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<br /> S. H�xard ur Property Inrurance. 13arrowcr shxll keep the improvoments nnw axieting or herca[ter erated on
<br /> thr Prnncrt�inRUred egeinst loss by fire,hazards x��r.tncdr.d within the term "c�ctcnded c�vara�e"end any ather h�zardA, _
<br /> ineh�ding(looda or flaacfing.(or whieh I,ender req�siRes int�urenr.e.'fhie insurance nhnll tw myintainul in thu a�t�uunt�
<br /> end(or the periods that I.ender rcquires. The ins�trart.r.e carrier providing the insurAnco ahall bc chasen by Borr�wer
<br /> sut�ject to Lender's approval which shell not t�e unreas�n�bly withheld.It Borrower fnilr�to m�intein coverage described
<br /> ebavn, Lender may, et l.ender'� option,obtain co��erega to�rotect I..ender's rights in tt�a Pro�,erty�in accordance with ^
<br /> paragraph 7.
<br /> dll �nsurance policies enJ renewqle shell lx; ar.ceptable to Lender and st�ell inal�ido u standard mortgagc clause.
<br /> I,ender shsll 1►ave the right to hold the policir.s �arj renewele. If Lender requires, Aorrower shell ptomptly give to
<br /> l.ender all rec;eipts of paid premium�and renawal nr�tices.In the event of lo�. BorroN+ar ahell give prompt notice to the _
<br /> insunnce carrier and I.onder.Lender msy make prac�f of loss if not made promptly hy Aorrowcr,
<br /> Unless I.onder and Borcowar otharwise ugree in writing,insurance proceede ahall be applied to restoration or repair
<br /> oF the Properry dameged,if tho restoration or reEanir ic�economically feas�ble and L.ender's security is not lessened.If the _
<br /> restoration or repair is not economically ieasible or I..ender's�ecurity would be le.ssened,the insurance proceecl�shall be
<br /> eppliai to tho sums secured by thia Ser,urity[r�srttiment,whether or not then due. �vith any excess paid to Borrower.If
<br /> Borroc�er abandous the Property,nr dcses not anawer within 30 days a notice from Usndor that the insurance carrier has i
<br /> offeral to settle a claim, then I.ender mr�� cplCect thr,iasurance proceeds.L,ender may use the proceeds to repair or
<br /> restore the Property or to pa�y sume sacured by thia Security I�strument,�vhather or nc�t then due.'1'he 30'dey period will
<br /> t�gin when the notice is�ven.
<br /> Unless Lender anJ�3orrower otherwise agrec in w�iting,any application of proaeeda to principal sl�all not eYtend ur
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthiy p�ymenta rcferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of the payments.
<br /> If under pangraph 21 the Property ia acquieed by Lender, Borrowere right to any insura�ice policies and proceeds
<br /> resulting from damage to the Pru�erty prior tv the acquisition shall pass to Lender tc►�t1te extent oP the sume securcd by
<br /> thisSxutity Instrument immodistelp prtor W the ecquiQition.
<br /> 6. (kcupancy,Preserv�tion,M�iaten�nce�nd Protection of tho Proparty; �iorrower's Loan Application;
<br /> Le�xholde.Bocrower stull occupy.cstublish,and uae the Property ae Borrower's pnncipal rasidence witbin sixty days
<br /> after the exxution. of thie Security Inetroerlent and shall continue to occupy tho Propertp as Barrower's principal
<br /> �.,;a,�,�.fnf�L��wct�ne ye�r after the datc of cecupuncy,unless L.ender otherwise agrr�s in wciting,which consent shall
<br /> aot be uareasonably withhcld,or unless er.tanuating circumatances exist which are bapand liorroa er's controi.Borrower
<br /> shall aot destroy,damage or impair the Property,sllow the Praperty to dEteriorate,c�r comrnit waste on the Proparty.
<br /> Bonovver s6ell be in default if any forfei¢ure action or proccuiing, ivt,�u'�ar civil ar criminal, is hcgvn that in Lc.�d:,;'s
<br /> good faith judgment covld result ia forf�iture of the Property or otherwise metcrially impair the lien created by thie
<br /> � Security Instrument or Lcnder's �ncuci2y intereat. Borrower may cure such e doteult end reinstate, as providod in
<br /> ; pangraph 18, bq causing the ncts��a� nr Proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith
<br /> � determmation,prxludes torieiture c�t'.tha I3c�rrowcr's interest in the Property or nther mnteriel imp�irm�nt of the lien
<br /> crated by this Socurity Iastrument or Lend�r's secority interest.Borrower n�ll also be in default it Borrower,duriag
<br /> tho loan application process,Eave meterially f�lue or inaccurate inforen�s:��an or utatcmente to L.ender (or failed to _
<br /> R provide I.ender with any matcrial infarmation)in connection with tha Ipan tividenced by the Note,including,but aot
<br /> � limited to, repres�ntations cancerninq&xrower's occup�anc3 of*.he Property as a principel residence. If this Seciirity
<br /> � Inatrument is on a leasehold,Botrowor ehu1C comply with all the provisio�ns of the lenAe.If Iiormwer acquires fce title to
<br /> t the Proporty,the lasehold and the fee t'stle�shnll not mergc unless L.�nder�grecs to tho merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protection of�,ender'a Ri�hts in the Property.If Borrower faile to perfnrm the covenaats and egreemente
<br /> � conteiaod in this Security Instrument,on t!�ure io n legal procxding thnt mny eigaitloantly aff,ect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Property (svch es s proceeding ia� �xizkruntey, probate, for wndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or
<br /> ragalations),then Le:nd�r mey do end nay fvr w.hutever ie nec�ssary to protect tho value ot tiie Proporty and Lender'e
<br /> rigLts in the Property. I.ender's acticut� may includ�paying eny sums socured by a licn which has priotity over thie
<br /> Security Instrument,sppeariag in court,pxsIng reasonable attorneys'fees and enteriag on the Praperty to meke repair�.
<br /> Althouyh Lender may talce action undcr thie roragra�U 7,I.ender does not have to do aa.
<br /> Any�mounts disbvrsed by Leader undar thia Fnragreph 7 slisll become additionsl debt of IIorrower secured by ttus
<br /> Securitq�metcument.Unless Bortower nad Lea�'er egree to other terms of paymont, thes�emounts shall bcar interest
<br /> from thv dete of disbursement at the Note rate and slwll he payable,with interest,upon notice Irom Lender to Borrower
<br /> requesting paymeat.
<br /> 8.Mort=��e Ineur�nee. If Lendcr requieeci mortgagc insurance as a condition of ine�iag the loan�cured by this
<br /> • Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiumo required to maintain the mortgege insuranca in effxt.If,for any
<br /> reasoa,the mortgaga insunnce coveraga requiced by Lendcr laPses or ceases to ba tn effect, Borrower shall pay tt►e
<br /> pnmiurns required to obtain coverage substanuall}�ec,4ivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost
<br /> subeta�niially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of tha moctg�ge in;urunce previously in efEect, from en alternate
<br />_ � rttortgege insurer approved by Lender. If aubstantially eq�ivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,
<br /> Horcower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ane-cw�lfth o�tha yearly mortgage insurance premium be.7ng
<br />._ paid by Borcower when thc insurance coverage lapsed or cwned to be in effect.Lender will accept, uso and retain these
<br />_ payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurar.ce. Loss reserve payments may no long�r be cequired,
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