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<br /> 17. LW DIII'�lIiOHT TO COIM�ENGit dl Dif�NO L�OA��������n�N��I�h�prav{d�»N�MrNh w►�men��f�o��d���
<br /> MinaNrNd�Elfon.suli,a oltNr P►QOMdk�p�M�etMp IM Prop�rly. B
<br /> dd�d uxh�lon�,�u�n�,a on,..1�pM �q!�r►��o oona�'+w or�.+n.�ny a.kn a oomrowr•y n�tlo. �«,d.r W►w na a ilrtr.w
<br /> ta�tN aqbm cN�crlb�d In Ihl�p�►�pr i or nny �rou�itlnp Ih�rrhan. NoN*�p
<br /> OrRmc�la nny Mctlan,arra.mltt�kl,oml��aM�Y PM�*� In lu own nema.
<br /> oont�kMd I�nMi wul��wnt I.�nd�+Irom��q t1N actton�doa d Ui Ihb pu�preph
<br /> U, INDEfAlNFICAiW4d. l�ndn s�N noi��wm�a b�roPa'�la th��omr�►x�ol any of Glr�ntor's obllp�tions wl�r��o th►�Prop�rty undd�
<br /> wiy drwmtt�na�. Or�ntor oh�ll 6mtrdl+t�ly�xovld�Le�Mw�M�Ni(lod dir�p�nan.y�s I.ON xpn�s�j,�cauN�°I sc�lon,s�ctbn��i R,�and�� �
<br /> enpbyau arxl�p�nit hermNt�hom aN dNms.derrn0a ,
<br /> o���p���(�p�fy�ty•��airn��p�rWMng to ths Prop�Ay(Inciudinp,bul not Iimlt�d to,thoa Invokinf�Hezardou�Mat�rlRlq. (3rsnta,upon
<br /> th�rpw�t o4 Unda.aFu�N hin I�I oounNl to dN�nd L�nd�r ham wch Ct�lrtr.�nd pny tM ettom�y�'fN�,Mp�u��ws�nd ott»r co�t�Incurrad In;.
<br /> conn�ctlon thenwlth. In th�ehsmatNe,Lend�r shaN b��ntfll�A to�rrpby Ils own lsgel countol tn d�f�nd wch C aNn at f3nnta'� co�t. l3rantor'��
<br /> obHg�tion to ind�rmily Loixiw uncar thlc paro�rnFh chall curvive thv tem9netlon,ralaaso or toredoaure of ihls Oesd ol Tru�t.
<br /> 16. TAXE9 ANp A88ESSI�AENTB.arontor�hall pey�i�shall ddspo:ii�i�h 6L rend�er�di monr�Pih yons�slhh 1( /tl2)of t�h°1°s Ima�annu�al Insu�r�ana�
<br /> ol{ieyrt�ent of serrie• Upon the rsqwst of Under,� � es thxo la no dett�ull,these anaum�shall b�eppiled to the payment of taxea,�
<br /> prsrtium,texes end asseaunents pertalNng tc the Prop�he even�t of dsfautl.Lender shall have the right.et Ns:ole optbn.to eipPty tha funds w hsW to
<br /> easns�r►wnts end Inwrance e�raqulrsd o�the Property.
<br /> paY any taxss a epNnst the Oblfgt+tbns. Any funds ePP�led mey�at�°"d�r�°°Wian.b°aPP�isd In reversa order ot ths due dete thereal.
