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<br /> . TOC�ETHER WITN dl the Improvemente now a hereafter ersct�d on the propeny. .nd rfl eaSatiiiotilc, �pFurt�n°ncea, en�1 -
<br /> Ilxturee now or he�rMtlM'�p�„ot ths prop�rty AM rspl�c�rne�te and additlone nhaN etao hn covered by thls Securlry Inetrument. _
<br /> - M .r....,�����thla.",ccurtiv Inatntmmt es ihe 'Propsrty."
<br /> iw ui ii�e iu�iry'v��y��•_._..__ -
<br /> BORROWER COVF.NANT9 lh�l BOrtOwM I� I�wIu�N selz�d of the �et�te na►eby cunrnya�i ui��i no:+ i�:. "�.':� �^ i'=`�� �"=
<br /> convey the Property end th�t the Property le unencutnhned, exapt tor sneumbrances o} record. Banower warrenta �end wHl � �
<br /> detend paneraNy the tltls to th�Propsrty��uulnN aA claime snd denwnds, subJect tn uny encumbrancea of record. �
<br /> THIS SECU�1(iY INSTRUMF.NT comt�lnea unHorm cover��nta for n�tionnl uee �nd non•unNortn coven�nts wRh Iknitecl �
<br /> v�rkUonti by wrlsdctlon to constitule� unlfcxm a�curity haln�m�nt covarinp re�l property
<br /> UNIFOHM COVHMANT9. Hortowar�nd lentler cown�nt and�qrN�e folows: Q
<br /> 1. p�ym�nt of Prinalpsl �nd InbnN; Pr�p�ym�nt �nd lat� Char��.Bortower eh�N prompty p�y when � —
<br /> due►h�princlpol o}�nd IntK�st on Ih�debt witf�nced by the Note�nd�ny pnp�yment�nd I�ta chupea due undx the Note.
<br /> 7. F�nde tar Teuns �nd Insurancd. �ubJect to appilcable law or tA �wrftlen N'�fver bY��F�d��(o°f(yyee►N p
<br /> to Lender on the d�y monthly paymenta�re due under the Note, untU lhe Noto Is pald In tull, n sum (' � � - _
<br /> t�xes �nd aaaesamante whlo h may �tt�ln pdo r i t y over thia S�;.urlty Inatrument w�naurence premluma;p(dTyyeerlYyflood Insur�ce
<br /> paymenta or ground rents on lhe Propsrty. N�rsy: (c)ye�rty huud or property
<br /> pr�rnlums,H�ny; (e)ye�►rhr moRQtye Ineurance prMniuma, II�ny; md (O���?;nQ PP����ms.BThaso ftema �r�ercalledG Eec ow
<br /> wilh the provlslone ot p�rngnPh B. In Yeu ot the p�yment of mortg�pa
<br /> Itema.' Lender nuy� et �ny time, coNect �nd hotd Funde in �n �mount not to axceed !he maxknum emount e lenda tor e
<br /> }�ly rdeted mort4age loen m�y requke lor Bortower'a escrow �ccount undor ihe lederal Real Estata 3ettleme io Phe Funds
<br /> Act of 1874 as�mended hom tlme to Nme, 12 U.S.C. �2801 at seq. ('RESPA'), unless enother law that app
<br /> sete e lesser emount. If so, Lender rrNy. �t�ny time,coMect and hold Funds in en amount not to exceed the tesaer emount.
