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<br /> Hnrmwcr r►hall prompdy glve l.axler wriucn �wtice of any l��vestigntian, claim, dcmund, lawsuit ar other nction hy �ny
<br /> govcrnn►e�twl nr re�ulntnry a�crx:y or privute}�arty Involving the Pro�x:ny and uny Ho:wrdous Substerkc or Envimnmcmel[.aw
<br /> �f which Ii�rrniwe�hrs actuwl knowlaigc, If Hc�rn�wer leams, i�r i��tosifi��d by any 6avernnxntal ar rcgul�tory Autixirity, thut
<br /> any remnv�d ar���lier remediutiun��f any Ilward�►us 5ubstance uffccting ahe Property is ncccssury, Borecscver shall pmm{xly tuke
<br /> All ncccs�ury i•r.uxtilial actionti lo uccurdancc with T?nvirnnmental I.nw.
<br /> As uud in thia purugruph 2Q, "HurArclou� Subs�anees" are those substuneea deGneci us toxic or huaurd�ws sub�twix:es hy
<br /> I?nvlronmr��ird l.uw and thc fall�win� �ub.r•twncer: gru�iine. kcrus�iw, other flanunuble or toxie petralcum �ruclucty, �oxic
<br /> �xsticidcy+►n�l herhiciJcs.VOINt1IC SuIVCilt9, Il1ilICtIAIti C<It1Ia1IlIll�j 1L'ibC5I09 01'POPIIIAILI�I1y(IC,11111I CU(IIl1AClIVV`IlUill'�iHI9.AS usccl in
<br /> �hix purng�unh 20, "Envir��nnxnwl Lnw' nxan:� fedsral luvus unci laww o�the jurixlicdon whcre the Property is I�xuted thut
<br /> rclatc�o licalth.sef�ty c�r envimnnxnt�l pmtecdon.
<br /> NON-(JN1fORM COV�'NAIv7'S. 8c�rrower nncl l.ender further covenunz ancl agree�s follows: ����,er'y bres�eh
<br /> 21, Accelentian;I[temrdi�.I.rw,{ce htu►!a give iwtki w If�►i�ro�ccrµrtor to ucselcrstton[oflnwln�
<br /> of any rnvenant or�raYne+r� in thb Sec�e�ity Inprument (6ut not prbr to �cerkratbn under p�ry��p1� 17 unle�
<br /> appU�f�lcs tAwprnvldes atherwise).Thc rbtkc sha��+Pec�fy: (�)the tkf�ult;(b)the sctian nqufrcd to cure the detAU�ti
<br /> (c)a dole. iwt kss tlun 30 c4ys tror�s the date tho uotke ts Qivm to Burruwer,by whkh the def�ult mu�t F►e cured;wnd
<br /> (d)thAt f�ilure to cure the def�ult an ar befo�the date specided tn th= notke may result in necekratlon ut the qum»
<br /> secured b,y this Security Inalrumertt �nd nak ot the Properly. The nutke Flu�ll further Inform itarrovrer ol the rlght to
<br /> relnxtr�te uRer �crekratla� and the ri{ht to bring� oourt pction to nseert the�wn�sxistence o4 s de�ault or�ny Mhcr
<br /> ckfense o!'Borrower tu �cceleratlon �1�s►1e. It the detAUlt !s nat cured u� ur betore lhe date eperitled In the nMice,
<br /> i.ender, at Its optioa, mny requirc immedi�te pMyment in[ull o[all aums�ecurcd by this �ecurity[netrumen! without
<br /> t'urthcr d�nd�nd m�y Invoke thr po�ya of sale And any otha�nmedies pnmlttal by eppllcable I�w.[.erKkr aludl be
<br /> enlitled tc�collect KII ex�xn�es Incurred In pursulr�the remedie9 provided in this poraqraph 21,tncluding,but�wt Iimited
<br /> t�►,rea.9nnable attorneys'fees�Ad coet.+ai titk evidence.
<br /> if!he power ot sak is invoked,Tnntee stull nrnrd a ratice o[de[ault In a�ch county in whk6 any {�tt ot t6e
<br /> Properl}� i�iocated�nd sball mall cupk�ot such notice in t6e nuinner prescribed by�pplicable law to Borrower�ad to
<br /> tt�e oti�nr pe�on�prc+c�'ibed br�ppliab4e law.ARar the tla�requlnd by appUable�aw,Tnnta slwll�ive publk nc�tice
<br /> nt Fnia t�►the penwns a»d In tbe m�aer prescrlbed by applkable iaw.Tnutee�witYuut deuiand on Borrow'cr, shs11�cll
<br /> the I'rn�crty at pu61k auction to t�e hi�ixst bidder�t the time And piACe pnd un�r the tern�s de�i�a+ited In the notice ot
<br /> saic In oae or more p�rceis�nd in any orrkr Tn�stee determtnes. Tructa m�y�tP�ne s�le ot�!1 or any p�rcd ot tre
<br /> Propeity by puWk pnnouna'ment �t t!�dme and pl�ce ot pny prcviously sctieduled eale. I.ender or its destgnec may
<br /> . purclmee tbe F�+operiy at Rny s�le.
