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Bartowa wart�nte and wfll � <br /> de(end fl�neraly ths l4b to ths PropKty�p�l�at NN c4kna �nd dern�ndo, aubJect to�ny e��cumM�ncea o1 record. y <br /> THIJ SECURIIY INSTFiUMFNT combfnee unHorm coven�nte for n�tionN uao ■nd non�unitortn covenants wilh limlted e <br /> varl�Uons by Jutladlclbn to constitut�� unHortn aecurily Instrum�nt cove�iny reN propwty. � <br /> UNIFORM CQVENA�ETS. Honower�nd Lender covenrnt�nd a�ee�e toNowa: O <br /> 1. PG�iiIONt Gt F�i9��cipal anei In4orest; Prepa�ment nnd E,nRe Gher�es. so►ro�er ehell promptty pay when � _._ <br /> due Ihs principN ot�nd IntKast on the debt widencad by the Note�nd�ny preptyment nnd I�te ah�rpea due undar tlis Wote <br /> 2. Fund�tor T�x�s and Insur�ne�. SubJect to sppAcabte i�w or to e wrttten waNa by Lenda,Bortower eh+�N pay <br /> to Lender on ths d�y monthy p�yments�re due under the Notn, untH lhe Note la p�ld In fuN,� aum ('Funda")for. (�) yeuly '� <br /> t�::es and asaeaamente whlch tn�y�tt�in pdo►Ity over thls 3ecuriry Inatrument�a �Nen on tho PiopeRy: (b) yeufyr le�sehotd Q <br /> paymerrie or gound rents on the Ropody, i1 my; (a) ye�rty huard or propsrty Insuru�ce premfums; (d) ye�rty fleod Insurance <br /> premlums,B any, (e)yee►ty mortyaye haunnce premlums, N any; �nd (Q eny sum�p�yable by 9oROwer to Lender In accordance <br /> with the provlelon5 of pnrn�raph 8,h Neu o1 the payment o1 mortgage Insurrnce prerniums. These ftema �re called 'Escrow <br /> Item�.' Lender may, at �ny tkne,caMect and hakl Funds in �n �mount nat to excaed the maxMiwm unaunt a tender for a <br /> ted�r�Ny rdated mortpaye ban may re�qudb tor Borrowsr'e escrow +�acount under the federol Re�l Eetede Settlament Procedures <br /> Act o1 1974 as�mended from tkne to time, 12 U.S.C.�2801 et aeq. ('RESPA'), unless enother law that �{�pNes to tha Fund� <br /> seta a Iease►emoun4 11 so, Le�der m�y� at my tNne, coMect �nd hold Funds In an amount not to exceed lhe lesser amount. <br /> Lender mey estknate the emount ol Funds due on the basls ot curtant date and rea3onahle estlmates o1 expendtturee o1 tuWre <br /> Esaow Rans a otAerwlse In accordu�ce wkh�ppNcabh kw. <br /> The Funda aha�be heid In an Inatkuqon whoae deposRn aro Insured by e ted�aral a9encY.hstrumenta4ty, or en.try(inctuding <br /> Lm�r, N Lender Is such an Iriatitinbn) or ui�ny Federd Home Loen Bank. Le�ider shAN apply ti;v Funds to �ay the Eauow <br /> Items. Lende►msy not cherge BoROwer tor holding�nd applying the Funds, annuaUy artalyzing the escrow ecoount, or verllykig <br /> the Escrow Rems, unlesa Lender peya Bortowar Mterest on lhe Funds and �ppiiabte Isw pe►mits Lender to make auch a <br /> cherpe. However, Lmd�r may requlre Bortower to pay a one-tkne charge 1or an Independent real estate tax repoAing sAnrice <br /> used by Lenda k� connection wRh this Ioan, unless appWe�ble luw provides oe�swwize. Uniess an agreement Is made or <br /> appYable kw requkea interest to be pald, Lender ah�M not be requked to pay Borr�wer eny fnterest or eeminga on lhe Funds. <br /> Bortower�nd Lmder mey agrea in writing. however, thnt Interest ahall be pald on the Funds. 1_endar shaN gNe to BoRnwc�. <br /> wkhout d�rqe,an ennud accourtting o}the Fu�de, showing credits snd debits to the Fund*mil ihe purpose tor whlah �ac?