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<br /> ,, ,,.� 1�. TAXW'ANUA.SSF.5SM6NT9. Grintor Ehxll �ty all�xaes �srtl �sussmcn� relatinp to ttie Propetty w en Aue Rnd Immeairtely proviAe knder
<br /> •ev�Qena of payment ot Rame. Upon iho «quest of ll�n�ler, omntor sMil d�posii wi�h Lender eich monU� onc•twdf�h (I/12) of the esdm�ted �nnwl
<br /> � Insur�nce•prcr.iium, uKes �rb ncsessnunc� �xrtalnlnp to rhu F'ro�rty. So long u therc is no defwlt, theu rmoums sh�ll be applled to the {uymeN --
<br /> o(t+�xes, ossessments a�ui imunncc ts requircd on thn P�rr,r.ny. In the event ol dcf�ult, l.ender shall have tho right,m its sole opdon, to apply the E,'
<br /> � • funcis so h�ld to p�y eny rexe9 or�g�inst �he Obli�jndnnr�. Any tYmd� applitd m�y, n I..ender'e opHon, u� .�ri��a in rcveru order of ihe due da:a
<br /> " tlKrcof. ��"
<br /> 1i 16. INSPECI'ION OP PiIOPF.RTY,flWKS, RI:CARI�S AND RGYOR'I'S. CsnMar shrtl illow Lender or Its agentA to oa�nU�x and inspr.ct the !:
<br /> " Prorxrty arrl cx�mino, Inspect ard m�ke copics of Granror�9 Iri)0{IH and record�p�:rulning to tha Property from time to tfine. Onntor sh�ll provide C
<br /> • �, my �ssisance rcqulred Ay Lerder for these pu�:.rcr•� All of�hn signAturcf �M I�formnion conwined in drxncnr'9 bouk� and reconis shall be �N
<br /> Y� genuine, aua. �ccunte �n4 completr, in �II rc6pt.ero. �nntor shAtt rr�te the ais�ence of Lender's beneficfal intereu in i[e books and rccordc
<br /> �xrtelning to lhe Propeny. Addi[lonnliy, Ornnror shotl re�rt, in a fortn saibfaciory io l.endor, such infortnadon es Lender may request reparuing
<br /> Gra�t�ur'i fiiuit�:lal wnditlon orthe !'roperty. The i�.dumiation shn1l ba forsechp rials, shnll rcflect Cinntnr'c rcenrd� xe such �ime, und ahnll he �_
<br /> r�;�; . rcndered wi�1► such (requency �e I.e»der mpy dn��nnte. Allinformndon fumisAzd yby(inmor ro Lender shall tx [tue,acaurate and complete in all =_
<br /> ;, rcspec��,RM sfg�xd by�nnror iP Le�xler requesis.
<br /> " 17. FS'Y'OPP�L CERTIFICA'1'E9. Within ren (10;.iays aRcr any rcquest Dy I.vder,Grantor shell deliver ro I.ender, or any intendcd vansferca uf --
<br /> Lender's rlyhts wttn rcspect ro�he ObUgadnns, a sianed anA acknowledged cu=eroent specifying (a)the ou�sundfng balance on[he Obligations; and
<br />� (b)whether Gnnror possesses tny clalms, dnfe�i�rte, uaoffs or caunterclaims riih respect to Ihe Obligntlons ancl, if w, the nature of such claims,
<br />-- drfenus, set�off� or tounmrclaime. amntnr wlll tw�conciusively L�aM by my apresentallon that l.ender may make a she incended [ransferee with
<br /> . rcs{�cct to these m�tters in�ho event�hat Grnnmr faitc sa provide�he requcsced smememm a iimely menner.
<br /> �' 18. RVF,N7'S OF DHFAUI.T.An fivent of U�.fault ihull occur under this Deed of Tms[and the T�vstce's powcr shall becomc opero�ive in�he e��en� thet -
<br /> ' �, Qr+nmr,Borrower ar my guarantor of tho OAl1�Adnnr�
<br /> • (e) faile to p�y pny Ohligadou to l.cndor wh::n duo;
<br /> � . � lb) f�il�to pe�form any Obifga�ion or brevclm.s any wartanty or coveoant ta Lender contnIned in this Deed of Trust or any other present or future
<br /> . ogrcement:
<br /> , • (c) destroys,Ious or deme}�es the F'rop:rty iri nny mnteri�l respect or subjects the Propeny tn seizure,confiscation,or condemnation:
<br /> (d) ucks to revoko,tem�inntc or atticnvisa)luiit it�s liabil�ry undcc any guunnry roLcnd�r,
<br />_ • •� - (e) dia, becomes Ieg�liy incompet�nt, ly dissofvrd ar[erminaeed, hecomes insolrent,makes an�xsignnunt for�he txneflt of crcdi[ots, foils io -
<br /> ` p�y debn os they becomu due, files n coriuon under the icderal bonlcruqcy hws,has an involun[ary petition in bankiuptcy filed in which Gnntor. _
<br /> " Borm�ver or eny gnarnnmr is named,❑r has property talccn under any writ or procas o(coun; �_
<br /> - '� (� ailows goods to be used,trnns�arted�ir storcd on thc Yroperty,the possession,u�ansportation,or use of which,is illrgal:
<br />`;,+'�'' �'::t•: (g) allows�ny pury othnr thtn(3mntnr�r Aorrower co assume or undertake my Wligarion wi�hout[he wrinen consen[o'r Lender:or
<br /> • (h) cauus Lender to M.em it�clf intrtcuro due to a significnnt decline in da value of the Propeny; or if Lendrr, in good feith, for any rcason.
