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RqiQIIILLt) <br /> AGi�1�$g �DQRrc�S <br /> 7915 c1uALEe !4 N 9715 CMitLlfe s'l M <br /> aI�AND I�LU+n Ne'b80U35B06 OAaHD 16Ll�eln:7a 68803580� <br /> '[S,��IR1ME110• ;��l7f�1�A'tWMNCI. �(�� D/Nt�16/�'AONM�..':.: . <br /> 455354Q14 45535��Y4 . <br /> ?NUO�EE: ►IRtT B�NK O)WUtH DAlOOTA Nl1 <br /> i0 BOI S{00 �SOOX►1►AL� eQ 57117 <br /> In eondd�nllon of the loan or mhsr aodlt eocortrrwdation herelnafter spedNed end enY tuture advances or tuture z7l�lpationt,as definad h�ro�n,wMch <br /> .M���,x.s M�,M�oed or Inwnad end the wat herelnaNer rt►3ntionsd end other good xnd valuatAe conslelere�n.tlw realptlend���fAdsn�woesia�end _. <br /> aro henbY ncic�ow�dOb• Oramor henby Inevoed�ly wartents.�erf�ns. e�ns.transi�rs�pran Cr�:. <br /> aulpns,IN TRU3T WITH POWER OF SALE for the b�rplit and eecudlY of rirsa eant oi �outT P�toL.� Ittatious]. xuc+ci�tlonL <br /> � ('Lander'),tt►a <br /> b�n�lfd�ry und�r tNs D�i of Truq,unda►end subject to tFw Iemx end conditbns herNn�st lorth,w8h ripht of�ntry and posa�ulon ell of Cin��ta`Q�herNn <br /> ond t�rt�xs estnte.rfpM�tittie�nd kiurest In end to tM roal proWeAy de�aibsd lo Sch�duls A wFdch I�r�dwd�yo thl�D�of Trust and k►caPora eu <br /> by this nhnna,wpNMr with aN pnfa»rid lulun ImprovsrrMnt�and Hxturos;dl ter�pfble p�r Ind wfthatt Iimftation aM trochinerY� <br /> buiklkp rtytKlais.and Oood�of�wry natun(�xckxlnp oonswn�r pood�l now or Mn�lt�r bcated on a ua�d h oonn�dkxi wilh tM nN <br /> a�op�r�t,whNt»r or no1�Mz�d to ttM I�nd:prlviNpn�h�ndit�rrrnts,end ePPurl�nar►a�kwMx�"q�II c�l°P"r�►� �M° uwdeNd with ttw PropKty. <br /> wt�Mr P►wlou�ll'or w�c��H tran�txrod to th�PropKty(rom otMr roal pro(Mrty or now a Mn�fNr w��of tmsbr homtMs Propwty� <br /> n�l{x o p�t y;Mws.llans��snd oth�r sprnnwntr ronts,Itw���nd proMr wet�r.w�ll,dtch�ns���a n d b�i�l t o f l.�n c l�r,hl��aon�nd <br /> P�oP�Y(curnul�W�1y 7ropKtY1,to hsw end t�hold tM Prc�rty arxl 1M rpM�h�r�bY q�m�d <br /> ��slpn��untY PaYm�nt In lull of ap Obifp�tlon�a�cund h�►obY• <br /> prM�r�wkh LM�dM�r�id T�s1M�ind��tMk�woaaon rind��s as 1 Mo�or'�Min,npn�errtatiwa and as�s.Isu�bY�zp�elY warrerri.aov�rurd��nd <br /> 1. 06UOATIONO. Thb DNd of TnisR�hell Nctx�th�psyrneM end p�tlortnerias ot aN pnwnt end Mure Ind�bl�s�.H�bNNN�,d�lfp�tlon��nd <br /> oownamt of Bortaw�r a C3mtar(cum�I�tlwtY'ObNpetkm�')to L�nd�r pursuent to: <br /> (a)this D+�d of Trust and tM fallowkrG Prort�l��ory not�+end otMr apre�nrnts: <br /> ���� l.Q�l1 <br /> A41141[MRKtOATE p��Y � <br /> Z0,000.00 05/16/97 05/16/OZ 4190080805845983 <br /> (�)dl oth�r pns�nt or n,wrrttsn agrsYrtients w t t ro or y to t s o rua� �x�ror srn�a�ff�M <br /> p�xpo�tlNn 1Mtorqol�pl: <br /> (c) any Quar�nty oi obifptlions of otMr perlNs 9ivsn ta Und�r now a�heronfler sxecuNd that rat�n to this De�d of Tmst; <br /> �xl�idod on bNtelf of C3rerAa or�dorrowK Orentor�a�n�s t�hat ff on�01 ttN ObIIpallonMp°arwously�1�e��uu�isf DNdo�f�TN t shall orto�m�lnw <br />— untN paym»nt In tull or dl dvbl du�und�r 1M Iin�rwtwithataixiirtp the ract tnat hom tirrn to tkn�(but betoro t�trHnatlon of 1he•uns)no belana may bs <br /> outctandnp. At no tfine dixinp ths txm of thls Da�d