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<br /> �- ��. . 7�0(Ifi'I'IfliR W1TH aU tha improvemen�v now cx here,aft,er crectcd an the property.and e1TeaSem�nts.ePPurte►u�es•°ncl �
<br /> �.::c•.. �
<br />♦;r,�.� fiawres n�w ar��ui�r a�rt of Oie prog:rty.Nl repL:c�men�s end nd�tit�s shell nlso be cc�vered by this Seciuity Insmtmr,nt. «`
<br />::-,—�� All of the faegoing ia refeared w in thi�5ocurity instxum�nt as Ihc"Pcopeccy:'
<br />`��'`r-"� BORROWEK COVCsNANi'S ttwt aorrowcr is lawfully scisod of the eswte hcrchy wnvcycd and has thc right to �ant�nc�
<br />.w� canvey the propaty nnd that the Pmpeny is unencumbcred� eaccpt for eacumbranr.as of record. Borrowu warrants end wi11 _�-`
<br />-��-,� - �{p�g���y�e ptle tn tho property egainst all claims and demands,subjcct tn riny encumbrnnces af record. __
<br /> �� � ` TI�IIS SECURi'f'Y INSTRUIuI�iVT combines uniform covenants for nauonal use and non-unifc,m► covenants with limited o
<br /> ���y;�, vari�ticros by jurisdietjon to consdwte a uniform secarlry instcutnent coverimg real property. �
<br />,.s'�;, ,
<br /> � � � LJMPORM COVSNANTS.Aorcawer end Lendar covenant and agroe as follows:
<br /> ``�"'��`'�• 1.Paymcat oP Princlpal�nd Interesh Frepsyment and L�te IChar�es. Borrowcr shall promptl� pay when due the
<br />.':�t�.�x'
<br />,.,-�;�i�►-�� . principal of and interest on Ihc debt evidencod by thc Noce and anY prepaymont ond Iate charges due under ttee Rotc.
<br /> ;�'',�,�� 2.Fuads for T�ua aad Insur�ncc. Subjoct to applicablc!aw or to a wriuu� waiver by I.cnder. Btxrowcr shall pay t�n _
<br /> ��_-�;� L,e�da�on tha day monlhtY PaYments are due under U►o Note.nniil the Note is paid in fuU.a sum("Funds")ior.(xl�-�xcly iaxes
<br /> ' — � and avessments whi�h may aaain priority ovu�his Sxurity Instrumeat as a lien on the Propaty;(b?Y�IY iraseho}c�paymrnts _
<br /> -=-^=;=� a ground ra►ts on the:Pcopetty,if enY:(c)Yesuiy ha�atd a proputy insurar�pizrnlums�(d)Ycarly f��'snsu.�sncY�rrmlums�if .-
<br /> -_� anyt(�)Y��Y s►b►tB�Se ins�uanca prcmiums.�f my�end(� any sums payable by Borrowu w Lender.an Accocdsa�ce with the
<br />_='���"�'� provisions of pangraph 8. in liw of thc payment of mottgagc insurance premiums. Thcse items aze caTiad "E.�crow Items."
<br />-.,wy .= w.
<br /> - ._ — I.e�la may.at aoy tirne.collect and hoW Funds in an amount not to excad the maaimum amount a lencler for a fe�ksr�ly re
<br /> - --- martgage lom nu�y nyuire for Bocrowu's escnow account under the fedual Real Eswte Sett�ement Praceduns Acc of 19'14 as
<br /> =`"--"-��' ama�c{ed�m dme to tjme,l2 U.S.C.Soction 7.b01 et uq. ("RESPA").unkss anuher law thac aPPlies ta the Funds sets a le,uer
<br />_ �� artaunt If so. Lendu may�at any time.colkct and hc>Id Fur�ds in a�� emaunt not W excad the lesscr�mounG I.endes may
<br /> _ - estima�e�he a�nount of Funds due on tt�e basis of current data and reasonable estimates of eacpendituns of fuaue Esaow Items or
<br />��,�— oU�awL�e in�ccoreL9nce with epplicable Vw.
<br /> -�.- The Funds slwll be he1Q in an instiwdon wtwso deposits are insured by a federal a,Bency.instcumensallty,or a�6ty (including
<br /> I.enda.If L.endcr is such m instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loat► at�c►1c.I.u�der shall apply the Funds to pay the Escmw
<br />._....,�� . . _ 2��� • .�..r.....�. ....�...-q..�vs!...u=••'i�'S•'�-�•n,�w Nif11�iA4 uY�ua��7E�
<br /> ��.�.�/r�Y�((�gE���Q I��1Q�YY��NIILL i1�1'lrUl�Y/O A'W�YA�ftlu�uwa) •..rJ� p -- -
<br /> -- -= the Esaow Itans.unkss I.endcr pays Bamwcr inta�st on the Fands and applicabk law permits L,rnder to rtwkc s�r.h a ahargc.
