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<br /> THIB DEED OP TRUOT,I�mad�o�u ol th� 05th �y of Jun. ,tg 97 .by and smong�( '
<br /> the Truata,. _ R�y�pn�! � St�hl• i Dianne R Stahlo , hueband nad vife a
<br /> who�e mellinp add�Mt�I��._.......�.�.— (herein"Trusto�',whether one or more),
<br /> theTruet�s FivA Puinta B�nk.�� N�sbr��ks Corporatian
<br /> whosa mallinpaddrot�Ie
<br /> P.O. Box 1':507 I3r�nd I�land, HE 68802 i(hereln'Truatee"),snd
<br /> Piv� Point� B�nk
<br /> the BeneNciary.
<br /> w����������� 1015 M. �roadr�ll Orand Ialand, HE. 68802-1507 �h�reln'Lende�').
<br /> Ray�ond E Stahla
<br /> FOR VAI.UASLE CON9IGERATION,IM,�Iudinp Lendere extension oi oredit Identiffed herein to
<br /> i Di�nn* R �,�h].�—_
<br /> (h�r�ln"Borrower,'whether one or more)and the truat herein created, the receipt
<br /> of which la h�nl�y sck�wwWtlp�d,TrutWr h�r�by Irc�vocably Qrante, trandtera, conveys and aaslpns to Trustee,IN TRUST, WITH
<br /> POWER QF SALE,ta 1hs b�n�flt and NcuntY a unar,uncNr and subjeci fo ihe inm�a ana ixan'u'�ias��e iw�oii�a1i"vi w3t forth,ttis ts:.!
<br /> Topether with sll buIldlMp,ImprowrtNnh,NxturN.�trNb,all�y�,pas�apeweys,easements,rlphta,privilapes end apEwrtenancea
<br /> focated th�non or In�nywiN p�rWnk�p tl�'�b.�nd tM r�� I�tw�and ProHla,reveralona and remalndere thereof,and such per-
<br /> eonel prop�Ay thaf Is attMCl�d to tM improv�rtNnta w�I to oon�Ntute a 8xturo,k�duding,but not Ilmited to.heating and 000llny equip-
<br /> �t��q�q�r with tM hpnkatMd a m��it�l Int�n�u,N�ny,whbh Intereste are hereby released end waived;all of wh�h,includ-
<br /> In�ropiecements and eddltbns tfKnto,I�h�nby drel�nd to M�pert of the reai estate sscured by the lien ot thte Deed of Truat and
<br /> aU ol the fore�olnp b�in�nlernd to h�nln��ths"Prop�rty". -
<br /> Thle ONd ol T�ust shaN�scun(�)IM p�ym�nl of ft►�piinclp�l rum ur�d interest evidenced by a promisaory note or credit ayree�
<br /> ment dated J,�g� Sth i997 _____,haatnp a maturiry date of J��_5t.h 2�3�_,
<br /> In the oripinei pr,lnClpsl smount of s_. ��•p�1'� ,and any and all modHicaUona,extenabna and renewala
<br /> theno}pr thenW end nny�nd all futun�dwtnCas�nd rM�NutC�e to Bonower(or any o}them if more than one)hereurxier purouant
<br /> to ane or mon pronNNOryI rat�s or cndit�OrNmmts(h�rNn cal{�d"NWe�; (b)the payment of other euma advaix�d by Lender ta
<br /> protect the recurity of th�Now;(o)th�pMormarKw ol�N ccv�nant��nd aQroemente of T�ustor set lorth heraln;and(d)etl present and
<br /> luturo IndebSedn�w�nd ob�ipations cf Borrovwr(a�ny ol th�m N mors than one)to Lender whether direct,fndirect,absolute or contirn
<br /> pant and wlwther��islnp by note,auaranty,owrdrAfl a otharwls�.TM Nots,thls Deed of Trust and any and al!other documente thet
<br /> aecure the Nots or otherwla�xocut�d In con��clbn tt�nwlth, Includinp without Ifmltatlon guerantees,secudry agreements and
<br /> e�ssipnmente of ba�ee end ront�,�hall b�rd�rnd W h�nln iu th�`Loan Imtrumente'.