<br /> �lpon rocd{yt of p�ymcnt ot tbe prke bid, Tn�steo stwll ddlver ta the punhas� Trustee's cleed uonveying the _
<br /> pra�x+ty, Tbe raciWs in tbe Tru�ta'e deed shdl be priina tacle evidence ot khe t�vth o[tbc statsments m�de tberda.
<br /> 'IY��r�t.ee slwll�pply tbe proceeds of the s�le in the following orda�: (�)to all casts and expen�ot exa+ci�iu�,the�power ot
<br /> swle,.aad tbe sde� tacluding the py�nait ot the Trusieds fas actually tncurned,not to exaeds e Srea e o �
<br /> 0.�0 p 1/2Z
<br /> of tLe priacipMl�nt ot t6e nMe at the time ot the daiaratlon ot de�auk,and re�sombk 3��torneys �ees a�pan►Itted
<br /> , by I;�w;(b)ta�II aums secured by thls Securtty In�trumeM;and(c)ony xxcess to the person or petsons Iqalt9 eatitkd to
<br /> = tt,
<br /> ' 22. Ra�oavey�uce. Upon paYmenc of ali sums sa:uca�i by tt►is �ecurity Ynsnumenc. Len�icr st,aii �e,yu�i :�u�.:�. ic
<br /> ' recbm�ey thc Propeny and shall surrender this Security Instrument m►d all notes evidencing debt secured by this Securiry
<br /> Insirument to Trusta,Trustee shal!rewnvey the Property K�lthout warranty and withottt charge to the person or persorts legally
<br /> ; ctKit�ad to it. Such persnn or ptrsons stull pay any ra;ordation coste.
<br /> :!I �. 2�'. Swbetitute Trwtee. [..s.nder,u iu option, may fcr.rm time to time remove Trustee And appoint a suoaessor trustoe to •
<br /> � s,ny 1'�'uFtee appointed horwnd�r by an inszNment rxorded u:the county in which this Socurity Instrument is noo�dodl.Without
<br /> JronvayAnce of the klropecty. the YuccCSSUr trusta shall sucrc�d to all the title,power an�duties confernod upon'IYa►wtee berefn
<br /> , fual by�pplicabk lew.
<br /> l Z!, R�eq�k 6�r IyMiers. Borcower requesrs ttwt copies of the notices of d�efault end:,ale�e sent to$orrowtc's addras :
<br /> � which is the Property Address. ' .
<br /> �� 25. ItMa�ta tbtor Securkv lastrwntat. If ane or more riders are exocutod by Borcowcr and rsi�rded togc�l�er wi�th th95
<br /> .� Securiry Instmment,the wvena�t+end ng�amants of each such rider slvall be i.�corpo�ated into and shill ur�nd�►nt�supplement
<br /> �� t}K covenants and agreements of a�►is Saur�ry Instrummt�nf the rider(s)were'a part of this Socuriry Iacwment.
<br /> [Check ppplicable tx+x(e9)J
<br /> � Adjustoble EGee Ridnr �Condorriinium Rider ❑1-4 Fami�Y It�det'
<br /> Gtadwted P�yma�t Rider C�Plenntd Unit Developmeat Rider ❑Biwe�kly Payment Ricler
<br /> � B�Iloor►Rider ' �Rate Ittxprovement Rider Q Socond Home ltider '.
<br /> V.A.Itider �Otheris)ISPaif9l
<br /> ;
<br /> c•1
<br /> •! �
<br /> :;
<br /> i BY SI�NING BE[A11V,Botrower oce�pts annd agras to the temis and cavenants contained in�is Security Instrumeatt and
<br /> in any riiiu(s)exocutai by Borrower�nd rooc�rdod with it.
<br /> ; Witneasea:
<br /> rarr r t ev Q ►n1S] TAATT T._ DAi.RYMPLF (�►])
<br /> . .Bortnwer
<br /> � ?��/'O s��?�� �(s��
<br /> Willi�► E. Ba3rymple —' -eomowcr
<br /> � ��� l,�-j►•��.•- �(.�����i�p� _(sal)
<br /> •6orrowor Toni L. Dalitympl.e -eorrower
<br /> SfATE OF'NEBRASKA, County ss:
<br /> Thc foregoing instrumcnt was acknnwlodged before mc tlris 23 day of May , 1997 ,
<br /> by Nil�ian E. and Toni L. Dalrymple •
<br /> Witness my hand and na�riil seal u Grand Island, N�braska in said Cuunty,the datc afonsaid.
<br /> My Commissiun Expfres: ��C1�1�,L�L-�.�(• I � .f� � o --
<br /> Natary Public
<br /> ��1 NOtMt'�1teM M N�ItM�
<br /> t�AUM L NORIIEtI
<br /> ��(���.� �p�4 N� Fdf1f1�2e 9If0
<br />