<br /> l�uy applicafion of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaueous Proceeds to princip�.l due under 6�he Noke
<br /> e1�a11 not cxtcnd or poetpoi2e the due date, or cl�iange�lic amoimt, of tl�e Periodie Payments.
<br /> 3. Funtls 1'or Escrow Items. Borrowcr ehall pay to Lcndcr on kho day Periodic Paymants Are due under the
<br /> NoGe, unCi1 til�ie Noke ie p�tid in fiill, a sum(the"Pimds") to provide for p�yinent of amounts due for; (a)t'ases
<br /> and pssesements and other items wl�ich oan attain priority over thia Security Hishlm�ent as a licix ur
<br /> encumbrance on the�Property; (b) leaseliold�ayinenYs oc gromid rants on the Pxoperty, iP any; (c)premiun��
<br /> for any aud all insm�ance requiral by Le�ider lwder SecGion 5; and(d)Mortgage Insuranee preminms, if nny,
<br /> or any sums payaUle Uy Bon�pwer to Lender in lieu of Cho paymcK�Y of Mortgage Hisurauce preinituna in
<br /> accordance willi Ihe piovisions of SecCion 10. These items ere calleci "Lscro�v Itcros." At originalion or at
<br /> nny time during the term of the Loan, Lender may requu�e that Community Associnlion Dues, Feea, and
<br /> Aescssu��2ts, if any, be esexowed by Barrower, and such dues, Peea and asecsnmants s1�a11 be an Fscrow
<br /> Item. Borrower shall promptly fzuiush to Lendar all noYices of�tnounte to be paid under this SecCion.
<br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender thc b'unds fm F.aci�ow Items unless T,ender waives Borro��er's obligfltion to pny
<br /> the Lunds foi atry�r all ,Nscrow Items, Lender maq�vaivo Borrowcr's ob1igalion to pay io Lender Punds fbr
<br /> any or n11 I a+ orovl Iteirr.q aC any t4me. At�y such wniver may only be in wriCing. In til�c cveut of suoh�waiver,
<br /> Boxrower eh�ll pay dixectly, when and wl�ere payable, Che�mounts due for �ny Esorow ILems for whicli
<br /> payment of I'unds has been waived Uy Lender and, if Lender requiies, shall fiirnish to Leuder receipts
<br /> evidencing such payment withii� such time period as 7,ender iv�ry require. Borrower's�obligAtioii tio m�lce
<br /> snch payme�its aa�d to proviile receipte shall for all purposoF bc dee;med to bc a covenant and�1��eement
<br /> containe d in thie Secm�ity Instrument, as the phrese"covenant and agree�nenC" is nsed in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrower ie obligated to pay P.scrow Iteins direcCly, pwsuant to a waiver, end Borrower fails Eo pay the
<br /> axnount due for zu Escrow It�,Kn, Londcr may cxeroisc ite rights undcr Section 9 and pay such ainomit and
<br /> Bon owcr shal]thcn bc obligeted nnder Section 9 to repay to Lender any such unounG Lcnd�.�r mxy rcvolm
<br /> the weivex as to any or all Esoro�a Items at any tiuie by a notice given in necordence wiCh Seotion 15 and,
<br /> upon such revoctttion, Borrower shall,p2y to Lende��all Funds, and in snch amotuiCs, tliat ase tiheu requir�d
<br /> under thie Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, aC auy tline, collcct and hold l�unds in an amotimt(a) sufficierrt to permit Lender to apply tl�e
<br /> Funds at the tiine specificd �mcler RLSPA, and(b) noC Co exceed lha nia�rimum vnount a 7cndcr can rcquirc
<br /> undcr 1ZL�SPA. Lencler shnll estimnte the emount of I'unds due on the basis of ourrent daca nnd reaeonable
<br /> estimates of expenditm�es of f�tC�n�o L�scrow Itcn2s or otherwiso in accordance with ApplicaUle Law.
<br /> The Fuuda shall be lield in aii ineCiCution tvhose deposiCs ara insared bq a fedcn'al agcncy, iushumcutality, or
<br /> �c��riry (inclucGng Lender, if Lender ie An institution whose cleposite are eo insnredj or in nny Pederal IIome
<br /> Loan Banlc Lender ehall apply the Funds to pay tl�e P,sci�ow Items no la�ter�than tlie tuna speciiied under
<br /> RESPA. Lender eh�ll not charge Borrowcr for hold'nig and applying tho Fimd�, annaally aira7yzin�;the
<br /> escmw accotu�t, or verifying the Esemw Items, uuless Lender pnys Borrower niteresf on ilie Fimcis nnd
<br /> Applicable Law permics Lender to meke such a cha��ge. Unlase au agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applionble Law requires intere�t to Ue paid on Uie Funds, Lender eha11 not ba required to pay Borrower a�ry
<br /> interest or aari�igs on Che Pnvd[,. Borrower and Lcndcr can agrco in writing, however, Uiat interest shall be
<br /> paid on the Runds. Lendcr shall give Co Boirower, without charge, nn annual aceouiitiiig of the Ftmde as
<br /> requirec{by R�SPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus oP Puncls helci ii�escrow, Ts defined under ItESPA, Leuder shnll account to $oreower for
<br /> tlie excess Funds in accardance with RBSPA. [f there is a shortage of Funds held in�scrow, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, I,ender shall notify Bon•ower as reqiiired by RLSPA, urd Borrower ahall�ay to Lcnder the�mo�mt
<br /> ncccssaxy Co make up Che shortage in nccordenoe with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly paymenes. If
<br /> chere is n deficiency of Funds Iield in escrow, as defined wider RESPR, Lendar 9hall notify Borrower es
<br /> 24000521
<br /> NF9RASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle ManlPretldla Mao 11NIFORM IN9TRUM ENT Form 3020 1101
<br /> VM P OO VM P6(NE)(1106)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer flnanciel Ssrvlcea Peqe 6 0�7'1
<br />