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<br /> '�� m� NEB�ASKA �1190080805745Z74 –
<br /> V a N 4�4//VJN01 �
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST
<br /> la��s��r
<br />- -- a�o�t �c
<br /> �---- eoRnaw�R
<br /> ROESRT M VA��Y.
<br />_ � RolsRT N VA�EY an6 pp���L•O VA/LY,
<br />- NUiBhIiD 11HD NIti -.
<br /> DEliI�i L•6 VA�iY
<br /> �
<br /> AGOflEBJ
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<br /> •Cl� Ml�MOl7 AVL pp�D y�t,t�2�7p N6 6080]3507
<br /> pp�}7p I�LI1tip N1 68803150A
<br /> pHf(/ICA710l1lK1. Y���l10. C6lfllICA110M110.
<br /> T�M1�1�110• -
<br /> 5067Z9100
<br /> 1AW7EF: /IR�T E�171C/004�D�ICdA NA
<br /> p0 SOI 5{00 �IOOY T�LL� �D 57117
<br /> �na e„y wwre eavar►ces a nnu�.oei�uw,•.a�asn�.d r,.r.�n,wr�cn
<br /> In conakMrat of the ban a other aedt accormiocletbn hx�kialtK spsd end veluebl�conaideratbn.lM ncelryt a�d sufflde�xY df wl�lch
<br /> �Tiy i'�.'•i�h�••}.?aw.krsnnwl or IndlrfAd 9fld tIb tNSI F1N01f18ftN R1�ItI0�lOd Nld OIFIE�QOOd �V w��ar��:slms to Truttae.h1E sUC�'AStO�t B�Id
<br /> - �n hs��bY edtf�»�d�CN9fAo�Mf�bY Irtevx�blY WeRentt.Oa�pV�s�en�s,ira�5te�.,�"d3:.'�::1='-�- --
<br /> as�{pm,IN 7RUST WITH POWER OF SAI.E totths b�neM utd wcutld of ►ir�e e�ntc oi �outa wtota (N�Cianal A��oalatlal) (���)'ihe
<br /> - p�tldary und�r this Ds�d ot Tn�at.und�r and subjecl to ih�t�mn and oorxli►lons heteln cet tarth.with righ�ot mtry end ponss�lon dl of GrantoPa pn�rd
<br /> - end tulun�suN,tipht.Mb end finereot In an�to the nal propsrtY dosctfbed In Sched��A whkh Is anaeMd to this�pow'itThatt Ik�Ntat��msd�k�rY
<br /> by ihb nNnna.topNh�r with all Pnsent tnd tuturo irtpro�tta end Qxlurss:ek terWl6ls P�►aon�l ProP�Y
<br /> ��„,aiNdnp mat�lal�.er►d pooch of swry naturo(e��,����nnncsa IndudrW d�����°atwdoNd with 11w ProPe►ty�
<br /> p�p�ty,wl»thx or net�fAx�d to 1M 4�nd;Prlvil�0��� h�����y��a�rya w�aptfEw of uansf�r irom 1Ms Prop�ly to otMr
<br /> wtwtt�p►wlou�ly or wbNqi�tly trenst�trad to th�Prop�rty flts�watx.wsil�dtch�ns�rvdr end min�ni►I�Ma and aloda p�rtdnlnO to the nal
<br /> nal ProP�rtY:kest��Noenaa dnd otFbr agrM►n�rds�raH��Issuti end Pro ad lar the usa ond bsr►efil of Lender,hia�uoc�saors end
<br /> Ix�Y(u��iNNy PropKry�:to have and to hold the Prop�Ay end tM dpMs h�rohy prant
<br /> salpm,untN payrt�eni In tuM of aN qt�1IDa1{ons s�cund hsreby
<br /> Morwwr,in furtlwr oonrfderatbn�G►antor doss�ta Cirarrior end(3renta's helrs.re�x�s�ntativss end ea{yna.hareby expreasty waRarn,covenent,end
<br /> aprw with Lsndsr and TruaM and tMk suoossson and a�slpn�as tdbwa:
<br /> 1. p6LlpAl'IONB. This Deod of Trust shall wcure the PBYm�t e�d P�O�na ot eN prossM et►d future fndebtedness.l(ddWiss.oblfgatlons end
<br /> ooyenarrts of Borraw�r or Grama t�lathrely'(X�Ilpaftons')ta Lender Purwant to:
<br /> (e)1Mi De�d of Trust and tho lollowfng pro�risrorY note��xl o1F�er aprsMnert►s:
<br /> 1.pAM
<br /> CwR�DIT LMAIT / AO�I�t3A7E ' D117�E Y NtIM�
<br /> 30,000.00 OS/14/97 05/14/OZ 4190080805745�74
<br /> (b)dl othsr pns�nt or ur�,w sn aDrNrtrn
<br /> s w t t ro er y o t s o niet � a �°f��
<br /> pur�o�11f�1M�o�Do1n0):
<br /> (�) �Y yueranty o}�611QaRlons of othK pertl�s qiv�n to LsrKMr now c►heroafl�r oxecul°d that n(�rs to thls D�ed ol Trutt;
<br /> (� ���e�y,rhsfhor obUgntcry or optb�wl.ro ths aarns exla»ai If mad�cont�►rporen�auslY wNh ths executlon of Mis Desd ot Trusb�de or
<br /> s b a Ilna of aodt,th�I�n ot thls D�ed�t 7ru:t shM oontinue
<br /> �xl�id�d on behait of Gramor or Borrowor. GraMor epna�that If a»of th��blipeiion
<br /> untll payrn�nt in hell of all d�bt dw under tM Ik�s notwithswidrp ttN tnct that from Ums to tirrw(but betoro tartri�atlon of ihs Nns)no bstanos mey be
<br /> outttandnp. Al no tkro durinp the t�m ot this De�d ot Tnist a any�xt�n�ion t►b►�of shail tha unpdd and outsl�np�cured P�indp�l hm�r�
<br /> advanon,not indudinp su��n advenood b'Y Lendsr to protsct tM�eaxltY ot thla De�d of TrusL exaed th�fodowfnp an'�o�x►t. S� �e_eoo_np
<br /> This provi�{o+�thaN rat oonsiHuta en ot�l►petlon upon a oomritrt�ent of Larxbr to rtmlaa adcfitfonal advanoas or loens to Qrenta;end
<br /> (�)pll amer►dmenis,extan�lons.renswals.modflcatbns,naacsnw�ts o►s��Nutione to any of tM tonpokig.
