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201201838 <br /> rcquircd by RliSYA, �nd Borrower shall p�y to Lencier tho au�ouut nu;cssary to u�s1ce up the deficiency in <br /> accordance u�ith RESPA, but in no more thati 12 monthly pa}nnente. <br /> Upon payment in full of a11 suxns aecw�ed by this Secw•ity Inahument, Lender shnll promptly r�fund to <br /> Borrot�er any Fttncis held Uy I,ender. <br /> A. Charges; Liens. Borrowar shall pey a11 Caxes, essessments, cl�arges, fnes, and impositions nttributable to <br /> the Properdy whioh can atEain priority over t1�i� Security Iust�wnent, leasehold payments or ground reuts on <br /> the Property, if,any, and Comrnunity Association l�u�, 1�ees, and Assessments, i£�iy. To Uie exYent that <br /> these iYcu�F aro Esorow Item.s, BorroEVer shall pay then�in �'he u�ar�nei'provided in Secfion 3. <br /> Borxower s1�a11 prompt1y didcl�arge any lion whicl� has priority over this Secw�ity Instrtunent unless <br /> Boxrower: (a) egrees in�niting to the payment oPthe obligatian secnred Uy the lien in n manner acoeptable <br /> to Lendar, bstt only so loug as Rorrower is performing sncl�agreemenC; (b) contast's Che lian in good f'aith by, <br /> or cleFe��ds against enforoemenC of the Iien in, leg�tl proeeedings which in Londcr's opinion operate to prevent <br /> Che enforcemenC oP the lien while those piroceedinga ve pending, but only until snch proceedinga m�e <br /> cancluded; or(c) secw'es fioin tha holdar of Uie lien an agreement satiisfactory to Iznder subordinaking the <br /> lian to flus Seourity H�ettumcilt. ff I.oi�dcr dct�nnino9 that any part of thc Prope��ty ie sitbject ta a lien which <br /> can a�ttain priority ovcr this SecuriCy Insti�umenC, Lender m�y give Borrower a notice idc.ro6ify'vi�;thc licn. <br /> Within 10 days of Clie clate on whioh thak notice is given, Borrower shall setiafy the lien or take one or morc <br /> of the ncCions set forth above in this Section 4. <br /> Lendar inay require Barrower to pay ft one-ume chargz for a real estate ttix veriffcn6ion end/or reportrng <br /> service used by Lendar in comiection with this Loau. <br /> 5. PYOperty InsuYanCe. Bon�ower sliall keep the improvements now existing or herealter erected on the <br /> Property insw�ed against]ose by firq l�az�rds iiichidcd within the tcrm"exEendcd covoragc," aud any other <br /> liazards iuclud'rng, bi[t not liinited to, eprthquakes and floods, for which Lender requices insurnnoe. This <br /> insurance shall Ue maintained in Clie auiotuits (including deductiUle lavels) and for Yhe periods tlk�k Lender <br /> requires. What Lender roquires ptiusuant to tho precedii7g scntences can change dw-ing tl�e te�•u� of tl�e Loan. <br /> The insnrance cairier providing tihe insuranoe sl�all bc ohosen by Barrower subjecC to Londer`s right t� <br /> disapprovc Borrower's choice, which right eh�ll not be exercised ut�reasonably. Lender may xequire <br /> Borrower to pay, in oonneetio�i wit11 this Loaui, eiYher: (a) a one-time oharge for'tlood�one deterirunaiion, <br /> certifioation wid t�acking seivicos; or(b) a one-Ciine ohv�ge for flood eone deCerminafion and oerCifioalion <br /> services and subseqnenC charges each tinie remappings or sunilu�changes Qccur which reasonably might <br /> affect such detetmination or cerCiticaTion. T3ono�er sl�all a1so Ue res}�oi�sible for the payment of auy fees <br /> imposed by t�he Fader�tl L+merge�icy Man2gement Agenoy in eonnection wikh Cl�e rcview of�ny flood zon� <br /> dctermination reaulCing from an objeotion by Borrower. <br /> If Bonx�wer faile w inaintnin nny of the covereges desoribed above, Lender may oUtain insur�nce coverage, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lander is under no obligation Co pmclk�se a�iy pa��ticula�lype or <br /> amounY of coverage. Tlierefore, suah coverage sUa11 covcr Le��de�-, bnt rnibht or n�ighE not protcct Rorrower, <br /> Borrower's eqiuty in the Pro�7cn•ty, or the contenl:�nP Che PrpperCy, 2gainsC any rislc, hazard or liabilitiy and <br /> might provido grcatcr or lesser cover�ge than was previously in effeet. Borrower nclmowledges th�t the oost <br /> of fl�e insurenceooverage so obtained inighY siguifioa�rtly exceed Yha cosE of ineura�ice Yhat Borrower could <br /> have obtauied. Any aanounts disbursed by i.ender uudc�•tl�is Scction 5 yhall bccome a�dditi�nal dcbt of <br /> I�orrower seeured by Ehis Seom�iLy In.gCilunen6. Theae amolmts eh�ll l�e�r�inteiest aC Che Nota rAte fron�lhe <br /> date of disl�nrsen�ent and shall be pa�yable, wiYh such inYerest, upon notice froin Lender Yo Borrower <br /> requesting pa}nnant. <br /> zn000ezi <br /> NEBRA5KA-Single Femlly-F9nnie MaelFroAtlie M aa UNIFORM INSTRUM FNT Form 3020 7101 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(7106). <br /> W nitnrs Kluwe�Flnenclnl Snrvlr.eis Page 8 0(1] <br />
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