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� ,�,i, - <br /> � � ,. . • . : -"'_z�'.;�_ <br /> " -�_'�'::Saitrv...y�`.1:_S�LY_._. �i_rei�,.--`- -_ '.._.._.._._'._.d�..__ _ <br /> ..r.;' ... . ._..._.� <br /> •;Lk j� . '.� . ..�.---- • - '-- <br /> "..n.�. ..�.:�- <br /> •+�h7M1`x�v�rFAll� ��alAmtl!'r1�!G!rr15S!,�a�.�'yM!�v"Nri,w,iC�w , _ ... ��:'f5"'r,":�(L.�r-r i��� �.�. <br /> ,_ . <br /> . <br /> "Y . <br /> -�!-,�.-�'•...� . BoRawer m+►y curo auch � delaufl and relnstate, �s provided In pangraph 18, by causing the �ction or proaeeding to b� <br /> .. dismiaeed wllh n ruling that, In Lendar'e good(alth detc�minatlon, preciuda forleiture o1 the Borrower's Intereat In the Property or <br /> ° - _� ' othex rrwteri�l Imp�irment ot the Ilen crested by thla Securiry Inatrument or Lender's security Interest. Bortower sh�N elso be in <br /> ry deieult if Dorrower, during the loan appllcatlon procese,gave materlaNy lalsa or Inaccurate Informetlan or statements to Lender(or - <br /> ., fallad to provlde Lender wlth any material Iniormatlon) In connectlon �411h tho loan evldenced hy tha IVate, IncludNg, but not = <br /> Iimitod ta, representations concerning Borrower's occupency of the Property as e prfnclpal resldence. i} thls Security� _ <br /> Inotrumen! Is on e le�sehotd, Borrower ehell comply with all the provfslons of the lease. It Borrower acquires tee title to th� - <br /> Propaty,the leasehold and ihe tee NUe shsll not merge unless Lender agreos to the merger In writfng. - <br /> �, 7. Prot�ctlon of L�nd�r's Rlghts In the Property.I1 Borrower tails to pertorm the covenants and agreements' <br /> " cantelnod In thls Securfty Inatrument, o►thare Is e legal proceedinp that mey slgnlflcantly attect Lender's rlghts in the Prop _ <br /> (euah ao e proceeding In benkruptay, probate,for condemnatlon or lorfelture or to enfurce laws or regulatlons), ihen Lender ma� <br /> �� do �nd pay for whatever Is necessary to protect the value of tha Property and Lendnr's rights In the Property. Lender'a actlo <br /> '�'h�� may Inalude paying nny suma secured by e Ilen whlch has prioriry over thls Securlbj Instrument, uppeadng In court, payin _ <br /> raeoonable ettomeys' toes end entering on the Property to make repai►s.Although Lender may take actlon under thls parngrop <br /> 7, l.onder does not heve to do eo. <br />"�.W�r� _. <br /> My amounta disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall become additlonal debt ol Borrower secured by thls Securi <br /> � Inatrumont. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tertn3 of payment, these emo�nts shall bear Interest (rom the date of <br /> disbursexnent et tho Note rete�nd shall 6e payable,with Interest.upon notice hom Lender to Bortower requesUng payment. <br /> . l� 8. Mortgags In8u�a11C�. It Lender required mortgege (nsurance as a conditlon of making the loan secured by thls <br /> Secudty Instrument, Bortower ahail pay the premiums requ(red to malntt�tn tho mortyage insurance in ettect.It,for any reason, the <br /> mortpage Insurance coverege required by Lender Iapses or ceases to be In etlect. Borrotiver shall pay the premiums requlred to <br /> � oblaln coverege substentialy equtvalent to the mortgnge lnsurenr.e previousty fn eHect, at a cost substanUelly equlvalent to thn <br /> coat ta Borrower o} the mortg�ge Insurenco prevlously In ettect, from an aRemate mortgage insu�er approved by Lender. I} <br />:=� ' subatanti�lly equivalent mongage Insurnnce coverage is not avaflable, Bortower shall pay to Lender each morttl a sum equal to <br /> , ,._ one-tweMth ol the yeerly mort�ge insurence premlum being paid 6y Bortower when the Insurance coverage 1,�^+s:d or cessed to <br /> , � be in ettect. Londar will acce�pt, uso and retaln these payments as a toss reserve In 1{eu af ntortc,Jage Insura��ce. Loss resetve <br /> pRymenta may no lonper be required, at the option of Lender, if mortgage fnsurance coverega (in the emount and tor ihe�+iiod <br /> ����:�=� lhat Lender roqulres) provlded by an Insurer approved by Lender agafn becomes available aRd Is obts(ned. Borrower shai!