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<br /> DEE�7 OF 'I'RUST ��
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<br /> THIS DE81D OF TRUST('Socurity In.�aument") is made on May 23, 1997 •'���r is
<br /> ("Trustee').The beneficlsry is NORWEST BANK N1E9RASKA,. NATIONAL ASSOCYATION
<br /> which is organizad and existing under the laws of the United Stat�e of Auerica ��M.��
<br /> add�rss is 202 ilest Third Street� Grand Iel.and. NE 68801
<br /> ('I.enoer'j.Fforrower owes i�nder dae princip�u sum oi °
<br /> ONE HUNDREU TWENTY 5IX THOUSAND AND NO/100--�----�------�llars(U.S.S 126.On0.0'D ).
<br /> 'd'his deM is Gvidraioed by Borrower's note dated thc samc dete as this Sxurity Instcume�t("Note"),which provldes for
<br /> monthly�rxamts,wfth the fixll deM,if not paid earlier,due nnd payable on November 18, 1997 •
<br /> 1t�it 5xurit�II�n�aument savres to Lender.(a)the repaymu►t of tho dcbt evidcnad by the Note,with int�rest,and rU renewals,
<br /> ea�teneions snd �onodificuions of the Nc�te: (b) the{rayment of all other sums. with inteoest, advaneod urder pragraph 7 to
<br /> �mtacc!h sxuriry of thie 5ecurity Instrument; end (c1 tho pedomwice of li�mower's covetnnts and agrocmaite. For thia
<br /> �xpase, Elarowa irrevoably gcan!s a�d oonvayR ro Trusta, !D�NSI, with �uwer of ssle, the following doscribed proputy
<br /> #c+�tod in iial� County,Nobnacka:
<br /> ,Lct 2. ltoes Hcightx Subdivieion� City of Grand Ielsnd, Hall Coux�ty. Nebxaska.
<br /> which has tha pddress oF 4181 Ari:��a Ave. Grand Island ��•�'h'��
<br /> N��� 69803 ("Propcny Addnss");
<br /> �2ip Codej
<br /> TUGETHPIt WITFI dl the improvements now or herwfter erected on the prnperty.end nll eesements,�ppurterwna.5,and
<br /> fiatures now or IKrr�fier a pan of c�e pro{xrty. All replscements and Additions shell nlso be covered by this Socurity
<br /> Instcurtxnt.Ali of the foregoing is rePerned to in diis Security instrumeut as�he"Property.'
<br /> BORItOWER COVE..N��ITS that �orrower is la�vfully seised of thr estate hcreby comeyed arxl has the right to grant and
<br /> wnvey the Property a�xi ctu,z �the Propcny is uncncum'b�ral,exccpt for encumbr.zncrs of record. Horniwer ws�cranis and will
<br /> defrnd genrmlly the title ao the Pr�l�eny egeinst ail c1a•lms encl d�mands, subject to t�np er►cumbreiwes of reoord.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY IN5TRUMENT combines m�ifottn covenants for national use and non-uniform coveiu�nts with li�nited
<br /> variatians by jsu�sdiction to mnstitutc a uniform security instrument covering real pmperty.
<br /> UNiEOIRM COVENANTS.Borr�*wer und I.eader covenant und agrcx as follows:
<br /> 1. Pryment of Priinci�tal and Ir�terest; Frepa�ymont And Late Clurgcs. 13orrower shall promptly p�y when due the
<br /> principal of and intcrest c7n the dcbt cvidenced by the Note and any prcpaymcnt Euxi letc�hargcs due undcr thc Note.
<br /> 2. �'unds for Twx��nd Insurnnce. Subiect to aunlicable law or to u written waiver bv Le�xler, Borrower shall nny to
<br /> Lender on thc day nwnthly payments arc due undcr the Notc,until the Notc is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> aixl ussess►ncnts which inay attain priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrunknt us a licn on tl�c Pro�xrty;(b)ycarly luzschold payencnts
<br /> ur grouncf rents on th�Property,if wiy; (c)yearly hazard or propetty insurence premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums,
<br /> if any;(e)yca�ly mortgagc�nsurancv�premiums, if any;und(� u►►y su�ns payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> the piovisi�ns nF paragrnph 8, in licu of thc payment of monguge insurana prcmiun�s. Tlicse ite►ns are called "Escrow Itcros."
<br /> Le►�der n�ay, at any time,collat and hold Funds in an umount itot to cacced tl�c maximum arnount n lender for n fodcrally
<br /> relatecl mortgage luan may rcquin; ior Bonower's escraw acrnunt u��dcc the fe.�deral Real Est.itc Sett�cnxnt Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as:unerxial from tinx tu timc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2G01 et seq. ("RESPA"). unless nnother luw that applics to tiic Funds
<br /> scts a Icsscr amount. If so, Lci�der may, at any time, cullcct:►nd hold Funds in m�umount not to excecd thc Icsscr amount.
<br /> I.encfcr may csti►nate the anx�unt of Funds duc on the b.�sis of cur��cnt data cmd reasonablc cstimatcs of cxpc�►ditures of futuro
<br /> Escrow Items or othcrwisc in aoco�dancc wiYh c�pplicablc luw.
<br /> NEilIABKA•Sinylo FamilyFaml�MNlFt�ddl�M�c UNIFOpM INSTAUMLNT Form 3028 9199
<br /> �Nf 12T87 MTd vMV r,+omo�ce ronrns 13131283 8f00 i80016 11 4 7 91 P,ye�o�� qm��d�d 6181
<br />