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<br />,m�� 2Z. �CURITY INTEHEiT UNDER THE UNM�CRM COAAM[RCIAI.CW3E. Thl�De�d o1 Trutt �hrl b�consWu�d uid b��Hatlw�� e H�
<br /> ' ;"� qat�nl u�d�flxtun Illinp punuani k tM proylrione ol 1M Unlform Ccx►m�rdM Cod�(�s�dopt�d In th�rtau wMn th�nal prop�tty I�loc�
<br /> covMlng tiwuns,chettel�,and ertld�s dpsrwnAl pop�(ty now own�d or hwwn�►an�ch�d to or to b�us�d In conn�c�ion with tha PropNty toptlM�r wllh
<br /> enY snq aN nplac�rrrm�Ih�rsol end s�ion�9h�r��o(tlw'ChattNa'),end Cireniw h�reby ams Lender a o�a�rity Inlera�t In auch Chetlsit. Th�d�blbt 1� _
<br /> ,�3 ��a dp��i�iW a�rni I�i to�ryl�d f ul�rDicard In M r��s�t�at n�d�of�wd��my��wMn nany part�ol sald pnrrilt�es(Indud�sald Nxl��s)I�tituat�sd WThIf —
<br />., •�,. L.T.
<br /> : DNd o1 Trust shNl dw be sttscthro a�t HnancMip st�tsmmi covering v►y ot►w►pr�miaa end rrey b�Olad in any oth�r approprlat�hNnp a noor
<br /> � ofHa. A ctubon.Photopreph�c o►olher reprodictlon ot ihis Ds�d ol Trutt a of any Nnancing statNrrnt nletino to thU Dwd ol Tru�t�h�ll b��uftidsm es s
<br /> -:�;. �x,anan�aa���ra�y o�tr,.�,�oN:rilKnd to In thts Parapraph. The Ncurad pany Is the Lsnd�r d��aib�d ebove. Upon dNnend.C�r�ntor rhall
<br /> .�;'� rrrk�.�x�xAs and doliva wch acu�iry a0r�rnnt4(as such tsrtn 1�d�Rn�d In teld Unitortn Corm�rdal Cod�l as L�r�r at eny Ilrrr rrwy tN�rn�
<br /> neceasery a proper or required to pfanito Wnder a perfected sacuriry Inisre�t In ths Chaflels,and upon(3rarna's lailur�to do ta,L�nd�r I�sulhoriz�d to"�
<br />.,y��� eign eny�uche�reemaN as tho ag»nt ol�rantor.Grantflr ha c6y nuthorf�e�Lender to file 8nandn{�ntaur►rms(a�wch tertn I�ddinsd In sald Unllam '
<br /> Corrrnrrdal Cod�)w8h ro:pect to the ChattN�.et eny time,wlthout ihe�Ipneturs ol Oranta. Granta wlll.howww,at eny tlrrM upon nq�wsl of Lw�d:r.
<br /> slgn such flnandng atetements. t3ret�tawill pay eN filing lees(a the filing ot wch flnendnp stetsrn�nts end fa ti�nfilinp th�r�ot at tM tlrtrs nqulrtd,In �
<br />" �-,� the opinlon ol Lender by sald Unitorm Cannercial Code. It the Ilen ol thls Qead of Trust b�wbJ�et ro eny sew►ity�prsNrMnt ooverin0lh�Chan�l�,tikn�
<br /> ���� In ths evant of eny default under th►s aad of Trust,all the right,title ar�d Inter�st of C3rentor In and to eny end ell of tho ChatlNs la Mnby aulgn�d to
<br />.- ,�� Lendar.togethar with the benefit of any dsposita or peyments naw or hereaher meds thxeof by Cirantor or the prsd�asson or�uoazso►s In tBN o}�
<br /> �•�,,� Citanta in the Property.
<br /> r3, pEMABUHSEAABNT OF AMOUlVT9�XPENDED BY LENDER. Lender,at Lende�e opllon,rrey expsnd fund�(Indudinp atlameya'le��end Iqel�
<br /> t •' expensos)to parfam eny ect requlred b be teken by Qrentor or to oxerdse any righl or remady of Leridx uncier this Deed ot Trust. Upon dertx+nd,�renla
<br />:._;� .+,�' shall im►�ed'iately relmburse lerider for al cu�amourris oxpendsd by Lende►topether wrih Intarest th�rson at ths{owK o}the hi¢»st rats daaafb�d In eny
<br /> ;f�•�: Ot�{igetbn a ths highest rats allowedpy Isw trom ihs date of payrtbnt until ih�dat�of rNmbursenxm• Th�as wm shell bs Included In ihs d�flnflbn of
<br />�=h,-ts�, Obllgetlons hereln end shall be eeairedby tha benefidal Imerest prented herNn. If ths Odigationa erepa{d aflnr the baginninp of aiMkatlon of notla of
<br />;';�„ � sale,es hereln provided.or In the evcini Lender ahaN,at ws sr�le optton,pemiit Orenta to pey any part o1 th�OdIgatians aher the bsgkming at puWicatlon of
<br />:;.�� notice of sale,as hereln avided.thsn,arantor chsll yon ckmand aH expenses Incur►ed by ihe Truat�s end Lender In connactlon with eatd publkeAon.