„ay <br /> � tho ptemlums requlred to malnteln mot2gage Insurence In eifect, or to provlde a loss reserve, unt(I the requirement for mo;:;age ' <br /> •;;:?:;�.�1,,�. Insurance ends In accordence wflh any written agreement belween Borrewer and Lender or appYcable law. <br /> • ; 9. Inap�ctlon. Lender or fts agent may meke reasonable enides upon end Inspections of the Property. Lender shail give - <br /> y,, •. Bortower notice at the time of or p�ior to an Inspectlon specitying reasonadle cause for the InspecUon. <br /> .' 10. Condsmnatton. The proceeds ot any award or claim for damages, direct or co�sequential, in connecUon with any <br />- condemnetlon or other taking of any part of the Property, or tor conveyance In lieu of condomnatlon, are hereby essigned and <br /> _,,�,,.,,�°. , shall bo patd to Lender. <br />'���,;�.�,', In ihe event o} a total taking ot the Property, the proceeds ;,hen be app�led to the sums secured by thls Sacurfty <br />_-:�i..:;, • Instrument, whether or not then due,with any excess peld to Bortower. In the event ot e partlal taking oi the Roperty in which <br />-�:-;�,•.�.w the fair market value of the Property Immedlatety betore the teking Is equai to or greater then the amount o1 the sums secured <br /> --y�;-�.r,i� by thia Securfty Instrument Immediatelyr betore the taking, untess Borrower end Lender otherwise agree In wrtting, ihe sirms <br />-.��••' x seotirec]by thls Security Instrument shell be reduced by the amount oi the proceeds muRiplied by the toilowing frecUon: (a)iho <br /> �,�_��•;�',`. total amaunt of the sums secured Immediately before the takfn�, divldod by (b)the fnir madcel value of the Property immediately <br /> -�'�;� before tha taking.My belance ehall be paid to Bortower. In the event of n partiel taking o1 the F>roperty in which the fak market <br /> _ value of the Property immedietely before the tekin� is less than the amount ot the sums secured Immedi�teiy befare the teking, <br /> -�,;;�;x;�:� unlese Borrower end Lender otherwlse agree In writing or unless epplicabte law atherwise provides, the proceeds shell be <br /> �n eppHed to the surns secured by this 3ecurily Instn�ment whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> µ��'•�i� If the Properly Is abandoned by Bortower, or If, after noUce by Lender to Borrower that tne condemnor otters to make an <br /> °=����'1� award or seUie a clalm tor dimages, Bortower faiis to rospond ta Lender withln 30 days arier the date the notice is gNen, <br /> =-`'-� ' Londer Is aulhorized to collect and epply the proceeds, at fts optlon, either to restoraUon or repai► of the Properly or to the <br /> ;;`�=�:� sums secured by thia Security Instnrmmt,whether or not the� due. <br /> ---� Unless Lender end Borrowe► otherwlse agree In writing, any appucation of proceeds to pNncipal shaa not extend or <br /> -___ . postpone the due date of the monthy paymente roter►ed to In paragrephs t and 2 or changa the emowt of such payments. <br /> t 1. Bor�ow�r Not Rsloas�d; Forbear�nco By Lender Not a W�iver.Fxtension oi the time for payment or <br /> modilicatlon of qmortizatlon of the sums secured by this Secud.y Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in fnterest o} <br /> Bortower aheN not operate to rdease the Iinbflity ot the originel 6onower or Borrower's succassors in tntereat. Lender