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<br /> � ,,, y . TOOETHER WITH ell the Impravemente now on c�rnatter orected on the prnpeAy, xnd �II e�eannnte, appunenancee, and
<br /> :� � ..j� flxluren now a hereatter�qart o}the property All repl�ctmrrtenis aisd addiUane ehaA�lao be covered by this Securfty Inatmmmt. _
<br /> .,A PJI oi Il�e forepoln�In reterred to In this Security Inetrumont aa the'Property."
<br /> BORROWF.R COVENANTB Ihat Borrower Is lewhily sefzed o1 the e�tato hereby conveyed and hea the dpht to gr�nl �nd E_
<br /> !'� convey the Prope►ty nnd th�t the Property Is unencumberad, except for encumbr�nces o1 record. 9orrower warrents ancl will � _.
<br /> . .. ,� defend gencwaly the title to lhe Property a�k�at all clalma end demande, subJecl to any encumbeances ot rocord. ;�,
<br /> � � THIS SECURITY IN9TRUMENT combinaa uniforni covenente far nntlonel use end non•unilarm cavenmts with umlted � _
<br /> vadntlon� by Jurisdictlon to constltute e unllorm security Instrumenl covering reel property. `_
<br /> UNIFORM COYENANTS. 6ortower rnd Lenda covenant ond npreo ns follows:
<br /> �:. �� t, p�ym��t of Princlpal �nd Intonst; Pr�paymont �nd L,�t� Charp�s. Borrower ahall promply pAy wher�
<br /> ' duo tho pdnclpal ot nnd Inter��t a� the debt evidencod by the Note and any prepaymoM end lato chnrges dua under tha Note. �
<br /> r,�,,,,� 2. Fund� for T�x�� �nd Inwr�ne�. sua�oc�co�uPUcanie ieW of to e w►Itten walve►by Lender, Borrower sh�ll pa�y�
<br /> to Lender on Ihe d�y monthty paymmta ere due under the Note, until the Note la pald In (ull, e sum ('Funds') tor: (a)yearry�',;
<br /> texes end assesamenta which may nttaln prlodry ovnr thls Security Instrument es e Iien on lhe Praperty; (b)yearly leaeehold�r�
<br />"'"-_- paymonts or ground rente on the Property,if any; (o) yearty hazerd or property Insurance premlums; (d) yeary flaad insurance�V
<br />"� '� premlums,if any; (e)yearty mortgage Insurance premiums, if any; and (n any sums payable by Bortower to Lender in accordance�
<br /> � with the provislons of pareflraph B, In Ileu of the payment ot mortgage Insurance premlums. These Items aro colied 'Escrow
<br /> � � Itema.' Lender may, at �ny time, collect and hold Funda Ir� an amount not to exceed lhe meximum amomit e lender for a
<br /> . federely related mortgage loen may requlre tar Borrov�er's escrow account under the federai Real Estata Settlemont Procedures
<br /> • ,_; Act o1 1974 es smended from tlme to time,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('RESPA'}, unless snother law that eppCes to the Funds
<br /> . sets a lesser emount. 11 so, Lender may,at any ttme, coltect and hold Funds In an amount not to oxceed tho losser amount.
<br /> ' Lender msy eslimate the amount oi Funds due on the basts o} curcenl data and reasanable estimates of expmdttures of luture
<br /> ' Escrow Itert►s or othmrvise In accordance with appllcable law.
<br />�=�'��;�f� The Funds sheN be h�ld In an Instftutlon whoso deposfts are Insured by a federal agency,Instrumentelity, or entity (Including
<br /> ,;�.;.fo_:
<br /> �- r '-; Lender, 11 Lender Is auch �n Instftutlon) or In my Federel Homo Loan Benk. Lender ehafl spply the Funds to pay the scrow
<br /> 1''s"9��, Items. Lender msy not cher{�e Bonower tor holding end applyhg the Funds, annualy anatyzing the escrow account,or verftyfng
<br /> '�'}'�'•i'�' tha Escrow Itans, unlesa Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and applicabie law pemiits Lender to mako such a
<br /> �'�°�S�'� charye. However, Lendor may requlre Bortower to pay e ane�time chuge for an Independent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> _�.zs•..11{!
