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<br /> ..gurrowK m�y wn euoh � dM�ult md rNnstat�,aa provlMrd In p�npnph 10, by cauifnp th� �ctlon or procNdkip t� b�
<br /> . di�ml��ul with �rullnq th�t, In LenAer'e pood t�flh datermin�tior�, preclt�de5 forfalture o1 the Bortower'n fntar�rt M the Prepxly a
<br /> othsr nxterld Impalmsenl 01 tho Ne�i created by thle SecuHry Instrumerd or Lender'e eecurNy Interest. Bortower ehwll sino k��In
<br /> d�tauA II Borrower, durir:p ths loan appar.allon procesa,p�vd mst��tl�Ry I�Is�or intccur�ts In!rxmaN�n or�titotn�nt�to Lrn�r (o�'
<br /> f�N�d to provid� lend�r wRh �ny mat�st�J inlorraUon) In connectlon wNh tlte lan evfQanced hy the Note, Incl�uNnp, but not
<br /> Ikr►itad to, reprasent�tlonn canceminp Bortower'a occup�ncy o4 tha Property �a • prindp�l reeldence. H thla Secudty
<br /> Instnament le on • leatahold, Bonower ah�ll corc�ply wllh �W the provietons o1 thd Iwse. II E�ortower acqulrGS lee title to the �
<br /> prepsrty,th�IHa�hoid�nd the lee tifia sh�A�ot mer�e unlesa Lender sgreae to the rnerg�r In wrNing. y
<br /> 7.Prot�etlon �f I.�n�f�r's Rl9hts In t61� Prop�rty. I}Borrower faA9 to pe►tam the covenants �nd agreetnente
<br /> cont�Ined Itt thla �euriry Inatn�ment, or ihere la r le�pl p�ocw�dng thal m�y �Igni(IcanU�,��tt.et Lendcr'c dpht� In tha Pronerry ' �
<br /> (auch�s �proceadk�p In b��IwPtcY,probate, for c�ndanmtbn nr lorlsYlura or to entorce lawa or ragui�tlons), then Lender rn�y O
<br /> do �nd pay tor whstever le necesaery to protect Ihe vNus of the Properry �nci Lender'a rights In the PropeRy. Lender's actlons
<br /> rt�y Inqude payk►p my eumn eecured 6y s lien which hae prlority over lhls Security Instniment, �ppauin� In couA, paylnA �
<br /> reason�ble�ttomaye' laas �nd entering on tha Property to m�ke rep�ks. Although Lender may t�ke �ctbn under this par�gsaph
<br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so. �
<br /> My �mounts dlabursed by Lender under P+ngnph 7 sha11 become �dtlitbnal deb1 01 Bnrtuwer aocured by thls Secudty ,J
<br /> Instrummt. Unleas Bortower �nd Lender�pree ta othx term� oi p�ymail, tl�ese emounts shaq bsar Interest hom the dsLe o1
<br /> disbursement�t the Note nte�nd ah�M be payabb, wilh fnterest,upon notke bom Lendor to SoROwa requesling psyment.
