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� „ . � <br /> � �r:�;�=�'h <br /> • .�....,. <br /> ,,,,, , . . ,...; _� --`.." <br /> � ��,,"� , , .� -.� :._'---=��� . <br />- 61!lR�1S� -. _ •i+..r+��.r: � ..,,.. . _, . . .,. �� . .. 'd�"'b'�'�"'---.-�.. ���:. <br /> .... . <br /> .�' <br /> �' <br /> . <br /> , _�.�.•, � � — <br /> ' 17, Trmd�r of th� Prop�rty or � B�n�llciel Int�nst In Borrow�r. it all or any part of the Property ur - <br />_� '�% � . '• ' ' �ny InlKeat In It la aold or traneferred (or I( a benellGel Interest In Bovowa Is sold or lrenaferred end 8orrower Is not e natural <br /> � �. peraon)wlthout Lender's pdur wriKen consent, Lender may,at Its optlon, requlre Immodlate payment In full of all sums eecured by �._•s•:: <br /> r,� , ihfs Sacurity Inatrument. However. lhls option shall not be oxerclsed by I.endur II oxercl3o Is prohlbitod by federal law as ol the �,' _ <br /> ,? � date o1 ihls 9ecudly Instrument. " <br /> - � I}Lender exercises ihle optlon,Lender sholl ylve �onower noilce qf ncceleratton. The notice shall provlde a perlod of nal� <br /> ' " leea then 30 daya t�om the date the noltco Is delNered or melled within whlch Borrower muet pny all sums secured by this y ;, <br /> � i ;t Secu�ity Instrument. il Bortower falls to pay these sums prlor to the explretlon ol thle perlod. Londer mey Invoka any remedles 1 �,;�:: <br /> � :r. permitted by thfs Seoudty Instrument wfthout furiher notice or demand on Bonower. �'� <br /> 18. E30i'POWOY�e Etlgt�t to Roln�tato. It BorrowCr meets certain conditlons. Borrower shall havo tho dght to have � �� <br /> -�;��pc�N • entorcement ot thla 3ecurlty Inetrummt discontinued at any tlme prlor to the earller of: (a) 5 days (ar 3uch other perlod es <br /> ��- <br /> ��" ' � applicable law mey specliy for relnstelement) betore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contalned in this Securiry � !:i•<,_; <br /> Inat►ummt; or (b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thls Socurity Instrument. Those condiNons are that Borrower. (a) pays Lender all �i� <br /> cures an �" <br /> ;_.�`� , sums which then would ba due under thls Security Instrument and lhe Note as If nA accelerallon had occurted; (b) y N �;,. <br /> detautt of any other covenant or agreements; (c) pays all expenses Incurred In entorcing this Security Instrument, including, but � '.d <br /> not Iimfted to, reasonabte sttomeys'lees; and (d) takes such action es Lender may reasanebly requlre to assure that the Iion o1 <br />_ � thls Securlty Instrument, Lender's dghts in the Praperry end Bonower's obligatlon to pay the sums sacurcd by this Secudty �- <br /> Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortower, ihis Securily Instrument and the obligations secu�ed <br /> ' hereby shall remaln fully ettective es II no accelerallon had occurred. However,thls rtght to relnstate shell not apply in the case <br /> ". . of acceleratlon under paragreph 17. <br /> 19. Saie of Not�; Chang� of Loan SYrvlCef. The Note or a e partial interest In the Note (together wllh this <br /> ��,y,;'�..�'-'"r Securfty Instrument) may be sold one or maro tlmes wfthout pdor notice ta Bortower.A sele may resutt In a change in the entity <br /> .1� <br />— - � • (known as the "Loan Servlcer')that collects monthty pbyments due under the Note and this Sacurity Instrument. There also mey <br />� - be one or more ehanges of tha Loan Servlcer unreisied to a sele o! ihe Note. H thero ls a chango of the Loan Servlcer, . <br />- • , Borrower wNl be(�iven written notice of the change In eccordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice wIN . <br /> state ihe name and address of the now Loan Servicer end the address to which payments should be made. The noUce wNl also <br /> -��, f; contaln any othx Intortnation required by appllcabie law. ��" <br />>~�'"<<`` �r�=� 20. Hazardous Substancas. Bortower shall nol quse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of <br /> � � � � eny Hazardous Substances on or N the Property. Bortower shall not do, �or ellow enyone else to do, anything atfecting the ��•• <br /> :. <br />�=ti '��''�`�`�''�'' Roperly thnt Is In violation of any Environmentnl Law. The preced;ng two sentences shall not apply to the presance. use, or <br />-`r'=t�r*'•, � storage on the Property of small quentitles of Hazardous Substances that are generetly recognized to be appropdate to normel <br />�_!_4��?,�' residentlal uses and to malntenance of the Property. <br />' + e Lender wdtten notice ot any Investigetion, clelm, demend, lawsult or other acdon by any <br />�y�-,�p,;r,� . Borrower shell prompty giv <br />�,.