� .':<;�:^t� . . _. . _ -- : _:.
<br /> . ..,.. -- -•,�,ti...tu�.�i�eumtl�r.a.�___ > --- —�..
<br /> k�.. • _ -— i�f..-•�r�-r•,�•-- •�,.,;r.,R.-...r-. -,. . ,.,..._-.----_—
<br /> � � . , . ..1_ H�.. . . . ....
<br />:.f':{�l1.'�� .. .. .. . � . .. _
<br />_=�-��• re!nntate, es rovldod in pnrapnph 18, by caualny tho 4ctlon or proceadlnp to be
<br /> ^� 90R01YK mny cure euch � de1wR and P `
<br />'1-�'•' � dlnmlaned wlth �rullnq that,In Lender's good ta!th determin�tlon,precludes forfelture of ihe 8orrower'o Interest In tiie Frope+iy or
<br /> '" : � other m�tmrld Impalrme��t ol the Ifen creeted by thle 8ecurtty Inatrument or Lender'a aecurlty Interest. Bonuwer ehsN dao be in
<br /> detault If Bonower, dudng the loen epplicntlon procese, geve materinlly falae or Inaccunte InloRnatlon or etetements to Lendar(or
<br /> '4`"' falled to provlde Lender wilh eny metedal Iniortnatlon) In connectlon wilh the Ioan evldencod by the Noto. Inr.iudin4, bul not €;`'°
<br /> �� ��� Ilmited to, reprosentetlona canceminp Bortower's occupancy o} the Property es n p�!ncipsl realdence. H thla Sacurity �
<br /> .'��,,;
<br /> �p Inatrument le on a le�se►hold, BoROwer ehall comply wllh �II the provlalons of the leas�. It Borrower acqulree te�tltle to the � -
<br /> �� �,��'tr Froperty, the laseehold and the tee title shall not mxge unlesa Lender agrees to the merger h wdtin8• ' __
<br /> .':�r�•:�:'':� 7.Prot�atlon of L�17d�r'd Rlqh�� In th� PYOp�rtyi. If Borrower falie to peAorm the covenante and egreamenta
<br /> '"�' contalned In thla 3ecurity Inatrument, or lhera Is � leg�l proceeding that may algnHlcantly�Bect Lender'a tlghte In the Property �
<br /> (aucl� es e proceadinq In banlwptcy, probata,for condemnetlon or}orfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatlans),then Lander may Q �__
<br /> 'r.t� do �nd pay for whatever Is necessery to protoct the velae of the Property end Lender's righla In the Property. Lendsr's actlons
<br />•-,j• :�-:,��a► may Indude peying eny sums aecured by a Ilen wh(ch has prloriry over this Security instrument, appeadng In court, peying
<br /> � reaeonable attomeys'tees end entertng on the Property to make repalra.Although Lende:may take action under this paragrap
<br /> —_,�,lt�■ 7, Lender doea not h�ve to do ao.
<br /> °'", ""�-7 My amounts dlabu►sed by Lender under paragraph 7 shail become additlonRl debt ol Bortower secured by thls Security
<br /> ��•�� Instrument. Unlesa Bortower and Lender egree to other tertns of payment, these amounts shall bear Interest irom the date o1
<br /> disbursement ai tlie Note rate end shall bo paynblo,wlih Interest, upon notice lrom Lendor lo Borcower raquesting payment.
<br /> . � .•: 8. Mortgag� Inauranae. It Londer requlred mortgaga Insurance as a condltlon of making the loan secured by thls
<br /> ;;��� .� 3ecurfty Instrument, Borrower shsll pay the premlumo requlred to malntaln the martgege Insurance In ettect.If,for any reason,the
<br /> yr��;�°;� moRgege Insurance covr.rcga requlred by Lmder lapses or ceasos to be In eNect, Bor�awer shall psy the premlums requirod to _
<br />���'�'"" obtaln covernge substanUely equlvalent to the mortgage Insurance prevlously In eHect, et e cost substentlaly equlvalent to the
<br />-;.,��,�,;,�
<br /> �.•�� aost to Bortower oi the mortgage Insur�nce previousty In ettect, from an altemate mortg�ga Insurer approvecl by Lender.
<br /> �„;L� substentlaly equlvalent matgage Insurance caverage Is not avail�ble, Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a aum equal to
<br /> -=�,;,i;;� one4welfth of the yeerly mortg�ge Insurance premium being pald by 6ortower when the insurance covernge lapsed or ceasexi to
<br /> ;�;��'•,�� be in eNect. Lenderwill accept, use and reteln these payments as a Iosy rese�ve In ilsu ol mortgago insumnce. Lo�s reserve .
<br /> �:,a,r,u5•..
<br />--.:=,��Z payments may no longer be requtred, at the option of Lender, If mortgage insurance coverege pn the amount and tor the p o
<br /> . '�`�F• that Lender requlres)provlded by an Inaurer approved by Lender ugaln becomos Avaltable ond Is obtalned. @orrower shell pay
<br /> °���;���'���.+ the premlums requirad to mainteln mortgage InsurAnce In eHect, or to provide a loas reserve, until the requlrement ior mort�aqe
<br />- ':cLa.:,,
<br /> Insurence mds In eccorduice wfth any wrkten sgreement betwwm Borrawor and Lender or�ppUcable law.
<br />-��.-y�„*s'� 9. Inspactlon� Lend�or Its agent may make reasonabla entdoa upon and Inspectlona of the Property. Lender shell piva
<br /> --=-*� Bortower notice at the time of or prlor to en InsprUon specftying reaaonable cuuea for lhe Nspectlon.
<br /> -=��-°/��� 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds oi eny award or clalm tor dart+ages, dkect or consequentiel, in connectlon with any
<br /> .;_,:,::�� condemnatlon or other teking of any paR of the Property, or tor conveyence !n Ileu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and
<br /> = shoN 6e pald to Lender.
<br /> �'`'*� In the event o1 a total uking o1 the Property, the proceeda shell be epplled to the sums secured by thls Securily
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due,wtth any excesa psld to BoROwer. In the event of a partt+l teWng oi the P�opaty in which
<br />--_ •,�,.r.k nu��t value of the Propetiy Immediately betore the tekin� Is equal to or greater than the emount o1 the sums eecured
<br /> �_ by thls Security InsUument Immediately betore the teking, unless Bortower and Lender othawise agree i� wriiiop, ine nu�i�s
<br />-'"""�"� aecurad by thia Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the praceeds muH�lleti by the foHowing iraction: (n)the
<br /> -=
<br />