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201201842 <br /> DEED OF TFiUST <br /> Loan IVo:81000125 {COtlfiitliteda p�ye� <br /> Indeotedness or Borrower`s or Granior's ability to perinrm their eespzctive obligatioets under this Deed o#Trust oY <br /> any of the Refated➢ocuments. � <br /> False SYa#ecne�rts. Any warranty,reprzsentation or statement made or fiiimisfied#o Lender by BorroNrer or Trus[or <br /> or ori 8orro�rver's or�ruslor`5 behalf under this Deed o#Trust or The Related Doaumer:TS is false or mislea.ding in <br /> any ma�erial respect,either no�nr or at th�time made or furnished qr becomes false or misleatling at any time <br /> thereafter. <br /> Defec£me Cof[zterel'¢ztion. This Deed of Trust or any af the ReSated Documents ceases�to be ir�fufl force and <br /> effect(ineJuding fiailure of any collateral document to creat°2 valid and perfected security interest or Gen) at any <br /> time and fior ariy reason. <br /> Death or Insolvency. The death of Borrower or Trustor,the inso[vency of Borrov��er or Trustor,the appointment of <br /> , a receiver for any part of Borrower`s or Trustor's properCy,any assignmeo2 for the benefit of creditors,arty type of <br /> credrtor workout,or the cortunencemerrt o{any proeeeding under any bankruptcy or irvs�olvertcy laws by or against <br /> BofroNferorTrustor. � � <br /> Credetor or Forfeiture Proceedings. Gommencement of forec3osure or forfefture nroceedings,whether by judiciai <br /> proceeding, self-help, repossession or any other methad, by any credifor of�Borrower or Trustor or by any <br /> gavernmerrta! ageney against any properfy secunng YBe Indehtedness. ThSs indudeS a garrtishmeni of any o# <br /> Borrower'S or Trustor's accounts,including deposft accounts,with Lendex. Ho�.vever,this Event ofi Defau[t shalt <br /> � not apply if TBera ts a gno�''Faitih dispute by Borrower or i rustor as to The valid;y or reasonableness of the claim <br /> w�hich is ihe basis oi the creditor or forFeiture proceeding and if�BOnower or Trusmr gives Lender written nouce of <br /> the creditur or forfeiture proceeding and deposiYS with Lender monies or a sureiy bond for�he credi:or or forfeitu[e <br /> proceeding,in an amount determined by Lender,Pn its solz discretion,as being an adequate reserve or bond for the <br /> disput2. � - � <br /> Breach of Other Agreemen#. Any breaeh by Borrower or Trustor under the terms of any oSher agreement between <br /> &orrower or Trustor and Lender fhat is noi remedied withtn any grace perrod provtded 2herein,including w[tFiout <br /> limi#�aflon any agreemen_ conceming any indebtedness or other otrlFgaY;on o-F Sorrewer or Trustor to Lander, <br /> �vhefher exis;ing now or later_ - <br /> Everrts��`.ffec(ing Guarantor. Any ofi the precedng events occurs wifh respecY Lo any Guaranfpr ofi any of the <br /> lnd�btedness nr any CuaranYOr dFes or beeomes incomp2tent or revokes or disputes the vAlidity of,or liabiliiy <br /> under,zny Guaranty of the tndebtedness. <br /> Aclverse Change. A material adverse change ocCUrs in Bono�wer's or Trustor's f[nancial condition, or Lender <br /> balieves the prospect of paymerrt or performanee of the fndebted�ess is iRlpaired. <br /> Insecurity_ Lender in good f�ith believes itse[f insecure. <br /> RIC,HTS AND REMEDIES 6iU DEFAULT. ]f an Everrt of Defau[t occuCS under this Oeed of Trust,at any time thereafter, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercfse any one or more of the#oilowing rights an�7 remedies: <br /> Aeceleratian Upon De#ault;Additional Remedies. If aay Event of Defau[t occurs as per ihe terms of the Note <br /> secured hereBy,Lender may declare aff Iqdebtedness secured by this Deed,of Trust to be due and payab[e an.d <br /> xhe same shall thereupon 6ecome d�e and payable without any presentrnerrf,demar.d,protest ar ncvice of any <br /> k�ind. Thereafter,Lender may: <br /> [a? Exher in person or by agerr[,with or without brtr=ging any action or proceedino,oc by a recePver - <br /> appointe.d 6y a co�rt and without regard to the adecjuacy of its secur€ty,errtsr upon snd take possession <br /> of the Property,or ar3y pa�t the�eo�f,in its own name or in the�name of Trusiee,and do any acts�vhich it <br /> deems erecessary or desira6le to preserue the va7ua,marketabili;y or