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<br /> �T t• , . . "' ..__J11Ji,illti..� ..-•.... .
<br /> . ., ...�r ..., .. ... .. . ��SfI'::)L*1Y..W,'pf'f:':.
<br /> �:il.n�. ^9�'_l��:.,�in��...-
<br /> - . , . . _.Ji'. . �� .+_�rTv''�`J.�....--Ws.--r.�—•
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<br /> ' f• � __- -- .. ... . ''ft:-r!rav.�.'r_.°-^_Lm'�.=_�....�- -_._
<br /> . 1 .s . . ...... . . ... _.
<br />.�.1:.��u.�
<br /> �y�^���� (c) All eppNcabls law�and ny�uletbn�,Yiciudinp,w�hout Iimfl�tiar�,th�Arner{tsn�whh Dlsabllltba Acf.42 U.S.C.Ss�tion t2101 �1 s�q.(end�II
<br /> ::z.��� vlrtue of an (ederei,ttete or munidpal
<br /> �ti�-� • rpulstlons p►omulp�l�d tMrwn�Mrl anddl zonk►p and buN�np Iw�'��nd rpubtfons rNating te tM PropertY by Y
<br /> .. .. ..� �UtU«I�y wlth k�risdictlon owr th�PropMy,.pr�t�sntly are end aheB b�obaw. �d tu�d compil�d wN I��olr neoncontor�ngt usesa d tl�nsltsl�apec on
<br /> .perErdU,nnd urtlflcxte�01 occupency(Inc��ding but rAt Ilmlted to zo�lrtg varlancer,spedd o�l t�he Property,prosemly are and shall Iw obtaired, �;:
<br /> � ' •'.�' r�pprov��),wh�th�r urr�porery a p�rrrw�m,which u�met�IN to�M us��nd oauPsncY
<br />: ;,,_: pnNrwd and,wt►�ra n�u�uuy,nn�,wb:
<br /> ; ;' � (d) Qr�nta h�e Ih�rl�A end��duly eutlariz�d to sxocuu end p�rlorm It�Obllpatiom unds►ihh Deed ot Trust end the�e ectlona do not and nhall no1�
<br /> ,A conflid with IiH provl�lon�al sny�tatut�,rpule�lon,ad�nuws.ruN o�law�comraet a other ayrwment whlch maY�e dnding on C3rantor at eny time; '
<br />,',r,�•.y�. •� (i) �M,y�a p.��np Ir a�hall b pondinp a thnat�nsd whldi mbht mst�rtally ettrcl tha PraAarly:end
<br /> 'T'' .. (1)Qrenta ha�not vlolat�d end�hall noi vlolsU sny n�tuu.npulat{aL ordnanc�,rub ot law,contracl w other aqreemsnt(Includiny.twt not Ilmitad to
<br /> '' thoto povemina Hnzarubue MAterlats)whlch might mat�►lally eHxt fhe Prupsrly or Lendsr's rlghte or Interest In the Property pursuant to thln Deed o� `
<br /> �_
<br /> Tmst.
<br />:.���
<br />.���W� 7. PRiOR DEED8 f�TRUST. Orenta r�+roa�nt�end werrenta that ih�r�ara no prior de�d�ollrust att�ctinp any pert of iho Props�y s�xce�pol trust the
<br /> on Schadul�B snach�d to thle DNd o1 Tmst,whlch Ora�fa ayrces to pey errti pertortn In e tlrtwly manner. If th�re are eny prl
<br /> — Qranla ep's��t�pay�il enwunU ow�ol t�it eh�bs e�dsttauft ur�id�r hls ONd of�Trus�t endteheti e�Lsnderto�l right�e and re�m d ye�comel h
<br /> ' '.:� sprN�that a d�hufl und�r eoY P�
<br /> h�r�ln nr In the Obllpstions to which lenderwould be�nlflled In ths ewnt of eny mhsr dsfaufl.