�f�,��,�p govemmental or regulatory egency or privato perty InvoNing the Property end eny Nazardous Substance or Environmental Law of _ <br /> ---° _ whlch Bortower has actual knowledge. It Borrowet leams, or Is notifled by eny govemmental ar regulatory authodty, that any <br /> - -�� ��T ':':�:� .n... �h. fwLn nll <br /> - -:*f:q??� � removel Of Ot�1H remedietion Of Blly Hazardous .�'U[1Si9fIGe aneciing �iuNrriy ia ��na.coaniji, u"v��'v�::: .+ r•....�'.«� - <br />=-�'�-''"�"�� � necessary remr.dlal actlons in accordunce with Environmental Law. <br /> ',,.=y,.�i;.,� <br /> _.,.-L�� , As used in this paregreph 2Q,'Hazareiaus Substances' are those substences deflned es toxic or hezardouts substances by <br /> ,-_�:�• Environmental Law and tho fotlowing substences: gasoline, kerosene, othor flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxla <br /> M���y;� pestiddes and herblGdes,valatile soNents, materials contalNng asbestos or tortnaldehyde,and radioactive materiels. As used in <br /> ��"-�� paragisph 'L0, 'Envlronmental Law'means tederal laws end iaws ot the Jurisdlction where the Property Is located that reiate to <br /> -�• - - heafth,aafety or environmaitel pratectton. <br /> -__-- NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortower end Lender furthcr covenant end agree es tollows: <br /> _- - Z1. Acc�loratlon; Remodlas. Lender sh�ll glvs notics to Borrowsr prlor to accelentlon <br /> - --=� following Borrowsr's br�ach of any covenmt or agr��ment in this Security Instrument (but not <br /> -- prior to accaleration under par�gnph 17 unloss applic�bt� law provides otharwis�). The notic� <br /> shall specity: (�) th� d�fauk; (b) th� �ctlon r�quired to cur� th� d�huR; (c) � dat�, not I�s�th�n <br /> ----- 30 d�y►s from ths dat� the naNce Is givon to Borrowsr,by whlch the dsfauR muat be cur�d; �nd <br /> ----- (d) that faituro to cura th� dofauR on or befors ths dsde epacifled in the �otics m�y rsault In <br /> - aacds�atlon of the euma sacured by thla Sscurit�v Instrument and s�ls of tha Prapsrty.Th� notic� <br /> shall furthsr inform Borrower of the right to reinstate aiter aaceferation and the right to bring a <br /> court ac40on to asa�rt th� non-oxlatsnce of a d�fauR or pny othsr dafena� of Borrow�r to <br /> —°- �ccdsratlon and salo. If the detautt Is not cured on or before ths d�+te epec(fied in th� notic�, <br /> "'� Lendor at ite optton may nquire Immodlato paymant In full of a11 sumt sscured by thl� S�curity <br /> - Inatrum�nt without further demand and may invoke ths power of aal� and �ny other r�m�di�s <br /> ..�-�..�� pe�mitt�d by applicable law. Lender s��all be entRled to coUect ail expenses Incurred in purouing <br /> ---� the remodbs provided in this pAragraph 21, includ'eng, but not Ilmfted to, re�s�onable attornoys' <br /> faea and coats of title evidence. <br /> ���s�� If the power of sale Ie invoked, Trustee shall record a nMics of default in each county In <br /> �"c'+'_�`- . � which any pa�t of the Rroperty is located and shall mail copies of such notice in tha manmr <br /> ._:-x; .��..rel�. <br /> '°`_-'`�"��=`�="~� proacribed by a�pplicable law to Borrower and to the other persons preacribed by eppllcebls law. <br /> °�t`�.��'���~ After ths Ume required by applicable law, T�ustee shalt give publlc notice of eale to the persons <br /> �=`:'�' •� and in the mannor pr�scrlbed by applicabte law. Trustse. without demand on Borrowor, shall s�ll <br /> ��M �� - <br /> .. . th� Proparty at public auctfon to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms - <br /> �`'-'�. � �.� designatad In the notice of sate In ane or more parcds and in any ordor Trustee detsrminos. ;3: <br /> "`-� �} Trueto� may postpono sale of all or any parcel of the Property by publfc announcement at the -_ <br /> ��"� ' .�! tims and placs of any prediously scheduled sale. Lender or Fts deafgnes m�y purchas� th� <br /> :;+.:- -: � Property at any sale. <br /> �,:;�.`�� Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> •°`�---_`��; Q�QO convering ill0 r�VrJtltty. �i,iv ivWaaio ii� inv T�aivv o.�.�� w~wl� Ms rlw�� 6w�1� �vldanne nf <br /> �........ <br /> the truth ot the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the _ <br /> ' followir�g ordar: (a) to all costs and expeneos of exercising the power of salo, and the sala. � <br /> .; • including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred. not to exceed three _ <br /> 9'0 of the principai amount of the ` <br /> nots at the tima of the doclaration of dehult, and rvasonable attornoy'e fees as permittad by law; - <br /> (b)to all sums secured by this Sacurity Instrument; and (c) any excesa to the persan or persona ` <br /> ' Isgally entitled to it. <br /> �J/�'nL � � %/ <br /> � ptJ1G.LM0 1�/97� Pagc a ot 5 Q 1 "" ,--L�[- <br /> `- <br /> �l � <br /> emm <br /> �_ _ _ _ <br />