<br /> Oelicves that U�c prospect of p�yrts:nt nr performance is impaircd.
<br /> - � 19. RIG[i1'SOF LENDERUN BVRNTO?t�DEFAULT.Upon tho occunence of aa Evenc of Defanit under �his Dced of TNSt.Lcnder sheil Ae entidcd to
<br /> ������'�•'� exercise ont or morc of U�o foilowing remeckiu without nodce or demend(oxcept�s requlrcd by I�w):
<br /> =•:�� (e) to dccltrc ehe Oblipntions immed�ncely duo and p�yable in fuA,such acaleration sh�ll be sutomadc and immcdiate if thc Event of Def�ult is
<br />_�'�;�`��� a filing under the BtnkNptcy Cocte:
<br />_, ` (A) to collect the oucsniding Oh11�;�dnns wtd�or without ttsntttnB to judicid prexcu:
<br /> �;.-��;:: (c) to rcqulre Gnntor[o Aeltver ancl mxke nviflaale to Lender any penonal properry or C4ittels consHtudng the Property a[a ptaco ressonzbiy
<br />_�;`,�,�5^�-. convenknt to Gr�ntor ind L.end�r;
<br />'--..�. (d) to enter upon �nd �ake pos:x�sicm of tho Pro�xrry wiUtou[ �pplying forarobuinina the�ppointment of a rr.ceiver and, at Lender's opdon, to
<br /> _ �?. �ppaint • rcceivcr widiout bond, wS�hout first brinping suit on the ObliB�don+ and without otherwise mecting any statutory condidons rcg�rding
<br /> �.+}�� receivers, it Aeing(ntenQed thtt l.��nAot shaq have this contnctunl�ight to stppo�nt�recTi�ver: � «:�� ��� s . � �. �rti. nfmw �t'
<br /> ��5 (o) to empioy �mAl�ngi�� ■gcui ui ii�a �j,ciij a;n� �u�� �'�ic. ..�': c�a r.:.w. ......t ^. L_s�'!_r _ �. -
<br /> � Onnror, �nd receivo ihe tents, lncomes. Issues end profits of tho Property dnd eppiy tite same, aRer payment of�II necessRry charges �nd
<br /> A0`�ni '°� eapenu�.on►ccoun[nf Ux QbliLxr.ons:
<br />_- "�"��� (� to p�y I�ny wms )n any fomi or mnnner dee:ned expedknt �y Lender toprouct the secudty of this Deed of Tnut or to cure any default other
<br /> 4 f��" dun p�yment of intorest or nrincj,�al on thc Oblig�dans;
<br /> �-�' (a) W fouctose this lked of 7Yust judiciatly or twqjudicially and to dineu�he s�le of the property thnwgh exerc(at of the power of sile �s
<br /> _����� rcfece�wod In pangra�h 20.hemin.In�ccordance wi�h oppiic�ble taw;
<br /> -..------ (n)to seaoP(Cinnro�'t Ob11��Nons �gdnu any �mounca owed Onncor 6y Lerder Inctuding, but not Umital ro,monies, inswmencs, and deposit
<br /> -.__� accounts m�intainod wiU�Lender or�ny curttntiy ezisdng or Pomrc�ffiiiate ot L..erder;md
<br /> --_ _ (i)ro exerciu�U od�ar rights�vafi�ble to Lender under�ny othar writun agrarcser�or�pplic�ble I�w.
