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<br /> � by owner's and operetors of eimllar properties end ea Beneticlery mey requlre }or Ite protectlon. Truator wlll comply -
<br /> � with such othar requiremente ea Beneflclery mey from time to time requeet for the protection by ineurence of the -
<br /> Intereat of ihe reapective partles. All Insurance pollcfea meintef ned pursuant t�thie Deed of Truat shell name Truator "
<br /> �. end Beneficiery es Insured, ea thelr respectivo interest may eppeer and provide thet there shell be no cencelletion ar =_
<br /> � � .g modlficetlon wfthout fiheen 115) days prlor written notlficatlon to Trustee end Beneficlary. IN the event eny policy =
<br /> hereunder is not renawed onor before fifteen 116)daye prior to itsexpiretlon dAto. Trustee or Beneflciary may procure �
<br /> k•�. such Insurence in eccordenca wlth the provislona of Paeegraph 7. Truator shall tl�liver to Beneficfary the originel =
<br /> ��„� policies of insurence and �enewals thereof or coples of such policlea and renew�la thereof. Feilure to furniuh euch °_
<br /> � Insuronce by Truator, or renewels ea requlred hereunder, ahell, at the optlon oi Beneficiary, constitute a defoult. All
<br /> ��`."���� unearned premfums are hereby essigned to Truatee es addttionel aecurity, and e salo and conveyance of the Property
<br /> , � by the Trus4ee shall operete to convey to the purcheser the Trustor's Interest in end to ell polfclea of insurance upon _-
<br /> • the Trust Property.
<br /> . 6. Texes end Assasmmts. Trustor shall pey all texes end epecial essessmonta Ievied or assessed egafnst, or -
<br /> due upon,the Property beforo delinquency end will del(ver to Baneficiary copias of roceipts showing peyment of such
<br /> � ' taxes and speciel assesements.
<br /> ' 6. Additionel Llena. Trustor shall meke etl payments of interest and principal, and Payments of any other chargss,
<br /> . fees, and expensea contracted to be pald to any existing lion �old�rs or prfor benaficiaries under any prior Deed of
<br /> �' Trust. MaKgage or other security egreament, before the date they ara delinquent and to pay any other clelm which
<br /> _ Joapardiz¢s tho security gr�n2�d horoin.
<br /> � 7. Prot�allon nf &n�fldery'� S�cudty. Should Trustor fsil t� make eny payment, fail to da any ect es hereln
<br /> � provided or it any ection or proceedfng is commenced which materi ally affects Beneficiary's Interest in the Property,
<br /> . fnctuding, but no Iimited to, eminent domefn. Insolvency, arrengements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or --
<br /> � decedent,then Beneficfary er Trustee, but without oblipetion to do so,end without notice to or demend upon Truator, _
<br /> and without releasing Tri��tor from any obl(flatlon hereunder, rney make o� do thn same, and mey pey, purchase, -
<br />"' contest or compromise andy ancumbrence, char�ge or Ilen, which in the judgement of either app�aers to effect seld
<br />° .�,.. Property;in exercising any such powers,the Beneficiary or Trusxee mey incur e IlAbility and expend whetever emounts.
<br /> �s>'�• fncludfng disbursements of reasoneble attomey's fees, which in their ebsolute di�cration may be necessary. In the
<br /> '` . "� event thet Trustor shall fail to procure insurance, fail to pay texas and speclAl essessments or fail to make eny
<br /> ,f , . • peymente to existing or priorlien holders or beneficiaries, the Beneficlery may procure such insurence end make such
<br />; �?°�!!!S!!!E. AII e!!!T!° �!!C!lfi�fT!C?:=?8!l�8��,+;Ra�g1iC�8lv nr T(1��jtAi� Itl�L�C��L'�$�(`,A V�1�4�?�]A r1MVIRIQI�!_Qf tI�R I1ARfI A}
<br />�=�:���'� . T�uat�+re seaured hereby e�d,with�ut demend,shell be immediately due and peynblfl by Trustor and shall bear interest
<br />.�,• ' et the rate provided for edvances under the Loan Agreemont;pravided, however, that at the optlon of the Beneficiary
<br />�-N�' or Trustee, such sums mey bo added to thfo principal balance�f any indebtednes�secured horeby end shall bear the
<br /> __Y'__ �
<br />�;�:; � same Interest as such indebtedness and shell be payable ratebly over the remaining term thereof.
