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<br /> `1 t ���rJ�fxN H�l�'�-t1jUlA`+�tlw,�r..r�� -Wn.M-+sWRM�►k..,.n..�.�.��. � - ...
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<br /> ,,� 17.Trnrufer ot tIK Property or�Beneliciaf Intatist�n Borrower. If dl or any pan of�he Pro�oriy ar�ny tntero�t in it ,
<br /> i�ald or tr�n�ferred(or if a beneficf�l iitWreat in Borrower ie eald or tr�neferred�nd Borrower I�not a nttur�l penon)without
<br /> � Lender'� pdor wdtteA conxnt, Leader auy, at ita option, uiro immodl�co payment in PoA of dl rum� iocurod by thi� _
<br /> Socurity Imtrument.Howaver. thi�option�hall not bo exarcieod�y l�eadar if azerci�e i�prohibited by fedenl I�w u o!the di,to
<br /> �:�:�."� of Uxie Security Inatrucncat. '
<br />-•�« If Lender oxeroi�thi�option,Leador shdl give,Borrower aotico of�ccelentton.'Ibo nodce�h�ll provlda a period of aot
<br /> '� l�ae thut 30 daye from tho date the notico ie dollvered or mailed w[thin which Borrower mu�t p�y ell sumi �ecured by thi� _
<br /> - __.r Securiry Ya�trumont.If Borrower fi�ib to pay these eume prior to the espintion of thi�pariod. I+eader mxy invoke any romodiea _
<br /> • �, perntitted by thir Seeusity Inetrument wIthout ftu�ther aotica or demiad on Bormwer.
<br /> " 18. Boamwer'e ht to Rdmtate. If Borrower meete cectain concEiciona� Bc►rrower eh�ll have the d�hht to have
<br /> � enforcemeat of thi�Soc�ty Inatrument discontinuod at uiy time prior w the cn�fir.r af: (R) S day�(or�uch other pedod�s
<br /> uppl€cable law may agecify for relnetAtement) boforo �lo of the Properl.y purauiai¢ en� arny �aower of ealo cunuuaed in thi�
<br /> " Secudty Iruhument ox(b)�entry of a judgment eafarcing thie Securiry Ynetrtimen¢.'H�ione carr.ci%a;wns ue that Borrawor. (a)pay�
<br /> �>��' ' � L�ader all nim which thea would be due under thts Securlty Inst�omnt attd FFte I�'or� as bf s,o ru�.celeratioa h�d occurrod; (b)
<br /> � curos�ny default of�ny other covaunte or�greements; (c) ptys a9l axpeaisea �ncaared en ernforoin�thlo Secwity Insttutntt�t,
<br /> �%�'.� incituilnR,but not limited to, m�aonable�twrneys' �'�*a; u�d(d) takra ►vch ectioa se Lender may re�sonably roquire to wure
<br />`�:.'._ thRt the liin of thi�Socudty Inrt�ument, Leader's riglits in the Pcoperty�ad Rorrower's obli �don to�ay the eumo�ocurod by
<br /> ��f.:',�.:�� thi� Socurity Irutrumeat ohall coatfnue uach�nged. Upon reima2eaamait by Borrower, �i Secunty Inr.rumant �nd the
<br />�;t�,�.yr,A. obli�atiooi�ocured hereby�all romain fully effxtive u if no acca�9rt�ction lud occurrod.HaW+ever� thi�rIght W roinaute ehall
<br /> ":�.,�.;•� notapply in the caye of�ccelerxt[on undar para�raph 17.
<br /> `;: �• � 19. Sale ot Note� Clun�e nf Lo�n Servicer. 'iho Note or s putial inceccsa in tha '.�ote (togcther wIW thi� Securlty
<br />'"' ��+'�„ In�trua�t)a�y be ald one or more timce withou+t nrriat n�tico to Borrower.R satc m�y rau9t in R clunge in the entity(Im�wa
<br /> ?�,.._,? a�the•Loui Serviar")that collects taonthly payattan��due uader tho Noto nnd this Sacurty�dr�ctiumcnt.'Ihoro�leo may be ona
<br /> oR moro ch�n�a of the Lwn 5ecvicer rmr�9attd to s sale of We Nota.If there i�i CI1�Dj6 Q�GIYG BAiD SCNIC6f�Borrower will be
<br />-_�� givea writtm�notice of tho chwge in�a�cnal�u�co wlYh pu�gr�ph 14 above�ndapplicable Taw.'lilie notice will�tate the nune and
<br /> ' ''�� addrew af the new Loan Servieer wc�ana uldreae to which p�ymeuta puould ba mada Ti�e notice will dao contatn�u►y ot6er
<br />_r,�.''�— infornaKtion required b} app8cable I�w.
<br /> zT,
<br /> =';?;•' 2p� Hmrdow S',lubstances. Borrower �h�tl� not cause or permit the preaeace, use, dispoul, �corago, or ralwie of any
<br /> -:��Y H�zardow SuMtance� oa or in the Property. Botr�wer shall not do, nor ailow nnyoae el�o to do� �nythin� �fFectlag the
<br />"a?���- prope�ty tl�t i�tn violaHoa of wy BnvimnmeaW Yiw. '1]ie procediag cwa�eateaca slull nat apply to N�e pre�eaco.we, or
<br /> °�'��� , �tor�e on tho Propedy of w�all q�auititia of Ha7ardow SuMtancea th�t an�eaa r a l ly recogni a b d to b e Rpproprfate w norm�l
<br /> --=-�Y:" ra[dentid usa wd to m�int�aanco of the Proparty.
<br />-- ° �o La,3o��iito:►Noit--�;sa iniwti .tic�. cla3m,slau�x�,Ea�,csi:ar athzr�^sI�h� �:
<br /> --_-�•a �0livwer�h11II pmm�pily �i' w Y ti"
<br /> �h
<br /> --`�'�^� �overameaW ot re=ul�tor1v ettay or private pRrty involvlu�tho Praperty snd any Haurdous Sub�t�ac,e,or Faviraameuta�I.�w
<br /> -''�•`�:� ul =:
<br /> of which Borrower has Rc2ua�knawlalge. If Bon+ower lama,or ir aodfied by any govemmeaW or reQulatory tuWorlty, that
<br /> — �qy romovd or otbar remedit4�aa af any'Harudous SuMt�ace�ffectInQ t6e Proporty i�necoasary,Horrower dWl promptly take
<br />