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201201842 <br /> ! DEED OF TRUST <br /> Loan[No:89000'12� (Continued) Page 6 <br /> '�.. perFortnane�e ofi a�ny indebtedness or obiigations�seeufed by this Deed of TrosY and to exercise.alf rigEi[s and powers <br /> � under±his Desd o#Trust,under the Nate,undzr any of the Related Documents,or upder any oiher agreement or <br /> � any Iaevs n4w or hereafter in force;twtwithstanding,some or all oi such inde6tedness and otiligations secured by <br /> this Deed of Trust may nou✓or hereafter be otharwise securr�r3,whether by rt�ortgage�deed of trust,p]edge,Iien, <br /> assignment or otherwise. NsiYher the accep[ance of'this Deed of Tr�st nw its enforcement, whether�ay court <br /> '�.. action br puesuant to the pnL°✓er o#sale a�orther powers GontaineH in tt�is Deed ofi TrusW shap prejudice or in any <br /> ��, � manner affieci Trustee's or Len�er's right to realize upon or entorce any other secur€ry naw or hereaYer held by <br /> ��, � Tr�stee or Lender,it being agreed that Trustee and Lender,and each o#Fhem,shall be entiiletl to enforce this Deed <br /> ���. of Trust and any o�her sec�ri#y navv or herea�FYer held by Lendat or Trustee tn sueFi order and marner as'�hey br <br /> ��, either nf�them may in their absalute discretion aetermine. No remedy conf�;reed upo�or reseived Lo Trusiee or <br /> � Lender;[s Ir.tended to 4e exclusiue of any other remedy in#his Deed of irust or 6y law providzd or permit'ted;but <br /> �� each shalf 6e eumulative and shall be m adtlition Yo eve:y otfier remedy given in this Deed of Trust ar now or <br /> hereafiter existing at law or in equity or by statute. Every�orovar or eemedy give�by tfie Note or an�y of the Ftelated. <br /> �3ocuments to Trustee or Lender ar to which ei2her of them may be otnerwise entitEed, may he e�rcised, <br /> concurrentEy or Sndependerrtly,from tim@ to t[me arid as ofi[en as may be deemed expedient by l-rustee or Lender, <br /> aod eiTher o#them mav pur�ue inconsistent remedies. [�pYhing in this Deed o'f Trust shaJ be cbnsmue.d as <br /> �� prohibiting Lender from seeki�ng a defiiciency judgmettt against the Tnestor to ihe ex4eni such acTion is permitted by <br /> � law. Election by Lender to pursue arty remedy shall not exclude pvrsuit of any other reroedy,and an eteciion tn <br /> �, make expenditures Qr to take acuon to perform an obfigation of Trustor under xhis Daed of Frust,afiCer TrusYOr's <br /> failure to peeform,snali not affect Lender`s right Fo declare a defiauit anH exerciss its remedfes. <br /> ', Repuest for Nqtice. Trusto�,on behaFf of TrwsEat ana Lender,hereby requests that a copy bf any Notice o#D'efau]I <br /> !, and a eopy of any IVouce of Sale wder this Deed of Trust be ma�led to them at the ad'dresses sef iorth m fhe�irst <br /> ', paragraph of this Aeed of Trust. <br /> �, Attomeys' Fees;Expenses. If Lender irtsfitutes any suit ar action to enferce any of the terrns of this Deed Qf <br /> ���. Trust,Lerder sha[f be entitiled to recover such sum as the court may adjudge rzesonabte as aYtorneys'fees at Trial <br /> '� and upon any appeal, Whether or not any court action is fnvolved,and to?�he ex4ent not pmhtbited by law,a]! <br /> reasonable expertses Lender 4ncurs thzt in Lender's opinion are necessary zt any tuns-For�ifie protecbon of its <br /> interest or tha e�forcement o't its righis shall 6ecome a part ot the Indebtedaess payable on demand and shaif bear <br /> interesc at ihe N[ne rate firom Ihe date ef the expendiiure urml repaid. 6cpenses covered bq xhis paragrap[i inciude, <br /> �vuithout limita#ion,ha��ever subject to any limiTS undzr applicabte faw,Ler�der's attnrneys`iees and L�nder`s legal <br /> expenses.,whetf��er or noz there is a laaa�sui't,including at#orneys'Tees and expenses for bantcruptcy proceedings <br /> � (including e'ffor[s Ib mbdify or v�cate any automatic stay or injune�ion),appeals,.and an}�anticfp�t2d postjudgment <br /> cofle�uon services,the cast of searci�ing records,obtaining tifle reports iincluding forsdosure reporfs),surveyors' <br /> rep�rts,and a{�praisal fees,title insurance,arad fee5 for the Trustee,to the extent permitted by applicablg faw. <br /> Trustor also will pay any r_ourt costs,in 2ddition to a0 other su�ns prov�ded by law_ <br /> F�ghfs of Trustee. Trustee shal]have aIl of the rights and duties or Lencier as set forth in this seeiion. <br /> POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS QF TfIUSTEE. The follovdng prouisions ret2ting to the powers and obfigafons of Trus2ee <br /> are part ofithis beed oiTrust: . <br /> Powers of 7rustee, tn addition to all pAwers of Trustee arising as a matter o'f law,.Trus#ee slra.fl have the power to <br /> take the€olfowing actions wi�h respeei to the Properijr upon the��ritF2n request of Lender and Tr�stor: �a)join i� <br /> preparing and Zling a map or plat of the Real P:operty,incTuding the dedication