<br /> +.-'-� used by Lender In connectlon wlth this loan, unless applicable law provldes otherwise. Unless an agreement Is nude or
<br />.y„=,;;�.,, appllcable law requires inte►est to be pald,Lender shall not be requlred to pay Banower any Interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Bortower and Lender msy egree In writing, however, ihat interest shell be pald on the Funds. Lender shall give to 8ortower.
<br />.v x� without charge, an annual accounting oi ihe Funds, showing credits and dehRs to the Funds and the purpose tor whlch each
<br /> � "�"'' debft to the Funds was made. The Funds ere pledgod as additional securiry for all sums secured by the 9ecurily instrument.
<br /> =;^'��;{,�� Ii the Funds hold by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to Oe heid by applicable law, Lender shsll sccaunt to Barower
<br /> �:� for the excese Funds In nccordance with lhe requlrements of epplicable law.II the amount o(lhe Funds hetd by Lender at eny
<br />''�':~'R time Is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender mny so notiy Borrower In wdting,end, in such case 8orrower
<br />«'�;; shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the doiiciency. Bortower shall meke up the deflclency In no more than
<br /> �� twelve monthly paymonts,at Lenders sole dtscretion.
<br />_..,:;=,,;�q�:, Upon payment In lull ot ell sums secured by this �ecudty Instrument, Lender shall prompty re(und to Borrower any Funds
<br /> - �18�d by �EfIdK. I�,u�der parsgrapii G1. �m�u�i o�iaii o�.y�iSZIMO vi'+�::�:�' pr�r°�i.�°^�P1• ����t(1 1�IA ACOU�S�Ofl 0!68�9 O}tflB
<br />"''""^'°!�` Propertyl, shall sppy any Funds held by Lender at the lime of ecqulsitlon or sale as a credR agalnst the sums secured by thls
<br />__=�� Securfty instrument.
<br /> —� 3. Appll�ation of P�yments. Unless applicable law providos otherwise, all peyments received by Lender under
<br /> ��=� paragrephs 1 and 2 sheN be appiled: flrst, to any prepayment charges due under the Note: second, to amowts payable under
<br /> ___�,� paragreph 2:third,to Interest due;tourth,to pdncipel due; and tast,to any late charyes due under the Note.
<br /> '------ 4. Ch#tgeD; Uetts. Bortower ahall pey eli taxes, assessments, charges, fines and Impos(tlons attributebte to the
<br /> x� Property whlch may ettain priority over thla Security Instrument, end leesehold payments or ground rente, If eny. Borrower ahali
<br /> � pay these obtlgations in the manner provlded In perngreph 2, or if not pald In that manner, Bortower shaH pay them on tima
<br /> _ directy to the person owed payment. Borrower sheH promptly tumish to Lender all notices o}emounts to be peid under this
<br /> -= pAragrsph. It Bortower mskes these peyments directly, Borrower shall prompty fumish to Lender recefpts avidencing tho
<br /> = payments.
<br /> —� Bortower sheN promptly discherge any {ien whlah has prlority over thls Se�udty Instrument unless Bonower. (e) a�rees In
<br /> wrStlnq to the payment of the obllgation aecured by the Ilen In e manner acceptable to Lender; (b) conteste In good 1�kh the
<br /> - Hen by, or delends agalnst enforcement of the Ilen In, legel proceedh�s whlch In the Lender's opin�on opente to prevent the
<br /> ontorcement o}the Nen; or (o) secures Trom the holder of the Uen en agreement satistactory to Lender subordinatiny the Ilen to
<br /> this Securfty Instrument.It Lende►detertnhes that eny part of the Property is subJect to a Ilen which may attah prlarfty over thls
<br /> - Securfty Instrument, Lendar may give Borrower a notice Identifyfnp the Iten. Borrower shall sntlsty the Iien or take one or more of
<br /> the actlons set to�th above wKhln 10 derya of the gNing of notice.
