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201201838 <br /> BORROW�R COVP�NAI�TS tl�at Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate heceby convayed 2nd has thc right W <br /> grant aaid convoy t1�e Proper6g nnd thnt the Property is unencumUered, axccpti for c.7�cutnbrances oP reoord. <br /> 13<�rrower�warrants nnd will c1efend ganea•a11y tlie title to tl�c�Proper�y agvnst all e1�inAS and demands, stiibject to <br /> nny encumbrances of recorci, <br /> TftiS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT coinUines uniform covenanes for naeional use�uid non-uniPorm covenants with <br /> limited variations by jm'lsdiction to constiiutc a uuiform seouxity insh�nment covernig real property. <br /> Unifntm CoVenants. Barrower andLender co�+enant and agree as Pollows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrowcr <br /> shall pay when due Yhe principa.l of, and intcresC on, Clie debt evidenced by the Note and any prepmymenC <br /> chu•ges and latc charges due under the Note. Borrower shxll aPso pay fimds for�scrow Iteme pursua�rt to <br /> Seofinn 3. Payments due undar the Note and thia Seom�iCy InsCruu�enY shall be mada in U.S. currency. <br /> IIowever, if a�y check or other� inst�luneni received by Lendar as pa5nnent under th�Notc or this Security <br /> Inetrumenti is retumed to Lcncier unpaid, Lender mt�y require that any r>r zdl subsequent plyments due mider <br /> the Note and this SecL�ri6y Instrument be made in one or moro oC the following foxnis, ae selecYed Uy l.endcr: <br /> (a) cash; (li)money order; {c) certified check, Uanlc check, treasurer's ohecic or cashier's checic, proviQed nny <br /> sucli aheok is drawn upon an instiUxfion whose deposits nre ineured by a tederal ageney, insh�u�ti�ontality, or <br /> enCity; or(d)Electiroiuc Cwids'CrvisPer. <br /> Pnylnents aa�e deemed received Uy Lender when received aC the location designatcd in Che Note or nt suah <br /> other location ae rnety Ue daeignated Uy Lender iu aocordE�nce wiYh the noLice provisions in Section 15. <br /> l.ender may rei�nrn any payment or p�rtia1 paymcnt if the payment ot p�rtial pa�yments v�e insnfficionC fo <br /> bring Lhe Loen currenti. Lende� may accepf any peyment or parPial payment ineufficicnt to bring Che Loan <br /> currenti, withotirt waivor of any rights hereunder or prejudioe to its rigl�L�Io refuse auctipayment or t�a�•fial <br /> paTnnents in the fiiuure, bnt Lender is uot obligated to apply suoh p2yments at the tiine such payinetrts are <br /> acccpted IP each Periodic Pa}nnent is app1icd ae aP its sohednlul due date, then Lender need not pay interest <br /> on m�applied funds. Lendex may 1�old euoh tmnpplied fmids until Barrower�nakes paymenhe t'o bring tha <br /> Loan cwrent. PP Bouowcr docs not do so�uithin a reasonable perioci of timo, Lender shall eithex apply such <br /> fwids or return thcmi to Boxrower. If noti applied earlier, such fiu�ds will be ppplied to Che outstancling <br /> principll b�lanoe under the Nota iirunediatcly prior Co foreclosure. No oftset or claim which Qorrower might <br /> haua now or in the futm e agaiiist Lender sha11 relieva]3on owar from malcing pa}nnents due under the RTOtc; <br /> e�nd tlue Seom iCy Insdrwnent or perfo�ming thc c�veii�nCs uid agreements secured Uy thiS Security <br /> Insh•urnent. � <br /> 2. Applieafion Ofi Payments or PYoeeeds. E+xcept ns oYherwise descriUed in tUis Scc;tion 2, all�ayments <br /> accepted aud applied Uy Lencier shnll be�pplied in Yhe £ollo�uing order of priority: (a) interest due under the <br /> Note; (b)}n'incipal ciue imder the Note; (c) auiow�ts duo undor SecCion 3. Such payments sha11 be applicd fo <br /> each Ycriodic Payment in the order in whic1� it bccaine dne. Atry ren�aiu'ing ainounts s1�a11 be applicd 6rst Yo <br /> late chargea, secand to aaiy other ai��c�unCs due Lmder this Secm�ity I�istauvent, and t11on ta reduae the <br /> principal bal�nce of the Notc. <br /> I£Lender receives a payn�cnt firom Boirower for a delinquent Periodic Pay�nent which 'tncfides a suffioient <br /> to pay aary late oharge due, the�aymeirt may be applied fo Che delinquent pa�yment and t71e]ato <br /> chlrge, I£more than one Periodic Yayment is outst��nding, Lender rnay apply any paymcnC received from <br /> Borrower to Yhe repaymont of the Periodic Pe}nnents it; aud to fUe extcKit that, each peyment can be paid in <br /> itall. To the cxtcnt Ch1l any excess exists afCer tl�o paymeilC is applied to the full paymant o'C one or more <br /> Periodic Payinents, such excess inay be applicd ho anq late cliu�ges due. Volwrtaiy prepayn�onts�shall be <br /> applied �irat to any prepayment chargcs and 11ien ns described in the Note, <br /> 24000521 <br /> NEBRqSKA-Singla Pamlly-Fannle M selFretldle M ea UNIFORf� INSTRUM FNT Form 3�28 7f07 <br /> Wol�ter�s I(luwer Glnanclxl Servlaae VPA P6(NF)('I 1067 <br /> Pape 4 of 1'I <br />