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, <br /> 201201842 <br /> DEED OF TRUST <br /> Loan I�io:810�0125 (COn'finuetl) Page 4 <br /> may be the nomirral pariy in sueh proceeding,put Lender shall 6e antitfed to participate in thE proceedir.g and to be <br /> represanted in the proceeding t�y couRSe!of its own cfio'[ce,and Trustor will delFver or cause to he clelivered to <br /> Lender such instrumen2s ar+d documentabon as may be requested by from t�me to time to permit such <br /> parEie4pation. � <br /> . Appiication o#Net Proeeetls. 1#aEI ot any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedir�gs or by <br /> � any proceeding or p�trchase in lieu tlfi condemnation,Lender may at its election require that ali or any portion of the <br /> net proceeds of the award be applied to the]ndebtednBSS or the repair or restorafion of the Properiy. The net <br /> proceeds oi the award sRall mean Zfre award afTer pe;�vrent of al;reasortahle costs,expenses,and attorrteys'fees <br /> incurred¢y Trustee or ler�der in cannectiQn with the condemnztion. <br /> �IVIPOSITIpN OF Tt1XES,FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERN'MENTAL LSUTHORITFES, The following provisions relztina <br /> to governma�tai�Caxes,fees a�d charges are a parc-of this Deed af Trust � <br /> Curr�nt Taxes,Fees and Char.ges. Upan request by Lender,Tr.utor shall executa such documerrts in addiiion to <br /> this Deed of Trust and tal<e�nihaiever ether aceion is ieqvested by L�nder to perfec*and�eorrtinue Lender's Eien on � <br /> the ReaE Praperty. Trus"tor shall rezmburse Lender for ail taxes,as descri6ed laelnw,together with a[I expenses <br /> lncurred in recordin.g, perfeciing or contiauing tfiis Deed of Trusi, includ5ng without I�mitation alJ ta�ces, fee5, <br /> _ documeotary seamps,ar,d other charges for re8or�iag or segiStering Y6is�eed of Trust. <br /> Taxes. The fioilowing shaf!co�rst2tuie taxes to wFtiCh this section appfies: (1) a spe.cific tax tspon this type of <br /> Deed of Trust w upon all or any part�ofi the Indebtedrses�s secured by ihis Deed o�f Trust; (2) a specifiic 1�on � <br /> 3orrower which BorrovJer is authori�ed or required to deducx+rom payments on the[nd�btEdness seeured by this <br /> type ofi 4eed of Trust;. (3} a fae on this type of Deed of Trast chargeabie against the Lender or the holder of tfre <br /> Note�and ¢¢) a specific tax on a€.I ar a�y portion of tne lndebtedness or on paym�ent5 of nrineipal and iaterest <br /> made by Borrower. <br /> Subsequent Ta��s. Ef any tax to which Yhis section appfies is eriaeted subseGuent to tne date of this Deed of <br /> Trust>this event snal[have tlie sama effecf as an Ev2nt of Default, and Lende�may exereise any or ai4 of its <br /> avaifabfe remedies fior an Eveni of Defauif as provided belorr✓eNess TrusEOr either t71 pays#he taic bsfiore iY <br /> becomes delinquznt,or (21 c�rrttists She tax as provided above in Eha Taxes and Liens sectio�and c'eposits with - <br /> Lender cash or a.sufficient corporate surety band or other security satisfactory to Lender. <br /> SEGURITY AGfiEEMEIIT�. FINANCING STATEMENTS. Tha folioNiing provis.i0ns reEating to this Deed of Trust as a ' <br /> security agreem�nt are a pait of Yfiis Deed of TYUSt � � � <br /> Sec�rity Agreemetxt. This instrument shall consii€ute a Sec�arity Agreement to the eacten�any of ihe Proper[y <br /> constitutes fi�ures,and Lander sha[t have sl!of the riyhts of a secured pariy undu the Uniform Commemaal Code <br /> as zmereded from time to time. � <br /> Seeittity IntkresA Upan request hy Lender,Trustor shall talce whatev2r action f;s requested by L2nder to pzrfect <br /> and coMinue Lender's security inEerest in t?�e Rents and Fersonal Property. In addr�ion fn recording fhis Deed of <br /> Trusi in the real proparry recards, Lender may,at arty time 2nii withou't further authorization firom�.Trus[or;fife. <br /> - exe�ute:d counterparts, eopies or reproductions of fhis �eed af Trust as a finartc.