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. ..: <br /> . <br /> ,Y� ' - . ..;: . .._ ,. ' . _--:-------- <br /> � �w -----�,._....._ ,,,Xl. ;:ti,.i'k+� .,. :�........ ..� -------- '',,-...•F�--' <br /> " �-y•(.-����.y.'.ry. _. .� - <br /> .. �A�'�111/�RC�T�mw�-.'��Y^:v-�.n...r�y..��. . . a -Tr � �[�i�.�r-r...� .�...f__...__—'__. <br /> .- •` e, ...,..w . ..._ .� � ....�.?... . .^7TitrN7-�P:7rRlROMIfif.S.l`.t'gP.'..-,.,.�ry*s7l�n,.... --,�q,..:�•.-.. <br />�r'_e•far..i��'_' . <br /> �w•�� . 17. Tr�nst�r of th� Pmp�rtyP or � B�R�flcQ�i Int�n� In Barow�r. II �N ar�ny par!ot ths Proy+trty or <br /> '°` ' �ny IntK�st in It 1��old n►tnnefernd (or If� beneNcial Intere�t In Borrower la eold or ir�netMed �nd Harower Iw npt� natur�l <br /> � _ <br /> �:�� penton)wllhout Lendw'�p►ior written consent, I.ender may,at Re opllon, requlre Immecil�te p�yment In tuU oi aM se;ms secured by <br /> ��,��Y thls 3ecuriry Inatrumont,Hovrever, thls nptlon ohall nol bn axerclsed by Lende► II oxerclse Is prohlblteJ dy tederal lew es of tho <br /> d�te o1 ihls Secu�lly I�etrument. <br /> �-'�`'�� If L�ndw ex�rdas�Ihta opllon, Lmder eh�N �ve Bortowsr notice o! accalentlon. The notice eh�lt provide a perlod of not <br />����'� lsae th�n 30 d�ya ham t!+e data the notice Is deNvered or matled withln whlch Oorrower muat p�y al euma aecured by t�is <br />��J, � Secudty Instrument.ft Oorrower fnNs to pay theae euma prlar to the expintion o(this perlod, Le��der rruy imoke any temedles <br /> _., .. psrtnitted by this 3�curfly inetrument wHhout turthar notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> __ _ _ 1 R. RA►I(1MYtf�'!I RI�l1t tA Relnete�te. II Bortower mecrts certein condiHono. Borrower ehell h�ve tho r1gh1 to have � �_ <br />_��:b •� enforament o} thl� Sacurity Instrument diacontlnued at �ny tMne prior to ine euNw of: (�) 5 daya (a auch otha perlod �a y <br /> -;1��� appYc�ble t�w may spscily tor rNnstatement)bafore s�b oi the Property purnuant to �ny power ot ade containacl I� thls 3ecurity � <br /> Instrument: or (b) entry af �judpment enforekiA thb Sncurity Instrumenl. ThosA condillona are IhU Borrowx: (e) pays Lenda aq <br /> �;,;y,�� suma whlch Men would be due unda this Sacurity Instrument md the Note es II no ac�Nerntlon h�d occurted; (G) curee nny � <br /> ..:;���.� detauR ol �ny other covenant or�groemenis; (a) pays aM expens�s Incurred in entorcing thls Sacurlty Inrirument, Includinp, but O _ <br /> - •:r.'+�—� nat kmlieti to,re�waon�bb �ttorneys'tees; �nd (d)takes such action ts Lender tn�y rensonably requlre to assure that ihe Nm of � <br /> T�,;,,�•,yp,� this Security tnatrurncnt, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower'e obllg�llon to pAy the sums sewred by thls Sacudry <br />- Inatrummt eha� continue unchanped. Upon reinstatement by BoROwer, thb Securfty Instrumant rnd Ihe obltgatbna sxured � <br /> :����r� herehy shRf remaln tuily ettective a� H no �ccelerrtion had occurred. Howava,this rlpht to reinstate sh�l not apply in the c�se <br />:-"d���,� 01 accelett+tion under par�grsph 17, <br /> .�:SV���'� 19. S�I� O} NObr Ch�n�� af Loan Serv1�an. Th�s Note or a e partial Interest In the Note (togetha wY�i rhl.