sheR not <br /> _ �_ be required to commence proceedings egainst any auccessor in interest or reluse to extend time tor payment or otherwise <br /> — = modi(y emoRluUon of tho sums secured by this SecuMy Instrument by reason of any demand made by the oNginal Bortower or <br /> aw Borrower's successore in interest. Any torbearance by Lender ln exerclsing any right or remedy shall not be a waNer of or <br /> —_��'�' predude the exerclae o1 eny rlpM or remedy. <br /> "-� 12. Succoaaors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Savaral Llability; �o-signars.rne covenents end <br /> � agreements ol thla Secu�ity Inatrument shell bind and benefit the successors and essigna ot Lender and Bortowa, subject to the <br /> _— provislons of paregraph 17, Borrower's covenents end agreements shall be Jolnt and several. My BoROwer who co•signe this <br /> '� Securily Instrumen4 but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-slgning this 5ecurity Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey <br /> -- thal Rorrower's Intorest in the Property un�er the terms of this 3ewrity Instrument; (b) is not pers�nally obligated to pny the <br /> -`'��� sums secured by thls Securfty Instrument; end (c) agrees thpt Lender end any other Bonawer rr�ay agree to extend, m�dily, <br />_.-"==�o+g� <br /> �,,_;;;;�u� forboar or rrwko eny accommodations with regard to the terrns of thls Securiry Instrument or the Noto withuut that Bom�wer'e <br /> �- - � consent. <br /> 13. La�n Che�ges. If the loan secured by this 9ecur(ty Instrume.�t is subJect to a law whlch sets maximum loan <br /> charges, and that law is finally Interpreted so thet the Interest or other loen charges col!ected or to be collected fn com:ec2lon <br /> - " with the Ioan exceed the pertnitted Ilmfts, then: (a) any such loan charge shell be reduced by the amount necessary to re.duce <br /> �,'•; � the charge to the pertntttod limft; and (b) eny sums aiready collected hom Borrower which exceeded pormftled limits will be = <br /> _ ._ rotunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Noto or by maldng e = <br />- . dfrect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces prtncipal, tho reduciion will be treated as a partlal prepayment without eny <br /> . prepayment cliargo undcr tho Notc. - <br /> ""' " 14. NOtIC68.My notica to Botrower providod for In thls Securiry Instrument shall bo gtven by delfvering It or by maiiing it <br /> � by ikct dass mt►11 unless appAcable lew requlres use ot another mMhod. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> --- or nny other address Borrower dssignetos by notice to Lender. My notico to Lender ohall bo giren by f'ust class mail to <br /> Lender's addresa ateted hereln or any other address Lender designetes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tor in this <br /> - Secunty Inetrument 3hell be deemod to hevo been gNen to 8onower or Lender when given es provided In thls peregraph. <br /> � 1 b. (3ov�rning Law; Severabllity. 7hls Security Instrume�t shall be govemed by federel Iew end the law of the <br /> Jurlsdictlan In whlch the Property Is located. In the event tfiat eny provislon or clause nf this Sec��rity Instrument or the Note <br /> con111cts with epplicabla lew. such confllct shall not attect other provisions oT this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> c�lvon eHect without tho conflicting provislon. To thls end the provislons ol this Security Instrument nnd tha Note aro declnred to <br /> be sevcreble. <br /> 16. BO►�OWef'8 COpy. Bortower shall bo Qiven one con}ormed copy ol the Notv and of this Security Instrument. <br /> Y•l I�`/ y, '' � <br /> F1J74.LM0 It/97) PaQr !Ot 5 /'� . <br /> 971V0 <br /> ., � <br />