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201201842 <br /> L}EED OF�Ft1JST <br /> Loan[�40:8100f�'i2�S (Coe�tinue�) Page 7 <br /> Chofce of Venue_ lfi thers is a lawsuit,Trustor agrees uaon Lender's request to sutimit to tBe jcrisdictinn o€th2 <br /> :ourts ofi Hall Coun-ty,State ofi NebrasKa. <br /> Joint a�d Severa[Liability_ Af[obliga2ians of Berrower and Trustor under this Qead of Trust shall be joint and <br /> . several,and all re�,'erences to Trustor sha[I mean each and every Tre.s2or,apd all referenpes to Borrower shalt mean <br /> . eacf�anH every Bosrower. This means tha�each Teustcr signing b2}ovJ is responsibie iqr all obligations in thiS Deed <br /> ofi 3rusE. . . � <br /> � No Waiver by Lender. Lender shaff�ot be deemed to have waived any nghts under this Deed of Trust unless such <br /> waiver is gSven in�vriting ana signed 6y Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any righY <br /> sha!!operate as e wafv0r of such righ*_or any o2her right. A waiveK @y Lcnder ai a provision of this Deed o�Trust <br /> shatl not prejutlice or co�titute a wzSver of Lender's rignf otherwiise to deinand strict compltance with that <br /> provision oi any o+_her provision of this Daed of Trust. No prior warver by Lender, nor any course of dea?ing <br /> between Lender and Trustor,shal4 constiEUte a waiver of any of Lender's righfs or oi any of TrusYOr's obligations <br /> as to any fu[ure transac2ions. WE�enever the ccnsent of Lendee is Fequired urtder Uiis Deed 6f Trustr ihe granting <br /> o;such consent 6y Lender m.any inst'4nce shall no;constitvta con�inuing conserrt Co sUbsequent instances where <br /> such consent is required and in all cases svch consert may be aranted ot withheld io the sole diseretion of Lender. <br /> Severahifity. If a cour[of competeni jurisdiction=�nds any provisian o#this t7eed of Trus-F xo be i[legal,inval[d,or <br /> �� uaerrPorceabla as Yo any p�rson or circumstance,tha�finding shafl nat make ffie offiending peovision il[egai,invalid, <br /> or unenforceahle as to any other person.or circumstance. If feasible,the ofiending provisEon shall be considered � <br /> mo�ified so that¢becemes legal,valid and enf�rcea6fe. If the offendiog provision cannot be sa modified,it shall <br /> b�conside;ed delered from this Deed.of Trust. Unlss ciher�vise required 6y law, the iffegality,invalidity, or <br /> unenFo�rceahifity pf any pxouision of this Deed oP Tzust sha[f not affect the legality,va[tdity or enforceability of any <br /> ather provision of this Deed of!ntst: <br /> Successars and Rssigns. Subjecf to arr•/limitations stated in this�eed of Trust on transfier of Trustor's interest,� <br /> Uvs Deed af Trust sha]i 6e binding�pon and intve to the benefit of tfie parties,thEir successors and assigns. If <br /> ownarsFiip of tha Property become�s vested m a person otner Than Ttustor,Lender,rii±hout notice.te Trustbr,may <br /> deal v.�ith Tru,sto-r's s�ccessors witn referenee to this Deed ofi Trust and the Indebtedness by way ofi fiorbearance or <br /> extension�vithout releasing Trustor from the ooEigations of this Deed of TrusE or Eiability under ihe Inde6tedness. <br /> Time is nf f#�e Essence; Time is of!he essence tn th.e performance ofi this Daed oP Trust. <br /> WaPve Jury. Ail,paryies ta fhis Deed of Trust fiereby waive the regfit to any jary frial in any action,proceeding,or <br /> counterclaun,,kty any pati�ty aga"[as.f aCry other party. <br /> Waive.r o#Homes3ead Eremption. Tr�stor hereby releases and�vaives afl rights and benefrts of the homestead . <br /> E�c2mptfon[aws of the$tate of Nebraska as to aJ Indebtedness secured by ihis Deed oi Trust. <br /> DEFthITIQNS: The foifowing caBitalized words and terms shafl have:he fiollpwing mecnings when used in this Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated to The conU'ary,ali references to doltar amo¢ois shaff rr�ean amounts in lawfial money <br /> ofi Yhe Uni�ed States of America. Words and terms used in Yhe singula�shal[include fhe pfural,and the plural shail <br /> include'the singular,as ihe context may require. Words and terms not oThen�ri5e defined m this�eed of Tn�st Sha[I <br /> have the meariings attribuYed to sach terms tn the Uniform Commercia!Gode: <br /> Beneficiary. The word"Beneficiary"means Equita.bte Bank,.and its successors and assigns�. <br /> Bwrower. Ths word"�Borrower" means YEN C SWN and includes alf co-signers and co-makevg signing the NoYe <br /> and all iheir successors and assigns. <br /> �eed of Trust_ Tlie words "Deed of 7rusi" mean fhis Deed of Trust among Trustor, Leoder,and Trustee,and <br /> includes wrthout Iirzutation all assignment 8nd securib/interest provisions relating to The Personal Proper[y and <br /> Rents. <br /> DefauIC. The�,vord"Defau[t`means the pefiault set forth in this Deed o;Tn�st in t(�e saction titled"Default". <br /> . EnvironmenTal Lawg_ The words °Environmental Latvs" mean any and all �tate, fiedera? and (qcal staeu�es, <br /> regula�ions and ordinances relating to the pro2ection of human health or Ef1e envi:-onment, induciing without <br /> limitation the Gomprehsnsive Environmental Respoose,Compensation,and Lia6i[fty Aet of 198Q,as amended,42 <br /> U.S_G.Secti6n 9a61,et seq. (."CERCLA"j,the SoperFund Amendments and Reauthor�ation Flct of i986;Pub.L. <br /> No.99�-499("SARA°),xhe Hazardous MaYerials Transportation Act,4.9 U.S.C_Secaion 180i,et seq.,the Resource � <br /> Conseroation and Recovery Act,42 U.S.C.Section 690�t,et seq.,or ofher applica6le sfate or federal lAws,rules, <br /> or regulations aaopted pursuarrt theretg. � <br /> Evecrt af Defapft. The words"E✓enT of Defautt"mean any o�the evznLS of defauit set fiorth i�this Deed of Trusc in <br /> the events of default seciion o f[[iis Deed ofi Teust. <br /> 6uararrtor. The word "GuaraMOr" means any quarantor, surery, or accommodation party of 2ny or 21t of the <br /> Inc�e6tedness. <br /> Guararrty. The v��oi-� "Guaranty" mearls the guaranty from Guarantor to Lender,incloding without limitaflo❑ a <br /> guaranty of alf or part o�th.e Note. <br /> Hazardous Subsxances; The words "Hazatdous Substances" mean materials t�at, 6ecause o`their quaniiEy, <br /> corteentration or ghysical,chemical or infieetious cnaracteristics,may cause or pose a presenY or potenEial hazard <br /> io human health or the environmeM when impiopeely uSed,tFea'ted,stored,disposed o(,generated,manufact:ued, <br /> trartsnorted or otherwise handled. The words"H�ardous Substances�"are used in their very broadest 5erise ar.d <br /> incku�e wiihout I;mitat�on any and all haza�rdous or toxic substances,materials or waste as defined 6y or lis#ed <br /> unfler xhe=nvironmenEal Latvs. The�ierm°Hazardous Su4stances"also incfudes,without limitation,petro(eum�and <br /> petrol2Um by-pro�ucfs o�any fractian fhereoT and asbestos: <br /> Improvemerps. The word "ImprovemenTS° means a!1 existing and €uture improvements, 6uifdings,. structures, <br /> mobile homes a�xed on the Real PropeRy,facilRies,add[tions,replacements and otfrer con,struction oo tne Re,al <br /> Property. <br /> indeLtedness. The�aord "lndebtedness° means al! princ[pai, irrterest, and other amourets, costs artd exnenses <br /> oayabl'e under ihe Note Qr Related �ocuments, together wi:�hr all renewals of, erensions of, modifirztions of, <br /> co�soiida2ions of a�d sabsSrtuvons for the Note or ftelated pocuments and zny amtiunts expended or advanced by <br /> Leoder to discharge ��rustor`s obligations or expenses i�curred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustor'S <br /> obligat[ons under this Deed of Trust,together with interest on such amounts as provided in tfiis Daed of Trus[. <br /> Specifitally, wiThout 6mitafion� tndebYedness includes the €utuFe zdvances set forth in the Future Advances <br /> provision, tagether with all interest thereon and all amounts that may be indirectly secured by trie <br /> Grass-Collateralization provision of rhis Deed of Trust_ <br /> tender, TRe wotd"Lender°means Equixabts 8anl�,its suecessars and assigns, <br /> � IQote. The word"t�ote^means the promissory nots dated March 8,209 2,in the original princepai amount <br /> of �369,01Z,78 firoM�Sorrower to Lender,.togetner wit3r all renev✓als of� extensions ofi, modifications of, <br /> refinancings oi;�onso€idations ofi,and substituttons for the promissory noie or agreement_ � <br /> Personal Property. The�v6rds"Personal�.Property°mean aIl equipment,fiX�ures,and other arYicles of perSOpal <br />