'x��'�r T f�lv}�!, .. . _ - . .._. ... . . .. iz�,- ..�....:
<br /> ��. �
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<br /> .. 1 '__ . . . . •Y'. ti.3..�" � . . - .. . .�.--- .
<br /> �' °s1: �, '���7:i:i±••�Fd�l�ii7W4YfV;.,�.I�NLti.uu.�a:�...=_ __ - ' —. . .
<br /> �tTn,.�; .... _ _--- ...-.:.-._�.... ..�"____..._. _.. ___-._"`___ -
<br /> "=tM� "Proceeds in connection with condemnaUCn or other tekln of tlte Pr
<br />^;s�s, '� p opeRy or peiR thenwl,or lor convey,�nCe In Ilsu of cond�mn�Goro.
<br /> Lender shall be entlUed at fts optlon to commence,appsar In end proeecute In Its awn neme any�etk�n or pr�npr,��d�t�N rMo
<br />>7!��
<br />,,..y� be entiiled to make any compromiae or setdement In cunnsctlon wNh�such takinp or d�may�.ln Ihs�vsnt�ny portbn ol ihN Nrop�Ay i�
<br />:'���}� no taken or damaged Lende�shall have lhe optlon In Ite eols u�d abwlut�dlccrotbn, tn appty �H such prc�oa�i�, �ft�r deducGnp
<br /> :!�fpf, therofrorn all costs end expensea incuned by It in connectk►r�w�th wch Proc6edr,upon eny Ind�btddr►�eY wcur�d h��by and Mi�uch
<br /> �:Y{ ` order as�.ender may detertnine,or to epply all euch Proceode,�fler such dYC�uctlom,to th�rQaloratlon nf tlw Pro�rty upon wkh rwn•
<br /> ��� ditlons as Lender may detormina. Any eppl�etion ol f+roceed�to Nxfebtedne�ahull not�xtend or po�tpone th�du�d�lo ol Nny pl1y��
<br /> ments u�der the Nota,or cure any detauH thersunder or herounder,Any urnpplNd fund��II M pald fo Trwtor.
<br /> L� 6. P��formanc�by I.��tNr. Upan the occuRSnce o1 en Ewnt ol DN�uit Mreunder,or il�ny eict I�tek�n a I�p�l proa�Nnp
<br /> corr�menced whi�h matsr{al(y aNacte Leixl�r'e Interost In the PrupeAy. l�r may In H�own di�cwtfaL bul without of,dlpltion b dn w,N
<br /> . end without notice to or demand u�on Truator and without rebaslnp Trudtor Irom eny obll�tbn,do nny Rcl whk�h 1'ruela hee�rfnM
<br /> - but failed to do snd may atso do any othdr ect It deems nlcss�ery to prot�ct Mw e�curity h�rsol, 7niva sf►�N, krtm�dl�l�ly
<br /> ����� demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lenaler sll coste end expenaea fncurred and aume sxpendsd by Lerxf�r In corx�ctbn with Ih��x��•
<br /> -:�;A% ciss by Lender oi the foregoing righte,topnther with intereat lhereon at the ckf�ufl ral�provWed In the Nol�,whlch sh�N t►��tkNd b!�
<br />, .,;;,;,,, tho(ndobtedness secured hereby. Lender eheU not Ir►cur�ny II�b;Nry b�ut�of anylhln�It may dn or omH lo do Mrwx�r. N
<br />�;::•:;.,�; e. Huardou�Matirial�.TNator shall keep the Rroperty In compll�r�a wlth�H �ppllc.�bUt►I�rv�, onllr►u��nd r��llarN
<br />'��•'`-� relating to Industrfal hy�lene or envlronment�l probclion(col�tiwiy rel�n�d to Mnln u'Emkonm�ntal Lrwr"►. Tn�No►rf�N k�p
<br /> � , the F'raparty tree trom all substences deemed to be hazardoua orlox�under any Envlronmontal Laws(collactively rotarrad to hor�t��
<br />`-'�?,�4 as"Hazardous Matedals").Trusror hereby warranta and roprese�Ne ta Lender that thare en no Huardcw�Materlats on or u�xlrr tha
<br />..,�,f� Property.Truator hereby agreesto Indemni(y nnd hold harmleas �endsr,ite dlrectoro,oHk:ero,empbyees snd spmb,�nd�ny suoow•
<br />'�"`� sors to Lender's Interest,from end apainet any and ell ciafm4,damapea,bseao�nd tleblUtie��d�fnq In canrwctfon wkh 1he pnwna,
<br />``�''� uae, dispasal or transport ot any Hazerdoue Matedals on, undsr.Irom or about dw Property,THE FOREQ�OIN(3 WARRANTIEB AND
<br />_��,�� 10.Assignrt�nta of R�nts.Truator hereby aKSipna to Lender,and prents Lsncbr a eecurfty Inters�t In,eM proNnt,fufun�nd
<br />��� after edsing rente,lssues end protlte of thn F�roperty;provided thstTrustor shall,unHl the occuRSnCe of an Ewnt ol DN�ulf,Mnsunde,
<br /> hsve the�ight to collect end reteln such rents,Issuea and profits ae Ihey becane due sod p�yable.Upon tt►�occurnna of u1 EwrM ol
<br /> ;}�� Uefault, Lender may,either in person or by agent,with or without bringing any ectlon or pracsedlnp,or by s rscehnr y�ok►Nd by�
<br /> ""-- court and without regard to the edequacy of its securiry,enter upon and take pos�easlon of ths Property,or�rty p�rt tMraf,tn iPa own
<br /> neme or in the name of the Trustee,end do any ecta which it cbema nsceaaary or dssiteble to pnanre th�v�Nie,nu�tk«abMify a
<br /> �� rentabllity of the P�operty,or eny part thereoi or tntereat thereln, ar lo increase the Incoms th�nirom a pt�ol�ct tM�scurNy Mr�uf�nd,
<br /> — with or without teking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwlea collsct ths renri,Is�ues�nd profRs tMnol,k�ck�thoM pW
<br /> due and unpaid,by notilying tenants to make paymente to Lendsr.Lander may apply rent�,I�s�and prdNt,{�t t�ab rnd�xp�rn•
<br /> es of operaUon erxi coilecqon Including attomey'e tees,to any indebtednese securad heroby,ell In euGt oM�r w L�ntMr rru�y dNrr-
<br />- mine.The entedng upon and taking possession ot the PropeRy,Ihs coli�ecfion ot wch ront�,lut��nd proHb,�nd tl��ppNc�Yon
<br /> thereof as eforesald shail not cure or waive any de(ault or notice ol deiruR hereundei w Imralid�ts eny�ct dorw[n re�por�b wx:h
<br /> default or pursuant to auch nouce of defauft snd,notwfthatendinp the oontkwence In poasessbn of ths properry or tl►�ooN�ctbn,
<br /> 7e�i:8iNi ai�u dNNliud2l0ii u9 iniia3,i5bim5 vi NiOiiits,�iunitiif&I�a Zesfqer afta�i o0 OnIiY00 t0 ex�r�iM awry riyiii prwid�o ior in ar►y a ii�
<br /> Lo�an Instrumanta or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of DefauN,includinp witbout Amitatbn ths rlpht to ex�rciN tlt�po�w�r d�aN.
<br /> Furif�er,Lender's rights and remedies under this parayraph shall be cumulative wilh,and In no way e Iknitadm on,Lend�rs riphb u�d
<br /> remedles under any assignment of leasea and renta reoorded aflelnst the Property.Lsnder,Tnatee u�d tM reuslvsr sh�M bs W�bN b
<br /> , eccount only tor those rents actuetty recelved.
<br /> 11.Event�of Defeult.The folbwing shall constitute an Event o}Default undsr thls Lesd of Truet:
<br /> (a)Fallure to�ay any Instellment of p�indpal or interost d any other eum securod henby wt�sn dw;
<br /> (b)A breach of or defeuft under eny provls(on contelned In the Nots,tfih De�d ol Tnut,any of the Loan MstnMnente,a�ny
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (o)A wrlt ot execution or attachment or any elmll�r prooess ehall be antersd aflalnst Tru�tor whbh sfwH b�oorr�e�N�n on
<br /> the Property or any portlai thereot or tnterest thereln;
<br /> ' (d)There ahall be filed by or agelnst T�ustor or Borrower an�cti0n urv!er eny preeent or future federal,etete or othsr ittduts,
<br /> law or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,Insoivency or other reliai 1or debtors;or thsre ahAu be eppAlntW any wsM�.ncMwr a
<br /> Iiquldator oi Trustor or Borrower or of all or eny peR of the Property,or the rente,issuee or proHte thsroot,a T►uslor a Borrow�r
<br /> shail make any genaral esslgnment for the benefit oi creditore;
<br /> (e�The eale, transfar, fease, essignment, conveyance or turther encumbrerxe of all or any part ot a any InteroW in tM
<br /> Property,either voluntady or involuntadly,wltFaut the express written consent of Lender;provided thet Truttor th�ll b�prrtnk-
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the Property that doea not contaln an opUon to pu�che�se end ths terrt�of wt►Ich doss nct ezC�)qw
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g) If Trustor ls not an individual,the Issuance, sale, transfer,assipnment,conveyancs a sncumbranoe d more ltwn(H•
<br /> corporation)a total of percent of its Issued and outstending stock,or pf a parinershlp)e toW of p�r-
<br /> cent of pertnership Interests,or(if a Iimited Ilabllity company)a totnl of percent of Ihe NmHed IleDility cort�a-
<br /> ny iMeresta or voUng�ghts dudng the period thls Oeed of Tn�t remalns e Iien on the property.
