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<br /> S.Ha�nl or i'raperty Qnsunace. B�xrawcr shall kap thc lmprovcmcnts now cxisdng or t��croct�on � Y
<br />=�,��1; insured�gainst los�by Cue.har.�rd� Includod within tfio t�crm "cxtendod covcr�gq" u�d uny othcr hv.vds.G�cluding tlood�a
<br /> floocting,fcx which Len�k.r reqoi�res insaranco.'iliie ir�surnnco shnll be mnintainal in thc+amnun�9 end fix Ihs��x�ricxi9 thnt I�a�Nr
<br /> "�: •� roquirra.7ho inwrAnca c,�rrier providIrig tho insurnca stwtl bo choscn by Borrovrcr subjxt tA l,cndcPs�pproval which shall not
<br /> -__.-=�=� be unrta�onsbly withhe{d. If Rorrower failt to mainWn wverugo deacribod rbove, Lendcr may, at Lenda'a option,obuin
<br /> � �=J'�'_ covcr�ge to proloct i.endu's dghts in the PropCrty in axord�nce wi�h p�ngniph 7.
<br /> "� All insannce policles ond renewal9 ahall 6e ac,ce�bk to I.ender ancl sltall incl�ade a sttu�dvd mortgAge clausa.I.eaxkf shtll
<br />�� ,,•.t.� havo 1he right to hold the polick,�eixJ ra�w�ls.If L�eaxks roquirts,Hortnwer stwll prnmptly give to l.cndcr dl roceipts of p�id
<br /> � prani►�mt end renewal notices.In tf►e event of bss,Horrower iahall glvc lxompt notice ta tht ins�ut►nce carrlGp�nd I.endtx,I.cnAer
<br />,..� �;'%i'. . may make proof af bss if not madc pramptly by Bomower.
<br /> � �,.,� Unkss I.ender�d Barowcr othawlso agra in w�itiag,ins�uancc proca�is shaU ba uppliod uo restor�lkx► or repir of tha
<br /> y a;.�'�� ��Y��Bed�if the restoradon or repair is eca�omZcully fasible and Lender's socurity is not le.x9cr�a1.If tho rest�Won a
<br />`_�:`�;. re�mir is not vconomicaUy feasibk or L�.aickr's sccurity wc�uldl be kssencd,the insurAnce pmcacda aha11 bo appliod to�he sumR _
<br />;,..=,� socurod by dw Security Instrumet�t, whetl�er or not tha� du�, wi�h any cuccss p�id w Borrowec. XP Surrowu�bartdons tho
<br /> _.���� Pro�ty.or docs not angWCr within 3Q days a ncxice from I.,�da that tlw ins�uance carrkr hag offend to eettle a cWm. Ukn
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