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<br /> �c. ;.�,•��,�5 . 17. Tr�nd�r of th� Prop�rty or � Bmeflcl�l Int�wst In �orrow�r. It an or any part ol the ropr• or
<br /> • eny Interesl In It Is sold or trannferred (ar It a benattclal Interest in Borrower Is sold or trenstertent In1u181 1 all sums ecuned by
<br /> , � peraon) wilhout Londcr's piior wrltton consent, Lender mny,at ite optlon, roqulre immedlate paym
<br /> Ihls 3ecurlry Instn�ment. However, thls optlon nhall not be axerclsed by Lender If exerclae la prohlbited by federal law ao of tho y �'��'
<br /> d�te ot this Secudty Instniment. ���
<br /> k " � II Lender axerclaes thla optlon, Lender shUl gNe Borrower notice ot acceleretlon. The notice shall provlde e perlod o} not � _
<br /> �; , " , � less than 30 d�ys iram the date the notice le d�INered or melied wlthln which Barrower muat psy nll suma secured by thla ��
<br /> Secudly Inetrument. H Bortower talls to pay these euma prlor to the explration ot thle pe�lod, Lender may Invoke eny remedles
<br /> permlltad by 4l�Is Secudry In�trument without tuAh�sr notice or demand on Bortower. ___ -
<br /> 18. eorrow�r's Rlght t0 R�I�iit�t�. II Bortowar meeta certaln condltlons, Borrower ehell have tho right to have c-` �
<br />_ •�''��r mforcement of thla Security Instrument discantinued at nny time pdor to the eartler o1: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod as
<br /> � � eppllceble law mey epeoffy tor relnstatemant) belo�e eale ol the Property pursuant to eny power ot sale contalned in thla 3ecurlty
<br /> • Instrument; or (b) entry of a Judgment entorcing thla Security Instrument.Those conditlons are that Borrower: (a) paya Lender all
<br /> ,;;. sums whlch then wouid be due under thls 8ecurity Insirumant end the Note es i(no acceleratlon had occurted; (b) cures any
<br />- :x detauh of any olher covenant or agreoments; (c) pays ell expenses Inourred In entorcing thla Security Instrument, I�cluding, but
<br /> not Ilmited to, reesonabie attomeya fees: and(d) take�such nctlon es Londer may reasonebty raqulre to assure that the Ilen at i_
<br /> .'�� Ihis Securiry Instrument, Londer's righis in the Property and Borrowar's oblic�atlon to pay tha sums secured by thln Security
<br />:e . Y Instrument she9 cantinuo unchanfled. Upon relnstetement by Borrowor, thls Security Inatrumont and the obligatlons secured
<br />� ` horeby shall romain tully ettective as It no acceieretlon had occurred. Howover,thls right to relnstate shali not apply In the caoe —
<br />_�,,.. ,.
<br /> of acceleratlon under paragraph 17.
<br /> °�'�• : - '^ ' 19. Spl� of NOt�; Chango Of Loan Servla�r. The Note or a a partlal Interest In the Note (together w(th thla
<br /> W4.....,..�
<br /> ,;;{"�_ Secudty Inatrument)may be soid ona or more Ames without pdor notice to Bortower.A sale may resuft In a chango In the ent ty
<br /> , (known as the'Loan&nrvicer')that collealc monthy paymenis due undor lhe Note and thls 3ecurity instrument. There also may
<br />-R.���.. � ` be one or more changes ot tho Loan Servlcer unrelatod to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change o} the Loan Sorvicor,
<br /> ��', �,:,..
<br /> "�� Bortower wlll be gNen wdtten notice of lhe chnnge In accordance with paragraph 14 ebove nnd appllcabie law. The notice wIl
<br /> etate the name and address ot the new Loan Servlcer and the addreas to which psyments shoutd be made. The notice will also _
<br />�'=�':�'-�;_��#;;� contdn any atAer IMormation requlred by eppllcable law.
<br />�,_ '+� 20. Hazudoue Subatances. Bortower shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use, dlaposel, storege, or rdeane af
<br />�:ir'•;�=�`:;,. any Hazardoua Substnnces on or In the Property. Borrower ehall not dn, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aftocting the
<br /> tornge on he9Propertyiof smnll q entltiesmol Haieidous Substanceisghat�are generally reoognzedto bet pp orpriate tou ortnal
<br /> i�:=r���t;'.,.. residential uaes nnd to malntenance of the Prope�ty.
<br />-.-;rtis�•'���� Borrower ehall promptly give Lender written notice oi eny Investlpatlon, claim, demand, lawsuft or other actlon by any
<br />��':��.•.` govemmental or regulatory agency or private party Involving lhe Property and any Hazerdoue Substance or Envlronmental Law o1
<br />��r��i;;_� wh�cn �sortower nas naivai i��ii�++�o��s. K 8crra::� !^.M.�r:°, ^r !s �nttead by any govemmental or regulatory aulhority, that eny
<br /> �—�,�j�a removal or other remedlation of eny Hazardous Substence aNecting Property Is necessary, 8ortower ehall promptly take etl
<br /> �.� d�;
<br /> �=-�•�., neceasary remedial ncUona In accordanae with Environmental Lnw.
<br />