<br /> 6. Haz�rd or Proparty Inaur�nce. Bortower shall keep the Improvements now existing or herealler erected on the
<br /> ______ Property Insured agalnst loss by flra, harerds InGuded withln the tertn 'extended covErege' end any other hazards, Including
<br /> — tlooda or floodinq,tor which Lender requires Insurence. Thls Insurence shell 6e malntelned In the amounts and tor the periods
<br /> that Lender requlres. The Insuronce cartler provlding the Insurence ahall be chosen by Banower subJect to Lender's�pproval
<br /> _ whlch ehall not be unressonably withheld. If Borrower fells ta maintain covernge described above, Lender may, at Lender's
<br />-- =_--= optlon, o6tnin coverage to protect Lender's righta In the Prope�ty in accordance wkh perngroph 7.
<br /> --_= All Insunnce policles and renewais ahall bo accepteble ta Lender and ahall Include e st�ndard mortg�ge clause. Lender
<br /> � ehall have the�Ipht to hold the pollcles nnd renewnls. If Lender requlres, Borrower shall prompty give to Lmder ell recelpta ot
<br /> —_== pnid premlums and renawal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notico to the Insurnnce carrier and Lender.
<br /> ---_ �— Lender may make proof oi loas K not made promptiy by Borrower.
<br /> =-'�'"�'� Unless Lender end Bortower otherwise agree In wrlting,insurance proceeds shell be epplled to restoretion or repefr of the
<br /> __��v_�`;:;¢:
<br />-_ �.:�:: Property damaged,Ii the restoration or repair Is economicaly tepsfblo and Lender's security Is not lessened.Ii tho restoratlon or
<br />--�;��� repak is not economirsly feasible or Lender's secudry would be lassened, the I�surance proceeds ahell be epplied to the aums
<br /> Y; ;;.
<br />--.srp..��..,. aecured by thiss Securfty Instrument, whether or not then due, wHh any excess pAld to Borrower. Ii Borrower ebandons t o
<br />=y°7�s.?�''_ � Property, or does not enswer within 30 days a notice lrom Lender that the insurance cnrrier has oifered to settlo a clalm, then
<br /> "''''`�'k�'�'�a'�'* Lender ma,y collect the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore tho Properly or to pay sums
<br /> � ��ti;`'U:,, secured by thls Secu�iry Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-dey pariad wlll b�in when tho notice Is given.
<br />�_.:�.r`..��'��i
<br /> _t:���;;;,,= Unlesa Lender and Bortower othe�wise agree in �vdtinc�, any eppllcallon o} proceeds to princlpal shall not exlend or
<br /> _�w•x_;,:..•'. postpone the due date of the monthly pnyments reterred to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or chenge the emount of tha payments. It
<br /> �_'���'���� under paragreph 21 the Property Is acquUed by Lender, Dorrower's right to any Insurance policles and procne�s re�ulling irom
<br /> ef, damnge to ihe Property pdor to the acquisRlon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by this Security Inswment
<br />''t,;��'� r� Immediatey pdor to tAe acqulsition.
<br /> _�_
<br /> L: "YY�;;i,�::� �. Occupmcy, Preservetion, �ui�intenance 8I10 rroieciion Or LI16 e-roperiy; oo�rvi�isra i.vaTi
<br />;-°;„„: � ApplieAtion; L8838ho1d3. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property es BonowePs principal resfdence withln
<br /> . '" ;' slxty days elter the executfon of this Security Instrument and sholl continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal
<br /> ,� �. residence tor at least ono year after tho date of occupancy,unless Lender othenvlse agrees In writing, which consent shail not
<br /> . ,�, be unreasonabty wfthheld, or unless extenuating circumstances axist which are beyond Bortower's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> � � destroy,damego or impalr the Proper.y, ellow the Property lo deter(orate, or commlt waste on the Property. Bonower shail bc In
<br /> default it any for(dturo action or proceeding, whether civit or criminul, Is begun that in Lender's good fnith judgment could result
<br /> In foAeiture of tho Property or otherwise matedelty Impair tho lien created by thls Secu�ity Instrument or Lenders security Interest.
<br /> ` ' �
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<br /> f�- F1316.LM0(1N7) Pac�r.2 ot 5
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<br /> 97u7n
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