� <br /> debft to ihe Funds was made. The Funda sre pledged es�ddtllonnl secu�ity Tor sll auma aecurcd by the Securtty Instrument. <br /> If the Funas held by Lendx excead the rmounts permitted to be held by�ppGaWe Mw,lender shaN account to Bor�ower _ <br /> tar the excesa Funds k►eccord�nce with the requkemente o1�ppAcable law. (}the amount of Ihe Fwida h�ld h�y Lender at�ny <br /> t;me b not autlident to pay the Eaaow Rems when due, Lender tmy so notNy Borrowe�fn wiM�ng��nd,In 'uch caae Bortower <br /> �t�l�ay to Lender the �mount necessnry to make up the ddidency. Bortowa nhaN r►kke up the deAdency In no more than <br /> twd+re monthy p�yme�ta,�t Lendern solo disaetion. <br /> Upon payrnent h tuN ot�II Ruma sBCU�ed by lhls Sewrtty insirumani, ienda siu8 N�o�.-�N�r ra'�un�Sa 8osr:•r�an; faasls <br /> held by Londer. Ff,under parrgraph 21.Le�der ahaN acquke or seN the Property,lender,pria to iho acqulsftlan or aale ot the <br /> Property,shaN epply�ny Funds held by Lender at the tNne ot acqulalUon or sek aa e credit�gainat the eume secured by thls <br /> Securlty Instrume�t. <br /> 3. appueation ai Paym�nte. Unless eppYcable kw provides otherwlse, all paymente recelved by Lender und�x <br /> pan�phs 1 and 2 ahal be appNed: fkst, to any prep�yment chupea due under the Note: seaand,to�mounte p�y+�bla under <br /> par�yraph 2; thtrd,to htereat due; feurth,to prinalpd due;snd I�at,to�ny wte chuges due undor the Note. <br /> 4. Ch�f�s; U�11s. Borrmve► ahaN pay �II t�xee, essvssmeatn, chupes, flnes and imposkiona aririiwUble to the <br /> P'►ope►ty which m�y att�h prioriiy over thls Securfty In�trument,snd le�sehold payments or ground rents, ff�ny. Borrowor sh�N <br /> pay thess obNg�tiona fn the manna provided In puAyr�ph 2, or H nal paid In that msnne►,Bo�rower sh�M pay than on tkne <br /> dkeclly to the pxaon owad payment. Borcower shaM promptly himish to Lenda aN nodees ot amounte to be paid und�r thla <br /> par�praph. if Borrower m�kes these p�yments dkec�tly. 8orrowar sheY prompNy fumish to Lendor recdpta e+videnciny the <br /> paymer►ta. <br /> Bortower eh�M promptty dischvge �ny Ilen whbh hsa prlorityr over thla Security Ins;Nmenl un�eaa Borrower: (�)ayrees M <br /> wrNkip to the payment ot ihe obNp�Bon oecured by the Um {n a menner accept�ble to Lender, (b) aontesh in good fakh the <br /> pen by, a ddmda�galnat enloraement of the lian In, Iegei proceedk►gs which In the Lender's opinlon operate to provent the <br /> enlacement o1 tfie Nen; or(o) secures from tho holder of the Nen en agreement aetlafactory to Lendor eubordin�Un4 the Nm to <br /> this 3ecurity InsVument. If Lender dntertr�ines thnt�ny part of the P�op¢Ry Is subject to e lien which may ntteln prlotity over ihis <br /> Sucurky Inatrument,Lender may pWe Bortower a noUce Identifying the Nen.Bortower shaq satlsty the Ilen or teke one or more of <br /> the sction� aef torth sbeve wkhk► 10 daye of the givfng ot notice. <br /> 6. HaZard or Propsrty 111sur�nc�. Borrower shaA keep the knprovements novr e�dstinp or here�tter erected on tha <br /> Propaty Inaured ag�N�st laas by Are, h�zarde Mduded wflhln the term 'extended covenge'uid any other heurds, �nduding <br /> Aoods or 1loodh�, for whlch Lender requiraa Insunnce. Thfs Inaunnce ahaN be mahtalned M the�mnunte snd tor the perioda <br /> tfiat Lender rAqukea. Ths