<br /> a. Mortgsg� Insur��e�. It Lender requked mortgege Insurance �s a conditlon o1 makfng the lo�n secured by thb
<br /> Securiry Instrumenl, Bortower shsN pay the pretnfums requked to malnWn the mort�ye inaur�nce In etlect. 11,to�any reason,the
<br /> mortgnge insurdnce cove���n im�uired by Lendar I�pses or ceaats to be {n Ntect, Bortower ahaN pay the prerniurna ►equlred to
<br /> ot�taqi croveraye substantiWly. er�dv�lent to the mortgage insurance prevlously in eflect, st e cost substaMl�Ny squlvala�t to lhe
<br /> cost to HoROwer o1 thn mrntqvl�'a fnr>�uance prevlousy In eHect, irom en ahemate moAgage insurer �pproved by Lender. If
<br /> substantlalty equhralent moM!�rQ4�n�uar'�.ce�cvyer+9e Is not evuit�ble. Borrower shaN pay to Lender eech month a sum eqwl to
<br /> one-tweHth of the yeary mai�t3!L:i'R ir-'�'ce I�+'�+�m bdng pald by Bortower when the Insursnce caverage lepsed or cessed to
<br /> bra bn etfect. Lender wlll acrxl+l: u.s�aeTd r�;�4��tese I�Yments sa a loss reserve In lie+i of mortgage insurance. Losa reserve
<br /> pwyments may no lon9er flc�n�.rrvd,a*.Ei°_ c�;� �f�e+Trlr�'. If mortgege Insurence cn•�asrqa(In the amount and tor the perfod
<br /> that Lender requires) providect!�y an tnai'+�n' aWP+oue�f.iK I,��r�er agdn becomes avatr,�l�1e auid is ehLzined. 9ortowec ohall pny
<br /> the premlumu r�qulred to maint�in mcrt�9!r. inra+s�.ticrt icr a�71oc:, or to prv+:r,te s lass ims�rve,un61 1!s¢ i�ukement tor m�rtr�v3e
<br /> Ir.rturenca c�sdu fn nccerdence wkh eny rn°7.^.a�•n;r���n�Y:�:��r�'een Bortowzr and Lend.�r w o.�g�ical�lr�I;r+r
<br /> 9, f�n�tr�ion. Lender or Rs ag�:"^�J m�'���ans�nable ent�ies upon end Ni�{��'rma o1 d`a 1�1c�'My. Lender shall plvR
<br /> (,r,r,nwer rtottue at the tkne ct or prlor to aa Ins➢z�.i::r.:�pecily�q rwson�ble cause fuc f1�e'�+s�trcilon.
<br /> 10. Condsmnal6��?.,.T.ie proceeds or any awa�:] •or cklm for damages, dU�ct:or canaequential, in connecUon with�ny
<br /> condanneRar, or otha tatu-�c?�ny part of the Nraperi�f. or tor conveyance M Aeu a4 condemnaUon, are hareby assipned uid
<br /> sh�N be��i�f ft�t:�nder. —
<br /> In the �auoril of e tot�l taking of the Propertyr, the proceeds aheA be �ppNed to the suma secured by thla Searfty
<br /> II15INrt1Ot7t,Wneina ui I�VZ t�a�I �u��'��=h�ni °.M-nge_�n,�.i fn R�frnw�r In the event of n Qartial takhq of the PropertY In �vh�h
<br /> t;YVa t�1r market value o1 ths G-_perty kmm�diutely betam L'•a tsking Is equai to or grea�Srx than tha smount of the suma secured
<br /> �by �hl� Security Instrumen! immedl�tely betoro the taM�i-r.�„ �rlesa Borrower �nd Lamr'�ar �,tharwise �tgree fn wrlNn4• 1�e suma
<br /> aeoured by thla ,:ecu�fty Instrument ehall ba reduced I.y::�•e wmount oi the proceeds r,rtalilpl.ed by the foRowMg iraclt�;�rr {e)the
<br /> totsl�mount oi the eums secured knm�M:�:E1+ beloro th�'t9bny, d►vlded Ay (b) the tair rnArket value of the Propaty i^�:nadiday
<br /> before the t�kk►g.MY bal�nce ehaA be �id�a 0orrower. In the event cf n�>aRkf taking of the Propu4y in which the hk rtwket
<br /> v�lue of the Property lmmedl�tely belo�e the'tnking b less than tha ama�a:t of tha;s:x^s aecured+'+same�'rately before the teking.
<br /> untess Bor:ower �nd Lender othawise sgree In wrMlny or unless applicable �w cv�rn;��e prcY�9es, the proceeds ahaM be
<br /> oppNed to the sums secured by thia Securih+lneWment�vhother or not the suma aw+r yi�on ztue.
<br /> If the Rroperty Is ebandoned by Borrower,or H, aRe►notice by Lerider to BortowKr•ihat the condemnor oMers to make�n
<br /> awud or sottle a daim for dema9es. BoROwer tafls to respond to h�mder wkhin 30 dnya sfter the dete the notice la gNen.
<br /> Lender la suthorixed to coNect and sppy the proceeds, at its optlon, eltfi�er to restoratlon or reps�r o7 tha P►ope�ty or to tha
<br /> sums secured by this Security inetrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lendx and Borrawer otF�mvise egree In w�ting, sny eppNcatbn of proceeda to prk�dp�l sh�N not extend or
<br /> poatpone the due date ot the monlhN peymmte referred to In paragrephs 1 �nd 2 or chinge the nmount ot auch payma�ts.
