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..,? �, • • . ' '. ` ' ^ _ _ ......i{L-_ <br /> .. - - __ _'-'_ <br /> �.�.... .n�:r��+rN�t,... - ._ ._,.____ "'— —___ <br /> ,ti ,;w���•• � � � � ' '_�?�".�u�:t6'";I.::i�Y�.(nr�erstlll�..MJill�k..._-- <br /> � .. . •i:� d17i:f�"� ���".. ' ' �- . .. . . . _T. <br /> . . o:r_. . . , _ .. . <br /> � <br />-.���+�`t • <br /> •,� TOQETMER WITH all the Improv�+nente now or hereaher erecled on the propatty, <br /> nnd eN eaesHnente, apaurtsn�nce�,and __ <br />�-;;•:'-�iS � All repi�cxnenU �nd�dditlons ahall dap be cov�Yed by thls Sacudty Instrument. <br /> flxtures now or hes�fter�Part�1 th��ropMy __ <br /> All 01 lhe torepoing la reinrrod ta in 17�1e Secudty Innirument�s the 'Property.' ��. <br /> BQRROWER COVFNANT3 th�t Borrawer Is lawlul{y eelied o1 the ostete hereby ccnveyed�nd hes the rlght to grant�nd <br /> convey the F'roperty �nd that the Property le imencumb�red exaept for encumbrnnce� ot rocard. Bonower warrante end will � E_:_�_ <br /> ' detend genor�NY ths tftle to tha PropaRy�g�lnet dl cMlme end demanda, subJe�t to �ny encumbrmcee o1 rocord. ' oy;- <br /> "�` THIS SECURI"fY INSTRUMEt�T combinea unilorm covenmte (or n�tlond uee �nd non�unitorm covenanta with Iimited _ <br /> � veriwtlone by Judadlatlon to conetftuta�uniform aecudry Inetrument covaring real property. ��,_ <br /> •�r� ' UNIFORM COVENANT9. Bonowx�nd Lender covenm!and ayree�a follows: � -- <br /> ' 1. Paym�n! of prinatpal �nd Ints��st; Pr�paym�n4 and l.�t� Cm��9!a�late ch�peshdue under�theaN te� ;.- <br /> due the pdncipal ot and Interaat on the debt ovldcnccc! by tho Noto nnd eny p ep y ��"� <br /> ..p01, 2. Funds for 7�x�s �nd Insur�na�. Subjecl to�pplic�ble law or to �written wtfNer bY Lender. Bortower sh�ll pey <br />:��'..�-� to Lender on the day monthy psymente ue due unda the Note, untii the Note la pald In tud,� aum ('funds')tor. leaee o d - <br /> __� taxes md esaesamanta whlch may attaln pdodty over ih� S�c�fd'ortpro�t �Insurlince prtemlums;P(dlyyeariY Aood Insur��ce ° - <br /> __ psymenls or ground renta on the Property, If my; (o) y r1Y P°�Y <br /> �"_= premlume, B nny; (e) yeary mortgego Insurance premlums,If any; snd (� any sums payable by Borrower to Lendor In accordance � <br /> � wilh the provlslona of paragreph B, In Ileu of the payment ot moRgr+ge Ineurance premlums. The�e itema ere called "Eaarow <br /> Items."' Lender may, nt any tlms, collxt and hold Funds In an nmount not to exceed the meximum amount a lender lor a ` <br /> ^ , tederely related moRgage loan may requlre for Borrowor'e escrow account under the tederul Red Eetate Setllernent Pracadurta <br /> • y�� Act ot 1974 as amended trom time to time, 12 l:.S.C. �2601 et seq. ("RE3PA'). unlesa enother law thet npplles to the Funds <br /> : , � sata a lesaer amount. If so, Lender may, et nny timn, collect and hoid Funds In an amount not to exceed the leaaer �mount. <br />- Lender may estimate the amount ot Funds due on the basis oi curtent data and reesonable oellmates o1 expenditures olluture <br />_1-,•,;:Y ' Escrow Items or othervvise In accordnnce wllh applicable law. HB�manulf or esitfty(Ineludlnp - <br /> '��'��'' The Funda shall be held In�n Institution whose deposits are Insured by a tedernl agency. tY� <br />-'���%n�' ` Lender, K Lender Is nuch an InatituUon) or In any Federel Home Loan Bank. Lender shaN appy the Funda to pay the Eecrow <br /> .+-�e,•.: <br /> :.;:n.,�r;h�, Items. Lender may not chn.rg� BoROwer for holding end applying the Funds, annunlly anayzing the escrow account, or verft ny <br /> ._�a�, the Escrow Items, unlesa Lender pays BoROwer Interest on the Funds and ap�liCable law Pertnl�s Lender to make such a <br /> -�:,,•�'�' charge. However, Lender maY requlre Qorrower to pay a one-tlme charge for an Independent real eatete tex f8{I911If1g 6QNICB <br /> `�Y��'" used by Lendet in connection with thls loen, unless applicable law provides otherwlse. Unlesa nn ngreement is nxde or <br /> :,.,...