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<br /> '� � .. .. ... .. r.. •r. . _. _,
<br /> ,t,,- ;��x47 .5���-'.'�. . ' . , �Yhi�Y ��'i'1����'�91�Y'. •. �,. . �• t sr-�- _
<br />.�1 �IT �t,� �Iifr"a•�•. t• .�.. .�e+,+•.r Y. u.��q MM+4 MM �WintiY'•.v.ti.i�r-'... .� ._.�., _
<br /> . � .—�- ^! �.!'L''.T:(:vil+'1'J:�v�F�;��.:��[ .�- ,`,f yl'tu+.�r��r.:+ �a „� ��;.i�;.F..�:. . ..- .1* .v"�i�.tNArot' t-n .
<br /> �.�.. _��".t+7�:yy�:�NMA�W'IU•�ri f.v:VV.tr Vn✓."J.'Gl.L`'��7'X�?�;;rM+4d�•y'.NC�Y C'ili•I'J �fJ,i�M'.I�,�AC!ift+Y'k'$�M�9'' — L. �
<br /> ��it�-rn��ssw,�,�i� ��u��T : . ,m?�1M�1IP+'-0�l4.�J�(4+c1cMlrl,Fdr�. -�w..W��,-_^'-__ ..w...... _ -- �2�_,�reY--=---
<br /> � — -.WW.e�.lailL�fr6..YrK,�L.I�r�W�,v�cen ;�I'N iPr�wi� � :.7u__�_..�L.�7C�.T�!.ba__'
<br /> 1
<br /> � 97- �.0��
<br /> �►ymenu rn�y na larter be requtrod,�t�he aptlon of 1�ender�It mmtY�ge In�uc�nce cuvon�e(in the�tr�ount u►d fqr the pedod
<br /> t!�►t�ende� cequlro�)Provided by�n Insuror�ppmved by l�endar�In becomer avdlable and i� abu�lned. Borcower�h�71 p�Y
<br /> the promiva�cequired to mdnwdn moBj��e ituue�nca In affect,or to provlde a loea raerve,uatll the roqulroment for mort�e
<br /> ip�urapce�ad�ia�ocord�,nca wtt�any written qreemdnt b�tweea Borrower end I.erider or�ppliul�le I�w.
<br /> !,I�pedlon. Lendar or it� ��aat au�y mrke reuonsbla o�tda upon and in�pectiau ot�he Pro�tY. Lender�h�ll jive
<br /> k3omawar nwico�t tlie tij;ae of o�p�ior to cu iu:pcctlou�s;,cltyln�rc�aaxhlo cnwo for the inipecti�*n.
<br /> 11. rondeatilaon. 'it�e proceed� nf aqy award or c1dn� for dama�a. dlroct or con�ueatltl� ia camecdon with �ny
<br /> condamnatlon or other takinR of�ny pRrt of the Property�or for conveyance in lieu of condertmatioa, are heroby wip�ad u�d
<br /> rhall6e pald to I,onder.
<br /> In the event of a total t�lcia�af the I'raperty.tho procaed��11 be applied to the tuur�ecured by tbf�Security Instn�taeint.
<br /> whethor or not Wea due. wita u►y excesr paid ta Bon+owor. ln the event of a puti�l tRlcln�01 tha Property in whicl�tbe fair
<br /> m�ricot value of t�e Prope�ty imatiedi�tely boforo tho tahinQ ia eqw�l w or=rr.ater thwn tlie�mount oP ti�a n,inM�ecured by this _
<br /> Secudty In�trumaat immodiuely beforo the hkln�.ualaa Borrower aad La�det otherwl�e��roe in writla�,tbe wms rxuned by
<br /> thie Socurity In�trument �lull be �+educxd by ih�s�raount ot the pro�eda mulqplied by tha foqowlns(n�cdon: (a) the Wtal
<br /> wx�unt of We ams�ecured immedi�tely bel4�ro tbn t�kiu�, divided bY (b) tha fiur market v�lue ot tha Property immediately
<br /> befuro the t�kin=. Aay bal�nce�hxll be p�id to Bwrrower. In tho ovrat of a p�rtid t�lcln�of t�►o Propecty ia which We tair
<br /> mulcat vdue of the Property immedi�tely beforo the WcIn;is lea th�w the aawunt of We am�aeured imo�ediately before tIb
<br /> Wdn�,upien Borrower aud I.�a�1er otheNVi�e aYcee!n writin�or ualea applIc�ble!�w otherwiie pcovide�. the proceab�all
<br /> be�pplied to the aaw�ocured by thi�Securit�r Instrumeat whathar or not the suaM are tben due.
<br /> If t6e Pe4pe�ty i��b�ndonad by Borrawer,or if,Rfter n�tice by Imd�,7 w Barcower du�t tLe coode-amor of�'en w mace�n
<br /> awud or �eule a cl�im for damaQw,Borrower fiiiL to ranond w I�eacSer wlthia 30 day�atter tbe data the notice i�Qivm,
<br /> I,aoder i�autbarined to colla:t aod apply the ptoceedi.�t ita optioa�aitLer to ratoradon oc npir af the Propacy or W the wm�
<br /> •eourod by thir Ser,urity In�tcumait,whetUar or not t6ai due.
<br /> UaleM Lende,r aod Bonowes otbe�wlre a�reo in wdtin�� �nY �PP�catlon of proceedi W pdncipd sh�l7 not oatond or
<br /> po�tpooe tbe d�ra date of tbe monthly pnymeata roferrod to in pan�rnphi 1�nd 2 or cluage the aawunt of a�ch pnya�ent�.
