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r.� � • _ . ... . . " t �_-._." '_ ' _ ;...�.`C, ..� <br /> � �' �,?+� �rt � im,r=i:_.....--- . —� ..ti= _ <br /> �'�•••- u•`-�•-, - - - - - - - �..,.�.uw..�!ei..v_.�::.-�-�..._-_.�c?-�-----�— - <br />. . . R#••'7p7RIN`�.m.. .--°...--..��- _ <br /> . ..�t�. .. . . __ —. <br /> , • Bortowa rrwy cun nuch � dNauR �nd refnet�te, as provided in pr�ryiiNii 113, bY o"u�in9 the nM��� or proceedinp to b� ___ <br /> ' dlamissed with e n�linq tn�t, m Lender's gouJ i:Y�� dcttrm!natlen,prechtde+lurlelturo of the Borcawer'e {nter�at In th�Rop�rty a _ <br /> . _..�_ ���...,,.�..� nu th�. S�curitV If16tfUtI1MS 0� L611dtlf0 6QCUtlt�l IIItEfESI. EjOROWEf 6hrM dso b� �n <br /> Olhll IOIIOfWI IRM7MMnian �� o�o �w�......_._- - . -_a_ :..t_i--;v --- <br /> delauA 11 Borrower, durinp the lo�n�ppAcation�procesa, p�ve rtuitaialty lalae or intccurats ntorm�tion or eiria��a�+v ... ._.::_. _ <br /> I�Iled to provide Lender wilh eny matertal Intormation) In connecllon wNh the lo�n evldenced by the Note, IncludinQ, bul not <br /> Ilmited to. reproeent�ttona conceming Bortower'e occupancy ul the P►operty as ■ princlpa� residence. li ihla S�r,�dly (Q �:=.0` <br /> Instnimarot le on� Istaehotd, Bortower sh�N comply wBh dl lhe provislona ol the lease. i1 Borcower �cquires lee tille to ths ! �;,;,._ <br /> Property, the Isaeehold a�d the fee titla ehail not merpe unlesa l.mder�preea lo lhe merpar In w►itlnp. _ <br /> 7, P►Gt�ctlon af I.�nd�t's RIqF1t1� In th� PrOp� eortower f�Ns to perlorm the covennnta and�pr�eemnnte - <br /> conUhad M thla SecurtlY InaWment. �r there Is � lepal proceadk►p ih�t rr►�y alpniflunUy �flect Lender'e riqhte In lhe Property � '° <br /> (such as a proceedinfl In benknrptcy, probate, for condemnetlon or IoHelture or to enlorce lawa or reQul�tlons►,than Ltndx mny <br /> do �nd p�y(or whatever Is neceea�ry to protect the va{ue of iho Properiy and Lendcr'�d�hte in the Property. Londer's sctlene 1� !"" <br /> may Include p�yhg any sums socurud by � Nen whicl� haa prlority over lhls Security Instrument, sppeulnq In coun. paylnp �'� <br /> reason�ble �ttomeya'fees end entering on the Property to m�ke �ep�kn.WthougF► Lender m�y take actlon under thla paragrsAh �Q <br /> 7, La�der does not have to do no. <br /> My amount� disburoed by Lender under peregraph 7 sheN become nddillonel debt ot Bortower aecured by thla Securily <br /> InsWment. Unlose Borrower e�d Lender agree to other te+ms of payment, these �mounta sheil bear Interest from the date o1 <br /> disbureemen!at the Noto rate and shaA be peyaple,with intercst, upon notice hom Lendar to Borrower requesting peyment. <br /> 8. MOrty�s Insur�ne�. N Lender required mortgepe Msurance as a cond�Uon ot mrking the loen securad by thla _ <br /> Security Instrument, BoROwm shaY pay the prerr�lums requlred to m�lnteln the mortgaga Insurance In eHect. I}, tor�ny rsnson,the <br /> mortgaga ineurnnce coverape requlrad by Lender lapses or ceasea to be In eftect. BoROwar shaA pay the prcndu�+��t���the <br /> obWn cowenge nubotaMl�Ny equlv�lent to the mo�tgaga Insurence previousy In effect, �t •cost subst�nlleMy equ <br /> cost to Borrower of the m�n9��surance covengeuls n t avaYwble�, BoROwx shaN W tY oA�enda uchAmontA a num equ�l to <br /> sub�tu►ti�MY eyuha{ent mortyaye sed a ce�ssd to <br /> onctweHth o} the yealy morty�ge Insunnce prertAum bdng pdd by Borrower when the insunnce covemqe lap <br /> be fn ettect. lsnder r�IM accegt,use md