I�`l i. ' - � ��''{'y�?f'� ' " .
<br /> � �,Jie.xatLtufs''��I:f.�i"-.:�i 1A-Sd . .r ••., .
<br /> • ' ;�;;�::.�--r . ��...�wf�Af --
<br /> ' ��:� _,__ __'_---
<br /> ' p�fncipsl�mount o/th�Indibt�dnss�eecured by thls f)eed ol Trust,not Includlnp euma edvanced to protect the securtly ot this Oeed o1
<br /> Tnut��xaed IM orlpina�Rrir�p�l Amoun4 stated hereln�or S �iYl.�1.s9 ,wf�Chever ia preater.
<br /> 18.Ml�o�llaMOw ProvleWni.
<br /> • (a)sorrow�r Not RAIMS�d.Extenslon of the time for payment or modtNcatbn of emortlzatian of the sums secured by tl�
<br /> Deed d Trutt gnr►tsd by Lender to eny suoceetor fn Interoet ot Horro+�»r ehall nW open�te to�eleaee,In any marmer,tl�e ilablU•
<br /> ry at tM orfpinal Borrower and Borrowere suoce�awrs In Intereet Lender ehap not be requ(red to commanCe proosedinpo
<br /> • apslnq wch suw�stor m reivas to extend tkne fa peyment or othenMte modi�Y amortlze�tinn of the sume sacured by tht�
<br /> Deed ol Trut!by ros��n ot any demande made by the oripinal Bonawsr end Borrowere euoceaenro!n inter�n.
<br /> (b)�w�'�p��.Wi�ut A}(�►np qw Ilabiliry of�n�►o�her patwn Iidble lor the paymant d any obWpstbn harein men-
<br /> tlM10d��nd wdtwut aHectinq the Iion or charpe af tl�Oeed of Trust upon any p�rtfon of the P�erty nat tt�n M thsratabro
<br /> � r„�z�scC t�.^,ccrairity for tho fuil amo��nt ol nli unpakl otsllgatlone, Lender may.Irom timo to time and wltFwul noHcs(q roiea�e T
<br /> •ny p�non ro Ilebl��(it)e�R�nd ttw rru�turNy ar eRer my W th�t�mu ot�ny auch oWipetbns.(Gq prnnt othsr I�dulp�na��(hr)
<br /> nb�►s�or conwy, or ceuee to be rslea�eed a reconveyad �t any Nmo et Lendsre option any psrcei,poRbn or aN uf th�
<br /> � pnoperry,(v)lake or release any other or additlonal escudry or reoonveyed at any dme at Lenders optk�n any paroel,Portion or
<br /> 1 eN of 1M Prop�rfy,(vi)hk�or rolsa�e any other of addidonal securiry for any oblge�tion herein mentioned,or(vii)make corr�po�
<br /> � eitione ol other arrenpementa w(th debtoro U relatlon thereto.
<br /> (c)ForbMr�na by L�nder Not�WNvK•MY�orbearence by Lender In exercislnp any ripht or remedy here+x�der,or oth•
<br /> , erwilse�Itorded by appitcable Iaw.eheN not be a wah�ar of or pn+dude the exercJse of any such right or remedy.The procure-
<br /> rr�nt d Nt�unrxe or ths pe�yment of taxea or other Ilens w charpea by Lender ahell not be a waiver or Lendera rfpht ta ar.celer•
<br /> {� ste the maturity ol the Indebtednesa secured by thls Deed of Truat
<br /> (d)gu����d/1u{�n�gow�d;,.lolat�nd g�wnl LI�WIit�;CapNoM.The covvnants end agreemenb herein con-
<br /> tal�ed eha��Wnd,end the rlphts hereuMfer shall inure to,the reapecUve euccessors and aasipne of Lender and Trustor.AN
<br /> Tn.�st u�for convon snce only and ero natlto beu�sed to interpret or def���tha provislons 1�ierepfthe peraAraphs of this Deed ot
<br /> �a�p�qwat}pr NotioM.The pardee hereby request that a oopy of any notke ot defautt horourxier and a copy d eny notta�
<br /> of�b heu�uncier be mNled to ee�ch paAy to d�is Deed ot Trust At the addreae set forth above in the rn�nner proacribed by
<br /> eipplicable lew.Except for any othsr noNce requirecl under applk;abfe iaw to be gnen in nnoti�er manner,any noti�provlded tar
<br /> in thi�Deed of Trust shaN be ptven by malUn�suc�notbe by ce�i8ed mat�addressed to the other partlea,et ltK+eddress sot
<br /> inrth ebove.My notke provtdecl for In lhis Deed ot Trust shall be e8ective upon mallinp In the manner designated herein.If
<br /> Trustor fs ma'e than one person,natloe sent to the eddress set(orth ebove c,haW hs noUce to all such persons.
