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"ti' ... �::Z.� . h• -�TM��� ��p��r.�R.�y:� ••n'r'r': �(:�, r�:"�:( � :^�3i. °„ <br /> �tr.a. �.:J�r.._v ��.A 1 i.Ji..a� ..�'.��..._'_'' ._ �4 F+-#�I� . <br />_ _'_ �V��1�}��j��v _ ---_--- –_ —___ <br />.__:-:_.; Lr.�l"v:.r waw.�...+�._ _-_-_— ._.. <br /> 97- �U�oso <br /> Thc Numis �hall be held in nn institutinn whuse depu�its ure insurcd by r federal ugcncy, ins�nmientality, or entiry <br /> (including Lctxlcr, if I.cixlcr is nuch un in���tutlonl ur in any F�a�r,�i tt�,m�l.��an Iiank. iaixlcr sliali upply th�fund.�to pa� thc <br /> Cscruw itcros. l�cixlcr muy not chargc Ei��rma•cr fur hulding nnd i�pplying ihc Funds. annunlly imalyiing 1hc cscrow nccount. or <br /> vcrifying thc Gscrow Itcros, unlr.tis l.cndcr puys I;urr��wcr inlcretit nn Utc I�undti und uppliriiblc lu�v 4v:rmits l.cndcr to mukc such <br /> u chi�rg�. Nowcvcr. l.�:ndcr may rcyuirc Il�+rrowcr t�►p:iy t�anc-dmc rhargc tiir[tn indc}x:udirnt rcal r.,tutc tux rc�x►ni��g scrvicc <br /> uscd by LA:�x1cr in c�mncrtiuii wi�h Ihis I�wn. unlc�s up�lirablc luw proviJcs uthcr�visc. Unlcss nn ugrccmcnt is macic ar <br /> applitabl�:luw rcquircy intcrest tu bc paid, i.cndtr shnU not bc rcquiccd tu pay l�irrowcr�ny intcresi ur carni�igs on thc I�iuids, <br /> &rrruwcr u►x1 l.ciMirr may agrcc in wridi►g. hnwcvcr, that intcrc�t�hall Ix� pafd un tlic I�unds. l.cndcr sh�iU 6ivc tu li�xrowcr. <br /> without churgc, un u�ti��al ucaiunting of thc Fwxls, shiiw�ng cr�Ylits und dchi�s to tl�c FutNlti and thc pin•posc liir wl�ich cuch <br /> cicbit ta thc Funds was madc.'fhc Funds nrc plcdgal tts+idditinnal sccurity tiir ull sums.rccureil by�his Sccurity Instnmtcnt. <br /> If thc F�unda hcld b�� I..endrr cxrec�l tl►�aoticsuut:,permitted tn bc hcld by applir,�Hlc I;�+v, I.cndcr shi�ll uccount 1��I�►rrmvcr �_ <br /> for the exeess�utxls in uccordanec witli the requirenten�s of appflcuble luw. li the unx�unt ol'the Fwxis heid Uy I.eixlcr at uny <br /> timc is n��t�ufticicnt t�p:ry thc[iscrnw itcros wlicn duc.Lc��dcr m�y u�nutii'y Borruw�:r in writing, a��, in such cu�c&�rrowcr <br /> shuli pay to I.endcr the amount neces�.�ry u�makc up thc dcficieucy. &ttrower tihall makc up thc deficIcucy in no more than <br /> twelve monthly payn�ents,nt i..cnder's u�lc diuretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums tiecurcd by this Sccurity I��strument, I.c�xicr shall prowptly refu�xl ta &�rmwcr uny <br /> Funds held by Lender. If, under paragrnph 2l,I.ender shull ucquire or scll the E'ropeny, I.cndcr,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property, shall npply any Funds held by [.cndcr at thc time of acquisition or s�le as�credit n�aimt the�ums sccurcd by <br /> this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> 3.Appllcation of Puyntents.Unlcss�pplicable Inw provides�thcrwise,all paymcnts rccciveJ by Le��der undcr paragr.►phs <br /> 1 and 2 sh�►II bc upplied: first, to any prcpiryment churges due undcr thc Notc: sccond, to anlaunts paynblc under paragraph 2; <br /> third,to iiitcrest duc;Poutih,to principal duc:and last,ta uny Intc chiirgcs duc undcr tl�e N�tc. <br /> 4.Charges; Liens. Borrowe�shcdl pay all taxcs,asscssments, churgcs, fines and impositiais attributable to thc Propeny <br /> which inay attnin priority over this Security Instrument. and Ieasthold payments or grounci ren[s, if any. iionower sl�all pay <br /> these obligations in the manner pravtded in par�graph 2,or if not puid in that manner.Borcower shall pay them on tima directly - <br /> to the person owod payment.Borrower shull promptly furnish ta Lcnder ali iwticea of Amounts ta be paid undcr this par�graph. — <br /> If Borcower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.encler rc�ceip¢s evidencing the payments. <br /> BuTrower shall promptly dischnrge sny lien wtiich has priariry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> writin�to the payment of the ablignti�n secured by the lien in n nianner ucccptable to L.cndcr; (b)contcsis in�uod faith thc lien <br /> by, or u+c:fi:nds against enforcement of the lien in, legul procc.