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<br />.�eY'+'..T ���:�._ _____— — _— —_ ° , _
<br />__ _ ._ _ APPL# 001-00033542
<br /> CCDII O100A66818
<br /> 221 South Locu�t St., P.O. Box 1Q09
<br /> Grend Islsnd. �Isbraske 86802-1009 97,� 1U�.5
<br /> �0�-382-40�D0
<br /> A�iCN(�11�IILEDf�i�iEiV4 '�O DCLD 0� TRUST �-
<br /> Tha undttrsl8ned "Truator"ea Identifled in the foltowing Deed of Trust,whether one or more,underatend thet thA
<br /> doaument t1�nY e��a about to execute ia e Deed of Truat and not a mortgaae, end thet the power of sale provi�ded for
<br /> In tha Do�c1 nf T�uat provides substentially ditferent rlghte snd obllgationa to the Borrowero than a mortgage In the
<br /> event of a dttf�iult ar breech ot ohligetion under the De�d of Trudt.Including,but not Ilmited to, tt�e Beneficiary's rieht
<br /> tn hn�o thn ��roperty Identlfied in the followfng Daed of Trust sold by the Trustee without eny Judiciel proceeding.
<br /> Truotar rqpr��enta end warrents thet this Acknoverledgment wea executed by them beforo tho oxecutlora�f the Deeci
<br /> of Tn��t hflrr�nfty�aot forth.
<br /> � �
<br /> — STBCKER
<br /> R STBCKSR —
<br /> WOME EO.UITY LINE DEEDJOF T�$UST � 1997 between
<br /> THIEi TRUST DEEO made this 4TH day of
<br /> td11R1C L STts`�ICRR AND �AA�t'1 R STBCKRR, HtT8H71ND AND F12HS
<br /> her�lnnftc�r cell "T�UStO�",whose melling address is 71 PONDfiR09A DR, (3RAND TSLAND, NS 68803
<br /> ;ea"Truatee";end Home Federal Sevings and loan Association of Grand Islend,whose
<br /> mnili�{�addroas ia 221 South Locust, P.O.Box 1009,Grand Island, Nebreska 68802, aa "8aneficiary".
<br /> Far v�atuable conalderation, Truator Irrevocably grants,trer�sfers, conveya and easigns to Trustee, in trust, wlth
<br /> powar of�ale,fqt t-he benefit end securitV of Beneficiery, under and aubJect to the terms and conditiona of thia Deed
<br /> ��T;=,�w;� .n�t�l��N,iro�a�cribed oroperty loceted in �°� '
<br /> Nubrnpka,to wit:
<br /> together wlth ell buildinge,fixturea,Improvements and eppurtenences thereunto belonping,it bein8 egreed that ali of
<br /> thfl fnrapafng shell be hereinefter referrad to es the"Pr�aperty".
<br /> F�R THE PURPOSE OF SECURIMG performence of each egreement end covanant of Trustor herein conteined aiid
<br /> the ppYment of ths princlpal sum of '�+� F� TH0°�D D°�.r�as a xo/csrrrs
<br /> p�����t�(g �5,000.00 ►, aa evidenced by e Horne Federel Home Equfry Loan Agreement betwaen
<br /> True�tar and Beneficiary �the"Loan Agreement"1,pursuent to which Beneficfary will advence funde to Truator from timo
<br /> tn time at the interest �etes and upon the terms qrovidod thereln, together with any sum or sums of money with
<br /> tnt�rnst thereon wt�ich rney hereefter be paid or edvanced under the terms of this Deed of Trust, both princfpal aum
<br /> end intoreat thereon being payebte eccording to the terms set forth fn the Loan Agreement, reference to whfch is
<br />- hereby mede, at the office of the Beneficiary in Grand Islend, Nebraska, or at such other place as Beneffciary mey
<br />= das+gnate In writine.
<br />- 1, W�rranty pf TIW. Trustor is lewiully seized oi the Property; hes gaod right and lawful authortty to sell and
<br />- canvsy the Pro�erty;the Property is fre� end ctear of ali liens ansl encumbrences exce�t liens now of record;end
<br />- i'r�aotor will warrant end defend the title to the Property unto th�e Trustee and its successors and assigns forever
<br />_ a�r,trnst the cleims of ell persons.
<br /> � 2. Paymsnt of Prindpal and Int�nst. Trustor shail punctually pey the principal of, and i��tereat nn,all edvancea
<br /> .._�__.,._►...., e..�..�,�.o�r and wiil nunctuallv nerform ell egreements,conditiona end provlsions of any other security
<br /> _ u��.�a� �,.a..........n---•--•---•�- -
<br /> = fnMtrument given in connection with this trensactfon.
<br /> - 3. PrssKVeNon�nd M�Intsnanc� af Propsrty. 7rustor witi not cornmit any waste upan the Property at will, et
<br /> = al! timos, mafntafn the same In pood order end condition end wiil make, from time to time, all repafra, renewnls,
<br />,� ropla�cements. additions end improvements whfch are reasonably required to prevent waste,Impairment or deterloretion
<br /> � oi u�sid property. No buflding or improvement now or hereafter e�ected upon tho Property shell be eltered rernoved
<br />. fl or clomolished withaut the prior wrltten consent of Beneficiary. .
<br />:� �. Insursnc�. Truator,e4 its expense,w81 maintein with insurere epproved by Beneticiery,lnsurance with respect `
<br /> to ttie Improvemente and personal properxy constituting the Property egefnst loss by fire, Iightnfng,tornedo end other
<br />,,n pe�il.c covared by stendard extended coverage endnrsement in an amount equal to at loast one hundr o�the '`
<br />�� full r�placement value thereof,end insurance egafnet such other hezards and in such emaunt ea Is c�to�n��tri�d --
<br />-e
<br /> .� s�sa _ aos•,
<br />