<br /> , 4. TRAN9FHR9 OF 1HE PROPERTY OA BENHFiCIAL INTERESTS IN�1FiANTORS OR BORRdWERB. In the evem ui a saJe,conveyance.kasa,
<br /> -�,�:4^� contran fa dNd or tramta to eny p�rsonc4 a4 c►anY Pa►►of iM roal propsrty desa'�bed��ScFw��e A,or any IMerest the►ein,or of ail��y�benefld«
<br /> _-�.�_., Inter�st In Bortowsr a Qrentor(It Bonow�or Qrantor la not a nature���of ths Obllya�aus�lac�ued I�n�es�1�°O�y I�ata�y due and
<br /> .--.-�- other 1�1 smily).L�r�r may.at N�optkn dsdar�1h�outatendinp
<br />_ -_''�'� payabls. A1 Lx�dar's;squ�a�ti�e��°r����Ne o�xrnership neenate�m��a corrpkte statement setting farth all of its atocWiolders,rrorti�rs,or
<br /> �_�• °� . parinets,es ePPr�
<br />._'�;-.Y�.
<br />�sst�� s. A88Wt�IM1ENT OF REH78. In consid�ratlon ot ihe Oblipailons,whlch ure ucurod bY t�nse�ll��ng ersitd� fau�tun ka�aes oi theEPO�Pa►Y(��"C
<br />-,.�s::�'�■ CiraMOr'�sstat���{�ht,titl�.IniKast,daim and dsmand now own�d a harsalt�r aoquUed
<br />:!�ui�.�,,,�`-,'.�' ax�anslon�.renewai"s end wi�atee).alle�eernK►te fa us�and acwpar►cY of tM Pro�erty(etl such laas�e and eproemsnts whsthar written w ord,are
<br /> •;:;��i,t tNnaft�r nbrr�d to es tF►�'Lsas�s"1,and atlguarantkc of les,.cos porfom�ance t+nde►the uasas.toysther whh the Irmbdiete and continuing ripht to
<br /> ° a}t�` oullect end nalve all oi tho rente,IncYxr�e,rece�pts�revawes.Iswes,proflta end othar incans of eny natura rww a herc�fter due(indudinp eny In�at
<br /> -°'''�#,�' arry naturo comin9 d�e durinp eny rederrpion psriodl under the Laassa a hom u erWrr�ou►of ths Proporty indudiny minlrtum renta,edatbnai rents,
<br />�'`�'"``. p�rcen t e g s r e nta. p a r k i n g a cormion erea ►r�elMMance c�tribulbns.tax end insurance contributlons,-defkasncY ronte. Ilquldatsd dama9as fdbwiny
<br />�;�-;,�. d,fe„n��,y�a�,e��proceeda payable under any polky of Ina�ranca cuvaring loss o t rente resu 8 in g h om ununrntebii l ry causad by slosttuctian or
<br /> dort�to 1M Prop�rty all proceeda peYabl�as e resu4 ot a letas�'s axKdss of an opifon to purchaso the Pi�dal�m of��kind w�di C3rant r
<br /> tertNnatlon or njectlon oi any Lease In a�nkruptey or other InsoNeney end allprocseds hom any►ight
<br />��i1� �� may huvseq�nst eny lessee under the Leases a any ocaupante oi tha roperty�I of the abc the Rems.BThlsa sign�mern Ise ecordud inhazco�dence w�h
<br /> aatl0nrrient I�wbjsct to the rlght,pawor and authorfity glvan to ihe Lender to ooNat.i end aPP�Y
<br /> ::��; epp�CaMs stata taw:ths ilon aeated by ihla asalgnmem la Intencied to ba apsdflo�Per(scted�end ch°ato upon th°r°c°rding of thla Qeed of TruaL ell a�
<br /> _- pro�,{ded by eppllcabls atat�law es amended hom tlme to tlms. As long a�itwro Is no dstauft under the Otilgatlons a thls Dsad of Trust,Lender prenta
<br /> �.::�-�. o�a
<br /> 'i�;: 4rentu a rwocat�le Iicensa to cdbct ell Aents from ihe leases wtwn du�end to Q��«�s at Qear�r's Inttitution. Upont defaWl In tM peyment
<br /> _°,� • mey at eny tkrr nquiro Grantor to dspos�a�l Fents Into ar account malmNn�d by
<br /> -_•..,,,��� of.a In the pertomwwe ot,my ot ths ONpatlons,Lender mny at Its opibn take po�assbn oo���„y��I R n a h�om�F»prop�rtll�e�t��r
<br /> T Praperty on temn and for a period oi tlms that Lender desrtn Proper. L�n�►may Pr0°� °� all Rents in
<br /> �`"i:�� shell h�ve tull aower to mek�alteratbns,renovallona.repdro or reptecementa to the Prcperi�as Lsnd�r may daem Proper. Lendsr me�Y pPPhi
<br />,,������ LendEtiY9 sob d�tion to pdyn»nt pt 11�e voii0etiions or io tiib E+ey��o�� a�iF:CCL:II!O:._..9.ka�flnA�d O pne r8110�1 01 the P(O�Ity. L�tldse f frMY K��p tIMY
<br /> e�nses indd�nt to taking arxi r�tainingposses�lon of ihe Prop�rty perlodlcally and tM rronaflsrtrent
<br /> p►oPB1b Fx�Y Insured Md mey disctur9e any tax��,cherp�s.dakns�assessrtierrts ar�other Ikns which may eccnH. Ths�xp�ns�and cost of 1FNSs
<br />�?'�`��� actions mny bepaId hom the RRnts raoelved�end any unpeld e�rwu�t��hall bs added to the prindpal of the 06Ilpations. 'Ih�a emounts,top�thrr whh
<br />:�v�� otMr costs.chall Moortie pen of th�ObNpntiom sscured bY this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ="°"`-�y e.LEASEB AND OTHER AGREF.�AEMB. (ironta�hall nol taka or tell to take anynaction�i�di�y In�dditb�n,�C�3re�iit wf�t�o�rt��r�P�O���
<br /> a�Y P�Y�T»^t In oonrndion wlth eny Lsaw w otM►��ert»rn('AprMrr�nt�)PMb kW o or Wow�
<br /> - con..m,sr,dl na:(a1 oa�.a.ny mont��a•r�u � any/wn�nwnt mor.u�an on.monm In ad�ranc.:tn1 mod�ly anr Apr��1����
<br /> IMn, �rity kiun�t a otMr�ncumLxnu to be p�W�f3rarAOr�rl�Ms.titN and Int�ntt ki and to�nY Apn�n�ni
<br /> - - iMr�r:or(d)tirt�net�a canod onY A�rNrnsnt�xdpt for tM nonpayrrwnt of any wm w WI�mN�ld bn�ch bY ih�otM►p�rty tlNnto. If Gr�ntor
<br /> - noNvn at any tirrw�ny w�kt�n oormralcellon as�rlinp a d�hWt by Cxantor�xid�r an Ayrwrrnnt a purportinp to t�rtNnaN a anMl any Aprnrt»nt.
<br /> ---- Qramor�iiell y forvrerd s copy d wch corrmxilcation(and any sulx�4��t oort��+tlons nlntinp 1Mntu)to Lsnd�r. All�uch AqrNrrnMs�nd
<br /> — tM ertqur�� to Cirontatl�x►d�r w t»r�Y esflpr�d to Len�r as addtlonal uaxicy for ttu Oblfptlbns.