�edings which in the I.erxler's opinian operate ta prevent the <br /> enforcement of the licn; or(c)sccures from thc holder of thc licn an agrxmcnt satisfuctory to[.e►xier suborciinating the lien to <br /> this Security Instrument. If l.ender detertnines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Security Instrument, L.endcr may give Borrowcr a notice identifying thc lien.Barrower shall satisfy the lien or talce one or <br /> mon of the actions set fortl�above within lQ days of the 6iving of notice. <br /> 5. hl�cd or Property Insurance. Borrower shnl! keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Prupeny incured as.ainst loss by fire, hazards includod within the term "extended coverage" and any othcr hazards, inc!uding <br /> floods or floodin�, for which l.snder requires insueance. T'his insurance shall be maintainecl in the amounts and for the poriods <br /> that L.endcr requires. The insurance carri�er providing thc insurancc shall be chnsen by Borrower subject to I.endcr's approval <br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If L�anower faiis to main[uin coverage dc�:n'oai avuvc,�ici���ay, at I.�sci:.r's <br /> option,obtain coverage to ptotecl l.ender'.rights in the Propetty in ar,cordance with paragra�+h 7. <br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptn6le to Lendcr e.nd shull include� standard moctgage clause. L.ender <br /> shall huvc die right to hold thc policics and renewuls. If L.endcr requires,Barrower shnll promptly give to[.ender all receipts of <br /> pa9d prcmiums and�ncwal notices. In the event of lvss,Borrower shall give prompt noticc to the insurance carrier and Ltncier. <br /> Lender mny make pm�o:F of loss if not made prarx�ptfy by Borrower. <br /> Unless T..ender nn4 Borrower otherwise ugxec in writing,insurance proceed9 shall be upplied to nstoration or repair of the <br /> property damaged,ii the restoration mr repair is cconomicnlly feasible und[.ender's�ecunty�s not lessened. If dir,rcstoration or <br /> repair is not oco►x►mically fcasible or I.cnder's security would lw lessenal. the insurance prc�cexds shall be applied to ttie sums <br /> securod 6y thiR Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess puid to Borrower. If Bonnwer abandons the <br /> Property,or does not answer within 30 days u noticc from Lcndcr that the insurancc carrier has offerod to settla a cleim. then <br /> Lender mny collect the insucance procceds, Lender muy use the proceecis to repuir ur restore the Propeny nr to pay sums <br /> sc�urcd by this Sccurity lnstrument,whether or not thcn duc.The 30-day perial will begin when thc noticc is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in �vritiag. any applicatton af prace�ls to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpc�ne the due dute of the monthiy paymcnts rcferrcd to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or cht�nge thc amount of the pay�.nents. IF <br /> under parngraph 2l che Property is ucquired by I.ender,Borrower's right tu any insurance p�3icies and proceeds resulting from <br /> damage to the Prc�perty prfor to the acyuisition sha61 pass to Lender to the extent of the sums securori by this Security Instrument <br /> immediately prior to the:�cquisition. <br /> 6.