />-o_.. 1. otherwise.Grartta►conaarrte to the jurisdictinn artd vonufl o1 any court salacted by Lender,In its sole disaetion,loratn n t at e a e. <br /> •i'�;�99 36. MISCELLANEOUS. Grantor and Lender agrco that time Is ot the esseneo. dramor waives pteaentmmt,domand for p�yment.nmloe of dishonw end _ <br /> .,,�� t axo�p esrequ Irad by 18w• AIi retarences to Grantor In this�eed of Trust shali indude allpersons slgning below. if ihoro Is moro Ihan one Grentor, <br /> �p�g�t�i sha11 jw iok�t and sevsral. ThIa Ceed o}Trust repreeents ihe eortplste Integreted uncMrctanding betwoen(irantor and Londer pertalnlnp to <br /> L�...�,f <br />"- I1NIO�ti�stiw.......�.�.-----.. <br />- 30, NO iHIRO PARTY RNiN7A. Na perso��s a sh�l�be e lhird PertY b�eftda�'ol anyproNslon of this Doed of Trust. All provislons of thla DOed of <br /> , �s�t ta��he�modiL '�la Du eny p�rovia�lmyof ihla De�od of T►ust,e In��Lenderesole�a�aetbn�f��titiod to ossurno or oxpoct that Lander w{II not waNe a <br /> .. � � 37. PHE8ERVATiON OF UABILITY AND PRIOAITY. Witha+n nfteding the Ilahflity ol Bumw+er Grantor,or nnY guarantor of the Obiigatlona,or eny otF� <br /> persan(excepl a peraon expressly released in writin�)for the pa�ttent endpe Aormence ot tha bbi�gatlons,and w'dhout aflecting tho ri0hta ot Lender wdh <br /> respect to any Propeny rwt expressiy released In wdting.end wi�hout in'�palring In enyNtaY Uie prbrity of thls Doed ot Trust over the Interest ot en person <br /> � ecquIred a flrst ewidenoed by recording wbsequarn�o the ncor6n9 of this Oeed ot T Londer may,olther betore or efler the maturity of the U6�gatlons. <br /> and withait na11oe or conaent:release any pe►son Ilable fapa ymem or perlort�nce ol ail a any parl of the Ohligationa:make anyagreomer�alter�ng the <br /> ' � tortra af pey�n t aperfomience of ell a any pert ot ihe Oblif}albns;exerdsa or retraki from exerdsing or wehro sny ri�h1 a remedy t ah 1�ender maY have <br /> ,. ����a pa�d c}rN��;aocept additional sewrity oF eny.kind lor eny of the ObligaGa�s,or relaase or othonviso dn�l wiih any ro�i or personal propr.rtY <br /> seGiring the Obligalions. My pe►son ecqu�ring a recardng eNdence of any Interoal ot any nat�re In the Property shall be deen�ed,by acquiring sucfi <br /> - � 't. Ime:eat a rscording any evidence have wnsentecl to ell or eny such ections by Lender. <br />-�:.:,..A n ') (\ �Y <br /> ' Pp�IdBI�Av `� <br /> NEDOTD Ra.11A� <br /> _u��..,-aa�r .... .,..... ... ..___.._ r�:.��._:��_- - .' _ ._. _�_�_.. �.,�-- ---_..._...------ - - <br />