�:r <br /> -"'-�;�r; appAcable law requlres Interest to be pald, Lender shall not be requlred to pay Borrower any Interest or eamings on the iun s. <br />.;;;ti'v Bortower and Lender may agree fn wHUng, howeve►. that Interesl shaN 6e peld on the Funds, I.mdkr shaN ghre to f30ROWK� <br />--"f:x� wfthout charge, an unnuat accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funda nnd the purpose for whlch each <br /> __ ••-= debki'�„e funds h dbby�Lenderhexceed the am'ounts permR ed t�be held by applict�ble law,rlendert shall accountgto Barower <br /> -.r�;�:�� <br /> -���� tor the excess Funds in eccordence wkh the requkements of appliceble law. If the amount ot the Funds held by Lender d any <br /> '�"':_r+�� dme Is not suHiclent to pay the Escrow Itema whan due, Lender mey so notHy Bortower irr wriNng,and,in such case Borrower <br /> sheli pay to Le�der the amount ner.eseary to make up the deftciency. dorrower shall rrflke up the deficiency In no more than <br /> ,�-.�:;� iweNe monthly paymenls, at LendePa aole discretlon. refund to Borrower anY Funds <br /> -- Upon aayment In tuH of aH sums eecured by this Secudry Instrument, 4ender shall promptyv�h�.����i�eton or aale of the <br />-�^��--"��s hdd by Lender. i}, under pangraph 21, Lende►shaN acqWro or aeii tna `rroprriy, L����. ����� =-•---� <br /> Property, shall apply any Funda held by Lender�t the time ot acquisfUon a�salo as e uedit aga�st lhe sumo secured by this <br /> `";` Security Inetrument. <br /> -.��;� 3. AppIlC�tion of Paymsnts. Unless eppAcabie law provides othervvice, all payment� roceived hy Lpncle� undet <br /> _�-=;:��. parapraphs 1 and 2 shaM be epplled: flrot, to any prepayment charges due unde►4he Note;secand, to amounts paya4{e under <br /> -- �� pangreph 2:third, to Intxest due;tourth,to princfpal due; and lest,to any late charpes duo o�dcsr tha Nota. <br /> --- 4. Chsr��s; U�t1s. Borrower shall pay ell tsxea, nssessments, chargea, fines �nd imposf6ons attrfbuteblo to the <br /> �� property whlch may attain prlority over thla Securiry Instrument, �nd leaseho�d payments or ground rente, B any. Borrowx ahail <br /> -x:�, pay these obligetlona In the manner provided In parngreph 2, or B not paid In that menner,Bortower ah�A pay ihem on time <br /> - � pangraph.t 11 @o►rower makes th se paymen s digectlyr, Borrower'hall promptly Itumish t�f Lender f6C01P16 ev dendn9 he <br /> �� paymenta. <br /> • Borrower ahall prompty discharge any Ilen which has priorky over this Security Instrument unlesa Borrower: (s) �prees in <br /> wrltinp to the payment of the obNgatlon secured by the Ilen !n a manner acceptable to Lender, (b) contests In good ldth the <br /> Uen by, or detends eyuinat entorcement of the Yen In, legal proceedings which fn the Lender's opinion operste to prevent the <br /> onforaement of the Yen; or (c) aecures hom the hoider of the Iien en ngreement sattslactory to lm¢ier subordlnatk►g the Ilen to <br /> this 3ecurily Inatrument. If Lender determines that any part ot the Property is subject to a fien wP�ich may attaln priortty over this <br /> 9ecurity Instniment,Lende►may yive Borrower a notice identity(ng ihe Iten. 6orrower shail satisty the Ilen or take orte or moro ot <br /> - the actlona set torth above wRhk�10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> - � 5. Hwrd or Propsrty I��urance.Bortower shall kenp the Improvements now exisGng or fi+ereeifter erected on the <br /> — properly insured egainst