<br /> " Indudkig reasonabfe eno�meys'feea totie ananeys(a Ihe Trustee end for the Lender,end e roaaonabls fee to the Trustee,end this Deed of Trusl sF�ell b�
<br /> _� aewrity for all such e�nr�s and tse�.
<br />--_�"'�'-"�� Z{, AppLiCpT10N OF PAY�RENTS.me Tmstr�sha9 e�ly the prooeeds of the lrustee's aaie flrst,to ihe costs end expensae°}ta k�i�the�oe�J�Tr�uetf
<br /> _�=�.r sate and of the sale,induding thep�ynw►t of the Truslee'i�ees edually incurred not to exoeed t�e arrourA wfAch mey be Provided
<br />'==,�,M seca�d,to payit�ent of the oUiipetlon Wcurod by ihe Deed of Trust,thfrd,to ths payment of junior deeds of irust,mortga8es w other Benhddero,end the
<br />-;_ be{tu►ce,it any.to ihe pxaon w persona le9ally enthled therelo.
<br /> .'�TF� 4e, pp1NEA CF AT�ORNEl7. Orenta hereby�nts lender as Bs uttomoyan-tec�to endorse Qiama's mme on ell Instrumenla end otfeer doeuments
<br /> p e r lairYn p qa the Obligatlons or Dead of Truat. n addition,Lender shalt bo mtitlad, but not requMad,ta�ofiortn eny ection or ax�cute any doaxront
<br /> requIred to ba teken w exeaned by(iranta under thls Deed ot Trust. Loidara_perfomianoe e 1 such aci l on or ex o a n l e n o f such doeumente ahaN not
<br /> _= rWl�ve(9remor from eny Obligation orwra eny defauH undor this Deod of Trust. AH powers af Attomey doacribed inihis Deed of Trust ere coupled wrih an
<br />=-=- Interest and ere krsvocable.
<br /> � 20. SUBROGA710N OF LENDER. larxier sheN be subrogated to tho righta of the holdor ot eny provious kn, securfty Interost a eneumbrance
<br />`•� dsd�evg�d wlth(unda advaneed by Lendor regardess of whether thece Ilens,sewriry irrterasts a other sncumbrances have been released of record.
<br /> '�� 27. COLLECTION C09T8. To the onentpert�ned by law,Qrentor agreoa to pay LendeYS reasonade tees end oosts,inciuding,but rat��mited to,fees
<br /> and costs of aflaneys and other�geMs ((ndudnp wnAout IlmRatlon peralogals.derk.a art�consultanis),whsthu or not such etlomey or�en t la ar�
<br /> -- emoiovee ol l.nnder.which ara incurnd by Len�rTn ooflec�fny any arrnurrt due a anfacing any rigM a rertrdy irids►this Deed of Ttu�t,whether a not
<br /> wt1 fsbrouDrn.Indudkp.but not NmtlWto.aN tws end costs�ncurred on appeai,in oanim,picy.a�w�v�µ+.�-�..a��•:•'!M::.r.:�I�s.
