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�'� .,. . , . �,•,.;;� '•`°_ <br /> ,.�..,,yv�.`-� �'" <br /> . � <br /> ,�,.��,�arA-.,� <br /> . . � �„y <br /> 7" °_ • '-. _ <br /> `t � '� <br /> ....a�. .,.�., <br /> � : ..�... <br /> ..o+.l w#�7W1AiliwtiaT+cc�m•n�c,.................n.u:.�mnwtn�...Nw•,.w.c......e��.,,..�...v,....... .,......-_...� .-,_ <br /> , .n�., <br />."..h:!� .. � .. <br /> W�� . <br /> .r�7� ..�y�� 6/f� �`/�� _. <br /> ;� (B) Any fellure on the part of the Truetor to meet thA repnymnnt tem�s in respect to the Laen Agreement and any - <br /> • � s�ther advencea under thls Deed of Truet hAreby s�r,uracl; nnd, <br /> t � (C) Any ection by the Trustor prohlbltad by thn termr of thc� I.oan AAr�eemAnt or thls Deed of Truet or eny fellure of <br /> the Trustor to Aot ee rAqulred by the Loan Agreomnnt or thio fJond ot Truet, eech ot which Tra�ttqr hert�hy egreea <br /> � �� heve en adverso affect on the BenMir.lary'e securi.ry f��r tha Ilr�o ot credit esEabllsshed and the rlQhts of the <br /> � Beneflciery in euch securlty. � <br /> ::��+ . <br /> end upon the happening of eny auch event of defeult, 8eneficiary mny dur.ipr� all surns secured horeby immediataly <br /> due and payable by deliver to Trustee of wrltten decleratlnn of dafaulr_ Thn Truatge shell heve the pawer of aele of <br />-, ;, the Property, end if Beneficlary desirea tha Property to be sold,ft ah�il dopanft wI�.H T�ustse this Deed of Truat end ell <br /> ' promissory notes end documents evidencinfl exponditurea socurm�b hnr�+bV ercd shall dollver to Trus4ee e written naUce <br /> � of default and electlon to cause the Property to be sold, and th� Tru�tae ire t�rn shall prepare e notice in tha form � <br /> requi�ed by law, which shall be duty ffled for record by Trustee. _ <br /> .r (A1 After the lepse of auch time ea mey be required by law foilawinfl th� rar,ordet(an of aeid notice af d�efault, And <br /> notice of default and notice of sal� hevinfl been givon as required by law,Truatee,without demund an Tru�tor, <br /> shall sell the Property on the date and at the time and pluce desigr�nted in seid�otica af sele, at publip auctlun to <br />^�i�.x.`c; � the highest bidder, the purchase price paysble in lowful n��ney of th4 United Stet�rs at the time of sal�. ThF <br />._r�.�-';�;'; person conducting the sala may,for eny cause he deema expedlant,Rmnt�:one tt�e saie from time to time u�tli lt <br /> ; ';:j�,.�� shsll ba complotcd and, in every such cese, nutice of p�st�Qr.ement ahall kro Qiven by publlc declerativn thereaf <br />:_ ;�Y��,,*; by such person at the tlme and plece lost sppolnted for thw salr�,pr�vidud,ff the sala i s postponed for longer than <br /> '-�-r.'';�;; one(1)day beyond the day designeted (n the notice of s41u,nctice th4reaf shall �eqcvon in the seme mannsr as <br />_:'-;,;;...i�`�.: the originel �otice of sale. Trustee shall execute and dalivar ir�tho purchaser its Cieed,conveying the Property so <br />-wx�:t; sald, but without endy covenent or warranty, express or implled. Tha recitals ir� t�.m cieed of ar�y mettera or acts <br />`,�;1,�"-.'� sfiall be conclusive proof of the truthfulnesa thAreof. Any peraon,Including�ene1`eci�ry,may purchsaa et the aele. <br />=_y;;-_: (B! When Truatee sells pursuant trs the powors herein, the Trustee shall apply thr�proc�.+eds of the sale to payment <br /> '►� of the costs end expenses of exorc3stng the power of sale and of the sele,including t�e payment of the Truatee'a <br /> -�'�;U" :� fees actually(ncurred, which Trustoe's fees shall not in the aggregete exceed the toilowing amount based upon <br /> =-�i}�Y�n�� the emount secured hereby end remaining unpaid; 6 percentum on th�firat 81,000 thereof, 1 percentum on the <br /> �'� belence thereof end then to the ftems in subparagraph(C)In tho ordar thore stated. <br /> '`�"'�_�� S�!��:�s p��:•^•$ths!LS^!� ��s�lf!e�!!f aJ�l�R$(8ol�nl?IR! i1 thw Aw�N f�}hv T�.�igt�wj�r rhp nronar c�urt end other costs . <br /> `'"�:t=- oi farocloaure and sale if the sale fs pursuant ta judiciel foreclosure,the proceeds of sele shall be epplted In the order <br /> -.���;� <br /> -������ steted to the pnyment of: <br /> - -� '"; (U Cost of eny evidence of title procured in cannect2on with such sale and of eny revenue atemps; <br /> ________— (lq All sums the secured hereby; <br /> =•��� (Itl) The remainder, if a�y, to the porso���legally entftled the�eto. <br /> -_ -- 13. DutNs and Oblip�tions of Truat�s, (a) The dutias und obligatlons of truatee ahell be de4ermined aolely by <br /> -----= the express provistons of this Doed of Trust,end Trustee shr�lt nat be liable except for the performence of such dutfes <br /> --.