<br /> - 12.R�m�dls�;Acceleratlon Upon D�fauit.In the evant of any Event o}DefauR Lendar may,without nodce except as roqulrsd
<br /> by law,declare ail(ndebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the eame ahall thereupon become due and payabfs wNh•
<br /> out any presentment,demend.prvtest or notice of eny kind.Ther+eaAer Lender mt►y:
<br /> — (a)Demand that Truatoo exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,end Trustee ehall tt�roeker causs Truala'�Int�r
<br /> est In the Properly to be sofd and the proceeds to be dlstNMrted,all In the manner provided In the Nsbreska Trust Desd�Act;
<br />_,__� (b) Exerclse any and aU dgt►te provided for in any ot Ihe Loan Instruments ur by iaw upon occuRence ol eny Evsnt of
<br /> Detauft;and
<br /> (o)Commence an acGon to foreclose this Deed of Trustas a mortgege,appolnt a receivsr,or specifically eMace eny ol ths
<br /> -- covenanta here�f. _
<br /> No r�m�dy hereln conterred upon or roserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exclusive of any othsr romsdy hsrNn, In tM Loan
<br /> -° In�trumente or by law provlded or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in additbn to every other remedy phron heround�►,
<br />----_ In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter ex(stinp at law or In aqu�y or by statute,and may be exerc�sed concuRenty,Independenqy
<br />- °- or euxealvely.
<br /> ;�� 13.Tru�tN.The Trustee may reslgn at any Ume without cause,end Lender may at any time and without cause�ppolnt e wc-
<br /> -'N�?- cewor or substltute Trustee.Tmstee shall not be Ilable to any party,including without Iimi4atlon Lender,6ortower,Tnulor a enfr pur-
<br />-.u- cnaser oi me rroperty,ror any ioss or cfamage urness tlue to recFciess or wliitul mtscorsduct,end shelt no2 tx+requlred to teke any e�clbn -
<br />'�;*f�; In connscUon wlth�he entorcement ot thla poed ot Truet unless indemNfied,in writing,for all costs,compeneatbn or expeneas whfch =
<br /> =r,�� may be aaaocleted therewith. In additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(judlclal or urtdar the p�rer of =_
<br /> '� ;' s�k�rented hereln);postpone the sale ot all or any portlon of tF�e Property,as provided by law;or seil the Property se e wlwle,or In =
<br /> �epar�ts parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretion.
<br /> -: ���; 14.F��nd Expmse�.In the event Trustee aelis the P�operly by exercise of power ot eale,l'ruatee sha�l be entitted to appy =
<br /> '.yf any wk proceeds tirst to payment ot ait coats and expenses of exercising power ot sate,includinp ell Trustee'e fee�,and LendNr'o end E
<br /> Trust�e'e attomey'a fees, ectually incurred to extent permitted by appl�able law.In the event Borrower or Trustor er.s�clsef any ripht
<br />'_ provlded by law to cure en Event o1 Default,Lender shall be entitled lo recovor from Trustor all coate and expensea ectwNy Incurred e� �
<br />'-..�� t Q f06U11 OI 7ruetoPs detauit,including without Ilmltetlon all Truatea's end attomey's fees,to the extent permltted by eppllaMe lew. �
<br /> _ 15.Futun Advant�s.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at its optlon,make additlonal and luture edvanceo�nd ra�d-
<br /> ''Y,, wnca�to Borrower.3uch advances and readvances,with interest Ihereon,shell be secured by thle Desd of Truxt.At rw Ilme thall th� -
<br />- F'
<br /> ,. - �..
<br /> • .� I • _
<br /> ..,.. -.. ..r.w.�i�..t�ww.i"►Nwl�aY�[__. .leql�PS47^;rMiY1w.�.�,..�i-_'�:v��e�naf��wv�xal�a!r..a.�.�. .. -�v�v-rf`.�,,.• _ — - --�—�,.
<br />