<br />��' 2s. PAR�AL RELEASE. Ler�r may relsea its inten:t In ep�r�ion of the Prop�ty by execWrg and ��p oM o► rr�e Partial D�d� af
<br /> R�oorweyar►oe witt�out att�ctkq fls f�txest M the rorr�akik►p portton of the Property. Nothln0 hsrsin shall b�dbrnNto ol�lipat�Ler�to nMaa any of Hs
<br /> IM�mt In itis Prop�rty(�xwp s�r�q,k�d und�r P��38 a ea may be olherwlae requind�y Imv)�nor shaN UndK w oblipsNd to neleu��nY P�
<br /> -- of th�Ptop�rty It G�arita I�in dNwlt u�r thls D�sd of 7ruq. The INn end�y kn�nat cnafid by ttN QMd ol Tru�t rernin In�H�cl wNh n�ct to
<br /> -- That portioa of tM propKty,as d�Ar►�d in tM DNd of Trust,Ihal is not ihe aibpct of t�is or any Pertial DNd of Reoaiveyancs
<br /> - �Y, 1AODIFICAiION AND WAIVEiI.TM rtwdllcation or waiwr o}any of Orantor'a Obifpsdons a l,��s rkt�ts undK tMs DNd of Tru�t muW b�
<br /> oont�d In a wri�in0 tlpr►W bY I.K�du. L«�de,m�y p�Aortn�ny of Borrower�a(ir�rnor'a ObKptllon�.ddny or f�l to�x�rdw any W flf ripM�a�cc��
<br /> payrtwMs Irom Cirantor or anyarM otMr than f3mla wBhout cawkip a watver of tho�ObNp�tlons a�ls. A walv�r on or►�oocatlon�h+M not oontmin�
<br /> ■waiwr on any Wl�r ooeaalon. GranWr's Obtlp�tlo�s urxMr thls ONd of Trust shaM not bs afNewd ill�r�d�r er�w�ds.oo�m aN�n �xdw�o�i,�f�to
<br /> �z�rciN,kr�p�k�a relMf�s�ny of NM ObNpst�a»b�bnpkip to any Cirama,Bortowa a thkd a�ny of its�Iphu q�rry C�ranta BoR a
<br /> hw��1 d r�iy t�,:n`�:e.r 1��:�IWun to InM�i upon strld p�rtomrno�af eny of th��bns�hNl�o1b�d�rnd a wrvw�L�nd�r�haM
<br /> upon arica p.rrortrono..
<br /> �0. =UBSi17UTE TRIISTEE;TRUSTEE LIA6ILITY:CO�APENaAT10N. In cas�of 1M dwth,ktei6iYty.nlusal to�et a sbWt�cs of ih�TrusN�h'om ttN
<br /> st�N wMn 1M rni y is bcstbor In ua�ths hold�r ol 1Fisp�riani�haM d�sln for any roaon to nmow M Tru�tM or any wbstHul�1ruNw a�
<br /> m,a..nnw,nd.r.nd�.ppor�a�w �tia«h n�•Pt.o..�a a�ad,the tiold�r of tt»ol��uon��i h��ry vmt�d tuN powsr w appolm k�vrrit�a
<br /> wbstitut�L�uqM la taW Trus1M.ardtl�e wbsUMa trusue ehaM.wFbn oppokNSd.b�carp sucasaa to all rf�ts ol Tru:ua hesixb�r and th�ser►»
<br /> b�pprtl�yrq�d kl hkll IOf iFN pU1PDfMOIfd d1j�d{Of lhif DMd OI TN61 Mllth!N tMpow!f.dIAIN N%I ObIIQ�IOfli IN��1f1 COflf�ff�Of11�TNi1M. TNf1N
<br /> �h�M not b�If�bM lot�rty�ra of �r or�cl don�by Trustee�a b�othsrwiw �ids or socax�tebM undx eny draxrntar�ces whatwivK.
<br /> TrustM�h�N not b�qna�lly N�6 w�e of�ntry by h a anym�setinp by vklus of pow�n h�nin_ �ranNd k upon the DNd of Tni�t(a d�bb
<br /> do�a sl��� irnrrrd In the or opxatfon of�dd pnrtilw�. Trust�s �tNn hew tMr�ht to on�r►y InsirurtMnt,
<br /> « tnp eny�rttelcen orpr to I»take�by n tNroimdsr or Lxwved byll In tdth to be���
<br /> Trus1N shap 1»anitl�d fo n���r�ns�s inGxrsd by N ln t�porfomenoe of Rs duttn h�rwindsr and to rou oortqnsatbnior su�h
<br /> d M�wrvbaa h�r�nd�r�s shM M nrxl�nd. iiramor will.hom tkre to tim�.P�Y corrp�nuUon dw Tnist�s herKmd�r end nknbix�e TructM for and
<br /> saw end hold fl h�s kom end aqlnst my end aq ba�,coat,ilabiNry��end exp�ns�whataowsr Miaxrad by N In th�pMioreriaxs o}Ns duUes.
<br /> NI rr�eyr noeivad by TrustM�hatl,uitil us�d a eppYsd as herNn bs hNd In wst fot ttw sta for wNch 1heY w�rs noelwd.but r►ssd not
<br /> rtprM��ncefvsdM�it hera�indx�eny atfro►moneye(excepl to sxtem nquksd by law)and rustee�hall b��mder no UabNity tor knerast on any
<br /> 91, SllCCESSORS MIO ASSIGN9, Thls Deed oi Trust ahaN be bl�pon and k�ure to tM benelH oi C3rentor end Lender end thek reapsctMe
<br /> wocKwn�as�►s.tro�ts�s.rec�iwn�adrtintrnaton.Persa►al roproscntat s.I�patee�drid d�vhasr.