<br /> Lender may astlmate the emount oi Funds due on the basis of current date�nd reasonable estimates o1 expenditures ot future
<br /> Eaaow Itema or othawise In dccordance wNh appBceble law•
<br /> The Funda sh�ll be held In �n institution whose deposlls are Insured by�tedasl aymcy,InstnimantatitY, or enUty(Indudiny
<br /> �ender, H Lender Is such an InsGU�tion)or M any Federel Home Loan B�nk. Lender shalE�pply lhe Funds to pay the Estxow
<br /> It«na. Lender tnsY not chupe Bortowe►tpr holdfng and applyfng lhe Funds,mnuUly�nalyzln9 the esuow �ccount, or verflylnp
<br /> the Esaow Itema, unless Lenda paya Bortower fntaesa ontthma clnn peAfa +�n hdepeadenlP�e�l esU e tex ��g aervice
<br /> ch�rga. However, Lender may requhe Bo�iowr� to pay -
<br /> uaed by Lender In connecUo� wRh thb lo�n, unless appWcaF►le law providose���aan Mjee�t o��m�ga onithe Funds. -
<br /> app8cable kw requkes {nterest ta be p�ld, Lender shd not be requked to p�y Y
<br /> Borcower and Lender m�y agree In wrflinfl, howovet,ihnt Interest sheN be pdd on tho Funds. Lender sh�A gfve to 8orrower,
<br /> vrflhout ch�rge, �n annwl�ccountk►g o1 the Funds, ehowing credtta end deblt6 to the Funds and the pu�ose tor which each
<br /> debnitthe Funds heldsby Le�der exceed the mounts pem�itt�''be eld bYraPPUcaa° k r�d�t ah�n°�nt o Bortowe►
<br /> for the excesa Funda M accordsece with the roqukements ot�ppNcabk I�w.fl th�amount of tha Funda hdd by Lender at �ny
<br /> time Is not suffldent to pay the Esr�ow Iteme when due, Lender may so �olily Borrowor in wrfcing,end, In auch case Borrowa
<br /> shaN pay to Lender the amount necess�ry to make up the deAdency. Bortower ahaM make up the doflclency In no moro than
<br /> twetre monthty payments,�t Ltmda's aole diacxetlon.
<br /> Uppn paymant in tuN o1 a11 sums secured by thls Security InsVument, Lenda Lh�a'N��r�tly�rehe qcquett on�o sale of the
<br /> held by Lender. If, under paragraP'h 21, Lender aheM�cquke or seM the Proper'iy,
<br /> ���y oy���,�.����c���e na4� hy I�der at the Uene ot ecqulsitian a sale as a credit agalnat the sum� seeured by thls
<br /> Security Instnune�t. enta received by Lende► under
<br /> 3, ppP��c��pn p} p7�ym�rttf. UnMss applicablo la�v provldes othenvise, aN paym
<br /> ptngrephs 1 artd 2 sh�M be�ppNed: flrst,to eny prepayment ch�rges due unckr the Note; second, to amuunts payable under
<br /> pu�greph 2;thkd,to I�terest due;tourlh, to principal due;end last,to eny ute charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. ChRg��: L.I�ns. Rortowa sh�N pey aN taxos, asseasments, oharpes, fines end ImposlUons attrfbuuble to the
<br /> Property whlch may e�tta�� PrloritY pver thls Security Instrument.and leasaholtl p�yments or ptound rents, H any. Bortower shaN
<br /> p�y these oWlpaQone In the tn�nner provlded In paragraph 2, or If not pald h that manner, Borrower shrN pay them on tkne
<br /> dkncty to the pason ewed P�Nnent. Borto+var sh�ll promptfy lumish to Lender aN noticea of unounts to be patd undar thls
<br /> p�ngrsph. It Borrawer mRkes these paymenta directy, Borcower sh�q promptly tumlah to Lendd �ecdpta evldencinp ths
<br /> p�ymente. Instrummt untess Bortower. (�1 ayress fn
<br /> Bortower shW promptly dl:chargo any Ilen which has pdority over thls Securlty
<br /> wrltkig to tha payment of the o611q+�tlon aecured by the Ilen In s m�nner �cce�uble to Lender; (b) contests fn goed t�Rh the
<br /> Uen by, or defends agNnst entorcement ot the Ilen In, legal Proccedki9s whlch h the Lender's op{nlon opente to prwrent the
<br /> enforcement of the Men; or (c) secures trom the holder ot the Ilen en agreamanl aaUstactory to Lender aubordimthp the��en„''
<br /> thla Secutity InaUument. It Lmdet detertnk�es that any pert o1 the Property Is sub�eet to n Nen whkh may attsln prlorlly
<br /> Sxurlty MstrumenL Lende►may qlve Bortower u nollce identifying the Ilet�.Bo►rower shall satlsty the Nen or teke one a moro ot
<br /> the acUona set torth above wtthln t0 deys o1 the givtng ot noUce.