<br /> 7.CGLI.EC11oN OF MIDEBTEDHESS FRaM T1�MRD PARTY. ux,d.r.naN e.•min.d�o nony a nyuk.cxam«�o no�tty�ny tl�rd p�ny(k�dud�p,b�n
<br /> rat flmN�d to.l�ssM��Ilanw��.pov�rm�ntal suthaitl�s end q�surana�a)to pay LaxMr�ny Ind�bl�drNU a obNp�tlon owln0 to Granta wNh _
<br /> -- rosp�ci to tt�e Prop�rty (wmulaihro�y'Nci�bt�dr�a�) �1°�►°r�01 °d°at�t exlqs ur�r Mis ONd of Trust. Granta rhaY diNp�ntiy coN�ct 1►N
<br /> - Ind�badn�u a�vk�p to Groma hom tt�thkd partN�un1N th�avkip of wch notiflcatlon. lof�wd�i n�o,ltf ati�a If rt�i�f Ins~tnxrwnts a�otMr r�mlltsrwa
<br /> any tn�trummts a othw nrNtlano�a+x�h re�p�ct to th�Indabl�ss IoNowinq th�¢ving �������t��s and ottNr
<br /> oonstNul�1M pnpnyrt»�►t of eny Ind�budiHS�or tM payr►rnt of any inwrana or cand�rrnerion procNd�.
<br /> r�nitlar��In wtt ror L�rx1K W�rt fromRs otl»r prop�rty.andorw ih�In�trumsnts end other ntNttar�a to L�ndn�uid ImrrdelNyt�P►ov�)1�x11.�r�d�►ind t�M
<br /> _--_ �s.��on ot cn.�,•wmsms e�a omw rsmn.ncea. �end.►�b..n�nad,a�noi recK,ind.to oawa lay��roaeakw�
<br /> __`�'� tkn�(a peyrrrnt.compromla,�xchenpe or robeee eny oblipor a odlat�wl.or oriHrwls�attle eny ol the Ind�bt�u wtNtYwr w not�n�v�nt of d�(twlt
<br /> srJtts ix�d�r lhis AyrMrtMrd. Lender sIW nm I�IIatM to�rdntor for eny ection,arter.mistelu,omisslon a delay rtp to IM Nctionr d�jalb�d In this
<br /> ---- pnr�rph a eny dsmeps� rosullin� thorsirom Natwithstandfng the (oregolnp. nothing hereln 1 cause LendK to bs dNrrnd e
<br /> Rp�(��-In•pOtfe6f1011•
<br /> - - !. iJ9E AN��AI�INTENANCE OF PHOF�ERTY. (irenta ehall teks all xtion�end rrek�eny repein ne�ded to rt�akrtein th�Proparty in pood condf8on•
<br /> Gramar shap nol oonmN a psrtr�it any wasU to be oomr9md with ro�psnt to ihe Property. C��antor�hall us�iha Pn�p�y wkly in cortpllana wNh
<br /> �pplkebN law and Inwrar�polid�s.arantor shall not mek�eny aN+ratlont,additions or Improvsirbnt�to th�Property wNhout L�r�'�prior wrftl�n
<br /> cons�M. Withart Ikrilinp ths t��oI nq,dl alt�retion�,addtion�at►d improvarrnnls msds to tho Property ahaN b�W�bj�ct to ths benefldal InUroat b�lonpinQ
<br /> to L�ndaf.rhall not bs nmovsd rvlthout Land�r's prlor wAtNn oonssnt.and�tbll be rtBde at Cirentor's cde�xpsnee.
<br /> __- 0. LOSS OR DAMSAE. Grenta shaY bear tM smk��1tk of any baa.theh,destn�ction or dame9e(cumubtively Loaa or 0�r�ps)to iha ProWerty a any
<br />�-���;�� ponlon theroof hom enY ceus�wtu►tsave�. In the went of eny Loaa a Darnage,Gramor shdl,at tix optlon of Lsnder, rapeir the'attsctad Property to Rs
<br /> - pre�bus cmdition a pay a eause to be peld to Lendor 1tN deaeasa in the falr ngrket vaiva of th�aflected Property.
