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<br /> substantiwlly c,yu�vulcnt nwngegc inSursncc covcrngc is not uv;�ilnUic.Borrawcr tihall pay to I.cnJcr cacli month i►.r•um cquul to �
<br /> ane-twclflh of the yeurly m�mgugc Incuruncc pr�mium lxing puid by Borrawcr when thc insurnnce covernge Inpsed or ceu5ed to �
<br /> he fn eff��et. L•eisckr will accept.use aod retuln these payments us a lo.r•s rescrvc in lieu af m�r[gAge iusurnnce. Locs re.scrve
<br /> paynunts ieu�y nc�longer be requireci, at the option af I.encier, if mortguge insurAnee coverage(in the umount und for the period a
<br /> thnt I..cixfcr requires)pravided hy nn insu�cr npprov��d by Lcndcr nguin bccomes nvailahle aixi is obtainai. Borrower shull pay �
<br /> the��remiumti rcc�uired ro maintain mortgagc in+sirinire in effcct,or ta pmvidc u Inss rcserve,until the requirement fi�r monguge �
<br /> insurunce erxls io�ccu�dance wlth uny written:igreen�ent between 8c►rrower und Lcixier or t�pplicaUle Inw. �
<br /> 9. Ittspcctton. I.c:�xlcr or its ugcnt muy mukc rcasonublc cntrics upon und inspcctions of thc 1Property. [-cndcr shall givc
<br /> Nurrower notice ut the tinx cif or prior tc�un iiispect{nn speeifying re�sm�nble cuuse fnr the inspcetion.
<br /> 10, CnndemnAtlo�n. 'fhe pn►cecds <�f nny awurd ar cluim fi�r dumabcs, dircct or crnisequentinl, in «nnection with any O
<br /> condemnution ur other taking of any pan of the Property, or fi�r conveyunce i�n lieu of condenmation, ure hereby assigntd and
<br /> shall hc paid to L.cixlcr.
<br /> In►he e��en:of n total takin�nf the Pmperty,the proceeds skall be applied to Ihe �une�secured hy this Securiry instrumeut, .
<br /> whether ur�wt thcn duc, with any cxccs., paid to Banowrr. ln the cvent of a paniul tnking of thc F'ropeny in wl�ich the fu�r
<br /> tnarkct value of the Fmperty inunccfiately t�cfore the tnking is cquul to or grc:iter than the amount af thc sums securai by this
<br /> Sec:urity Instrumciu immcdintcly bcfnrc the tnking, unlcss Borrawer nnd I.ender c�therwise s�gree in writing. the sums securt:d by
<br /> this Security lnstcunKnt shall be reeivaxl hy the umaunt of the proceeds multiplied by the following fractionc (a) the total
<br /> amount of'the sums secured imn�eciiately before the tuking, divided by (b) the Fair markct value of the Property immedintely
<br /> befan: the taking. Any balanc� shall bc paid to Borrower. In the evcnt of a purtial taking of thc Praperty in which the fair
<br /> market valuc of thc Property immediately hefore the takin�ie Iess than the nmoimt of the sums sccured immediatcly beforc thc
<br /> taking, unlcss&�rrowcr und Lender otherwisc agree in writing or unlcss applicable luw otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to the smns s�ured by this Sccuriry Instntment whethcr or not the sums arc then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandanaf by Borrrnver, or if,after notice by Lender ta Horrower that the condemnor offers to muke an
<br /> uwurd ur se�tlo a claim for damagcs, Bormwer fuils to respond to I.ender within 30 days aftcr the dnte thc notice is given,
<br /> I.ender is authariz,ad to collect und npply the proceals,nt its option,either to restorotion or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> securod by this 5ecurity Instntment,whether or nat then due.
<br /> Unless l,eneier and Borrowcr othcrwisc agree in writing, any npplication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date:uf ti�e o►uiUhly puyuient�refer��ed to in paragraphs I and 2 or change ihc umount of such payments.
<br /> !1.Borrower Not ReleASed;Fo:bearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or madification
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I..endor to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not uperate to release thc liability of the originul Borrowcr or Bonow•cr's successors in interest. Irnder shall not 6e required ta
<br /> commence proceedings against any sucecssor in interest or refuuu to extenci time for payment or atberwise madify amortization
<br /> of the s�ims securod by this Security Instniment by reacon of any dcmund made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successors in intercst. Any forUcarance by L,cnder in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude d�e
<br /> exercise of�ny ri�ht or remcdy.