<br /> prppertyHln��rerdd��InsP b P bry flre, haz�rds�nc�uded kh n�11 t�rm� e�xtre�nde�decoveraQee aed any otfher f azar ,� includinp
<br /> tbods or tlooding,tor whlch Lender requkea I�surance. 7hla Inaurance sheM 6e nudntained in the emounte�nd for the perloda
<br /> that Lender requlres• The Insunuice certier provlding the{nsurance ah�M be cfiosen by Dortower aubJxt to Lender�3�l(OV�I
<br /> whtoh ehaN not be unre�aonably wllhhdd, It Bortower taNs to malntain covenge desaibed ebove, Lender msy, at Lender'a
<br /> opllun,obmin eovanflo to protect Lender'e�I�hta tn the Property In sccordencr�wlth paragnPA 7•
<br /> !1q Inaurance polldes �nd renewds shall be accepLble to Lender and �h�tl Mdude a standa� to L��eN�eceipt dof
<br /> sheN have the t1yM to hold tfie poNdes and renew�ls. It Lendsr requkes,Botrower shaN promply g
<br /> pdd premlums �nd renewel notkes. In the event o1 loss, Borrower shell give prompt nollce Eo the Inswbnce caMer end srender.
<br /> Lender mey mako prool of Iosa H not made prompty by Bortower.
<br /> Unlose Lender and Borrower �therwlea agree In w�iting, Insurnnce pracE�eds shaN be spplled tu restoratlon or repak ot the
<br /> property damaged, H the rastoretlon or repak is economlcally feesible�nd lenda's securityr Is not lessmed. If the resior�tlon or
<br /> repek Is not economlcally teaslWe or Lender's accurity would be tessened,the Insurence proceeds shell be applled to the sums
<br /> seaured by thla Securtty Instrument, whether or not thm due, wfth eny excess peld to Borrower. 11 Bortower ebandons the
<br /> Property, or doea not enrswer wlthin 90 days a �otico trom Lender thet tho Insurence cartier has ottered to settle a Galm, then
<br /> Lendor mny coiloct the Msurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta repdr or restore the Property ar to pay sums
<br />— secured by Ihts Seeurity Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day periad wfM begln when the noUce Ia gNen.
<br />— Unlese Lender and Bortower otherwlse egree In w�tUng, any appllcaUon of proceeds to principal shtll not extend or
<br /> ° poatpone lhe due date of the mo�thy peymmta relerred to in paregraphs 1 Mnd 2 or chenge the emount ot the payments. If
<br />= under pamyreph 21 the Property is ecquked by Lender. Borrower's rlyht lo eny insurence poNdes end proceeds resuM�ng trom
<br /> � demage to the Property pdor to the ncqulsltlon sh�N pasa i� Lender to the extent Of LRQ eums by thls Security Insirument
<br /> (mmodietNy prior to the acqulslUon.
<br />�� 6. Occupancy,`Preaenntlon, M�9ntenancs and ProRection of ths Proporty; Borrowor's Loan
<br />�� _�J_ e� _�L�Y., ..�.weti e�,��.�o thn ProoerN as Bortower's pr]�dpal resldence withh
<br /> AAPlicaiion� t.�ii�t�tl�aa.ovnii:.'a, o..��...'�'7r�. -..—.__... —•- ---
<br />�� slxty days efter the executlon of thls Sea:rliy InsWment end shall a�nitnue to occupy the Prope�ly as Borrower's prindpet
<br /> residence tor at least ona year aftet the data o} occupancy,unless Lender othe�wlse agrees in writing, whlch consent shall not
<br />�� be unrn.aconaby wlthhNd, or unless extenuating elrcumstsnces exlst whlch are boyond Borrower's conlrol. Borrower shaH not
<br /> destroy, dume9e or Impafr the Property, �Aow the Property tn doteriorote,or commit wuste on the Prop�•�v Bartower ahall be In
<br /> . default if sny torieth�re actlon or proceeding, whether clvll or criminal,Ss begun that In Lender's good failt�Judgment cauld resuh
<br /> In toKelture of lhe Propzrty or othtiwfso materlally Impalr tho Ilen creat^d 6y thls Scx:urity Instrument or Lender's security Interrst.
<br /> #
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