�ng 5atement. Trusior sha19� <br /> reimbuise LeRder for alf exparrses incurred in perfaeting or crnttnuing#his sec�riry interest. Upon default,Trustor <br /> shaf4 not remm�e,sever ar detach the PerSOnal Properfy froi•e the Property. Upon de:�ault,TnzsYor stiall assembfe <br /> . any Personal Propern,�np2 afixed tb the PropeRy in a manner and at a place reasonabLy convenienf to 7rustbr and <br /> Lender and make it available to Lender�n�ithin three(3}days afiter receipt o#wntten demand irom LendeP tq ttie <br /> exten*permitYed by appFicable law. . �- � <br /> Addresses�_ The maiFi�ng addresses ef Trustor (debtor) and Lender {Se�ured partyl from which infiormation <br /> concerrting�e securiry interesf granted by this Deed of Trust may be o6tained(each as requised by the Uniform <br /> Commercial Code)are as siatEd on Yhe first page of this Deed of Trust. � <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-JN-�ACT_ The inEFO�.i✓ing provision5 ralacing to further assuiartces�and , <br /> attarney-in-fiact are a par�afi this Deed of Tnist= <br /> F�er Assurances. Rt any tc�rie,and froin time fo Curie,uoon request of Lender,Trusior.nrilt make,execut2 and <br /> delivei,or�nfil[cause to be made,execuied or delivered.,�to Lender or to Len]er's dESigaee,and vvhen requested by <br /> Lend2r,bause fo be filed,recorded,refii[ed,or rerecorded,as the case may be,at such times and in such of6ces <br /> and p[aces as Lender may deem appropriate,arry and al[such monyages,desds.of trust,securcty deeds,securitq <br /> agreemen'ts, financing s�tatements, continuaUOn statements, instrumenYS af further assuranee, cer�.iTicates, and <br /> oiher documents as may,in ihs sole opinion o#Lender,be necessary or desireqle in order to efFeeivate,comple�te, <br /> pErfect,cooYinue,or preserve ('[} Borrower's and Frusior's oF�liga�tions ur�dee the Noie;this Daed of Truse,and <br /> - the Re[aied Docutnents,9nd (2) 2fi=lfens ano security intere'sts created by thls Daed of Trust as first and prtor <br /> li�ns on the Properiy,whether noUV owned or hereafiter acquired by Trustor. Un[ess proliibited by law or Lender <br /> agrees to ihe conVa�ry in writing,Trustor shail teimburss Lender for a[I costs and expens�s irtc.urred in connecti��on <br /> with the matters rererred to in tfiis paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Facc_ !f Trustor�fails to do any oi the things referred to G�the preceding paragraph,Lender may do so <br /> for 9nd in the r,ame of Trustor and aY Trustor's expense. ;o�such purposes,TruSior[�ereby urevoeah[y appoints <br /> LeRder�s Trustor's attomey-in-fact�far i[�e purpose of making,executing,deliuering,fiiling,recording,and dotng a1E <br /> other things as may be necessary or des'vabfe,in Le�der's s.ode opinion,to accomplish the matCers jn <br /> the precediag paragraph. � � _ <br /> � FULL AERFORMANGE.. f, Borrower and Trustor pay all the Indebtedness, mcluding withaut lirraftation aif fuwre. <br /> ativances,when due,and"t�rustor oYherwise performs all the obligations ilrposea upon Trustor vnder�this D�ed�of Trust, <br /> Lender shafl execute and detiver to Tnistee a reguest fbr fiull retunveyance and Shall execute and deliver ta�Trustor - <br /> suiEable statemen'ts of termina'tson o'f any financing statement on file evidenc7ng Lender's securiiy interest in The Rents <br /> and Fh�Personal Property: Any recanveyance fiee requifec by law shafi be paid by"frustor,if perrnifEetl by applicable <br /> law. ' <br /> EVEIVTS OF DE�AUEL Eaeh of the foliov✓ing,at Lender's opYion,shall constitute an Event of Defaukt ander this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Payment Defaii[t. Horrower fai[s to make anp payment when dus under the Indebtedness: <br /> Other Qefaults. Bo:rower or Trustar fiails to comply v�nth or io perform any o�cher term,o6ligation,covenant or . <br /> condif[on contained in ihis Deed of Trust or in zny�f the Related�ocuments or to comply with o['to perfo[m any <br /> term,obligation,covenant or condition canfained in any othet�qreemeirc between Lender and Borrow�r or Trustn:r-. <br /> GamplSance Defauk. Fai9ure to somply N.rith any other term, obligat[on,covenant or�ondition eontained in this <br /> Dee�ofi TruSt,the Note or in any of the Refated Dacume�YS. <br /> 4efautt on O�ther Payments. Failure of Trustor w�ithin the time required by ihis Deed flf Tr�*s'[to make any paymeu <br /> for taxes or insurance,or:aay other payment necessary to�prevent filing ofi or Lo effect discharge of any lien. <br /> Befaolt irt Favor of Third Parties. Sho�uld 6orrower ar any GranTOr defaulE under any loan,exTension of credit, <br /> sacu�riy agreement,Purchase ot sales agreemen#,or a�y other agreement,in favor of any�ther credltor or person <br /> tF�t may materially affect arry af Borrowet`s or ar,y GtanTOP`s proper[y ot Borrotver's ah�ity fo tepay the <br />