<br /> Truetor arvenartte end�yrea with L�ndmr a�Idbw�:
<br /> 1, p�ym�nt p}Ind�bbdnN�.All Ind�bt�dn�N s�cund Fwr�by�hall bs paid when due.
<br /> 2, TitN.Trustor I�the ownnr of ih�Prop�Ry,h1N lN�rlpht�nd autltority to convey the Property,and warrante that ths Ilen creat-
<br /> ed hereby Is a flnt ond prior Ilen on th�PropeAy,�xopt for Il�m and�rxwmbrsncea set tarth by Truator In w�(tinp end delivered to
<br /> Le�xier betors exscutlan o1 thls�d ot Trust,�nd lh�ex�cutlan�nt1 dellvery ot this Deed of Tmst does not violate any contract or
<br /> ottwr obllpstion to wh�h Tn�etor la wbJect.
<br /> 3.7ucw�AsNSSm�nu.To pay bNors cMlinqu�noy�II tax��,�p�clel ases�arnents and au other charges apainst the Property _
<br /> now or hereefter fevled.
<br /> 4.Insur�na.To kNp th�Prop�rty►In�und�palnet d�m��i by Iln,huard�Included withlnthe term'extended coverape",and
<br /> sa�ch heza�t w Lsnd�r m�y rsquin,In amowlts I�nd with oomp�nl��sccWtabl�to LencJer,nsmlr�g Lender as an aclditionai named
<br /> Insured,with bsa payable to the Lender. In ce�ol lou undA�wch pollcw�, th�Lender Ia authaized to edJust,cot{ect anra cwnpra
<br /> mise,all ctalma thereunder end shail have the optlon o1 applylnfl ell or pah ol the Insurance proceeds(I)to any indebtedness secured
<br /> hereby and In such order ae Lender may cNt�rmlr►�,(II)to IM Tru�tor to be uwd for the repalr or restoretlon of the Property or(III)for
<br /> any other purpoae or ob�ect tatislactory to L�ndes without�B�ctinp the Ilsn of thl�Deed ol Trust for the tull amount secured horeby:
<br /> betore such peymsnt evar took place.Any Rppllc�tlon�ot proc�sds to InWbtednsas ehall not extend or postpone ihe due date ot any;,'.
<br /> peyments under the Note,or cure any uata�uit ttwreunwr or n�rqunwr, �r�:j
<br />° b.Esarow.Upon written dsmand by Lender,Yru�l�e �hall pay to 6encbr,In such menner as Lender may deaignate,sufflclent,.�.,,
<br /> sums to eneble Lender to pay as th�y become due on�nr mar�ot th�lolbrrinp:(I)all Gucee,asaessments and other charges ageinst
<br /> the Property,(U)the premlums on the property Insunnco r�quli�d t►�r�und�r,(ill)th�premiums on any mortpage inaurance required by;:,�,
<br />- Lender.
<br /> 8. M�Int�nanc�, R�paln�nd Compll�nc�with L�w�. Tru�tor �t1ui11 k�up ttw Property In good conditlon and repalr; shall
<br />° promptly repair,or roptace any improvement wh�h muy b�tl�rru�Q�c1 or M�troy�d;oh�ll not commft or pe►mit sny waste or detertore-
<br />° tion ot the Property;shall not remove,demollsh or�ub�tanti�lly alt�r any ol IMI knprav�nu on Ihe PropeRy; shan not commit,sutter `
<br />- or pertnit any aCt to be done In or upon the Propsrty In vblutbn ol pny 11►w,otdin�naa,or rputaUa�;and ehall pay and promptly dis-
<br /> char�e at Trustor'e coat end expense all INne,e�kumbrA�ce�and clMrp��{svl«f,Impo��d ar �cceeaed epalnst the Property or any
<br />_ pad Mereof.
<br />� 7.Emin�nt Danaln.Lender la hereby aulpn�d�II comp�nt�tlon, pWNfd�,d�m�p��end ott�er payments or reliei(herelnaRer -
<br />_ �+�cM+���.ro.an�.a�e
<br />._ O,wwwriewaco�wc.rn,w.nas.ww�warYa.�ncaarMaw.
<br /> �
<br /> � _
<br />