<br /> � �' 92 NOTICE9. Exupt s�ottMrwis�nquked by lew.eny ootice a other oamiunfcation to b�provWrd onde 1h�s Debd ot'i ruat ehe�be in wtiting end 6snt
<br /> to dw prtl�s at th�sddnas�s d�sab�d In thia Ueed ot 7rus1 a such other addross es ths pen{ss rrey d�signaM In w�fing hom tirre to tirrr. My wch
<br /> -- notioe w yhr�n end Mntby tint clat�meN,Postage Prepe►d,shall be desrnsd givsn 1F��arNsr of thre�(3)doys aA�r such notfoa ia ssM a when noMv�d
<br /> by the p�raon to whorn sud�notke isaing plven.
<br /> --- -=�� 33. 6�1fERABIUTV. Wt�wwr poufbi�.eaci�provlilon of thls Deed of Truat�hall be krterpret�d a aa to be ell�cttw end vaNd untl�r epPWcrbw stei�
<br /> - —���
<br /> Iaw. If eny prwfslon ol tMs De�d of Tms1 vklatn ths law or Is uneniorceable,ihe nst of tM Os�d o1 Trust�haU oaninu�to bs vaiid end snforesabb.
<br /> -_^�"""a 34. APPLICABLE LAW. 'fhle peedof Ttust ah�ll be goven»d by ihe lawe of ths state when tha roal proEwrty Is beatod. Unkss appikahls Inw provld�s
<br /> ___:_._.— otF�wlw,G►antor cons�nts to the julsdictbn aM venue of any court selected by Lender,In its sde disaetkx�,k+cated In that stete.
<br /> _ ��� 36. MISCELLANEOUS.Grantor aM Ler�dx agee that tlme Is ot the ossence. Grenta waives presentment,deirend(or payment.notice ot dshonor and
<br /> ptoltst,�xapl as rsquk�cl by law. A➢rslereneos to Grantor In tMs Deed of Truct shall Include atlpersons slpnying below. If there fs more than one drentor,
<br /> Y..n.....�...�...���...�...�.�.b.t.,..�..
<br /> ,.c„�,-.-,�,�, 1MR()p9gslrons si�en ueIo�m anu serwai.inis uew oi iruai reprasenis iiie un7javio ii�iebra�v„u��a�d�..�.a.A...w...»......�-....,.--..--�--.—_.�._
<br />'-L:s"-:..; � the t�rrtu end condillonS h�reol.
<br /> ��� 3d. NO 1HIFID PARTY RIGtITS_ No person Is or shall be a thlyd perty benefldary ot enyp�ovfslon of thls Deed of Trust. AII�xovlsluns of thls Deed of �
<br /> .�•i' Trust In favo►of Lender are IMended�olely for the benetit of Lender,end no thlyd party ahall Ye entltled to essume or expect that Lender wfll no1 walve or �
<br /> consent to the modflcatlon of any pravlsion of 1Ns Deed of Trust,In Londer's colo discrotlon.
<br />:;. . �
<br /> � . ..�: 3Y. PRESERVATION Qf LIABILlTY AND PRIORITY. Withoul affecting the Ilahllily of Borraver (3renta,or any guarantot of the ObUgatlons,or any other k
<br /> pe►son(oxoept a person expressly nNased fn writing)for the payrmit and pe�tomianco of ttie bbllgatlona,end wilhout ailECting the rlghte ot Londer wkh _
<br /> ••.,n,+., reapect to eny Pop�Ry not expresdy reteased In wdtlng,and without Imp�idng in en��yway tt►e priority of thla Deed of Trust ovar th-�nterest of any person �
<br /> , . � c�u Ired a fint erWdenor,d by recor6g subseqi�em to the recadng ot thls QeAd ol Trust.Lender rtgy,efther befae or efter the mai.�riry oP tho Obllaatlons,
<br />- ,;4�, . a��d wflhout nntice or conaent:retease any persai Bable torpayrnent or porfomier�ce ot ell or any pan of tt�e Obllpatlons;make anyagrooment altering the _
<br /> -i�_k� - tem�of pa t orp�iom�ence of dl or any part of the Obllgatlons:exordse or refreln from exerdsing or waive any�iaht or reriwdy that Lender rrey have �
<br /> under the eed of Trust;acoopl addilanal aaa�rity ol any kind for eny of the Obllgatlons;or rMease w otherwise deal with eny real or personal prop�rty
<br /> '`•'`�„ sewring the Obtlgetlona. An persm aalulring or recor�ng evldence of eny Imerest of an nature In the Pruperty ahall be deemsd,by ecqulring such =
<br /> . . Inte�ast or racording any evide xe thereof,to have consentod to all or eny such ectbna by Le�. _
<br /> NEDOTD R�v.119t Pt�pe l d 6��J �
<br />