� <br /> = Security Instiument)may be eold one or moro Umes wiU�out rni�r nntice to Borrowe►.A sde mey resuR In s change In the en'.uy <br /> (known aa the 'Lom Servicer')that colects montlNf�T�rmn�v,s cb�e under the Note�nd this Secudty Instmme�,t. Tl:ure also may <br /> be one or more chanpea af the Loan Ssrvtc�: urrs:,:'�•� t�r :: :,.alo of tho Noto. It thcro fs a chango cf ehx Lcan Srni�::r, <br /> 'F--���T-`—''� Botrower wiN be �2 iir. wccrard�a!zcr- wRh ��� <br /> gNen wrttten notice ot the chan paragreph 14 ebove and cpplicable tan. Ti�a notice wAI ��: <br /> st�te the name snd addrese of the new Lom Servb:�r uad et�.�ad��s to whlch pnymmts should be mada. lT�e nottce wiN aso �`" <br />��ir�� contdn any other M(omution requked by eppHcabk�,taw. v <br /> ___ 20. H�zardous Subst�nc��. BoROwer a[tia11 �ot ca�as� �r pexmit the presence, use, disposal,sto�a�e, or relswse �4 <br />-_'='�'-"-�� �ny Hazardous Substancea on or In the Propert}�. 13errowe;• sRn9l not do, nor eqow anyone else to do,a�ythnim� attnct4ig the r��� <br /> Property th�t Is M viol�tbn oi any EnvkonmenUl kaw. Tho pnrs�3lnp two sentences ahaM not appy to tCee�r+asznce, use, or �`' <br /> stonye on the Property of smatl quantkies of Hazardous Substxaces thst are gmerafy recogntzed to be appra�rriate to normal <br /> residnntial unes and to msintenance oi the Property. <br /> Bortower ahd promptly give Lender written notico of sny (nvesUg�tbn, cl�kn, danand, Iawault or mMzr action by �ny <br /> yovemmental or ropulatay �pency or private p�rty hvoNing the Rropaty and Rny Haurdoua Substance or IEa�vh,anmenta! Law o} <br /> -- whlch BoROwx has adu�l knowledge. If Borsowu�leams, a is notHied by any povemmental or reguAtoe�nuthodty, that any <br /> - PetTi'uvi= iiT i�ti�w iat�ouwi3'vi� u� Si'iji iinc�3iu'vu'a wvbtiiiGc di�o�.'"�iii'y �iv�'im�'j io iiv�'o�i'j� uL'iiY::liYi +:�we �viYq7�u� ��± �� - � <br /> neceaa�ry remedlal�ctlona In accord�nce wRh Environmentat Law, <br /> _ = As used In thls panproph 20. "�3a?�rdous Subatancea' are those substance� deAned sa to�Jo a husrdoun aubatances by <br /> _ Envkanmental Law and the followlnc� substances: gesoNne, kerosene, othx tlammable or toxio pelroleum producta, toxlc <br /> ' ' pestlddes and he�hic5mles, voktNe soTventa, materials��nteining esbestos or tomuldehyde, snd radi�ective materiAls. As used In <br /> puagraph 20, 'Envaz�nmontal' mans tederA9 �a�.vs und laws of the judsdlcibn where the Property Is loca4�rd that rel�te to <br /> hsdth,safety or environmental protection. <br /> N�N-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortower and lenc3er/urther coven�nt�nd agroe oa folbwa: <br /> 21. Acc�l�rsRlon; R�modl�a. l.endsr shall glvs notic� to Bo►row�r priur to eccalerytlon <br /> _ _ followin� Borrow�r'� �nach of any cc�van�nt or qpr��m�nt (n this 5�curity Inttrument (but not <br /> prior to acc�l�ratlon under para�r�ph 17 unlsss appiicabl� Iwv proviclss atherwise). 7'h� notic� <br /> shall sp�ctiy: (�) tlw d�f�utt; (b) the ac3�on requlred to cur� th� d�fault; (c) • dete, ri�nt I�ss than <br /> 30 drys t�om ths dab ths �ahlc� Is glv�n to 8orra�war. by whlch th� dsfault must b� cured; and <br /> (d) t�,n2 f�llun to cura ttam a7mfauR oa or b�foro �'hs dat� sp�cifl�d In tha notico may nsuk in <br /> �cc�l�►atlon of tfie auma aesured by th�s Sscurtty lnnrum�nt�nd sal• of the Prop��. 