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<br /> ,I �r '.A��1����p� — ~i'r�•`��F'-'^T�i°'ir..! .. .. .. ...._�_.—
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<br /> '�1 17. TrenM�r of th� Prop�rt�l o� � B�n�ficl�l ini�r.si i�� o���..••�... ,. �.. of _^;, "" °� ��e o erty or -_—
<br /> -= y� ' �ny Inte�nt In it I� eold or tr�netan�d(or ii ■ bwre9�i:1��t�cat L� B4R01"!_M IS tinlA or trmsferred and Barrowe+Is not a natur�l `
<br /> °-� -'��, o,K,s�o; w��t��u, ;:.:s�a'e Pnor wr.i�en i,���oa��t, Lcndar m�:.�t 4i��ntlon r���k.Immedi�t�p�yment In fuA ot�N auma sRCUred by �+,.
<br /> � thl� Serurily Inelrument. Howover. thla optlon eheN not ue exerW�9a oy Le+�dcr fi oxerciso is p�ahm:tec, by�adeM� �u�+ ad u� �n� � �_, ..
<br /> � deto ot thls Secutity In�trument. �'
<br /> If Lender exetcic�sa Ihls optian, lender ehrll pive Borrower nollr.e of nceNenllon. The notice sh�!I provlde s pertod oi not �`
<br /> • �;=.
<br /> � lees Ihen 30 d�ye Irom Ihe d�t� the notbu Is deNvered or mANerl wNhln whlch Bonowa munt pay dl sums secured by tl�le !
<br /> Secuiiry Inetniment. II Bonawer IaNa lo pey thene eum� pdor ro the expkdlon of Ihls perlod, Lender nuy Invoke rny remodins Q ��
<br /> yKmftl�d by ihls 3ac�urity InaWment without further notice or dmwnd on Borrower. � ���
<br />, ,� u �' 18. Barraarsr'o RlqQit tn R�In�R�te. II Fionower meote cMdn candtllone, Borrower sh�N h�ve !he right ta I�sve -
<br /> enfottem�nl ot Ihis Security InalrvmMit �ec�x�tinusd al any tlrnc prfor ta thr r�rHw ol• (n) 5 d+�ye for such othcr pt+lod ns �:.
<br /> ��� �ppNc�ble I�w rrMy sp�city lor rNnat�lemnnl) bNora s�le ol Ihe Pro�eAy purou�nt to any power of ade contained in thls Secudry � z�=
<br /> ' Inetrumant; or (b) antry ol� Jud9manl enlorGn9 thla Securtiy Inetrument.Th�se condilione ere thal Borrower: (a) paye Lendnr nR �
<br />-.,.,.or-----•
<br /> oums which then would de due under thln Sacurlty Inat►ument�ird the fdote�s II no scceleralion had occurted: (b) cures nny �:
<br />- 1 dN�ull 01 my othx cavenant w sgreemnnts; (c) p+�ye �M expenaes Incurted In enforcing this Secu�ity Instrument. Includ'np, but =
<br /> , , �1 not Ilmita�i to, reasonable�ttomey�'le+ss;end (d) tekes such �ctlon�s Lender may reesonebly require to essura thal the Il�m o1
<br /> •� Ihle Security I�atrtimeM. Lender'a rl9hta In the Property end Bartower's obligatlon to poy the sums secured by thls 8ecurtty
<br /> ' ' Inatrument shaN contlnue unch�nged. Upen relnst�temenl by Bortower, thls Security Instrument end tho abll4atlons securad �-
<br /> C�✓ .
<br />..;,,����, hereby sheN remain hil{y ettnctNe ae II no accelnratlon had occuned. However.this►igM to relnsqte eh�N not�pp�y�i� � e cose
<br /> �,;,,�:. : of acceleration under paugreph 1T.
<br /> ' 19. S�I� 01 Npt�� Ghi�1p� OT LO�� S�rV1C��.1'he Nate or a � p�Alal interest tn lhe Note (topethet wHh this
<br /> ,� �• '. S�curily Instrumenq msy be sGd ont or more lknes without pdar notice to 8orrower. A sale may resuh in a ch�n�e in the entity
<br /> ' :�_'.•;•'f InsWme�t. ji�ere ofao rnly
<br />-�- •�•;,� (known as the'Loan Sav�ce►')thnt coMect� monthy pRyments due under the Note�nd thle Secwity
<br /> ' he on� or more chnnQe� 01 the loan Servker unrelated to � sde of the Note. If there i� a change o1 the Lwn Sererlcer,
<br /> . BoROwer wfM be qken wrttlen noUce e1 the change In accadance with p�nqruph 14 cbove and app°cable Naw• The ^°��ce W� -
<br />'� �°•`;."`Y state tha neme�nd address a1 th�new Loan Servicer�nd lhe�ddress to which payme�ts choukl be rtwde. The notice wiA elso
<br /> � contaln any other Intormetlon recM�(rM by�ppliceble kw.
<br /> -���.�_ 20. HazardMl� 5ublt�tlC�a. Borrower sh�N not c�use or perrt�ft the presence, use. dlsposal, stomge,ur releaFO cf
<br /> -'' +;=; . any H�zudous Suhatencea on or fn the PropertY. Bortower shell not do, nor �Now myone Ns�to do,anything affectinp the
<br />�:_�yj���� Pr°PeRy that ie in vl�laUun o1�ny Env4onmenUl Uw. The preceding two se�tances sh�A not aPPN to the presence. use, or
<br />-:�•'j storage on the Prop�Ay of smnM qusntitiea of Hezardous Substances that �ro generalty recopnized to be approp�tate to nortnal
<br />.--�=g��; reskbnUel uses�nd to meh�tenance of the Property.
<br /> -' ' � � gprrower sheN promF�Y 9Ne ��� W��^ notice of any bvesllgaUon, clalm, dert►nnd, lawsuk or olher ection 6y eny
<br /> ��=•."'- � govemmentni or repulatory apanay a priwte party InvoNing ihe Froperty�nd any Huudous Substance or EnvkonmentN Lew oi
<br /> whlch Barower hsa actual knowledpe. I} Borrower leams, w Is natifled by any povemmenhl or regul�tory autho�ity, that eny
<br /> - -�_�"'�'• removd or othur rcm�diatlan o! �ny H�z�rdous Substmce ettecthg PropertY �s n�cessa�Y• 9°rta''1°r shaN promptiy tnke aN
<br /> m"�s1�� necess�ry rcmedial adlona M�accordsnce with Ernkonma�t�l I.�w.
<br /> As used in thls paragra�ryh 20.'Hezvdous Subsuncea' ua those subsUnces defned as toxic or har�rdous subsUnc�by
<br /> �',� �,� Emironmeatal Law �nd the foNowfng subsUnces: g�soline, kerosene, otha Ilamr►rble or toxio petroleum produ�te, toxla
<br /> � ---- pesUcidee end herbtcldes,voluUlo soh+ents, materials contahi�g asbestos or tortnaWefiyde,and rRdioacth+9m�t�s�thtR roiate o
<br /> — paragraph 2p, •Envyonmqntal Luw'meens teder�i I�ws and kws ot the jurisdictlon where the Property
<br /> -=__
<br />