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<br /> . , c insurencc covcragc(in the amount w►d for thc perlod k�:-
<br /> � paymen�mey no longcr bo rcquircd,at the optlon of Lcndcr,if mortgag a•�
<br /> �,,� th�t l.e�ier ca�uu�)�xovidcd by an lnsurcr aAprovcd by 1.ender e,vein Mx,ome.q available end is obtalncd.Bortowcr shall pay thc �.-
<br /> -:.�:,� Pranium� requirod to maintain malgage insursnce in cf(ecb � � Provlde a bss re.gervo, until the roquirernu�t for matgage �T
<br /> ::.� inswsnco ends in Accordance with any written agroement betwan Bum�wer and I.ender or applicabk law.
<br /> -� 9.Iaspection. Lendcr or its a8�r►t may matie rea�►nabk cntries upon and inspocrions of thc Property.i�►dcr sh�ll givc =
<br /> ' Boerowu nodce at the timo of or prior to en inspoctioa spocifying rcasonabk cause for thc inspection. i�_
<br /> . "� 10.Coodemwtbn. Tho proceetts of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential, in con►�ection with any �;•
<br /> of�hc Property.or for convcyanre in lieu of condcmnation,azc huebY assigned and ��••
<br /> condcmnatia�or oU►u taking of any part `
<br /> ..'< shell bo psid b Lct�da. _
<br />�'��•�� In the event of a total talcing of thc Property�1hc procads shall be applicd to the sums secured by thls Security Inswment,
<br /> . . whcihet a�wt thcn due,with any excess Paid to Bomowcr.In the event of a paztlal talcing of the ProPeitY in which the fair marlcU �^
<br />--:"•4r-• .
<br />;_'.;K, value of tha PcopertY iisuncditstcly befoce the teking is cqual to or g�tatcr then tho Nncwnt of the sums secvnd by this Security �-
<br /> '�� insvureent immadiately befae the taiong. un{ess Boaowcr and Ler�dcr dhawise agroe in writing.the sums sccurcd by this �
<br />�„_--.� mul' Led by the falbwing frection: (a) the total�nt of
<br /> SxuEitY Insaument ahall be reducod by the anwunt of thc proca�ls tiP� �mmediately befae the
<br /> -�R� tho sums socured imrt�e�di�tely beforo the taking� dividai by (1�)thc fair market value of tt!e PSOpe.R�' � �
<br /> Wung.My ba�lance shall be paid to Bamwu.In ihe event of a pactial talcing of the Prope�ty in which the fair muket valoe of the
<br /> n
<br />'y'�'�� Pmperty immodiately before the taking is less tt�an the amo�nt of the sums sa:ured immodlatcly befae ihe rolcit►g, ua �
<br /> — Barowa snd I.e�►�a o�t�wise aBroc in wriunR a unless appUcable law otherwise provides.ihe procceds sl�all be appiiod ta the ��
<br /> �= sums sxureA by this Security Instrument whethar or not thc sums ace thcn due.
<br /> _";'�=�• If tde ProQertY is s�bar�Onal by Barowu.a if,aftcr notkc by Lendu to Bocrawer that�condemnor offera to mal:s an
<br /> ""� awxd oe sdde a clsim fa danu�ges.Borrowu f a i l s t o r�e s p o n d t o L e n d u w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s a f t e i t h e date the notice is givrn,Lra�der
<br /> --- • is�uthaiud to colbcx and apply the p�ocoeds.at its option.either w resta�ation a repair of thc ProputY or to the sums socurat
<br /> by this SocuritY In�cne+��wfaett�r ot not thu►dua. ��mf ocozds to principal shall not ea�ttnd or postpax
<br /> „--- Unkss Lender and Baro�od�a�wise igcee in writing,anY 8PP Lm'
<br /> ---- 3 s.hs d:.M�se of�he mon!��y ri�Ymrn�a refat+ed a in p�[r�phs 1 and 2 or change the amoun�of such paYmen�s.