<br /> _ �� LendeP� rlehta �re cum�d�dve �nd m�y bo eaercised together, sep�rately, ud in my order. In the even[ that Lender instimtcc �n ution seeking
<br /> d�e recovery of my oP U�G Ruperry by way of a prcJudgment certxdy {n�n kaon ogains[ Ganmr,Gnnror wdves�ha posdng of any bond whkh
<br /> '°_"- mlaut otherwise be roquired. Leider or I.cndePs designee may pu�cluse die Properry at any s�le. Proceuls of tny Trustee's saie henunder
<br /> shall be applled firsL to dx cosn and eaper.xs of eaercising �yc pouer of s�le ttnd uf U�e ;iJe, lncluding the ptymont of die Trustco'e fus
<br /> — atu�lly incurted �nd tat m nxr,ced the Rmoune which mey 6e prov{ded for n ehi�Deed of Tmst,seconA, to p�ymene ot dio Obtigndons secured
<br /> - hercby, tfil�d, to the Mymcnt of junlor uust deeds, mortg�ges, or other IkdwWers, �nd rhe biluue, if any, to the person or persons legally
<br /> endUod dxrcto. 'Ihe Pro�xrty or any prrt thereof mxy ba sold In one arcel,or in such parcels, mtnner or order as Lender in iw sole dixrcaon
<br /> __ nuy eiect,md one or moro oxereius of the power herein granted sholl not exdngufsh ur exhausc the power unless the cntin Property is auld or
<br /> ._ the obli�ations arc p�id iu IUH.
<br /> - - 20. TR�II.4IF.E'3 EXERCISL+OF M1WER OF SALE ON DEFA[1I.T.Ury�n defaul�Dy Bomower in payment of�ny OUligadons secured hercby, Lender
<br /> may dectarc atl sume, securod Aereby, immcd(atoly due and p�y�ble u�d shall uuse to 6e filed oP rrcord a written nodcc of dafault and electlon to
<br /> -- sc11 the Property. Afler the I�pse of such time u rhtn m�y be required by lar following rcco�d�aon of such notice of defauie, and noiice of sale
<br /> hiving been given as then requircd by IRw,Trustee, without dem�nd on Gnntor,�hall sell such Property, elther Ra�whole or In sepanm parcels, and
<br />- --- fn such order u it or Lender m�y detem�i�k, �1�x�b11c �uctbn to etrc highest 6ldder. Tmstee may post�ne thc sile of�II or any ponion of the
<br /> properry by pubiic innouncement n[the tiine and pl�ce of sale, �nd from time io tiirie tbercaRer may pos�pone �he sile by publie mnouncement �t
<br /> � iAe Wne and pl�ce fixed by 1he pmceding postponement. Trustee shail delirer ro such�wrchaser its deed conveying the property, or poraon thereot,
<br /> co sold, but without my covenint or w�mnry, express or implied. The recinls io such deed of tny m�tters of[�ct or oiherwise, shall be conclusive
<br /> _ proof of ttw truthNl�kss thereof. Any person,Inctuding Gnnror.Tn�stee or I.ender. wy purchase tt such saie.
<br /> ��� 21. REQiJE.57'FOR N071CPS.Gnmor requesu thu �copy of nny no[ice o�defauh�nd o copy of ony noacr, of sale hereunder 6e m�ited io ach
<br /> - -_ person who is�pany hercb, at the addrcss of sucA pc�son ut forth hcreir�u tk s.1me time and in the s�me manmer requircd as though a septtate
<br /> _ _��` rcquest thereof h�d been filed by euh wch person.
<br /> --,---�- 22, SFiCURiTY INIE[tEF1T LJNDfiR THE UN[FOR'1!COMMERCULCOD6. '�is Dced of Trust sh�il be considercd � fin�ncing sntcrncnt ond�
<br /> _=p�+�=�`�-�� fixture filtnd purwant to dx provlsio�a of thc Untfortn Commcrcfal Codc hs �dopccd in U�e snce where the Property is located) coveHng fixwra,
<br /> -"''�- chadel�, tnd arucles of ptrsoml pro�xrty now owned or herciRcr attachod ro aio Ix used in connccdon with the Proptrty rogether with any�nd �II
<br /> =~�:` ,� replacemerro thercof and �dditbns thercro (the 'Chattcis'),md Crantor hercby granu Lender�ucudty in;ercsc in such Ctuttels. TAe debtor Is thc _
<br /> �- "_`?„„�;:�"�• ;', Gnntor dexribed etave. 'Che secured p�rty is tAe L.eMer descritxd Above. Upon dem�nd. Gnnror slull malce, execute u�d deliver wch securiry
<br /> - r:;� tgrcemena (as suc6 term is defined in saW Uniform Commcrcirl Code) as Le ndcr at any time may deem necexsuy or proper or rcquf�xd to gnnt ro _