<br /> 10. INSPECTION OF PROPERIY,BOOK9,RECORD9 AND REPOHTS. Granta shall allow Lender or its eaonts to erernins�a" anyhassisL� --
<br /> ��x�b.��and melca copbs of Ciranta's booka and rocords PMeininp to the Property hom time to 1Tmr,. Grantor ahall
<br /> requind by Lender for lhese purpos�s. All of the dpnntures ertd Intortretlon contalned In Grar»a's books end roco►ds shal be 9enuine,true,eaurats and
<br /> corry�lste In ell rospects. Grantor shail note Ihe exis:�rwe of Lend�►'s bmeNdel�merest in tts books Q f�,a,$pfi�1��tu��?��P�A�-�
<br /> Qrantor snall r ,in a form�attalacc;tory to Lender,such Inforrretlon as Londer may c�st repercing
<br /> irt rtnatlon tumist»df�by�ta to�end�r�hdl be�tn►e�eocure��and cortplote/n a1l�respocba and sfgned�bY(iranta I�Lend�►rp�a st �y dssignate. Afl
<br /> 17. ESTQPPELCERTIFlCATES. Withln t�n(1nn�sstlnww�����h��q(9�ihe out�,�id�i°M����w �tlons;�and(bJLwhether
<br /> righte wlih resp�cf to tfw Obllpations,a dpncd -
<br /> p�an�a possea�ss any daims,defensea,set-0fts or ea�merda!ms whh respsct to the flbligations and,If so,the nalure ai wch delYa,defenras,tat-otls or
<br />- �h��r��e�M riia•aG�lO(e�i1 Ito aO�B��f e4�esi�edbsiat yrr�nt j^a timely tmanns�r��y�to the Intended transtoreewith reapect to these mattere In -
<br />' 1A. DEFAULT. Cirenta�hell be In doiauit under ihl�Dead of Trus�and the Trustee c power shall bocome operathre in the event that Grantor,Bortower or
<br /> enY guarentor of the OtAlpetions:
<br /> (a) feils to pay any Obiigotion to Lundor when dua;
<br /> (h) faila to per(orm any Oh119aUon o►breaches eny warrenty or covenant to Lendor�ontalned In rtils Oead ot TNit or eny other prosem or hnure
<br /> �~��' In en rreterlal re a subje�te tho Propnrty to sdzure,oonflacatbn,a oondemnation;
<br /> (o) desiroys.loses or dema9es tha PropertY Y ry �y to Lender;
<br /> (d) s�k�to ra+roks,ten�nate a othervrlae IimN Ba Uabiil under en gueramy
<br /> �s) dea.beconw�Npelh�ncomp�tenL Is dlasolved a teminated,becort�ss has a�n nvol�a►!r Potaidon���bankruP►cp filed In�whk:h arama, IBorrow�a
<br /> debb as they bocans dus.flba a ptifion und¢r th�ledorel bankrupteY
<br />�: o►any��uarantor ia nartx+d,e►has ProPe�Y taken under eny wrft or proosse of coun;
<br /> dlow�goods to b�used.trer►sportea w s�ored on iiw F����.iF��:M.:�^.:s°.s::�.sfkn.e+r�iun nf whkh,le 0aael: ,
<br /> (9) �'��Y P�Y othx than Qranta or Borrower to aswme a undattake sny Oblipetion wllhou�the writlen consam of Lx�ds►:w
<br /> (that th�prosp�ct of pnymrnt«ael�„ormna s�krpdro�d.ficant dedins In ths vaNie of ttte Proporq'�a If Lendsr.in yood falth�for any reason�bellevec
<br /> 1�. RKiHTS(JF LENDER ON OEFAUL7.If tMre Is a ds}aul�und�r lhis Deed of Tnst,Ler�dr shad be smitlsd to ex�rds�ons or mae of th�Idlowkp
<br /> • nrr�witho�n notta�a d«►wid(�xapt u nqulnd bY law1�
<br /> (�)to d�clr�tlw ObNp�tbns knrndai�lY dw rid P�1rabN In(ull;
<br /> (b)to ooM�ct tt»ouisl�ndrr0 ObMOnfau'�ith awfthaA matln0�o i��P�u� a CFutl�l�oonaNutir►p th�P�op�rty�t e pl�o�ns�sonedY
<br /> (a) tc nquk�Omlor a d�Ywr and m�k�av�ilM�M to I.��d�r�ny p�r�onal ProP�Y
<br /> carwr�Nnt to(iraMor anA l.+�nd�r: ol tl�Propaty wllhout�PP�W�O lor a obdnk►D tM ePPdntm�M of�no�lwr�nd,u L�rMw�o{�Ifon,b
<br /> (d) to�M�►upon Y�d Wo�Po�sn�fa�
<br /> �p�pok„�naiv�r wiMaut baid. wfthait Ant brft�rp wlt on th�Wiip�tlona uid witharl ottwrwiw rrw�tk►p ny sututory co�tiom n0�►dr►0
<br /> nalwn.N bdn0 kiNnd�d thU L�nd�nhal h�w thl�oonuaclwl rlpM to Mpoktt a nafwr:
<br /> (�)w�rrp0oy��p�of th�Pr�opKty�nd IN th�aarrn,N�I�r In Tru�'s awn norr�,In th�rwrr d L�rb�r a In th�rwrn of(irarnor��nd
<br /> aoNv�th�nnts.kioortw�.Isw�s red pn�flt�ol th�Propxty�nd apply 1M�artr.sI1K P6yfTM1110I aN fMCltf�l Ct�dQ�f YK��X�fIN{�on�ooaxA of
<br /> tt�06iipufons:
<br /> (4 a WY�Y Wx►w fn ny tortn or rtrn�r de�rrwd�x�nt by L�nd�r to prot�ct ths s�cwih of 1Ms DNd ol Truq o►to cur�eny dNault o1Mr thsn
<br /> WY�n of kiNn�t a prirK'.ipd on th�WN0�1fon�:
<br /> (0)b la�cla�1M�OMd of Trust J�idd�My a mn judd�NY and to dnd 1M�af�of 1M prope►ty ihrouph�xxd�s of OM pow�r of eal�aa tM�nwd In
<br /> p�raOraph 20 hK�ol ki�000ad�na rvl�e�ppWc�I�w�
<br /> (h)10 sM�off Gr�nta's ObNptllons aak��eny artpunt�ow�d Grantor by Lsndar indudnp�but rrot lirrited to�monl��. fn:trumenb�ond d�poNt
<br /> sooaxAt r.wkdak�d wNh L,�nd�r or�ny axnrmy�xittkp or tuluro�fffNet�of L�ndsr:and
<br /> (q w ox.rcis..a oa,.r tqAts avaNabl.a und.r urKNr snr ori,er wdn«,�g►.«r»m«aNpicaa.law.
