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<br /> ut the aption uf I.CU�Ier, i� r�iortga�c ittrurancc co�'er.�gc (in the am����mt end for thu pericxl that I.encter �equires) —
<br /> providr.d by nn inRUrer epproved by I.aneiur Agsin becomes a��ai loble and is obtained. Bori•ower shall�iey thn prem�ums
<br /> reyuired to meintain mortgagc• insuranr.e� in eftect. or to provido a los.9 rC:;erve,until the requir.�ment for mortgsge
<br /> iasurance cndy in accardance with any wretton agrwrnent t�tween 13orrower snd I.ender or epplicable lew.
<br /> 9. InApection.Lender ar ita egent mey meke rebsonabin eniries u�n and inspection�of tho Yroperty.I,endc�shall
<br /> give Borrower natice at the time ot or priar to an inspection specitying reasonnble cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10. Condr,mnation.T'he proceeda af xny awerd or claim ior damages, direct or consequential,in connection with
<br /> any condamnetion or oth�r teking of eny Mrt ot the Property, or for conveyence in lieu of condemnation,bre 1�e:eUy
<br />. assigned and shall be paid to I.ender.
<br /> In the event of a totel taking ot tha Fraperty, the proceeds shall be npplied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due�,witt►any excess paid ta Borrower.In the event of e partial tnking of the Propecty in
<br /> which tha fair market value oi the I'rupurty ima>>ediately betore the tel.ing is eqoal ta or greater than the amount of the
<br /> sums eecured by thie Security Instrumont immediately betore tho taking,unle�s Bnrr�wer end Lendcr otherwise agrce
<br /> in writing,the sums secured by thia Security Instrument shill be rocluced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by a
<br /> tha following fraction:(a) the total amount of the sw„s� curecl� �media, �ly�efore •hn Yaking,divided by(b)thc fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediatoly before the tnking.Any balance shel� bo pa�� to Bonower.In the event of a
<br /> partial taking of the Property in which tho teir rnarket valuc of the Property immcdiately before the taking is less than
<br /> the amount oi the sume secured immediatoly before tha taking,unless Borrawer end Leader otherwise agree in writing
<br /> or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceods stull be applied to the sums secured b} ttue Security
<br /> Instrument whether or aot the sums aro thon due.
<br /> If tha Property ie abandoned by Borrower,or if,atter notia by Lender to Borrowar that thc condemaor offers to
<br /> mako an nward or settte a claim for demeges. Borrower fnils to respond to L,ender within 30 days afur the date the
<br /> notico ie given,Lender is authorizcd to collect and apply the praceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of tht
<br /> Property or to the sums secured by this Security Iastrument,whethor or not thcn due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower athartiviae agree in writing,ar,�y�+pplicatian of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �,.,�rmnR the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrophs 1 and 2 or chxnge the amount of such
<br />. r__'a."' . .
<br /> psymcnta.
<br /> I 1. Aarro�ver Not Released; Porbear�nco By Lendcr Not� Wai�•es. Extemsion of.tha time tor payment or
<br /> nnodification of amortization of the suma se�ured b}'this 5ecunty Instrumeat granied by Lender to��,s successor in
<br /> intarest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original 13onower or Bonower's successors in
<br /> • interest.Lender ahall not be required to comrnenco ptocecdings �geinst enp succ�.ssor in intcrest or refuse to extend
<br /> � time for payment or otherwise modity amortizetian at the aurns�ecure,d by this Security Instrument by reason of any
<br /> j demand made by the ori�inal Horrowor or Bonower's successors yn inter�s+t.3ny forbearance by Lender ia exercising
<br /> � anp right or remedy shall not be a waivor of or preclude tho exercise ot any rngha mr r�medy.
<br /> 12.Succesaorg and Asei�us Bouud;Ics:nt 3a��c�•�r�3 L:abi�nty; C�-signers+.TAe covennnts and agreemcnts
<br /> 1 of thie Socurity Instcument shall bind and benotit the successore and assigas of Lender nnd Bonower, sobjoct to the
<br /> � provisions of pangraph 17.Borrowcr's covonants snd agreem�nts shall be joint and several.Any Horrowar who co'signs
<br /> thie Security Instrument but does not oxocuta the Note: (e) is co-signing this Sece�rity Instrument only to mortgage,
<br /> gr�nt and convey that Borrower'e intor�st in the Property undcr the terms of thie Sccurity Inatrument; (b) is not
<br /> � pecaonally obligaud to pay the sums securcd by ti�is Security Instrument;and (c) agrees that I,ender and any other
<br /> �3ur[ower mey agree to extend,modify, torbear or mske any accornmodations with regard to the tarms af thia Security
<br /> Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> l3. Lwn Char=es. If the loan eoaural by this Security Instrument is suUject to a law whiah sets maYimum loan
<br /> char$e�,and that lew ie tinally interprotod so that tha interest or other loan charges wllected or to be collected in
<br /> �onnaction with the loan exceed the pormitted limits,then: (a)any such loam cl�arge shall ba reducest Y�y the amount
<br /> aecessary ;o reduce the charge to tho permitted limit; and (b� any aums �eady collxted from Bonower which
<br /> excaded pe�'mitted limite will be reft�nded to Borrower.Lender may choose to mnka this refund by reducing the
<br /> principul owed under the Note or by,�xn;r.'�ang a direct payment to�orrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reductibn
<br /> , will be treated av a partial prepayment n ithout any prepayment charge under th�Note.
<br />— 14.Notices.Any notice to Bonower provided tor in thi9 Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mniling it by first clesa mail untess applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> Property Address or any othar address Dorrower designatos by notiw to Lender.Any notice to L.ender shall be given by
<br /> first cless mail to Lender'a address steted herein or any othex eddr�ss I,ender dcsignates by notice tu Borrower. Any
<br /> notice provided for in thie Security lnsttument shall be deem td a-o have been giver tu Borrower or L,ender when given
<br /> es provided in thie paragraph.
<br /> 15. Governine La�s;Severability.'This Serurity Instrumemtshall E��•:�vemed by tederal law aras�the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In th�event that any provision��r. rlause of this Security Instrument or the
<br /> Noto conflicts with nppliceble law,svch conflictshs(l not aifectother provisions of thie Security Instrument or the Nnte
<br /> which can bo given�ftxt without the conflicting provision.To thia end the provisions a�!c�ia Security Instrumeat and
<br />� the Nota are declared to be xvetable.
<br /> — �w�n au�/�j ai u '
<br />-- �—BFI(f�l�l�ososr,o� o•s•�o�e Initlds:l'�
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