retafn lhese peyments ae� Ioss reserve In Ileu of moRgege hsurance. LosA reaerve <br /> peyments may no longer be requked, et the aptlon ot Lender,fl mortgage k►aur�nce covaaye('in the imout►t ond far tho petlod <br /> ttwt Lender requlres)provided by�n Insurer approved by Lender agaki becomes�vafl�bla end is obtakted. Borrower shaM pay <br /> the prtmiums requked to mt�{ntein mortgnge{naurance In ettect, or to provide a loss rcserve,untN the requkament for moRgsge <br /> Insurmce ends h accordenae wilh any written +preement between Borcower snd Lender or mppHcaWe lew• L��a�N e <br /> g, �n�(ywCt;pn. Lender or Rs age�t may make reasoneble en►rles upon�nd inspectlona o!tho PropertY• � <br /> Bortower noHce et ihe time of or prior to an Mspection specHyfng reasomble cause tor lhe Inapectian. <br /> 10. Co�d�emn#tion• The proceeds of�ny award or dakn tor dart►agea, dkeot or conse+quenUel, in connecUon wNh any <br /> conderrK�atbn or uther teking of eny part o1 the Property, or tor conveyance in Ileu oi candemnetion, are hereby aaslgned and <br /> sh+�N be pald to Lender. <br /> In the event o1 e toUi Wck�fl ot the Property, the proceeds shaH be applied to the suma secured by lhis Securiry <br /> InsWmex►t,whMha or not the�due,wRh �ny excess pald to Bortower. In the event o1 n puttel taking ot the R'operty in which <br /> the(�k market v�lue o1 the PropeRy kr�med��teN before the taking is equel to or greater then the amount of the sums secured <br /> by tms �ewriiy inew��ia�t ��r�'aY i tss'cr� !!!e ��!!!o. unlrss Bortower and Let�der otherwlse apree tn wrttin9� the sums <br /> scared by this Security Instrument shaN ba reduced by the emount of the proceeds mulripNed by the lolbwin8 lracnon: (aj iha <br /> tnUl nmount ot tite sums secured knmediatelyr before the taMng, dNided by (b) the hh rnarket value ot tko Property I f inendi�at� <br /> �elae the ukinp. My bdar►r,e shaN be paid to Borrower. In ihe event of a partiel takinc� of the Roperty <br /> vaWe of the F�opetty krKnediatdY beloro the tekhg is lesa than the amaunt of the surte� secured immedlately beforo the takin0� <br /> unless Bortowx and Lunder othe+wise egree In writing or unless appllcaWe {aw otherwise providea, the prxeeds shaN be <br /> applbd to the suma secstrod by lh{a SecurfSy Inatrument whetfier or not th�e sums are then due. <br /> B the Property�a �bando►►ad by Bomower,or H, aftor �o8ce by Lunder to Borrower that the condenmor ottero to niake A� <br /> awud or settle a dafm tor dun�ges. Bo iowx oceeds, aRsn ptlon`efther to hreatonUon or ttepnk of the 1hPropsrry e or to�he <br /> Lend� Is�uthaized to coMect snd �PPN Pr <br /> awne seared by thle Seaiiity Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> ' Unleta Lender snd Borrower othawlse agree In w�idny, eny appNcaUon of proceeds to prinafpni ehnN not exlend w <br /> . postpone the due deta o1 the monthy p�ymente refeRed to In pangraphn 1 md 2 ar change the amount of suah paymente. <br /> 1�,gorraw�r Not Rel�aa�d; FaKb��rsnc� By L�nd�r Not a Wdvor•Extensbn of the tkno for payment or <br /> �cation oi�mortizaUan of lhe sume secured by this Security Instrument grnnted by l.ender to�ny suaceaaof fn Mtenat of <br /> gp�rower ehal n�t open►te to rele�ae the Habllity o1 the origlnN Borrower or BoROwer's successora In k►terest. Lender shaN not <br /> be requk�d to commence Proceedkip� i9a�^st sny succesaor In {nterest or reh►se to e�Rend tkne for psyment a othsrvvise <br /> modiy �mo�SYietlon of the oums oecured by this Security Instrument by reason o1 any denvnd made by tho orlgh�sl Borrower u► <br /> gqrowei s auccessoro In interost My tabeuance by Lender in exxdsing �ny �1ght or remedy ahaq not be ■ waker o1 or <br /> pr�dude the exerdse ot any ripht nr remedy. <br /> 12. Suec�sson �r�d Asstpns Boured; Joint ansl S�vernl !..lst�lN4y; Co-sipn�re. 