7h� noNc� <br /> shall furth�r Infonn 8orrower of tho r�ght to rNn�tat� aft�r �cc�l�ratlon and tl» rlaht to bri�p • <br /> court action to �:s��t the nan-�xishnc� oT a dihuk or �ny oth�r d�f�na� of Borrovv�r ta <br /> aacele►atlon and e�le. tf tt+e def�ult Is not cured �n or bNore tM d�t� sp�ciNed In th� nol3ce, <br /> l.�nr�er at its option may roquir� Imm�dl�t� p�ym�nt In full of all sums s��ur�d by this S�cu�ft� <br /> --_ Instrum��t wNhout furth�r d�enrtand �nd may InvMn th� pow�r of �al� and any oth�r nm�di�s <br /> p�►�mftt�d by �ppilcabt� I�w. Lend�r sfi�+1� b� �ntitled to cpll�ct ail �xp�ns�s Incurw� !n punuing <br /> 4t� u�m�dl�s proWd�d In this paragraph 21� Including, but nat Ilmk�d to. ��a�o��bl� attom�ya' <br /> fws amd cost�of titb �vid�nc�. <br /> }� �th� pow�r of s�l� 1s d�vok�d. Trustss sha10 record a notic� of dlefiault fn �ach caunty In <br /> which any p��t of th� Property is looatod �nd shall mul copi�t of such nvtic� in th� mann�r <br /> pr�scrib�d by Rpplicabi• I�w to Borrower and to th�oth�r porsons pr�scrlb�d by applicabl� law. <br /> Aft�r th� ttm�r�qubr�d by appHcabl� IAw, Trust�s shall gtv� publlc notlC� ot �I� to th� p�rsons <br /> and In th� m�nn�r proscribed by applicsbls law. Tru�too, wfthout cl�mand on 6or�ow�r� shall plf <br /> tft� Prop�rty n public �ucN�n to th� high�st bldd�r �t th� tim� �nd place �nd und�r tt» t�ron� <br /> �--� - — dosipnat�d In th• notic� of s�lo (n on� or mon p�rc�ls and In any order Trust�a de�t�rmine�s. <br /> -- - - Tru�ta� may postpona salo of all or any parcol of tho Proporty by public mnouncvmont at tho <br /> --- tim� �nd plac� of any pr�vioualy schedulod sale. Lend�r or tts d�signes msyr �s�tchas� th� <br /> __-•� Prop�rty tt any s�l�. <br /> �"� '� U on r�c�l t of a m�nt a�f tha ics bid, Tr�st�� shall d�liv�r t� �h� <br />___�;��,�;,�i p p p y pr purah�sor Trustaa'a <br /> ��— rluael rtnnvavinn *1� P�nrunlu Tha ranifal� ln il��Trud��� d�d d�sll tia n�ln��f�w�� �uld�w..� ..�i <br /> ---- '-"'-�"'� -'_ "_r-"s' ..._ .__.�_ ... ..._ ._�_��.. �..�_�.. �._.. __ r.....�..�.�.� �....�....� ... - <br /> �:�;;�,�;�, ths truth of tho atatements made therein. Trustee ahall apply the proceeds of the sale In the <br /> -�---,�� foll�wing ordor. (p) to all costs and expensea of exercising the powar of s�le, anaV tho sal�� {� <br /> -^x'�'' including ths paymsnt of the Trustow's fees actu�tty tncurred�,not to excesd ihn� � <br /> -_-��� 9'0 of thv principal amount of tho �_ <br /> �;,��:r_� not� at ths tlma of tho declaration of dohult, 9nd roasonablo attorney's faa�as porm6ttod by law; - <br /> ---�=T� (b) to aU wms s�our�d by thla Socuriiy I�strumsnt; �nd (c) �ny �xc�ss to the p�rson or p�rsons =' <br />.�i:q!��.. I�gA��y► •�It�t��(�t0�t. r. <br />--;,;���a,;pt!' � <br />-- r — <br />�':~;;� R, �.-y l i, �' E'. <br /> :.' <br /> --��F��� F131G.1.M0(1/9� PagC 4 O}5 `�/_ ..l,���� . <br /> --= rTT e <br /> —�..� <br /> �..,,,� - _ <br />�+l;�+a�t... <br /> s�as <br /> .. <br /> ,,,�.— :._,_.. . . ....... . ...:...,:y . - : -- � - — -- -- ,_..._.. . .- , ,,�:�t �.� �+„>�.�� <br /> . ,-... _.. . .. _ - <br /> l a,�p�f{'M'�y�F'tl�blYa4�ltyY'rav....; - �.:......r.fccrCr�.:.a. s.., i'�+.3V1 � - <br />