Inaunnc�cartler provlcling the Insunnce sh�A be chosai by Borrower subJect to Lender'a approval <br /> whlch alwll not be unroaaon�6ly wftl�field. If Borrower teNs to malntaln covaage desafbed above, Lender m�y, at Londer'a <br /> opUon, obtafn coveraye to protect Lender'e rights In the Property In accordence wllh p�ragraph 1. <br /> AN Insutence poNcles and renewnla ehaA be accepteble to Lender end shaA {ndude a sl�nderd mortgngo clau�e. Lender <br /> 3h�q have the rlght to hold the po9cies and ranewals. It Lender requlrea, Bortower shaN prompUy glve to Ler+dar eN receipte ol <br /> pald preniluma end renewal noNcea. In the event o}loss, Bortower ehell give prompt notice to the Insunnce cattler and Lender, <br /> Lende► mey meke prooi ot loss B not mede prompty by Borrower. <br /> Unlesa Lender and Borrowct othanvise agroe ln writing, inaurance prooe�de ehai be appbd to restorntion or repak ot the <br /> Propeviy dameyed,H the restoration or repak Is economlally tesnible and Lender'e eecurfty la not tesaened. lf the restor�tion or <br /> repak Is not economlcnlly tenalble or Lende►'e securfty would be lessened,the Inourance proceeda ahsA be appWad to the eums <br /> secured by thle Security Insttument, wlether or not then due, with any excess pald to Bortower. I1 Bortower abmndons the <br /> Property,or does not anawer within 30 dayn e notice(rom lend,w th�t the fnsurence cartler hes ottered to seltle A alakn,thm <br /> Lende► rrwy coqect tha Insurance proceeds. Lender m�y uss the proceeds to re�k or reslore the Property or lo pay suma <br /> secured by thla Security Instrument,whether or not thm due. Tlio 30•dAy period will begln when the notice Is given. <br /> Untess Lender end BoROwer otherwiso agrae In wrfting. any epplicatlon ot proceeds to pdnclpal sheli not eMend or <br />- poatpone the due date o1 the monthty payments reterted to in pangrsphs 1 �nd 2 or change the amount oi the paymente. II <br /> under pengnph 21 the Property Is ecqulred by Lender, Borrower'e right to any Insurunce poYciea nnd proceeds resuNing from <br />° di+m�ge to the Property pdor to the acqufsillon shall pe�s to Lender to the extent ot the nums by thls Security Instrument <br />• Immediatdy prlor ta the acqutsition. <br /> ; 6. Occupancy, Prsaerrrnion, Mainten�nco and Protection of th� Proparty; 6orrowar's Loan <br /> Applle�tion; LY�S�hOlds. Bortower shatl occupy, esteblish, end use the Proparty as Bortowers principai resldmca withln <br />� sixty dayn aftx tho executlon of thls 3ecudty instrument and shell contlnue ta occupy the NropMy es Bortower's principal <br /> resldence for et Ieest one year aittt the date ot occupancy, unless Lender othenvise egrees N wrtting,whloh consmt shaY not <br /> _ be unreesoneby wHhheld,or unlese Qxtenueting dreumstances eacist which are beyond Bor►ower'e control. Bortower mheN nol <br /> destroy,damege ar Impslr thu Property,eilow the Property to detettornte, or commk waste nn the Property. Bortower shslt be In <br /> de(ault il any torfeiture actlon or praceeding, whnther clv{I or crlminal, Is begun ihat In Lender'e good teith Judgment could result _ <br /> In lorfeiture of the Property or othenrtse materlally Impnir the Iien created by this 5ecutlty Inctrument ur Lender s security Interest. <br /> F131G.LM0(1/9n Pago 2 of 5 � � <br /> 97065 <br />