�Ot�cupancy,Pres�rvat[on,Malntenrnee a3�d Protectlon ot the Pmperty;Rorrower's Lown Applkadon;L,enseholds. <br /> ii��xrrnvir shall occupy,establish,and use ihe Property as Borrower's principal residence.within sixty duys after the execution of <br /> this Security Instrumcnt and shall continue to occupy tlie Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one ycar after <br /> the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which conseiit shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> eatenuating circumstarces exist which are heyond Borrowcr's control. Borrower shull not destroy, damage or itnpair the <br /> Property, all�w the Troperty to deterioratc, or a►tnmit wi�stc on the Property. 8orrower stiall M: in clefuult if any forfeiture <br /> action or ptocc�ding, whcther civil or criminal,is begun that in Lcr►dcr's good faith judgment could result in forfeiturc of thc <br /> E'roperty or othenvise matcrially impflir the licn created by this Security Instrument or Lcndcr's security lnterest. Borrower may <br /> cure sueh a default and reinstate,ns provided in parngrapFi 18,hy causing thr,action or proceeding to be dismissed wl¢h s�ru�ing <br /> that, i�i Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Bonawer's intcrest in thc Property or other material <br /> ienpairment nf the lien crcateci by this Secunty Instn�ment or l.ender's security intemst. Borrower shall also be in default if _ <br /> Borrower,during thc loun upplication process, gave muterially fulse or inuca�rnte infonnatiun or statements to Iw.nder(or f:�iled <br /> to pruvide Lender with any meterial informntion)in connection witli the loaeti evidenced by the Note,lncluding, but not limited <br /> to, reprssentutions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principnl residence. if this Security Instrur��ent is on a <br /> Icasehol.l, Borrowcr shall comply with all thc provisiuns of thc Icase. If Bonower ucquires fce titic to thc Fraperty, thc <br /> lca,ehul�i�nd thc fee title shall not mcrgc unlcss Lcndcr agrces tn thc mcrgcr in writ9n�. <br /> 7.Arotectian a9'i.endcr'y Rights in thc Propecty.lf Horrower fails to perform tlie covenants and agrecments containcd in <br /> this�ecutiry Insin�rr��nt, or therc is a Icgul prooccding thnt muy significantly affcct L.cndcr's rights in thc Property (such as ii <br /> praeoding in bankruptcy, probate, for condcmnntion ar forfciture or ro enforce laws or regulutions), then Lender mny do and <br /> �ay fos whutever is necessary ta protect the value of thc Property and L.cnJer's ri�hty in die Property. Lender's Rcaionc may <br /> mclude yaying any sums secured by u livn which has priorny uver this Security Instrument, appearing in rnurt, paying <br /> ....►.ie..��.....o...,' F �nrl a.,�ar�na�„�n� pmncrsv co nmke renairs.Aldioueh L.ender mnv tukc nction under this para�raph <br /> .��:....................,.. .... . . . _ _ <br /> 7,Lec�der does not hnve to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this par.igraph 7 •hn�� become udditional debt of Ne�rrc►wcr secue�ed by this <br /> Security iustrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrec to other terms nt'payment,th��se amounts shull bcar interest from the <br /> date of disburscment at thc Notc ratc and shall tx; payablc, with intcrost, upon notico from [.cndcr to Borro�vcr rcqucsting . <br /> payment. <br /> B.Murtge�e L�s�ironee. if L.ender required mortgasc insurance as a rondition of making thc loan securecl by this Securiry . <br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquir�d to maintuin the mort�*age insurance in eTfect. If, for any reason, the <br /> mongug�insurance cover.�ge rcyuirecl by Lcnder lapses or ce:isss to lx:in effect.�orrowcr shiill pay the premiums reyuired to <br /> obtuin covcrage substuntiully equiv;dent to tlic mortgagr insur.mcc prcvio�lsly in cffcrt, at a rost subst:intially cyuivalcnt to thc <br /> cost to Borrowcr of the mortgagc insur.tnec prcviously in cffcct. from un altcrnatc mongctgc insutt�r approvcd by Lcndcr, If <br /> veus t o+a Form 3028 9190 <br />