<br /> -_-° ��``"�• Lerder r pedected �ecuriry intercst in the Chattcis, anA upon Gnntor's failuro todo so,Lender is�uthoriud ro sign any such agrcement �s the tgent _
<br /> " of Gnntor, Gr�nror hereby authorius Lcnder ro file fiiuncing statemenm Us six� umi is defined in s�id Uniform Commerchl Codel wi�h rcspcct ro =
<br /> ' �he Chattels, at nny Cunc,withat dte signaturc of Granror. dnntor wiil,h�wev�r,tt �ny time upon rcquest of Leodcr, sign such fiw�ctng smtemcnu. _
<br /> =_.^` � Gnnior wUipay dl filing fee� forthe filing of such fin�ncing sntenlrcncs and Cordie rcfiling thercof at the dmes rcquireG, in tho opinion of LeMer,by
<br /> ':-'i�=���i'��. �� s�id 1Jnifotm Commerc3al Coda Ifthe lien of this Detd of Trust is subject Io Anp security igrcement covcring �he t;h�ttols, thcn in tiw evtm of any -
<br /> --'d�'"'''`` �efsutt under this De:d of 7'rust,all tde dght,ritlo�nd Intercst of Gnnror in ir�d w any and ali o(tt►e Chtttei� is�ectAy usi�nod to I.e�der, to;cdmr
<br /> -�,' •� with the beneTt of nqY deposia or p�yments nuw or hen�Rer madc �hcrcof by Gnmor or the prcdecessors or su:,cc�sors in ado of Qranaor in the
<br /> - ProP�n3'•
<br /> � 23. REAlNEUIL58!►i6N7'OF AMdIJIV'I'5 6XPENDE9 DV LENDER. Lender,et Lendcr's oprion, m�y cxpcnd funds (including attomcys' tets a�d Icgd -
<br /> -=_���^-_--�-�_- e:neracsl a pedonn env act rcquircd ro be teken by Granror or ro caerciu aor rii,M or rcmedy of le:nder under this Decd of Trust. Upon demand, _
<br /> '�°•'�'� Oranror shnil ironsediuely rcimbur..c Lendcr for aIi such amouncs capended by lander togetner with intercst mercon u the tower or the higne�t nte =
<br /> - . , `' � � dcscribed In any Obligarion or the highcst retc ellowed by law from ti�c dofe of payment until thc date of rtimbursement. Thcse sums shill be :
<br /> • i iixludctl in thc definition o[Obifgations hercin nr,d shatl bc sccurcd by �he 6tafici�l intercst granted hercin. If thr,Obligxtions arc pnid afler thc
<br /> ' 1 i Acginning of publicatbn of notke ot salc, as hercin provldcd, or in the evttrc Lender shall, at its solc option, permit Gtnntor to pay any Rart of�he _
<br /> � � Obligitiom atler the beginning of publication of notice of sate, as Aerefn pmvid�d, �Aen, Grn�itor shill p�y on demand dl ezpenses incurred by the
<br /> - :s� Trusrte and Lender in contxction with said {wbikation, includfng rcasonable atmmeyi fces to the nttomeys for die Trustee nnd for tAe Lender,ond a !
<br />_ rcasoruble fee to Uie Trustv:,and this beed of 7ruct shall be secunry for all su�:h ea pense ti tncf fees. �
<br /> 2�. APPO,[CA7iONUF PAYAfI:NTS. Allpayments m�de by or on beh�if of Gnn�or may be oppiial x�}ainse ihe amoun[s p�id Ay Lender (i�x�uding
<br />- • �ttomeys' fees nxl legd eapcnus) in conncction with the cxercise of its righes a remedies dcscnbat m this Deed uf Trust end thcn to thc p�yment
<br /> of the rcm�ining Obliguions in whuever order Lender chcwsea.
<br /> ' 25. PO�VER OF A7TORNEY.Gnntor hercby eppoints Lendcr as its ator�xr•in•fut �o erdaru Granu�r's namc on all instruments und other
<br /> , documenq petUining to tlx Obligations ur[ked of 9'rust. In eddition, l.ender sNll be entitled, but twt rcquircd, to pedortn eny ecHon or eRecwe Qny
<br /> document rcquircd to be nken ur executed by Cran;ur u�Mer this Dctd of Tnist. [,tnder's fx�fomiance of s�ch accion or execuHon of such
<br /> documenp sh�ll not rclievc Gnntor from ony dbligarion ur cure ar.y dcPault under tLie Den1 of Trust. Alipowcrs af attom.cy dcscribcd in Nis Iked of
<br /> . . Tnist�re couptal wi�h�n intcrcst�nd�rc irrcwxable. �
<br /> •� 16. SUBRO(:A77QN qF L.ENDER. Lender shali be submgnted to the rights of tlk holder ot any prcviuus licn, sccuriry fntercu ix encumbnnce �
<br /> dlscharged with funts iulvmxed by Le��dcr rcgnrdlcss of whether thcsc licns.sccunty idcr+esis or cthcr cncumbrances havc bccn rcicased uf rcwn1.
<br /> � I P\I 711C 1 IamAUOn ferA�Mk�.Irc 111%V.'QA1 QI0.�1 V17 J7S9 P:xe t nl7 . �
<br />� .. _� . . __...
<br />