rentabiRty ofi Yhe Property,or part�of <br /> the Property or inYer>„st in ihe Property;increase the incorne from t'�e Proper[}%or protect the security of <br /> the Properfy; arsd,with or without ta3cing passession of the Properry,sue far ar otherwise collect the <br /> rents,iss�es and proCES of the Propert/,induding Ehose past due and unpaid,and apply ti're same,less <br /> costs and expenses o€operatiorz and collection attomeys'fezs,to any indeb#edness secured 6y this Daed <br /> of Trust,aflin such order as Lender may deiettnine. The entering upon and taking possession ofi the <br /> Property,the colle�ior.ofi such rents,issaes and profits,and thE application thereo:=sha11 not cure or <br /> Waive any defauh or r,otice of default under ihis Deed o#Ttust or[rivalidate any act done ir.response to <br /> sucFi de°au3t or pursusnt to sucB noTice of dz"rault;and,noiwiEhstandfng the eontinuance in possession of <br /> the Property or the coliection,receipt and applieation a#rentS;i.ssues or profits,Trustee or Lender shaU <br /> be entit;etl to e�ercise every right provided fnr in the No�e or tFie Related Racvments or 6y]aw upon the <br /> occurrence of any euent ofi deFauF(,including�e righi tn exercise the power of sale; <br /> tb) Cammence an actian fo fpreclose t[iis Deed of 7rust as a mortyage,appoint a receiver or specifica:ly <br /> enforee any of the covenants hereo#;and <br /> (c) Deliver to Trustee 2 wri2ien deelaration of default and demand for sate and a written notice of default <br /> and e[ection to c2use Trustor's�Rterest in t13e Property to be sofd,which notice Trustee shall eause to be <br /> daiy f[[Ed for record in the appropr�ate offices of the Gounty in which the Property is[ocated;.and <br /> (d1 �ih respect m�!I or any part of the Personal Property,Lender shall have afl th,e righis and remedies <br /> ofi a senured party under the Nebraska Unifiorm Commercia[Co�e. � � <br /> Fo[ecloscrre by Powes of Safe. Ifi LendEr elects fo foreclose by exercise of t3ie Power of Sale herein cqn[ained, <br /> Lender Shall notifv Trustee and shall depasit with Trustec this Deed of Trust and the iVote and such receipts <br /> ard e�tideace ofi expenditures made and secure�d by thig Deed of Trust as Trus'tee may require. <br /> tal Up¢n rece�ipt ofi such notice from Lender,TrusYee shall cause to 6e r@co:ded,pu6frshed and de3ivered <br /> to Trustor such No�tce ofi Defaalt end Notice of Ssle as then requieed by 1aw and by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Trastee shaii,withouY demand on T:ustor, afitar svch f[me as may then be required bu law and atier <br /> record�von o;such Notice cf DefaWt and after No�ice nf Sale having been given as required by]aw,self <br /> Fhe Property af the ticrie and place of sale fixed by it in such Notice of SaJe,either as a whole,or in � <br /> separafe fots or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedieni,and in such order as R may determine, <br /> aT pub[ic auction ta the 6ighest bidder for cash irt lav✓'FUl money pf the Unhed States payable at the Ume <br /> of sate. Trusiee shall deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereo;iis gbod and su�cier.rt dee�or <br /> tleeds com✓eying Jie praperty so sold,but withouT any coveeiant or wfarranty,express or imp[[ed. T�he <br /> reciials in such dsed ofi any maiters or kacts sha[I be conclusive proot of the truthfulness thereofi_. Arty <br /> perso�,incfuding without limitation Trustor,Trustee,�r Lender,may purcFiase at such sale. <br /> ibl As may be permitted by]aw,after deduc2ing a4k costs,fees and expenses of TrusYee and ofi this <br /> -fr�st,including costs of evideace of iitfa in conneciion:with sale,Trustee sha11 apply the p;�oceefls of sa[e <br /> to p2yment oi {i)zll siuns expended under the terms ot this Deed of i rusY or uqder the terms of the Note <br /> not then repaid,ir�clvding bi2 nat limited to aberued inCeeeSt and[ate charges, (ii}all other surns'Fhen <br /> secured hereby,and {iii]the remainder,ifi any,to the�erson or persons legatly sntitled thereto. <br /> {c3 Trustee may in tfie manner provided by law postpone sSle of alI or any poction or the Properry. <br /> Remedies No-t 6ecllasive. Trustee and Lender, and eaeh ofi them, shall be eniitled to enfrorce payment and <br />