<br /> 12. SuaYSSOrs �txl Assigns Bound; Joint And Several Liablllty; Co-slgt�crs. The covenants and agra:ments of this
<br /> Sccurity [nstrument shnll bind and bci�efit the successo�s and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Borcower �vho co�signs this S�urity
<br /> Instntment but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,�rant and canvey that
<br /> Borrower's intemst in the Property under the temis of tl�is Security Instramcnt; (b)is not persunally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> seCUred by this Socu�iry Instrutnenc:atxi l�l ufS���ai I.r��rr ai�u uny uiiicr Bunuwci�iiny ngia iu ei:ter�,i'iii,3�iy,S'8�:.�:.i
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securizy Instnrment or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> la.I.o�n Clurges.If the loan secu�d by this Security Instnunent is subject to a luw which sets maximum loan chargcs,
<br /> and that law is fina�ly interpreted so that ttie intemst or other loan chnr�es coilected or to be rnllected!n connection with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)any such loan charge shall Ae reduced by 6�e amount necessar� to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permittcx7 limit; and (b)any sums already collecteci from Bormwer which e�;ceeded permittod limrts will be refutxled to
<br /> Borrower. l.rntlrr rnay choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owod under the Note or by making a diroct
<br /> payment to lk�rrawer. If a rcPund raluces principal, the reductian will be treated as a �artial prcpayment without any
<br /> prepayment chsrgc under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notk�es.Any noticc to Borrowcr provided for in this 5ecurity Ii�strumcnt shall bc,givcn by delivering it or by itwiling
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law rcyuires u;c of anathcr mcthod. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> ar any other address Borrower designates by noticc to Lcnder. Any notice to Lender shall be givcn by first cluss mail tu
<br /> L.ender's address steted I�crein or nny other nddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Scxurity[nstrunxnt shall bc decmod to havc t►ecn given to Borrowec or L.cnder whrn given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Co�erni��g I.aw; Sever�hllity. This Security Instcument shall bc governai by fodera! law ;uid the Inw of tbe
<br /> jw•isdiction in which the Prope�ty is locatud. In the evcnt that any provision or clause of this Ser.urity Instnrment or thG Nata
<br /> , conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Secttrity Instnrment or the Note which can be
<br /> given ef(ect withont the mnflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument arid the Nate are doclared
<br /> to l►e severable.
<br /> 16.iionnwer's Copy.&orrower shall be given one conformed copy of the�ote and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17.Transfer ot the Property or e Deneficlal Interest in&►rnnwer. If all or any part of the Propetty or any intcrest in it
<br /> is sold or transfemd(or if a beneficial interest in Borrowcr is wld or transfemed and Borrowtr is not a narural pe►son)without
<br /> [.endar's prior writtcn conscnt, Lender may, at its aption, uire immediate payimnt in full 06 all sums securod by tfiis
<br /> Security I�nstrument. Howevcr, this option shall not k►e ex�iL'tSCd�y I.cndcr if exerci.se is prohibited by fcderal Iaw as of the date
<br /> of this Security Instrument.
<br /> If I.cndcr cxercises this option, Lcndcr shall givc Borrower noticc of acccicration.ifhc notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> less tf�zn 30 days from the date the notice is deliverai or mailed within whicli Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Secarity Instrumcnt. If Borrowcr fails tu pay thcsc sums prior to the cxpiration of this period,Lender r►�y invokc any rcmedies
<br /> permittal by this Sccurity Instnimcnt without furthcr naticc or dcmand on Borrowcr.
<br /> 18. BorroM•er's Rlght to ReintitAte. If Borrower mcets cenain conditions, fiorrowcr shall havc the right to ha�c
<br /> enforeenxnt of this Security Instrutnait discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> applicable faw may sNecify fur reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursua�nt to any power of sule contai�wd in this
<br /> ,� 5ecurity Instnim�nt;or(b)entry of a jud�ment cnforcing this Sccuri►y Instnimcnt.Those c4nditions un;thut Eiorrower.(a)rz�ys
<br /> I.ender:ill sums�vhich then would be due under this Security Instrument a»d che Note ns if no accclention had accurrcd:(b)
<br /> •� ct+ms cmy cicfault of uny nther covonants or agrcements; (c) pays ull cxpcnscs incurncd in enfoning this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> including, but nat limital to, reasonable attorneys' fces; and (d)takes such nction as Lender may n:asont►bly rec�uire to assurc
<br /> that thc licn af this Security(nstrument, L.c:nder's rights in thc Property nnd Borro�ver's obligation to pay the sums sc�:ured by
<br /> ' this Security instn�ment shall rnntinue unche,ngod. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instniment and the —
<br /> � obligltions sect+red hereby shall remain fuUy effi;rtive as if no acccleration huci occurred. Howev�r, this right to reinstate shail
<br /> :, not apply in the sasc of nc�celcration undcr parngrnph I%,
<br /> 19. Salc of Note; Changc of Loan Scrvlccr. 'flic Notc or a panial intcrcst in thc Notc (tugctl�cr with this Sitcuriry
<br /> Instrunient)may be sold one ar more times wilhout prior notirc to Borroa�cr.A sale muy ecsult in u clumgc in the cntiry(known —
<br /> as tl�e "Loan Serviccr")that cullccts monthly paymcnts duc undcr thc Notc aixi this Security Instrumcnt.Thcrc also may lk:onc --
<br /> ur morc changcs of thc Loan Sc►viccr unrciatud to a salc of dic Notc. If thcrc is a changc of thc l.oan Scraiccr. Borcowcr will bc =
<br /> given written nutice of the change in accordance witl�paragraph !4 abovc arxl applicable la�v.The nutire�v'sll state the name a�td
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address tu which payments sho�ld ne made.The notice will also contain any other -
<br /> information reyuircd by applicublc law. _
<br /> 20. lia�ardous Substpnccs. Borcnw•cr sh•rll not causc ur perniit Uic prescncc, u�c, disposaL �torazsc, or rcicasc of any
<br /> Hau�rdous Substanccs on or in tl�c Pn�perty. �krrru���cr �h:dl not do. nor allow �nyonc cltic tu dn. anything �ffccting thc =.
<br /> Propeny that is in violation uf any Enviranmental l.aw. 'I'he prcc�ling two sentcnres shall not apply tu thc,presencc, usc, or -
<br /> storagc on thc Property uf snull qu;mtitics of tlatardous Substanccs that arc gcncrally ncr��gnir.cd to bc appmpriatc to n�irn�al -
<br /> rcsidcntial uscs a�xi to maintcnancc of thc Pn�perty. _
<br /> r.ye a oi• Form 3028 9180 -
<br /> ,r
<br />