'ihe coven�nts �nd <br /> agresrnents o1 thla Security Instrument sheN bad end benefit tha successors snd esalyns of Lender�nd Borrower,subJect to the <br /> provlsbns of psra9nph 17. Borrower's covenants end nqreemmtn eheM be Joktit end sevenl. My Botrower who co-algna this <br /> Security lnsWment but does not exearta ihQ Note: (e)Is co•slgnk►g this Securtty Instniment ony to mn�tgago,gnnt and convey <br /> that Sorrower'e Interost In the PropMy under the terms of this Securky Instrummt; (b) Is not personAlly obliqeted to pay the <br /> sums ascured by thls Seairity Inatrument; and �c) Rgrees that Lender end any other BoROwer may epree to axte��d, modity. <br /> (orbe�r ur m�cs any aax+mmaddtions with regard to the terms of thts 3ecurity Insiniment or tho Note wkhout theS Borrower's <br /> consent. <br /> 13. L.o�11 Cha�g��. It the loen secure�d by this Secudty Instrumont is subJc�ct to a law which sets mexknum losn <br /> chupess,iv►d lh�t law Is fk�aNy Interpreted so thnt the k►terest or other loen charges coNected or to bo collected In connectlon <br /> wRh the ban exceed the pertnflted limits,then: (e) eny such loan cherge shaN be reduced by tho amount necessery to reduce <br /> the charge to the pertnitted limit: end (b) any sums already collected hom BoROwer whlch exceedod pamittad Iimfts wiN be <br /> --- rofu�dud to 8ortower. La�der m�Y ehoose to m+�fco this refund by rcducing the{�inclpal owed under iho Notu or by malck►g a <br /> - direct p�yment to Bortowa. tl e reTund reduces principel, tho reduotion wNl be tn►ated�a � pattW proPeYment without �ny <br /> prepay�riait charae under the Note. <br /> 14.NOHCH. MY notk:e to Borrower provided tor In this Security Inotrument shaq be gl+ren by d<+Wrrfn9 it or by�r.aYing R <br /> by fKSt ckss mall unless appNcable Inw requkes uce of another mathod. Tho not�e shaN be directed to lhe PropMy Address <br /> or�ny olhar addres3 Bomower dosignatos by noUce to Lenda. My notice to Lmder shal bo gken by fKSt dess meN to <br /> ' Lender a addross stated hercin or any other address Lenda dosfgnatos by notice to Bortower. Any noUco provMed tor In thhs <br /> � �_._�,......r,,... e.,a�,..y,W.r K Lender when atven as provided In thls pangreph. <br /> SecuR�y insvumarti ano'vo i,�..�.... ..�.....�.. �.._. .- --- - <br /> �� 15. Cyov�rning Law; SYV�1'abllity. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by tederal {aw end tho Iaw o1 thF <br />.� wdsdiction in whlch the Property is located. In lhe eve�t that any provlslon or dause ol this Security InsWment or the Nato <br /> .� conlNcts wrh epplicablo law. such contlict shaa not atteet other provislons of this Secu�iry Instrument or the Note which can be <br />,_�7� ghren eltect withoul the conlNctl�ig pravislon. To thls end tho provislons of this Security Instrument end tho Note are declerod to <br /> - be severabie. <br />�.r;a 16.Borrow�r's Copy. Borrower shall ba gken one contarmed copy of the Note end ot thls Sesuriry Instrvment. <br /> ,.� <br /> ��� �. ��. <br /> w Ft�t6.L�dG t�l9r, aagc�c}5 <br /> n_,�� <br /> '.'.�1 <br /> -I'� 97064 <br /> 7 <br /> � _ _ __ ----� - <br />