<br /> .-�="— Howeva. I.enda may requlre Borxowu w pay a onatime charge for an inck,�a�dcnt real estate�au rcpo�tInB sav'�co used by
<br /> =-- L,endar in connocG�on wlth this ban,unkss eppllcabb law pcovides ott�awise.Unkss an agrouncnt is made or applicsbb law
<br /> - - ---- requirq int�arst w`ae f�id,Lendcr st�all not b:,rquited to pay Botrower any inuiest or earnings ose tfie Funds.Borrowa end _
<br /> - L,ender may�groe i�wridng�howevu.that intecest slwll be paid on the Fuucis.I.ender shall give to Borrowcr.without clurgc�an
<br /> ' annual aocountin8 oi the Funds.showing crodits end debits to the Funds and the purpc►se�'or which each debit to the Funds Mas
<br /> made.'C�e Funds uu pled8ed as addidonal socurity fa aU sums socurod by this SecurIty JnqtromenG
<br /> If the Fwids held by Lax1a exceed d�e acnouets Pen►tiuod W be held by applicabk]ew.Lenda s�haU account Ro Borrowa for
<br /> ���F�m��e with the roc�uirunent�of applicable law.If the�snount of the Funds hekl by Lender et any time is
<br /> � not sutficient to pay Yhe Escrow It�ms whui due�I.ender cnny so netify Bcrrrower in wridng,and,in sueh cate Sorrower shall PaY
<br /> t+o I.a�du the amount noc�u�' w m�ke ap tha defxk.�cy. Barower sludl make up the deC�ciency in no mae tban twelve
<br /> °— • mooddY P'aYma�ts�at La�det's sole discret�on.
<br /> , — Upon p�yma�t in full of all sums soc�ual by this Sec�rFty Instrument,Lcnder shall promptly refund to Bomowar any Funds
<br /> held bY�+�.U.ander peragraPh 21.L.�nder shall acc�uire a sell the Prop�tty�1.endcr.lxlor to the ec4uSsitan or aala of tho
<br /> properiy, ,yh�ll �ppt�any Funds heW by I.ender at the time of acquisitbn a sak as a cxedit agetnst the sums socurod by Uw
<br /> Socurity Insl�urrna�.
<br /> — 3.Appdatioe d Payme�Is. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments roceived by I.endcr under p�ra�gnphs
<br /> .=�s 1 and 2 shall ba appliod: fust,to anY prepayrt►ent chargw due unda the Note:second,to amounu payabk under paragraph Z;
<br /> third,to intaest duo;fourth,w princi�al duc;and last.w any lau charges due unda the Note.
<br /> 4.Clurtes;i.�e�a. Bor�nower siuiU pay all taxcs. �sessments,charges. fuMS and imposttions awlbutabk to the Propa�ty
<br /> which may uwin priodty oves this Securlty Inst:ument,and leasehold paymonts a ground ren�c,if any.Barower shall pay ihese
<br /> — obligations in tho manner pc�ovided in pa�agraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bomo�var shall pay them on time direcAy w the
<br /> �v pasm�awod pe�G Barower ahall prompUy fumish w Lender all notices of�nts to be paid under Ihis paragraph. If
<br /> 8oaowtt makos these paYments diroctly�Harowa shall ProanPaY fumish w Lend�r receipts evidencing the paymen�s.
<br /> -- Bocrowa stuil0 pcomptlY discharBc any lien which has priority ova Ihis Socarity Instiurtxnt unkss Barowu:(a)agzas in
<br /> —� wrlting w the p�yma►t of the oitligation sacuc�ed by the lien in a mannu acceptabb to Lenda;(b)contests in good faith the lid�
<br />==-_ - by. �c defends a8sinst enforcement of�he Gen in� lagal prococdings which in the Lender's opinion operete w prevent the
<br /> -_-°^� � enfor�ement of the llen.ot(c)sccures from tho holder af the licr�en agtecrnet�t satisfxtosy W I.cndu subord'u�g the licn Lo
<br /> o = �his Secnriry Inswment If Lender detamines t1�at any part of tho Property ts subjoct W a�ie,�►which may auein prioilsy ova�tw
<br /> __ _•"��� g���y�gp���,u�r may givo Barowa a nodce identifying thc licn.Borrower shall satisfY ti�e lien or take one or more
<br /> _'�,?%-'� of the xtions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of naac�.
<br /> �^- Forri+ao2a�rQo
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