<br /> As used In thia Peregre�ph t,the tomx Grenta and Barowor�hal��ndude end als°m°a"enY Grenta°�Dor�ower If maro than one.
<br /> 2 REPRESENTA710NS,WARRANitES AND COVENANTS. Grentor ropressnta.waRent h� �I�INnnsb�socu��terests,encumbrences end delms
<br /> (a) Grentor has fee cimpl�►►�ark�tabla t�tta ta the Property end shell melmaln the Prop�rty
<br /> ` axc�pt for this�sed ot Trust end those described In Scheduls B,whkh is ettodisd ro ihla Deed ot Trust end incorporeted hereln by reterence.wh�h
<br /> �' (irarttar apnes to pay and p�rtom�in�1MnetY msnner:
<br />-- .�..•-----�.�.�,,.,u.r�c.�n aY n�wct�witli all e�(�IlcabN fsd�ral,�tats end la�al lavre end roW latlom,Inducing.without limtatlon,thoss relatkp to
<br /> —��r...•. ....�,�.x�,..x,.�.d�rd mwcrKtent ttor enY
<br />=y., SF�azardous Mat�tidi:aa cNfirNd hir+in.end other�r►v�ronmemei menere�in.cr�M���•,�•��•••–�snta.w�idN or adrririistratMe ectfo��with
<br /> oth�r pov�rnm�ntd c►qua�i 9ovemm�n'.al H�i�ty has Nbd e N�n on the Prop�ty,no►ere Axn a�Y 9ow�M
<br /> ro�p�Ct to onvfror�ntel measn Psr�dk�y,o►to tM b�st of the(3rentor'a knowhdg�,thnst�n�d.'MNch Inv°h'�tl»Propety. Ne1tMr Grontor na,to
<br /> iy
<br /> ths beat ol Grentor'�Iawv+Ndys.eny athK peryr haf ussd.pxterated.releatsd�discharp�d�etorod.a�spossd oi eny Hazerdou�Matarlala es de
<br /> — h�nln�In oonn�ction wHh ths Propsrty or trenaported eny Hazerdous Metsrials to or han ihs Prop�rlY. Orantor�hall not eomrit o►permit such actions
<br /> to�tmetitel a►writY ducin9 tlwt nat Um�''.�eduto,l)Pet oleum�(q f:lablo a nonfrfabla a�w tosa'lHl_),polYchlori e�ie�d dphenyl�a'.(vl ihos�e atubst�ences
<br /> � rt�iutorlais or wastea deslgnated es e'hazardaua substance'purwani ta Sectlon 3t t of the Ckan weter Acl or Ilsted pursumt to Section 307 of tho
<br /> ^� ,/{/� Cbar+Water Act a sny arnendrnents a�ep�e��ts to theae statutes;(v)thos�wt�'encea.melerials or waates detinod as a'hazardoua waste'
<br /> -. �J punusnt to SecUon 1004 of the Reaource Canxervation end Recowry Act a eny emendrnente or roplecw^°�n��VOhEnWromm�ntaidqesponsa,
<br /> t sulntances, rtY+terlals or wastes doHnad as a 'hazardous substonce'pureuant�u Soctton t01 of the Cor�xehen
<br /> oCrdinance now or hxeafter n eBacL nGrentor�s�hah'notrl�se orrpenrmit the suWease olltwyP��operry�t i a tenanl�or'subtranamtwhoso operetions rnay
<br /> ,,: rosult In contartinatlon of Me Properry wNh Hazardous Maierlal�or toxic substances; �
<br /> • a,�.�as /�M���
<br /> � NEOOT Rw.119a
<br /> I .. . . - _ . . __ �
<br />