<br /> — _e_��.���wf.'��Waivor �Yenncinn nf the time for DaYment or inodtfiCadon =
<br /> - 11.Bo1TA�l1'IrO��ce�iea�eui iioroe���iw:c�,�..�.�.�........�.._-.__. _
<br /> of amo�tiz�don af die svn�v socured by this Sx�ritY Inslrwnent�nted by L�da W eny suaessor in intaest of Bamwu stull
<br /> _ _ not c�peral�e w niea+e tfie lisbility of the original Barower or Aamwer's succcssors in intars�L�endrr shbll not be roquic�ed to
<br />-- conunenoe ProceedinBs+�inst mY S��in intrxe.�t a refuse to eactend timc fa payme�t a oeh�awlse modify anwrd�don of
<br /> _ , the sum�aaauod by this Securih�+Insuumc,�t by reasosi of�ny clamand made by the oriBlnal Aamwer or Barowa's suocessors
<br /> in ino�xeat.My fo�bairanoe by Le�.r in�aci�ing any right a remedy shall not be a wuvcr of a pc'eclude Uie eace�ciae of my
<br /> �a�y ts of this
<br /> lZ.SrtoesMKS�d Assitm Ba�bi Joint aed Sevenl LiAbility: Co�ai�nern. 'R�e covcnants and agroema�
<br /> i Secu�it�, inauwnent shell bind and bc�scfit the successas and essigns of Len�cr end Be�rrowu. subjoce to the provisions of
<br /> � pr�gaph 1?. Bortowa's covaramta and �ts shall be joint su�d scveral. Any Borrowu who co-slgn� this �ecutity
<br /> Inmumau but does not Wcocuta the Nae:(�) ia co-signing this Security Instruma►t anty to moctBaB�.8�nt and convey ilat
<br /> Aamowa'a inla�est in the Prope:ty under the tams of this Socutity Instcunx.ni:(b)�S not personallY�li8� �P�Y the sums
<br /> socurod by thie SoattitY lnswma�t;and(c)��oCS Uut Lenda and eny aher Borrowa msy eg+ee t,o exl�a�d,modifY,fabdr a
<br /> m�ke�ny�000nurwd�tions with rcgud to tlie tem�s of U►is Socurity Inswment a the Note witho�t that Sor�+nwa's oonxn�
<br /> --� 13.L,a�Crar�e�. If 1he ban socurod by this SocuritY Inswenent is sulsject w a law which sets manimum bm cl+�tges.
<br /> and dut la�r is fin�ily intapceted so that the inta+est a otha loan charges colbctod or tu be callectod in connocdan with the 3ooa
<br /> exceod tha pamitud limits.ttien:(�)ar►y such loan charge shall be reduced by�he acnosmt necass�ry to reduce the char8e to the
<br /> permined limit;�d(b)anY sums�hradY colloctAd from Boaowa which eaceodod pum�ued limitc will be nfunded w Borrowa.
<br /> L�cnder m�y choos� �make thig retund by roducing the principal owed under the Note or by malring a direct �tyment to
<br /> Bamoxtr.If a refund reduces priu�cipal, the reducnon will be treatod as a psuUal Pre�aYm�nt without enY P�Y����He
<br /> undert d�e No�e.
<br /> 14.Natica. My notic�a to Barnwa pcovidod for in this Seauity Inso�um�►t shall be 8�vcn by delivaing it a by mailing it
<br /> by f"vst clns mail ualeas q�plicabk law requi�es use of anoUier mahod.'If�e notice shall be dirocted to the Propacy Addnss or
<br /> �ny otha�ddress Bacmwa desi8na�es bY notice w Lend�x.My notice w i,ender shall be given by t"ust class mail W La�der's
<br /> --- �ddress swod herc�► a�►y odkx addrtss I.utider designatcs by notice to Borrowa. My notice provided for in this Security
<br /> -� �nst�wnent st�all bc da�d w have ban given W Sorinwc�a La�da when given ss proviGed:in this pasa�h.
<br /> -- 1S.Coverefn�Lswi SeverabiYty. 7tib Socuriry Instrument shaU be govemcd by federal Isw and thc law of the
<br /> .�_ =� jwis�dicrion in which tha PropertY is bcaud. In the event that eny pcovision or clausc of ihis Security Insuurtient or the Notc
<br /> cuitlicty with applict�lb141aw,weh contlict shall�oi affect odHx Provisions oi this Sec�rity Insuument or ttie Nae which can be
<br /> -_'- . givea effect without ttie confiicting prov�sion.Tn this end the Pcr�visions of this Securiry Insunment and ttsa Natc are dxlarod tn
<br />-,��,_-�= be sevirabla.
<br />_�;k t-
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