<br /> L«x!K'��s w axnuiatlur and trry be�x�rds�d top�tfwr,Wp�rat�lY.and in eny mde. In ths avwit that Lendu insNtutss en edloa�kir►p ths
<br /> noowry o rty of 1h�PropKtyby way d ap�juiprtMrn nrtrdl'in an�ct�°^a�nst G�n�°r.�"t°r wafws th�postkp of�ny bond whlch
<br /> al�ewlw b nquk�d. Lend�r or LK�'�deiNpr»�rtry purohaf�th�Prop�rty at anx sat�. Prooe�dt of my Trust«�sab herwrKNr shaN b�
<br /> �xa�d th��etrwuM whl�m�Y a �P��d��1Ns DMd o�l Tru���scw�d.lo peYR�m o th���°"p��s������Y 1Mrd,to�ttw pe�and not`a
<br /> truq dNCls.r►�a10ep�+�a odtK Nmhoklae�a►�d th�hal�r►a.ff ony.to ttro p�rson or p�rsons f�p�Ny�r�tft{ad ther�lo. lM pfoputy or any pert therwf iney
<br /> stMl!not sxtir��i�ih o�r�xlwrst BN p�wwr ur�s tM��P��Y��sdd�ihe obligetims an pelif in�(uloi e or rt�ore ex�dset ot iM paver hwsin graMaC
<br /> , �������j���ET��Ain�tho��n�nsr�then tsqulrL bY law s to sell Grantof�intor�ri In tha Property by exorclse of itw pawer of
<br /> Upcn no�ipt of wch noHa of LondK�rW n tta dndion ot Lw�d�r�TNbtl�611BN CBUir 10 W�OfdOd.F�ublisMd end deliwt+s�auch notias of dsfault
<br /> and notlas ot sals a�mey th�n be roqWred by Iaw and bf'lhla Deed of Tnist. Tn�sus ehNl.onty at th�droctbn o}L�xMr and witrout derrw�d on Ciramor,
<br /> ahK wch tir►r at may then be rsquirsd by law e�nd nfler neatdetlon of wch notla ot d�f�ult end aRer notia of sale haWig been gNen ae roqu�nd GY law�
<br /> pq tM prop�rt et the Iime and placo of�alo Rxad lry fl In such notice of sak,Nther as whols a Inseperau bts a p�rods or fterna as Lsndsr ehaM d�ern
<br /> �sa .k or es o�th�twn Iss trey�then�b r quirad byrn Iaw.�Tnistee shali�delhiveer tlo su�chaser alpu d sere�hereofh�e Unl�andtauffldent dee�atd�eeds
<br /> �y��propsrty so wid,yut wilhoul ony covenant or wertenty.expross a Implled. The recNais In auch deed of any matters a facts shall be
<br /> cqfciu��f o� }�t�����5�'�eO�•o}y��y��rtion of Whs P Irop�rty.tlon,Grentor,Trustee or Lentler,may pirchase at such oale. Trustee may
<br /> = Zt, pEQUEST FOR NOTiCE3:Ciramorreqveatsr that a copyr of any notke of default end a copy of eny notice of sate henc�under be malled to each person _
<br /> who Is a perty hereto at the addreaa ot such person cot fonh hereln et the sairrie time and in the samo manner requ'vad ns though a sepxato request _
<br />- therAOf had beon Oled by each cudi persai. _
<br /> 7 —
<br /> .�
<br /> �
<br /> 3 -
<br /> a r�- �f� � =
<br /> �! Paq3d8 '^ w"� _
<br />°=� HEDOTC Rw.3198
<br /> -
<br /> � _ _ _
<br />