of Trusl or eny�xt�ns�on tharsot�hall d�e unpeld end aulpan�in9 aeuKad prir►dpa�fuw►e <br /> r�dyar�p��not irx��+3ny cumt edvanood by Lend�r to prot�ct the aecurity o11hI�De�d of Truct,exceed the fopawinp urwunt: Y��o.aoo.eo__, <br /> Thlt provislqi ahaN not comtitute en obOpation upon or cornritm�nt of Lendsr to meke addtlonal adrrancoi or losna to GrarHOr:and <br /> (e)ell arrMt►dnsnt�,�xlmslans,nr�awd�.modlflcntions,nplsoaitwnts ar wbstNutiom to any of ths torefpin�. <br /> As used In tM�pera�eph�Umr(�rantor end Borraw�r chaN indud�and elao mean eny 0►antor a Borrowx If mae ihan one. <br />° 2 REPRESENTATfONS,WARRANTIEB AND COVENANT3. Qrentor represents,warrente and covennms to Lenderihat: <br />; (a) f�rantor has(a sJm�le merketaWe titk�to the Property and shall melmeln the Property hee of all Ilens,security inlxeste,encurtixenoes and dalms <br /> �xc�pt for ihl�Oasd ot Truat end ihose deaaibod In�d�edub B,which Is atleched to this Deed ot Trust end Inoorpaated herein by relerence,whldi <br /> = Qrantor a{�s ta pay end pertomi In e Ilmety manner; <br />= r►a rs,..,w�.�,.m,dinnr�In all reso�cts wRh ell epdkable federd,atete and loeal Iaws end regulations,Induding,wilhout I` Imltation N,thoTse��elat�to <br /> ,�, __._...... _. . <br /> � 'Hazerdous Matedds,`es d�flned hereln,end other em�ironmental maners qns`trniror�rn.niei�awai.�ry��«����'�° <br /> other govemmental or quasl povemmental entity has fibd a Ilen on Iha ere thete any govemmantN.juddal or edn'1n'�itrathro ectbna witfi <br />-. roapecl to onutro�n�ental metlere Pendin9,or to the best of the Grentor'e Imowbdps,threatened,whidi ImroMe the Proporty. NsHt►x Grantor nor�to <br /> — the best of Cirarrtor'e knowloc�e any other perty hes used,generated,reNased,disdier9ed,stored,or dispoaed o!�ury Hazardous Materiais ae deHn�d <br /> — here�n,In cannectbn wAh ihe Property or trnnsported eny Hezardou�Materiala to or Irom the Pr�Y Gre��iw shall noS cortn�(t or permit wch ections <br /> to be taken in tM future. The tertn'Hazordoua Materlals'ah a l l rt�aan eny a i b s tnnce.m a i e n e i.or wxste which Is or beoon�s regulaied by enY <br /> gOVemmental Quthaity Induding.but not Iimited to,(I)petrobum;lfi)Mable or nonlrfabls a�b�stos;(NI)polyehlodnated biphenyl ( 1 thass subaterwea, <br /> obu <br /> e matsrfals or wastea deilgnated as e'hazardnus substence pursuant to Sectlon 3t t of ths Ciean Water Acl or Ilsted pursuar►1 to 3ec11an 307 ot tM <br /> Cban Water AGt a any��rr�endments or repacoments to these statuter(v�thosa subatarwes,rreterials or waste�defined as a'hazardoua wastu' <br /> pureuant to Seetbn '1004 0l The Resource Consenratbn er�d Recovery Act or any ertiandinents w replecornams�vehEnvlron�mental Responsa, <br /> substances,metedals or waslea de8ned as a'hazardous substenc�'pursuant to Seclbn 10t of the Comp�o� <br /> Compensation and LiabflBy Act,or eny ernendn�ente a replaCaments to that ctatuto or eny olher slmilar atate ar�eciere�slatute,rule,regulation or <br /> � (e�sujt in�nle�miratl�oti o1 tho P operty wltrh Hezerdous Materids or�tox�iot�bsi�an�oes of the Property to a tenant or subtenant whoso operatlona rrey <br />°.� <br /> � <br /> � Pap�1dB -- . <br />