<br />�;� 8. Atsiqnment of Ranb, Beneftclary ehell have the right,power and�utharlty during the continuance of this Doed
<br /> it,�',�,�:,:-' '��
<br /> _,,,>,,.:�:,W, .;. of Trust to collect the rents,Issues end profits of the Properry and of eny peroonel property located thereon with or
<br /> _-=_-;,r"�:`�;t,'^; without teking possesslon of the Praperty affected hereby,and Trustor horeby absolutely end unconditlonally asaigns
<br />�•"`�"�_r`j� aq such rents,(saues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiery, howevar,hereby con�ents to the Trustor's collaction end
<br />".F=�=�=�"" retentlon of such rents,issues and profits es they accrue and becorne peyeble so long es Trustor is not,at such tima,
<br />����t�.�� In default with respect to payment of eny indebtedness secured hereby or in the pertormance of any agreement
<br /> � -���=p���"�j` hereunder. Upon any such default, Beneficfary may at any tirne, either in peraon, by agent or by a recelver to bo
<br />—����o
<br /> �.�,��� appointed by e court, wlthout notice end without regard tv the adequecy of eny security for the indebiedness hereby
<br /> � ����-- secured: (e1 enter upon and teke possessio� of the Praperty or any pert thereat and in fts own neme sue for or
<br />�"�TFt °��. �
<br /> 4J..S._i'_
<br /> -_="�;.; � otherwise collect such rente,Issues and profits, Including thoss past due and unpaid, en epply the seme, less costs
<br /> -�=�-ti�` ' end expen�es of operation and collection.Including reasoneble attorney fees, upon eny Indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> ���,-.. and in such order es Bena�iclery mey determine: (b)perform such ects of repeir o� protectlon as rv�ey be necessary or
<br /> ���r+�k,; proper to cor+serve the value of the Property: (c)le�se ihe same or a�y part hareof tor auch rentel term and upo�+such
<br />--'_;:��Eti;;;::r.' conditions as Its judgment mey dictate. Ursiess T►ustor anr��er�e(Iciary agree athorwise In writing,eny epplication of
<br /> _,,,«::��'� rents,issues or profits to any Indebtednoss secured hereby shell not extend or postpone the due dete of the instailment
<br /> ;e�l�.-� paymente ea provided in the Loen Agreement, end the appllcatlon thereof as eforesald shell not weive or cure eny
<br />—'��"-:fi� default or notice of defeult hRreunder or invalidaqe any act done pursuant to such notice. Trustor also essigns to
<br /> �'�'�-' Benef(clery, as further security for the performance of the obligetionssecured hereby, all prepaid rents and alt monios
<br /> -"J!•"':,n ,
<br /> � `�°,.��r��� � which mey have beon or mey hereafter be deposited with seld 7rustor by any lessee of the Property,to secure the =
<br /> � ' payment of any rent, and upon default in tho performenco of any of the provisfone hereof,Trustor agrees to dellver
<br />— .. . . ' fluch rente and depoaits to the Beneficfery. Dalierery af written notice caf Benoficiery's exorcise of the rights granted -
<br /> ' hereln to any tenant occupying said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenent to pay seid rene to the --
<br /> � Beneficiary until further notice.
<br /> '�'��'��� � 9. Coredemnetion. If title to any part of the Property shall be teken In condemmation proceedings, by r(ght of ==
<br /> eminent domein or simller action, or ahell bo sold under threat of condemnation, all awards, dameges end procoeds
<br /> are horeby assfgned end shall be paid to Benoficiory wlio shell epply such awerd,demages end pcocoeds to the suma
<br /> �_.
<br /> • � secured by the Deed of Truet, with tho excoss, if any,paid to the Trustor. f,
<br /> 10. Futun Advanc�s. The Loen Agreement provides for aadvances from time to timo to Trustor by BenoHctery s::
<br /> .,•�'+��l es provided thorein. In edditlon,upon request of Trustor, 6eneficiery, at Beneficiery's option, prior to reconveyenco �
<br /> -��-- ------- flf t�t0 Prnnartv 1fl }f1A Tn�ctnr rt1AV TA{fp ar�rlitinnal fi�f��ra A/'�VAflf^AC in t�'IA Trt�aMr C��rh f��f��ra saf�VOnnoC W{t!f F!
<br /> .._________. ___ - _. ...� .._�_..• " '..� ..__._.� ..._� ..."" "'._._.._. .""' �_""_" " " � "_""' �".. ."�" �"�"���• ...�..
<br /> ' `� Interast thoreon, sholl bo socurQd by this Daed of 1'rust when evidonced by promissory notes stating thet said notes �
<br /> are secured hereby; providod thot at r�o tima sheil the secured principal and future advences, not including sums f
<br /> . edvanced to protect the security, exceed one hundred porcont I7 00°.61 of the origlnal principal amounts secured f
<br /> hereby.
<br /> 11. Remediea Cumuletive. All remedfes provfded in this Deed of Trust ere disttnct end cumulejjv4�anx,o�ther
<br /> rfght or remedy under this Deed of Truot or efforded by l3w or equfty, ansf may be oxercis�id ` nct�bntly,
<br /> indopondently or succ:essively.
<br /> 12. Accelsratlon; R�m�diss; Sd�. A dofoult shall oxist in tho event of: 4
<br /> � + IA) Any fraud or misrepresentation by tho Trustor in connection with the line ot credit which this Deed af Trust �.
<br /> � securQS;
<br /> ,.I =
<br /> , • 9i94 aoe•2 �
<br /> ' � -
<br />