<br /> 11.Hacx��rer Not Relessed; Forbairauoe By I.endar Not�Wd�er.B�ctaosian of the tfine for payme�nt or awdlficatloa
<br /> of rmoKiution of We aum�acwnd by Wi�Security In�umeat�rwted by I.asdar to my accaar in lataest of Bormwer�hall
<br /> not opetate to refeue tlx�U�bilily of the ori�tn�l Borrower or Bormwtr'�axc.eaon in intere�t.L.eioder t6�11 not be requlred w
<br /> ��proceedinp�Inst�ny accaMOr in interat or rofu�e to exw�d time for paymoat or othenvi�b modlf�r�mo�dratloo
<br /> of tLe� �ecured by titi� securiry inruument by IO�q� OI� OCnlIIGa m�oe o�r iao vri� oinns�vi vF L1N�lVwW��
<br /> ruoceMOn ia inten�t.Any forbe�rance by Lender in exercisin��ay rigbt or remedy dull not be�waiver of ar preclude ebe
<br /> exucLe of�ny djht a mroaiy.
<br /> 82. Suoc�wors�nd A�I�r�a �w�d; Ja(ust aad Sevt�ral LiaWliq►;Co�nen. '1Le covauna �od airaeara►b�f thi�
<br /> 5acurity Lu�kumea.0�lull bind anli ba�eRt the �ucceWwta nnd awi�ne o!Ireader aad �3orrower. �ubjoct to tbe�providoar ot
<br /> p�r�p� 17. �nower�.coven,wa �d s�oemona .e.0 be�o►ne �oa �e.+�nl. My Aorrower wha eo-si� th1� Securlty
<br /> tn�tcumaot 6ut doa not execute We Nobe: (a)i�coHt�in�thi�Security Instcumeot only to mort�e.iraat�ad oonvey that
<br /> Haro�wx'�intacMt in the Propaty undor tha termr of tLi�Securlty In�tnimeat�N)i�not panunally obllµted to p�y t6e wimr
<br /> �eeured by thi.S�curity In�Mument;�nd(o)�roa t}ut I.euder aad yqy otber Borrower miy a�eee to ext�d. modify�fo�r a
<br /> m�ke my aoao�oe,s wlth re�ard co the term�of thi�Secudty Inattument or t�e Note withou�t�t Homower'�ooaNnt.
<br /> 13.I.an Clar:a�. It the IoRn�ecurod by t13�Securlty 1n�teument i�rubJxt to R law whicL� m:imum lan ebar�a.
<br /> aad tl�t law is Rnally lnce�p�eted�o ttu�t tLe inte�at or other laan chvga collected or to be oolleded L ooaotictloa Mlth tbe
<br /> lan e�cened the permitted Ilwib�thea: (a)u�y�uch laau ch�a ehall be raluced b•,�the amouat neceMary to reduce t1a alaarie
<br /> to the permitted limit;wd(b)�ny nun��roady collxtod from Bor�owar which eacealed permitted Umi4 will bo refunded to
<br /> Bar�+ower. Len�{er aiay choo�o ro nuke thi� refw�d by neductoj the pfioc[pal owed under tba Noto a by tnakin� s direct
<br /> WY�t to Bo�rower. if R rafi,ad radu�x. prtncipal� the neduction will be crated iu R P� P�3�� wit6uue .oy
<br /> prop�yment chu�e uader the Note.
<br /> . � 14.Notkei.A.ey notioe to�3orrower provided for in t}ti�Socurit3'IYUtcument�h�il be�iven by daltverIn�it or by im�ilio,�
<br /> ' it by flnt clw mW ualeM�pplfcable law roqulra we of�notha metbod.'lbe aotice�all be die�eoted to the Propeety AddreM
<br /> or any othar �ddreM Bortcwar dosijn�ta by notfce w L,e+�der. Any notice w Leader rhall be �tvea by first clw m�tl to
<br /> L�ender'�eddreM rt�tad horoin or iuiy other addrea La�der dai�nater by notice W Bosrowee. My notice provided for in Wl�
<br /> i Sa;urity Lutrun�eat�wll be deemed W lsave ban�iven to Bormwer or Leoder when yiven u pmvided in thi�parajraph.
<br /> '• 1S.Co�eeni+a� �w; Se�a'abil(ty. Thi� Secudty lnrtrument �ball be aovemed by federal !�w and the la►w of tl�e
<br /> ; jur��ction in w13Ch the Propecty i�loCxtod.In the event ttut any pmvi�loa or cl�wo ot thi�Socurity Ia�umeet or the Note
<br /> � com�f1�ca wld��pplic�ble l�w�,auch conflict ahill not affect other provi�tocu of thi�Secuxity Inrtninoent ar Ute Note which can be
<br /> � �iven el'�ect�id�out tye contlocdns provldoa.To t6i�ead tha provi�tone of thl�Securxsy In�ttummt�.d the Note�re declued
<br /> ;�. W be�eve�ble.
<br /> lf.Borro�►er'e Cvpy.Burrowet a1W1 l�e�tven one conformed ropy of the Note and of thi�Socurity It�t
<br /> 1Z4- 1416 F°""� �
<br /> ��qlfl�l M:�aia� LT044 P�N 4 N•
<br /> .
<br /> . �,T� � — — �
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