loss by fire, hazt�rds included withln lhe tem� 'extended coverage' and any olher harards,hcluding <br /> -- floods or lloodk►y,for whlch Londer requires insurance. This Insurance shsN be mainL+in�d h the amounta and tor the perb�I <br /> that Lender roqukee. The Maurance cartier provldMg the Insunnce shall be chosen by C3ortower aub�ect to Lendx's�p� <br /> which ehaN not be unreesonebly wfthhNd. tf Borrower fails to malnteM covevage descnbed ahove, Lender may, et Lender's <br /> option,obtaln coveraga to protect Lender's rlghla In the Ftaperty in accordance wkh paragraph 7. <br /> AN Insursnce poNdes end renewals sh�ll be acceptahte to Lender and shall Indude �standordemo pa�9�e�a+��i do <br /> shnq have the�ight to hold the poNdes nnd renewals. II lender requlres, BoROwer shttl promptty giv <br /> _---- pNd premiums and renewal noticea. In tho event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inaurance cartler and Lender. <br /> - -�7 Lendar may meke proof of lose M not made promptty by Borcower. <br /> ��-- � Unless Lmder d�d BoROwer othervrise agree In wriUng, insurence proceeds shall be epplied to restotation or repalr of the <br /> _. �`�g� propetty damegad,If lhe restoraUon or repair is economlcaly teaslEie and Lender's security Is not lessened. U the restoration or <br /> -- '31 re{rak Is not economlcaMy teesible or Lender's security would be lessened, tho Insurance proceeds shaR be applied to the sums <br /> —���r� securod by tMs Secudry Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Bortower. t� �lortower abandons the <br /> --"`�snvi_�•5� prpporty, or does not enswa within 30 days e notice trom Lender that the Insurence cartier has oHered to settle a clelm,then <br /> :._:•.-n.—.�.c;r� <br /> ;_{{_�,;.��. Lendur may coNect tho Insurance proceeds. Lendnr may use tha proceeds to repelr ar rostore the Property or o pay su <br />_'.:�,;?d�-, securod by thla Secudry instrument,whether or not then dua The 30•day period wl�l begim when the notice Is given. <br /> ;�� ' Unless Lender and Bortower othetwiso agrc:e In writlng, any appUcaUon of proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or <br /> ' �::;•�;���� postpone ihe due date of the monthly payments refcrred to In paragrephs 1 end 2 or chenge the emount ot tho peyments. It <br /> "-'•'^"=�%�+� under parapreph 21 the Property Is acquired by Lender. Bortower's rfght to eny Insurence polides end proceeds resutting hom <br /> ;rs�r�.�_� dnmage to the Property prior to the ecqulsltion shall pass to Lender to tha oxtent of the sums by this Secudty Instrument <br /> i�.e.n.n�inr tn thn acnuLsiUon. <br /> `' ^ 6. Occupancy� Prsa�rvation, Maintsnence snd Protectlon of the Property: esorrowsr's �a��� <br /> �'����. `i�±., AppltC�tiOn; Leas�holds. Borrower shell occupy, estabYsh, end use tho Proporty as Bortower's pdncipal residence withln <br /> •• � •t slxty dnys aftor the executlon ot this Security Instrument and shall contlnua to occupy the Property as BoROwers ptincipal <br /> ; i, residence tor et least one year after the date ol occupancy, unless Lendar othenvlse agrees in writing, which consent shaN not <br /> _ , ..�,; be unreesoneby wkhheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist whlch ere beyond Bortower's control. Borrower shall not <br /> � destroy, dartuige or impatr tho Property, ellow the Property to deteriorete, or commit waste on the Propeity. Borrower shail bo In <br /> - ` ne}orteltu enottihe Property or otherwisedmaterNNy impalrlythorllm circa'ted by8histSecurity�inslrument ortlender's secu ty itnterostt <br /> .'"��•''.' t MO � Page 2 ut 5 �—/ <br /> F73 6.L l Nn <br /> -4�': <br /> �'�t�nn�1 .+ � <br /> 970J7 <br /> � ... . . . . . . . <br />