�—,:-� and obitgations es are specificelly set `osih herein, end no implied covenente or obtigetions shsll be imposed upv� <br />,.;;� Truatee; (b) No provisions of thfa Deed of Trust ahall require Truatee to expend or riak ita own funds,or otherwise <br /> .,,� incur eny financial obligation in the perfarmance of any of tts dut(es hereunder, or in the exerciae of ar�y of Its �iehts <br /> or power�if it shail have grounds for b�fievinp thet tho repeyment of such funds or edequate indemni2y aQalnst auah <br /> _ ritk or Ilebil(ty(a not reasonebly essurxc8 tQ it;(c) 7rust�e mey ccr�sutt with counsel of ite own chooafng and the advloe <br /> - of such counsel shall be fult aRd ccmp9e:� author(zation and proR�ction in the respact of eny action teken or autiered <br /> by it hereunder in Bood feith and relien�e thereon;���t Trustee shetl not be Ileble for eny ection teken by it In good telth <br /> __�� and yeasonebly believed by it to be euthorized ar�n+vuu�in the di�oretion or�igfnts and powe�e conferred upon It t,y this <br /> _.� Deed of Trust. <br /> -_- 14. AddiHon�l S�curity InsVurne�te. Trunt9r, et its expeASe, wlll execute and dell�v�r to the Trustee, promptly <br /> =_---= upon demand,such security lnstrumenta as mey ba required by Trustee,in form end subatance aetiafactory to Truatee, <br /> covering any of the Property canveyed by thfa Deed of Truat, which security instruments ehall be edditfonal security <br /> for Trustor's feithful performonce of etl of the terms, covenents end conditlons of thia Deed of Trust, the Losn <br /> Agreement, any promfasory notes secured horeby end eny other securfty Instruments executed In connectlon with thts <br /> -_„-aR,�,;� transection. Such instrument� shall be re.aorded or filed, end re-rocorded end refiled,et Trustor's expense. - <br /> ----:��T,�,. 16. Miswll�naous. <br /> _-��.i�i�gy� (A) In the event eny ono or more of tho provisiAns conteined In the Deed of Trust, or the Loen Agreement or eny <br /> -��"�-��� promissory note,or eny other security instrument given in connectlon with this transection, shatl for a�iy reeson <br /> r���� to be held to be Irovalid, illapel or unenforceeble i�any respect,such Invelidity,fllegality or uner,farceabiliry ahell, <br /> �;_i-; :�� <br /> _;;�,���^�s�.�z � at the option of Beneficiary,not effect eny other provisbn of thia Oeed of Trust, thAt this Deed of Trust ahall be <br /> _�;�,;7'�,rid;� construed as If such invelid,Illegel or unenforceable provision hed never been co�tai�ned herein or therefn. <br /> =-•,y;.::.;;��� (B) 7his Deed of Trust ahell bo construed eccording to the lewa of the State of Nebraeke. <br /> "���'�� �' (GI the Qeed of Trust shell Fn�ure to and bfnd the heirs,legetees,devisees, aa�ministr�tors,executors,succesaors and _.. <br /> �:�;;i;.:,:-�� <br /> �`i;4'_��;� ,�,-.; essigns of the parties horeto. <br /> �-'`?"�` � (dl 7rustor shmll pey ell texds levierl upon this Deed of Trust or the debt secured hereby,together with any other taxes <br />=.;;:,-� �;',:� or assessm�nt�which may be levied against the T�ustee or Beneficiary or the legal hvlder of the Loan Agreement <br />. -_��, ....�_ ...a..ti...�a.,.se e.:aa....e.►.e eti.. <br /> ,,.., �. . <br /> .,.• ---°- - ---�.._. <br /> .•...,.'-'-.�';�a Vit p4VVa/��• V� ���V ���va�v�v��.vvv vi�vv��w ���viv��• � <br /> � � � tE1 Whanever used he�eln.the aingular number shall include the piurel, the plural,th�singula�,the use of any gender <br /> , ± �� � shall 6e appliceble to ell Qenders,end the term "Beneiicfery" shall Include eny payee of the indebtedness hereby - <br /> secured or any transfer thereof,whether by operetion of lew or otherwise. _ <br /> � � � � 16. Succassor TrustN. Beneficiary mey from tirne to time aubstitute a successor or successors to uny Truatee E <br /> " � nemed herein or e�tin� hereunder to oxecute thfa Trust Deed. Upon such appofntment and without conveyance to E <br /> i the successor T�ustoe, tho letter shall be vested wlth ell title, powers and dutfes conferr�d upon any Trustee herein <br />_� ' named or ectfng herounder. Each such appointment or substitution shell be mede by wr(tten instrument by Benaficlery, <br /> •� conteining referance to thfs Deed of Trust end its place of record, which when recorded in the offlce of the Re�fater <br /> � `� of Qeeds of the county or countles in which aeid propArty Is eituated,shell be conclusive proof of�r�p�'�ij�q{�Itment <br /> •; � of the successor Tnistee. The toragoing power of aubstitutio�and the procedure therefore shell not tae exclusive of <br />. 9/94 409•3 � <br /> a <br /> , � <br />