<br /> (n N►�p�oNon.Lendsr may make or cause to be made reasoneble entr{es upon and inspections of tt►e Property,prrn►fded
<br /> that Undsr sh�ll ph►e Trustor notke prbr to any such inspection sPecity�n9 reasaia�bte cause theretor��elated to Lenders(nter-
<br /> sat In th�Prorsedyr.
<br /> (y)R�canw�r�nw.Upon payment of�II sums aecured by thfs Deed of Trusl,Lerxbr ehafl request'fniaiee to rsoonwy the
<br /> Pro�wAy end ahell surrendar thia Deed of Truat and all notes ev{denciny indebtednesa secured by thla De�d of Trwt to
<br /> TruMN,Tnutse ehall�eoonvey the Property,withou►warranty end vrithout charpe to the person lepally endibd d�ereto.Truata
<br /> eFwEl pty aN cosb or recorde�t�on,H any.
<br /> (h)pKSpA�I pro{�rty; 3ecu►ity Apreement. Aa addftional securiry for tha payment oi the Note, Trustor hereby prnnts
<br /> LK�tAr u�d�r the N�bnNui UnNortn Commsridd Cods a escurily interost in all Ilzturs�,equhxnent,end WMr psrwnsl P�nY
<br /> UNd YI C011�CIW�!VYlit1 t}IS lelli Osiaie V�iii iyii'v'rv.Tia�Wa.'�'S..""w:�L~�t:�i:2.�S`�S«!'.`�'�.lYl:!'1_�4�°!'��_f!�i�t�M�rtl�frf to be a D8R M
<br /> Ih�n�l oshes wcurod hereby.Thia inatrumont shall be constn�ed as a Secudry Ayreement under said Code.and the Lender
<br /> shall heve�II the�and remsdiee of Q secured party un�ler eald Code In�idifion to the riyhta end remedies w�der lhis
<br /> peraynph�11 bs cumulative with,end In no way a Ilm(tatlon on,Lendsrs►IQhb a�d remedies under any other secudty a�roe�
<br /> mYnt Upned by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (i�I,IKq�nd Encumbranow.Tn�stor hereby warrants and represents that there is no detauft under the provisione of eny
<br /> a�'�eben o�mtirar�ta��einst ah o ra r'p�aR a n�e�Poperty�v�eiy t�e'L�sr��,�r�etrt��neant�
<br /> dnM d tl�f�Qeed d Trust,and that on�►end aM exislkp Lbns rorr�in ur�nodified except e�t d��cbaed to�er�d�sr in Tn�for�writ•
<br /> t�n d�cto�ure of liens and encumbrences provided for herein.Trusto�sh�N drt►ely ps�form all o�������
<br /> oov�w�ts,ropfeaentstlo�e�nd werrendes ur�der a�ry end aN ezlstk�y and tuwn Ueoe,stwli promplly
<br /> of�11 noticee ot detaufl seM in oonnection with anY end ell exlatkp or hduro Llais.axl shall not+vtthout L��dsr�p�ior wrkten
<br /> oo��sM�t En eny menns�modltythe provialona of or eNow any tuture advanoes unde�any sxlatinp ortuturo Wsns.
<br /> �y�o.e�on.a P�nss•Ur►kes otherwrse requlrsd by law,sums paa ro�ender r�ereunder,�,rucwp+�+a�,�+m+a�-
<br /> tlot� p�yrnsnis d prindpAl end Interest,insurenos orocfleds,ca�demnsuon prooee�ds and ren�s ar�d aona,e�bs ap�.a t�r
<br /> Lender to the amourrts due and owlnp trom Tn�atur and borrower in such order as Lender In its sole di�asNon dswns dsd�-
<br /> M�M.
<br /> (k)iw�nblNry.If eny provlslon of thls De6d d Truat ooniHcts with applicabb law or Ie dedared knralid or otl�erwhs ixbn•
<br /> bro��bl�.wch oonll�t or invalklity ehall not tNect the otl►er provisiona ot thia Da�d ot Trust a the NoOe wWch can be�ivsn
<br /> Ml�ct wilhout tM oor�fNCtin�Provi�on�and t4 thls end d�e pnovlafo�s of 1Ms Deed of Tn�st e�d ths NW�aro d�d�rod b b��sv
<br /> er�ie,
<br /> thi snrns prson(s).dwe�erms aa uaed��Deedlof T�ehelt��IMe r��and when tlw Tnrslor iud Bonowsr aro
<br /> (m)aowrnlnp Law.TMa Desd ot Tnut shdl be povemed by tl�e laws of the State oi Nelxaska.
<br /> Tn�br ft�s�wK.'uMd thl�O�d d Tn�t�a�4b�+i�yr.�llen abo+re. " .
<br /> ^--------�.__��.
<br /> r�on � w . �s �n T� Tn�sEOr
<br /> ... , n ..
<br /> �u�X�e�'��fit'�'��� Tn,ttor - - �, ,'Tlust°r
<br /> � • .�:.L�:,
<br />