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201201838 <br /> All insurance polioies required by Lender anci rcnewals of such policie.c shall l�c subjecE co Lcr�der's right to <br /> dieapprove such policiee, ekk�11 include a stattdard martgAge clanse, and ahell name Lencler as mortgngee <br /> aud/or as an additionaS loss payee. 'Lender shall haue the right to hald tlxe polioies uid ranewal certificates. If <br /> Lc�ldor requires, Borrowcn el�all ��ronipily give to Lender all rcccipt's of}�aidpte�niums and iro�cwal norices. <br /> IP Borrower obEains nny form oP insi�ranoe coverage, not ollierwise required by Lencier, Por damage tq or <br /> dasLtuotion of, the Property, snch policy shnll include a stnndnrd mortgage olause nnd shall name Lender as <br /> mortgagee and/or as ui ndditional loss payee. <br /> In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompe nolice to the inaurance e�n•ier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of loss if not made proinl�tly by Borrower. Unless Lander and Borrower otheiwise agree in <br /> writing, any insurance proceeds, wl�etl�er or uot tl�e undcrlying insurance wae requirecl Uy I,endcr, shall Ue <br /> nppliecl to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically foasible and <br /> Lender'e secm'ity is not lessened. DLU'ing snch rePair and restoration period, Lender ehall htive the rig6t to <br /> l�old sudi instivanco procccds witiil Lender has h�d an oppotCunily Lo inspect e�tnh Properfy fo ensnte fhe <br /> work has been oompleted to Lender's s�risfaction, provided thet such inspection ahell be underteken <br /> pxompfly. Lender may disburee proceeds For tiie repairs and restoration ui a siugla payment or in a.series of <br /> progress peyments as the work is completed. Unless es� ngree�nent ia n�suic in writing or A��}�licablc Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on sucl� insu�ancc procceds, Lender sh�ll not be requireci to�pny Borrower nny <br /> interest or eamingti on sudi proceeds. Fe�a For public ad,justers, or other third pu•ties, relained by Borrower <br /> sl�all no'k 6o paid out of Ihe insursarce proceeds end shn11 be the sola obligation o�f Borrower. If the restm•ation <br /> or repair is not economieelly feasible or Lender's sectiuity won1d be 1essened, the insuranco procc�de shall be <br /> applied to klia smi2s sec�ued by this Scourity Tnntrumen�t, wl�ether or noti then dua, with the exeess, if any, <br /> }�aid to Borrowcr. Snch insiu�noe proceeds sh�ll l�e applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br /> If Rorrower abancions the Proper�y, Lender may file, negotia�he and settle any availebla insurfmce claim and <br /> relaled m1LCers. I£Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice firom Lender ffixt thc insurance <br /> carrier hes offered to settile a claim, t7ien I.ender may ncgotiatc and aeCLlo thc claiu�. The 30-clny period will <br /> begin when U�e uoYioc is givcn. In citl�cr cvenl, or if I,eiider acquires the Property under Section 22 or <br /> othcrwise, Borrower hereby assigis to Lender (n) Borrower's righYs to any insurance proceeds in azi amount <br /> not to exceed the amounts nnpaid undes�Yhe NoYe or Yhis Secm'ity Insh�mnent, and(l�) any other of <br /> Borrower'e rights (othex than the rigl�t to eny refund of uncanicd pron�iunis paid by Borrower)mider all <br /> insurance polioies oovering the Property, ineofar as such rights are apt�licaUla to Y1ie coverage of flie <br /> Property. Lender n��y use the insuraaice proceeds eithcr to repair or rostore tl�c Property or to pay amonnis <br /> unpaid under the Note or t1�9s Security I�ish�uinenh, wheiher or not then due. <br /> 6. Occupancy. Rorrowor shall <ac cupy, estaUlish, �nd use lhe Properly as Borrower's prineipal residence <br /> wiChn� 60 daye afSer the execurion af Uiis Security Inst�•ument and al�all contintiie to oscupy the ProperCy as <br /> Borrower's princip�l reside�ica f'or at least oiia year after the date of occnpancy, m�loss Lender othcrwisc <br /> agraes ui w�•iting, which consenf shn1l not be w�reaeouably withheld, or unless extemiating circiimstancea <br /> exist which are beyond B�rrowcr's control. <br /> 7. Preseroation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borro�ver shnll not destroy, <br /> dainage or iinplir che Property, a1low the Property to deteriorAte or coixmuf wasta on the Property. �Vhether <br /> or not Barxower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain tha Prope�ty in ordar to prevent flic <br /> Property fi�om det�e�ioratin,g or dec��casii�g in valuc due Co iCs wndiCion. Unless iC is detiermined pursuant to <br /> Scetion 5 tl�at rc,p�ir or reeCor�kion is not economically feasible, Borroiaer sh�(1 proinptly repair tlie Property <br /> if damaged to avoid htrther deterioration or dvnage. If insnrance or condemnat3on proceeds �re paid jn <br /> eomieoCion with daanage to, or the talcing of, the,Pro��crty, Bprro�ver shall be responsible Por repairing or <br /> restoring the Property only if Lender has releaaed proceeds £or svch purposee. Leuder inay diebtuse proceecis <br /> sa000azt <br /> NEBRASKA-SIn91e Femity-Fan nie f+i aNFreddic M ac UNIFORt�1 INSTRU A7�NT Form 3 0 28 11�i <br /> VMP(�7 VMP6(NF)(110b1 <br /> WnHers Rluwnr Flnenr,iN Se.rvlaas Page Y of 1/ <br />