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It all or any pert of thc Property or eny <br />'; " interest in it is sold or trans[�rred(ur it a beneficial interest in 13orrower ie sc�ld or tr�nsferred and I3orrower�s not a = <br />-==—�""`"� nAtural person)withaut l.ender's prior writtcn consent,Lender may,at i�s option,require immediata payment in f�dl of <br /> all sums secured hy this Security Instrument. However, thie option shall not bo exercised by Lender �f exercise is _ <br /> -_ - prohibited by federal law as af the date of thiR Security Instrurnent. <br /> ',�� If I.endcr exercises thie option,Lender ahall give Barrower notice of acceleration.The notice Fhall provida a period <br /> _•.��:; of not less than 30 deys from the data the nutica is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured <br />'''='�` '�' ` by this Security Iastrumecrd.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the ax iration of this period,Londer mey i nvokc <br /> � ..... <br /> "�°:����' anyremediespermittedbythieSecurityInstrumentwithoutfarthernoticeor emandonBorrower. <br />'=.,�-.'•� 18. Borrower s Itlght to Reinstate.If Borrower meets certain conditione,Borrower shall have the right to have <br />-�-�}`' r.nPnrcemant ot this Security In9trument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other period <br />.v��%'� '�> as epplicable lew may specify tor reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to anypo wer of sala containr,�l in <br /> -"'��'m"�G this Securiry Instrumenr or (b) entry of e judgment enforcing this Secunty Instrument.Those wnditions are that <br /> w�°�:�� Botrower: (n) pays L.ender all sume which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as i[no <br /> ,'��'�`.-_:� acceleration had occuned; (b)cures any default of any other covenants or agrecmciitri;(e)pays all cspenses incurred in <br /> -.�.:,..��: <br />-.-.�.�� enforcing this Securiry Instrument,including,but not limited Eo,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action us <br />-:�=��te�'•"• Lender may reasonably requin tv a..ssure that the lien of thxs 5,."curity Instroment,I,ender's rights in the Property and <br /> ��'r•� ' Borrower's obli�ation to ay the sums secured by this Securit�n�strument shall continue unchanged.Upon reinstatement <br /> ; by Borrower. ttus Securitpy Instruanl�n�t and the obligations seeumd hereby�hall remain fully effectire as�f no acceleration <br />,�;;;.,;�: • had occurrecl. Howe�•er,this cight to reinstate shall not apply in the case c+f at�eleration under paragraph 17. <br />----- - 19.S�la of Note;Chan�e of Losn Servi�cr.Tha Note or a parti.s2 aTterest in the Note(togetherwith thie Security <br /> ='".'•,`-�-;c'� Instrument)rnay be sold one or mote timcs wit�out prior notice to Borron•er.A sale may result in a change in the entity <br /> ....�,=�� (known as the"Loaa Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.Thero <br /> ---== elso may be one or mote chsnges of tha I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a changc of tk��Loan <br /> --= Servic�r. Borrower will be given written notim rmf the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicablv law. <br /> --=`_'=^`"�� The notice will atate the name and address of Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be meda. <br /> 4°�`='� The noticewil!elsocontain anyother information required by npplicable law. <br /> '•.----� ,___., e <br /> Z0. N�aatdovs Substsnees.ASorrower ehaii aot cause orpe rmic iho presenc%c, u5t7�uto(x��tu�ntuid�o�vP�c•�vew ZSa <br /> ��:�� any Hezardous Substances on or i�the Pro�erty.Borrower shall not do,nor allow an}ana else to do,anyttungatf�cting <br /> the Property that is in�iolation of anp Environmental Law.The preceding two sentesAe�s ehell not apply to the ps�esence, <br /> . ��'�F'lP:� use, or storage on cfie Propercp a�f smaU quantities of I-Iauudous Substances thet are generally recogniza.c to be <br /> �- appro_priate to normal.rrsidential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptiy giva Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lea�uit or other ection by <br /> -�—� any govetnmental or regulawry agency or private patcy involving the Property nnd an� HaEaxdous Substanca or <br /> Enviroa�xirntel oi which Bonower has nctual knowledge.If Borrower learns,or�e notif►ed by any govornmental or <br /> 3 regulatorp authority, that any removal or other rcmediation of any Hazerdous Substance aftxting the Property is <br /> - - - -- necessary,Bonower shall ptomptl�tekd all aecessary remedial actiona�n accordance with Environmentsl i,aw, <br /> --— As use:'. in this paragraph Z0, Hazardous Substances"are those substences definal as toxic or�azardous substances <br /> by Bnvironm�atal Law axid the following substances:gasolina,kerosene,other flammable or toxie petrol�um products, <br /> toYie �sticides and hcrbicides. volatile solvents, materiels contaimug asbestos ar formaldahydo, and radioactive <br /> maunals.As usad in t6is paragraph 20,"Environmental Law" means federal laws and lews of the jurisdiction where th� <br /> Property id loated that ralate to heatti,,safety or environmental protection. <br /> ----- NON'i3NIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end I.ender further covenant and agrea�s followe: <br /> 21. Acceleratiaa; Remedies. Londer shall �ive notice to Fforrower priar to. acceleration tolloeins <br /> Borrower's breach �of any covenant or a=resmcnt In this 5ecurity Instrument(but not�p�ior to�cceler�tion <br /> __ uad�r paner�ph 17 ronless�pplicable law provides otherwise).The motice shail specify:(sb the default:(b1 the <br /> ___'�" <br />