<br /> 1 i. Borrow�r Not Rtl�s�ad; Forb�aran�s qy l.end�r Not a Watvsr. extenslon oi the tkne tor payment or
<br /> modlAcstion of amorqzaUon of the suma secured by this 8aurity InaVument(Kented by Lendef to �ny auccesaor In htere�t oi
<br /> Borcower ah�N not opente to rdeaee the 11�bIlAy of the otlglnal Bortower or Burrower'a aucaessors In Intorest. Lender sh�tl not
<br /> ba requked to commence proceedkips ayalnat any succesaor in InYereat or relusa to extend dme tor payrnent or othawise
<br /> modly�morUtation o}the sums secured by thle Security Inatrument by renaon of any demand made by the odpinN Barower or
<br /> Bortower'e auccessoro In Interest. My tr�rbeerence by LEnde► In exerd�Ing uny dyht or remedy sh�G not be a walver o1 or
<br /> predude ihe exerciaa o!my riyht or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�swrs end Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and 3evsrel Llabllity; Co-slqn�rs. The coven.nt�and
<br /> agreements o1 thls Secu►ity Instrumant shal! b(nd and benelft the auccessarn and�ssiQns of Lender�nd Borrower,subJect to the
<br /> provlslona o1 paraprsPh 17. Borrower's coven�nts end agmements shaU be Jolnt snd several. My Bonower who co•slyns this
<br /> Securily Instrument but doas not execute tha Note: (e) Is ca-signing this Security Inahument ony to mortp�pa,grent snd convey
<br /> lhat Bortower'a Interest In the Property wider the terms ot thla Secutity Inst►ument; (b) le not paraonally obNy�ted to pay the
<br /> sums sei,�urod by thls Security Instrummt; uxi (C)agroes that Lender and any other Bortower may�yreo to extond, modHy.
<br /> to►bear or meka �ny ecoommodatlons wRh reg�rd to the terma o1 this Security Instrument or the Note wRhout that Borrower'a
<br /> consmt.
<br /> 13. LO�n Charg�l. N th� ban s�cured by this Secudty Instrument Is aubJect to a lnw which sets m�xY�wm ben
<br /> charges, ar+d that law i� 1lnaMy N�'erpretcd so that tho Interest or othcr loan charQa� coNecxod or to be coHected In connection
<br /> • wtth the loan axceed thn permitttd Fmiu,then: (a)eny such toan charge shaq be roduoed by tho amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the charqe to ths permitted Nmlt; and (b) any sums already cailectod trom Borcowor whlCh exceeded perrtdtted Ilmlts wi be
<br /> retunded to �aTOwer. Lender mey chaose to mnka this relund by re0uchfg the princlpel owod under the Note or by makkig a
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reducos princlpal, the reduction wAI be treated as a partlal prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the N�te.
<br /> 14. PIotIC�s.Any notix to Bortower provided for in this Security Instrument ehatl be gtven by deiivering R or by maYing ft
<br /> by first clens mrll unles� epplirable law requkes use of another method. 7he notico shall ba directed to the Properry Address
<br /> ����..� �.......N... �� 1.�....1... Anv nntinn fn 1 nnri�r ahall hn olvan hv rvat C�L93 MlII t0
<br />-- or eny oiner adc?�ero5 a'v�i.;::� o.�........ ..�..,....... - .,
<br />° Lender s eddress etated hereln or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provlded for h thls
<br />= Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given ta BortoWer or Lender when gNen as provlded In this paragraph.
<br />= 15. Qoverning LAw; Siver�bflity.This Secudty Instrument shell be govemed by tedc+ral taw ond the law of the
<br />- Jwisdictlon in which the Properly Is lacated. In tho event that any provislon or clauae of this Securi.y Instniment or the Note
<br />= conAicts with sppNcable law, such conMct she�not attoct other pmvlslons of thla Securfty Instrument or the Note whlch cen bn
<br />-= given ettect without the conflicting provislon. 7o this end the provislons o}this Security Instrummt end the Note ere deciared to
<br />