<br /> ��"°� 10. INSURANCE The Prop�AY will b kepl Inwred for Ns fuli Insurabfe value(�apIacert�ent cott)eqainst ell hazerds Includiny lo�a a dar►gps causad b11
<br /> �=-+,K,.u�"� fbod,earlt�quak�.tomado end flro. tMll or ottror cawally to the axtent required by Lender. Grantor may oMain Insurance on ihe Prop�rty hom sucF
<br /> ---,;;:y�_,L� ea aro a000pid�ls to lsnderh Ra eole dsaeU°^. The Inturence poildes shall requlre the Inwrence cortpany to provkis Lend�rwRh et kast
<br /> = �n�� days'written not}a befao auch policles ara eltered u canalbd In e�nY manner. Tha Insurance policfee ehali name Lend�r as e bss
<br /> alnl to ttw
<br />=-��`���� pay�ovT�e'Ihat no act u omiasbn of Oranta or eny other peraon shall aHeet the hght of Lende►to be pekf the Insurena proaa�da P� �0
<br /> '�;,,;�r;�r�: bss or damage of the Propehyr. In tha event Granta talis to acqulre or rreintain insurence.I.ender(after Exoviding notice os may be requfrod 6v taw)may
<br /> :;_;g4,� .,�„�s. ����s d t s c re t i o n p►o a ireeppropt{ate Inwrance ooverege upon the Properry and the insurance cost ahell be en advanoe peyade and be�ring lnterost ea
<br /> �•a���� ��ye��n parapreph 2 3 a n d taarirod hereby. Cirentor shall fumisti Len t l e r with evidence o f Insuranco In d iea t ing t h o r e q u l r e d e o v e r e g e. L e n d e r rre y act
<br /> -="�';�'�: na aflomayIn-tacl fa(3rentor In maWnp and settllnp dalms under Inaurence polldoa,canco�lin g nrry pollcy or��ddeslWered to Lendeer s rther securlt yr
<br /> : o �� negollabia lnsirument ckawn by any inwrer. All such Inaurence polides shall be Irtmodlately ass igned,pl e u g e a
<br /> - �?��-_�_ _.� _._....,.w. �e.,f....r�n i�afolv dve Lender writlen notloe and Lender Is authorized to rr�ake proaf of loas. Each
<br /> ------- .,..,--°---
<br />-,`Y.,�� iOf Ifl�Vul�{�LLIMtO. ��
<br /> �u
<br />,•,.�.,_^ r Inauronce oompanY Is�directed to rreke paymentn directly to Lende�instead o}to Lender and Grcuitor. I.enaer snaii nave ino ng�i,ai�io o�„o:�.�M�..••
<br /> t apply cuch monles toward ths Obligatbns or towerd the cost ot rob�llding end rostoring the Proporly. My emcunts rrgy at Lendor s oplion be epplied In
<br />_ ; �he�mrerse order ot the due datos thereof.
<br /> • � ' . ,,��. 11. ZONM10 AND PiiIVATE COViENANTB. Cirantor shall nrn fnlllate or conaent to any cheng�In tt�e zoning provisions or prfvata covonants attecting iho
<br /> � usc of tM Property wlthout Lander's prior wrltten consent. II�rentor's use of ihe PropeAy becomes e nonconlomdng use under any zoningprovlslon,
<br /> Gramor shall not cause a permit auch use to bo mscominued or abandoned wlthout the p r i o r written consent ot Londor. Grantor will Irmiediately txovide
<br /> . , Lender with written notice of ony pnposed changea to tho zoning provislona or privats covenents aNecting the Property.
<br /> 12 CONDFJI�lA710N. Grontor sl�all imrnediately provldo Lender wNh written n�tice of eny actuN or threatenod condermatlon or eminent domaln
<br /> �,� �• prooeedng pertalning to Ihe Property.Afl monlos paYable to Cirentor irom nueh candtrmaslon or taWng are horeby esslgned lo Londur t�nd ehall be applled
<br /> - -'��'',
<br /> " ���I�p�to��gd�ings and hen et he optyion o L nder.Ato he pnymont ofehe ONI�gailons o�the res o et on�or r psir of�the Propeny�ndarrna�lon or emfnont
<br /> �•�,: • .
<br /> .:'`�1i�_��-1�'
<br />� ' , ~ NE�OTB RN.1194 PoQo 2 d 8_�-„�—=
<br />