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<br /> -"� s� }��� �r pr�ope�'ly Inurance. FZorrower �h�ll keep the improvomeata now nxi�tla� or hera►fter eroctud �n tho -_-
<br />. Property icuured �:�in�t la�by flro,h�t.ardi inoluded w[thin thn t�rm 'oxtended coven;o" and iury other hez�rdi, includin�
<br /> a
<br /> floodr or floodins,tor which Lender requica iwaru�ce.'Iti1e tn�urance�lull be m�int�ined in the�nwunU�nd Eor the pedodi
<br /> ,, th��i�ender roquirer, 7he ia�ururce c�rcler provldtnZ 1hA In�ucan�ro phn11 be choxa by Aarrower �ubjoet to l,.eudar'�approv�l
<br />,`�'�� which rhdl nM be unra��o+ubly withheld. If Barwwer 6ile w m�intnln wven�e de�cdbed above, Lendor may� tt La►du'�
<br /> _ - �ptiau,o6tn[n cavcre�a to pmtcct 1�nder'e righte in the Pro�rty i»�conrd�ace with psrn�n�+h 7. �
<br /> �-`�„� All (anuince poHcta u�d ronow+il��h�ll bo�cceptable w I,�endar and�hall Include� �tu�dard m�n�ase clawe+. Leador
<br />�_- �11 tu►ve 1he daht to lwld tAe poltcie�wd renew�ls. If Lender roqul�er.Borrowar i1�a11 promptly �lve to Lender dl rocaiFts of
<br /> .+s r p�fd premium��nd ronew�l notica. W the event af loa,Borrowor ehn1Q�fve prompt notice to the inn►rnnce carcier u�d Lender.
<br />�:�� I,asder mry�p�1ce pmof of low if not m�de pmmptly by Borrowor.
<br /> Unlew!.a►der�nd Horrower otherv►�i�e a�roe in writinQ� in�n►ranoa proceodi�11 be spplied to ratorntina or ropRir of tho
<br />-'_`?�� Prop�rty dama�ed,!;the reetor�tion or rop�ir i�ocoaomically fe�eiblo and L�ender'�secwity��oot laea�ad.If the rator�tion or
<br /> __ _ c�pair i�not xww�atcally teuible or L,eadar'e�ecurity would be lounaed,tho inaur�nce proceeds�A be appliod to tl�o aum�
<br /> = wcured by thi� Securiry In�trument,whethor or not thea duo� wi,h say excaa paid to Borrower. If Borr�wu abmdon+ the
<br />'" - property.or doe�not�n�wu within 30 d�y��notico from Lcndor tJmt the inaurwce curlor hat offored tn�ettle a claim, tht�
<br /> Leodar my collect the iiuurance proceedA. Londer mRy ueo tha p�.cade w repalr or reatoro the Propacty or ta pay eums
<br /> �ecuced by thi�Security Tn�ment�whether or not then duo.TbQ 3UiJlljl p0il0d WIII I1C�Q WIIM�ZIO IlOhCO��j�VC[l.
<br /> Unla� I�endec aod Borrower otherwl�e ��re+e in wdting. �ay eppGcation of proc�eed� to prlacipal �ull not extead ot
<br /> -� poetpoae the due date of tho mnnthlY �►Yments rafernd to in Far��n�hn 1 ead 2 or ch�nge the�mo�wt of tho paYmeat�. If _
<br /> undar para�c�p1�21 t�e Prcperly i��equind by L�ender,Borrawor'u ci�►t to wy insur�ace polieI�a�ad proceeds reeultia�from -
<br /> _-° dun;e w the PropeR3'Prior ta the�cquletHoa�b�ll poe to Lrnclor t�r tho axteat of the xuws oecured by tbi�Security In�t
<br />-- - ��Y Pnor w the�cqaisition. dat;Le�olds.