ofi streeis or other rights Eo ThA <br /> public; tb]�]oin in g�anting any easemeiiz or creating any resiriction on tf�e Real Property;and {ct join in any <br /> subordination or other agreement Afi#eeting this Deed of Trust or the interest of Lend�er und�r tfus Deed of Trust. <br /> TrusEee, Trustee shail rrieet ail quaGf'rca:ions requiTed for Tru�tee under applicable law. In addition To the rights <br /> and remedies set forth aboa.e,witfi respect ta all or any part of the Propetry,the Trustee shafl have the righi to � <br /> forecbse by notice and sal�,and Lendzr shall have the right to foreclose by jutlicial fiorzclosure,in eifher case in <br /> - � aeeordance witf�and to the fufl e�ctent provided Gy applica6le law. <br /> 5uccessor Trustee_ Lender,at Lender's option,may from time to time appoirrt a successor Trustee io any Trustee <br /> aopointed under Ehis Deed of Trust by an ins�rument executed and aeknowledged�y Lender and recorded in the <br /> oiice ofi tne recorder of HALL Coartty,Sta2e of Nebreska. The instrtiineot shafl cnptain,in a�ddfYion to a3f other ' <br /> maYters requited py sta"te 3aw,tha names of the origin�i Lender,Trusiee, arrd Trustor,ihe boot<and page� (or . <br /> coinpuief system re�erence?�vhere this De�ed�of TrusT is recorded, and che name artd address ofi fhe suceessor <br /> trustee.and ths instrument shall be executed and ackno�dledged b}�ali the bzneficiaries under thSs Deed oi Trust or <br /> their successors En interes#. The successpr trustee,�vithout conveyance ofi the Properry,shall succeed Yo all t6e � <br /> title,gowzr,and duties cOnferred upon the-rustee[n this Deed�of TrusF and by appticable 3anv. This procedute fior <br /> substih:tion of Trflstee sh21!govern to the exeEusion of 8ll othe�provisions'for substitufion. <br /> lNOTICES. .4ny notice required to be given under ihis Decd o'E Trust,including without limitation any notice ofi defi'ault <br /> and any nobs,e of saEe shall be given in writ3ng,and shal]De effective when actuaEfy delivered,when actually received <br /> by teleEacsimEEe{�nless othentiiSe required py lava),when deposited wifh a navonatfy recognized ovem!'rght courier,or,if <br /> mailed,wher�depo'siied in Yke United States mail,as.firsi c[ass�cerYified or re�istered mail posta.g2 prepaid,directed xo <br /> the addresses sho�vn near the beginning of this�eed of Trust, Af1 eopies of notices of forec[osure fram#he holder of <br /> . arry lien which has priority over[his DeeH nf Tri�si shal[be�serit to Lender's addresg,as shown near�e beginning ofi <br /> this Deed bfi T[ust P,ny par2y may chan�e its address fior notices uncler this Deed ofi Trust by givi�q#ormal vurrtien � <br /> notice to the other parties, speciFying"ihat iMe purpose ofi iha notice[s 1� change the pa�rty's address. For notice <br /> purpases,Trustor aorees to keep Lender infiormed at a��t�mes ofi Tmstor's current address. Uniess otherwise provided <br /> ot rsGui�ed by law,[f there is more than ane TrusEor,any notice given by Lender to any Trustor ik de0med to he notice <br /> given to aIl Tr�stors. � . <br /> MISCELLRN60i1S RROVISIONS. The foflowing miscellaneous provisioris a�e a part of t{iis Deed ofi Trust: <br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trus�t,together witii any Related DocumeMS,constitutes the entiie understandiriq and <br /> � agreemenY of Yf�e partles as to the matters sei ioRh in this Deed of Trust. No alteration o#or amendrnent to tltis <br /> Deea of Trust shafl be eFiecYive unless given in writing and signed by�he party or parGes sought to 6e chargsd or <br /> 6ound by the afteration or am=ndment. � <br /> . Annual Reports. If the Property is used fior purposes other tt+an Trusibi s residenc9, Trustor shall furnish tb <br /> Lerider,upon request,a eertifed statement of net o�ertng incame recei�ted from the Property during Trustor's <br /> previous fiscal year in such form and de�Tall as Lender shall require. "Net operating income"shali mea.n a1J cash <br /> receipts from the Properiy iess a17 tash expenditwes made in connection wiih Fhe operation of ths Property. <br /> Captiort Headqqs. CaGtton headings in this Deed of Trust are for conveaience purposes only ar3d are nflt to 6e <br /> used to ioterpret w defiFle the provisions of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Merger. There sna1E be n�mer5er ofi ihe inieresf or estate created by tfiis Deetl of Trust wrth any other interest or <br /> estaTe in�he Properiy at any time held 6y or fior the b°nefit af Lender in am/capacity,without the wr,'tten consent <br /> of Lertder. <br /> Gonerning Law. This DeEd of Trust wi[I be governed by fedeial faw applicable to Lender and�,to the ezfent not � <br /> . preempted by federal law>the taws of the State uf Nebraska wifhb�t regard to its conflicts ofi Iaw provisions. This <br /> Deed of Trust has tneen accepted by Lender in ti�s State of Ne6raska_ <br />