<br /> - 6.Oecupu�cy�Ptcs�nation,Mdntaunoe�ed Hntec�tiori nd tbe A�opaty;Borrowa''�Lo�n Appilea -
<br /> ----- Borrawu�hall occupy.o�ubliih��nd we the Pe+oporty�a Barrowar'a princip+►l acsackace wlthin e'ucty day��Ra Wa execuHon of
<br /> thia Secwlry In�tniroeat wd shall contInue to cecupy U�o Pt+opoct�iu Eorrower'e princip�l raideroce for�t laut one year after
<br /> „�,� the date of occupancy,udew Lcader otherwbe��cea in writiup,wbuch con�eat�hall not be uareuonably withheld. ar unla�
<br /> — exteauatin= citcamrtanca�eai�t ��vhioh �re beyond Bornower'ro coatml. Bonowe� �hall not dertmy� dumea ar inq�►ir the
<br /> property, allow the Pcopaty W detedonte� or commit w��tt oa the Fmpeety. Borrower�h�ll be in default if�ny forfettum
<br /> - action oi procoedin�, wha�her civil or crfminal.ie ba�un thnt ia Leader'e good f�ith judQmont cewld rowlt in farfeitun of tLe
<br /> ° i�t+operty or oiLorwi�e maia��:1r��:i�L'ic;1�ct���S�!�s:a c,���tw iM.tn�rna+t or I�eade�'a�ecurlt5�inteur�t. Bomowat rony
<br /> --- cure nrch R dofault�nd reirut�te,u providod in p�»�r+ph 18,by cauain�the xcNon or Froce+edin�w be dlrmiaed�vlth a rulln�
<br /> that� in I�a�der'��ood fidth determinatioa. Pt�ecluda�forfetture of tlw Horrowar'� intee+e�t in the I'roperty or othes ttu�t+erid
<br /> imQ�irment of the liaa cre�ted by tLi� Sacudty Ivetx+ument or Le�der'o recurity intereet. Bonower�ball�l�o be in ckhult if
<br /> aacmwer�durin��he lo�n�pplication proce+a,Q�ve usatctWly f�l�e ot inaccur+�ts iaformatioa or atuemeaq to L�ender(or fdled
<br /> to provide I.eadee with�ay m�terial inforaution)in�onnxNon wtth tba lous nvidenced by the Note,ixltxl�ng.Mu not liwited
<br /> - to.ropre�eahdoo�co�wrain�Borrowor'�occup�acy of the Property�a a principal raideace.If tld�Security Inst:uuxnt i�on a
<br /> laudwid� Bormwar ahsll comply wfth dl tho pmvidau of tho�e�ue. If Borrower �cquira fee dtla to the Propaiy, the
<br /> la�+lwld�od tbe fee dde�hall not mer�a unlda Lender�rea w the me*�'in writln�.
<br /> 7.Protectioa o�Laider'�Rf�itts ie the Property.If Borrowor fill�to pa�form the covawnti�ad a�roemenb vontalned la
<br /> thi�Security Instit►meat, or thero lo a le�d proceed�n�that may�i�nific�atly st�ect Lender'�d�hu ia We Propocty (w�ch a�a
<br /> proceedio�in baotn�ecy,prob�te, foe condamantion or forfeiwre or w eaforce I�w�or re�vlRtiau),tl�an I.eoder muy do�a�i
<br /> _ paY for wb�ievar io necewry to protcc2 tbo vxlue of t6e Pro�aty�nd L�ader'�rights in the PropeetY• Loader'�rcdoor m�y
<br /> -- include P�Y�i �Y �securod 6y � Iion wLich biu priodty ovor thi� Sccurity it�M�aeat, �ppetrinf in c�rt. WY�f
<br /> re�uonable attoraey�' fee�m�l eatoring oa tl�o Puporty to make rop�in. Althaugfi tmd�er may take�cNon under this panjt�ph
<br /> '��LEI�O[d000 L0�Ii�Yb f0�O 10. ' :
<br /> Azpr amonau disbunod by I�endnr uudoc t6i� pata�nph 7 eludl become �dditional debt of Borrowor �ecured by thi�
<br /> Sxudty Ia�tiument. Uala� Barrowar�ad I.,ender�;ree Gn other teran�of p+►ymmt, tLo�o aawuaq ti�ll b�r lntere�t trom the
<br /> d�De ot dl�bunement at the Nuto rnto uid�fWl be pay�ble, with intere�t, upon notice from Leada to �lorrower requesHn�
<br /> payweat.
<br /> �,Mort�s�e Inq�ranoe.If Leodar roquirod mort;age iinwwru�ca ae a coaditton of ro�kin�tbe lan recurod by thia Securlty
<br /> In�ument� Borrower shdl p�y tho prumium� requirad to m�intain tha mort�e ituunace in effect. If, #or�y nenon� the
<br /> - mod��e inruraace cover�a reyuired by Lender I�p�a or ceaa to be in effect, Borrower�xll p�y the premiwn�requined to
<br /> - ebhLn cover�o ab�tu►tldly equivdant to t6o mort�aYe Lo�ur�nw previowly in effeet�at a eost wbwuod�lty equtvdant to the
<br /> � oat to Borrower of the mort�a�e insurnnce pmvio.Lly tn effect, from�a dtonute mort�aYe inruroc+�ppmved by Lender. If
<br /> - eub�t�ntially e9uivalent mort��e ientnace covera�e i�aot av�ilable.Borrowu eh�il p�y to Iwnder erch month�aun c�wl to
<br /> oaatw�elfth�f the yairly mo�t��e uwr�ace pe+emium beta�p�id by Borrower w�►en tM ineurance c�ovenge I�psed or ceuod to
<br /> ��:_� be in effect.Laoder will�ccept,use md r�etain ttx�e p�ymm►ta u a los� raervo in lleu of enort�o uuurwce. Loa ac�orvo
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